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  •  » Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

#1 2012-08-20 12:14:42

Registered: 2007-07-18
Posts: 1208

Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

Hi girllz!

For this very special Birthday week on OhMyDollz, Sarah prepared a great surprise for you! This new quest was imagined and created by Sarah! She designed all the gifts!

Everything has changed in OhMyDollz city! Suddenly the whole town is covered with snow in the middle of August and there are plants and trees all over the place. What's going on? Is it a bad dream or is nature reclaiming the earth? You are quite worried and decide to go and see what's happening. And that's when you meet Bamboo, a beautiful giant dog who becomes your friend. You also meet strange creatures and live uncommon adventures! You will discover all this in this week's quest!

My head... It's as if I woke up after a long long sleep... I have trouble opening my eyes, I can't focus properly. The room is going round. I feel so weak. Calm down, breath, everything is okay. Where am I? I know these walls. My computer is on the floor, completely smashed up. I'm at home, in my bedroom. Images come to my mind like flashes. And that dream, so strange...

In this new quest, you win beautiful gifts designed by Sarah! And there is room to win on the last stage: the "In the Clouds" room!

As you go along, gifts get better and better! You can win superb decors and beautiful outfits!

Exceptionally , there aren't any mini-enigmas in this quest. There are 8 stages but you don't have to choose, and you can go through all stages without having to spend fee'z for a replay!

When you get to the last stage you win this exclusive room: "In the clouds"!

You have a week to take part in this quest and win all these great gifts! The post-apocalyptic quest is on OhMyDollz until Monday August, 27th at noon (French time)! Make the most of it!

Have fun on OhMyDollz !


#2 2012-08-20 12:30:26

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

Yes.  Another room.  I'm so thankful that I was able to contain myself during those Flirts.  I am fully prepared for this one!!!
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#3 2012-08-20 13:01:48

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

The items are lovely, but I'm conflicted... Should I spend my money on this room, or save up for the $$$1000 achievement... I'm so close, too.
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#4 2012-08-20 13:17:23

From: Singapore
Registered: 2011-11-20
Posts: 1577

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

No choices? No mini-enigmas? AND a room! Yes~ fete Now to pick which alt to use :/


#5 2012-08-20 13:23:51

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

Went from 326 db to 115 on one of my alts.  So 211 DB or around 1050 feez thereabouts.

Last edited by sierradane (2012-08-20 13:25:26)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#6 2012-08-20 13:37:20

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

rarity wrote:

The items are lovely, but I'm conflicted... Should I spend my money on this room, or save up for the $$$1000 achievement... I'm so close, too.

Well, if you really like this adventure.. I would say do it. :)
You can always get that achievements later & I get why you want to do them, but most of the rewards aren't that great really, other than the sense of accomplishment.

On the other hand, this room is probably going to be one of my least favorites.. its brown clouds :P  (no idea what im going to do with it..)


#7 2012-08-20 15:20:55

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

Oh I just love the gifts!!!love

I do have a question about the gaint boder collier. Is that Sarah's dog? Cause if we get free gifts and we get a boder collie it always have one dark eye and one blue eye. Nothing wrong with it, just wondering. quoi


#8 2012-08-20 15:36:27

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

Since the gifts were imagined-up by Sarah, it probably is based off of her border collie. I love this quest, it's so neat.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#9 2012-08-20 15:43:17

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

I finished it with only 2$$$ left but so worth it. I love all the gaint animals. I do think the cloud room could have been done better.


#10 2012-08-20 15:53:00

From: Singapore
Registered: 2011-11-20
Posts: 1577

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

iklovech wrote:

I finished it with only 2$$$ left but so worth it. I love all the gaint animals. I do think the cloud room could have been done better.

The giant animals are the only reason I'm considering doing this on my main account. If not for them I would have already done this on an alt... I don't know which account to use! >.< Maybe flipping a coin would work...


#11 2012-08-20 17:55:12

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

Step One

My head... It's as if I woke up after a long long sleep... I have trouble opening my eyes, I can't focus properly. The room is going round. I feel so weak.
* Calm down, breath, everything is okay.* Where am I? I know these walls. My computer is on the floor, completely smashed up. I'm at home, in my bedroom. Images come to my mind like flashes. And that dream, so strange...
I'm cold, I can feel fresh air on my shoulder. I turn round, the window is open, there's plenty of snow on my dressing table... Snow? In August?
I try to get up but my legs are stiff... I lean of the desk to look out through the window.
That can't be! The whole town is covered with snow! It looks like everyone has just disappeared. No cars, no noise, no lights... Just the sound of the wind, and of the freezing breeze.
Am I dreaming or are there really trees growing along the buildings?!... I look for hot clothes to go outside and see what's going on! x6 colour
5 $$$ x6 colours
5 $$$

Total 10 $$$

Step Two

I look for my phone before going out, all tucked up in my clothes. My glittery bag shines so bright that I find it easily among all the other things lying around.
But it's off, no more battery I guess... Strange because it's on charge. It might be a general power cut.
Whatever it is, I can't call anyone... Am I in a bad film? I decide not to look for my car keys and go by foot...
Everything is calm outside. I usually love to squash snow with my fury boots but today, the sound of it scares me somewhat! I call out, hoping somebody will answer: "Ho, Hey! Is there somebody here?" No one... As I try to think of what to do next, I see a shadow at the end of the road. Great! I'm not alone! As I start running to join the only person who seems to be there, I fall to the ground, head in the snow. And that's when I hear a strange grunt. Without my glasses, I can't see very well but the more I look, the less that person looks like a person!
Suddenly, the creature turns to me, I can see in its eyes that its intentions are not good ones. I have the horrible feeling that it considers me as some sort of huge sausage roll. When it jumps towards me, I jump up and run as fast a I can towards the former main commercial street that resembles more a forest now... x6 colours
15 $$$

Total 25 $$$

Step Three

I've never ran so fast, I never heard my heart beat so loud... I thank God for having chosen my old boots and not the new ones with high heals and cute laces that I bought in Manola's...
The beast is getting closer and closer - you think about really strange things when you are one the verge of dying...) I can hear its tong tapping against its teeth and I feel its breath on my neck... Suddenly I see a huge dog coming out of the bushes. I've always been lucky with dogs but today I doubt! The huge dog jumps... towards the creature and defies it. Looking at the size, it's more a horse than a dog.
The creature is frightened and runs away, the huge dog turns to me ... Sausage roll or friend?
He doesn't seem to want me no harm. His fur is black and white, he looks at me carefully.
He puts my shaking hand under his muzzle so I stroke him. His fur is hot and soft. I'm so happy I'm not alone anymore! x4 colours
8 $$$ x4 sizes
5 $$$ x4 colours
10 $$$

Total 48 $$$

Step Four

We walk through the forest for quite a long time with my new friend. I've named him Bamboo.
I'm starting to feel quite tired, all these emotions plus the cold have... I don't know where we are going but it seems Bamboo is taking me somewhere.
Night is falling, the forest gets more and more scary. All this reminds me some sort of fairytale where trees move about and catch you with there arms. We find a cave where we can stay, just behind a huge cascade. Now I can put into practice what I learned watching Survivors on TV and I make a fire!
I warm up a little, but fear doesn't leave me, yet I do fall asleep as close as I can to Bamboo. With him next to me, I feel somewhat reassured and the strange noises coming from the forest scare me less.
I just hope all this is nothing more than a bad dream and that I'm gonna wake up in my hot, comfy bed,
* That strange dream again. I'm standing on the edge on a cliff, the whole world has totally changed. Wherever I look I see trees, a huge forest surrounds me. Somebody calls me, I turn around and... * x4 colours
15 $$$ x4 colours
5 $$$ x4 colours
10 $$$

Reward x3
Total 78 $$$

Step Five

I wake up in a panic. I'm still in the cave, the fire has gone out. I'm so cold and lonely!
But suddenly as I am gonna start crying, Bamboo comes in running with a rabbit he has caught! Hum... Okay, not very glamorous but I'm so hungry I don't care!
I set the fire back on and cook the meat. After our meal, we go off again, and continue our trip throughout the forest. I have the feeling trees are getting bigger and bigger. I can't see the sky anymore. It's as if we were imprisoned in the forest...
Where is Bamboo taking us? He looks everywhere, I wonder what he is looking for. As I am looking at a huge beautiful flower I hear him bark. When I turn around I see him caught in a net trap. And suddenly, something grabs me and pulls me in the airs! Bamboo is getting smaller and smaller as I shout louder and louder. In no time, I find myself above the forest, among clouds... I stand up slowly.
There are plenty of strange creatures in front of me, their skin is white, their eyes are green an shiny, they have freckles on their cheeks, their pointed ears are hidden by huge plaits. They are dress with branches, feathers and cords.
The chief comes to me with his big panther. x4 colours
6 $$$ x4 colours
8 $$$ x4 colours
6 $$$ x4 colours
10 $$$ x4 colours
5 $$$

Reward x2 x2
Total = 113 $$$

Step Six

Who are you, what are you doing in the forest of lamentations?, the chief asks me.
He is a famous green little master, or what? At least he speaks the same language as me!The forest of lamentations,not very welcoming... less than Central park anyway...
My same is Sarah, I live in OhMyDollz City. Hum, I used to... Everything has changed, a huge forest has grown all of a sudden, it started snowing in august, I nearly got ate by a hideous creature! I don't know what's happening!
The chief smiles and turns to the rest of the tribe.
Okay, he might be making fun of me but he has some sort of sens of humor which is quite good news! Still looking at me, with an amused gaze he says:
Who caught this creature from the ancient world? One of the creatures comes to us and says that I was accompanied by a sassache as was said in the prophesy. A sassache? That must be Bamboo! I try to answer back:
How's that the ancient world? My world is far from being ancient! In my world we at least have smartphones that work, GPS so we don't get lost in forests and we don't get attacked by ferocious beasts. And... dogs are normal and not giant. I mean... My world is a nice one, no?
Apparently... not. The chief looks at me disdainfully and says:
Stop talking, you are tiring my ears. You need to be purified.
Great! That's all I need! I don't even have time to protest (even a little bite), they drag me to some new place.
As we go along, I realize that we are above the forest, among clouds, in a huge boat. The sails are huge butterfly wings. Is there something with a normal size here?!
I am worried about Bamboo. I hope he isn't harmed. I suddenly realize that they all have an animal with them. They seem really close to each other, and I miss Bamboo. I go down some stairs and arrive in a dark room...
It seems they gonna prepare me for purification. x4 colours
10 $$$ x4 colours
15 $$$ x 4 colours
8 $$$

Reward x2
Total = 146 $$$

Step Seven

Women sing and pronounce strange words while they wash me, dress me up and draw a tribal tattoo on my stomach... Everything's Okay.
I have the impression I'm in a Walt Disney cartoon and that soon little birds are gonna start singing and dancing all around me. Except that here, the cute little sparrows are big fat birds that look at me as if I was some juicy worm!
Knowing that I might finish in the stomach of a giant pigeon makes me feel totally depressed, and I let them take me to another room full of light. Everything is made of wood and leaves. In the middle there is an enormous shining green energy ball that is levitating. When I watch it, I'm hypnotize and I feel good and calm... The chief is here, Bamboo is here too. He is all dressed up with some sort of armor made of branches and precious stones and he comes to give me a lick! I would normally have found that disgusting but I'm so happy to see he's okay that I don't mind the slobber!
Now that I know that these creatures want me no harm, I turn to their chief:
Why do you live in a flying boat? Who are you? Why did you draw this tattoo on me?
At first he doesn't answer (they are like in the new world...).
You, many questions.
Too much suffering, egoism in ancient world there was. Consumption people preferred always. Deception for Gaia, mother of the nature. Gaia new world created.
So the nature itself created a giant cataclysm to destroy the old world, punish humans for their obsession about money and created a new world? I start panicking when I realize that I will never go shopping again...
The chief seees to have read my thoughts because he then says:
We children of Gaya are, we our heart protect. But Gaia nature dangerous is. Here secure we are. The energy ball is the heart of Gaia in fact. That is why is feel so appeased when I look at it. All the strength and the love of the planet is concentrated in that ball.
You with your talisman and our writings must enter the heart. So the truth you will find. Bamboo gets down and the chief invites me to go up on he's saddle. We enter slowly the energy ball. Bamboo doesn't seem to feel really at ease neither... x4 colours
8 $$$ x4 colours
5 $$$ x4 colours
12 $$$ x4 variants
5 $$$

Total = 176 $$$

Step Eight

Warmth invades my body, I feel good and secure. I can see a landscape far away. The more we go on, the more I can see the forest I saw in my dreams.
I hear the voice of the chief calling me. I turn to him and he says:
You there at the end of your dream. Gaia, the road showed you. Not forget the road you. The message you bring. Must keeping on dreaming so our world bigger becomes.
The chief gives me a beautiful object:
The more the talisman you use, the more our world become big and wonderful. When I turn back to watch the landscape, everything becomes shadowy and I faint!
I wake up slowly. I know this place, it's my bedroom, it's 4:30 PM. It's hot and sunny outside.
My favorite book is open, on the bedside table.
Suddenly I feel a wet nose on my cheek. It's Bamboo, my dog who is somewhat cross because I've slept to long and he wants to go for a walk along the river.
All this was only a dream? It seemed so real...
As I want to get up, a little bit disappointed, something stings me in the neck, when I put my hand under the cushion, I feel something hard, I pull on it slowly: it's a beautiful talisman with a green stone that shines like diamond. Not sure the adventure has completely stopped when I woke up... x4 colours
35 $$$

Total = 211 $$$


#12 2012-08-20 17:56:34

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

Hurray! The third week in a row I haven't wanted to do the adventure.
Now just you watch - as soon as I have this baby, they're going to run a virtual baby adventure and I'll miss it.

#13 2012-08-20 18:24:58

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

Well it looks nice...i think i'll wait for a guide
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#14 2012-08-20 19:27:26

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

snortmort wrote:

Hurray! The third week in a row I haven't wanted to do the adventure.
Now just you watch - as soon as I have this baby, they're going to run a virtual baby adventure and I'll miss it.


I really like the first step's gift. I only did that part and I'm not going to continue. Two reasons ~ No enough money and the room is a bit Eh.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#15 2012-08-20 19:47:26

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

snortmort wrote:

Hurray! The third week in a row I haven't wanted to do the adventure.
Now just you watch - as soon as I have this baby, they're going to run a virtual baby adventure and I'll miss it.

I would LOVE for them to have a Virtual Baby Adventure.  I think someone should post that in the suggestion forum.

I did this Adventure with an alt who only had one room & who had NOT been spending any money, so it made sense to do it.  After I did it on the alt, I thought that maybe I wouldn't do it on my main doll... but I saw the outfit on another doll and the items that are the bonus things.  I told myself, "Why not.... I've worked hard on saving those feez.... "

So now my garage is full of stuff right now :)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#16 2012-08-20 20:27:49

Registered: 2009-10-23
Posts: 38

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

I have to agree with some of the previous commits that the actual room isn't that impressive, well the wallpaper and floors that come with it isn't all that greet.  However it is a room and rooms can be decorated any way you want. No one ever said you have to stick with the wallpaper and floors that came with the room, I certainly didn't on my alt fiona84 and I won't when I do the quest on my main. Oh and if it doesn't let you change the floor and wallpaper there are other options like using partial wallpaper and floors as well as windows.

Now that my rant of why you shouldn't skip getting a room based on what wallpaper and floors come with it is over I would like to ask how everyone who has gotten the room, decided to decorate it. Mainly using the items that came with the quest. I've decorated the new room on my alt fiona84 and for me there's just some things I not 100% satisfied with.


#17 2012-08-20 21:18:20

Ancien joueur ivy020

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

Yay! Another quest!


#18 2012-08-20 22:37:04

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

I have to say, im not a big fan of this quest. The theme sort of lets it down. steps one and 2 (and some gifts of three) are getting me down. The whole end of the world thing is getting old. Why couldn't this be an adventure story? I'm just thinking, is an "apocalyptic" quest really for a kids game?

~~~~~RANT OVER~~~~~

Other than the first 3 steps, I think the adventure is pretty neat. I love the whole portal thing going on and the ship in the clouds. And the giant animals are ADORABLE!!!!

becuase i wont be able to get passed step 3 anyway, I will not be participating in even the first step of this adventure. Sorry Sarah  intr


#19 2012-08-20 22:40:30

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 95

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

I absolutely love this adventure! The items are awesome.
I have a great idea for how to use the items from step four - they would be just perfect for an original series Star Trek themed room, what with all the rocks and such. =]


#20 2012-08-20 23:30:49

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

I'm gonna try to finish this but if I don't, at least I'll have furniture for my bedroom. This is a really neat quest.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#21 2012-08-20 23:41:33

Registered: 2011-05-19
Posts: 120

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

What a horribly depressing theme! i have a brighter future for my doll in sight and i think i will sit this one out sipping tea somewhere in a lovely garden with my favorite neighbors who feel the same way instead of putting my girls through an apocalypse aftermath..and i dont really care for the graphics quality on this one im sorry to say,its far too reminiscent of those old two toned clip art( the drab color palette on these gifts isnt helping matters much either)..and somehow i get the sneaky suspicion that the last step is relying far to much on the all mighty new room as its only attraction, the rest is just slim pickings not even worthy of the cost for the first step imo...sadly except for the animated fireflies/twinkle lights maybe there is nothing to make me want to spend my money,I sure hope others like it more then i do.

Last edited by lilysummers (2012-08-20 23:47:17)


#22 2012-08-21 00:12:35

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

jadefarnill wrote:

I have to say, im not a big fan of this quest. The theme sort of lets it down. steps one and 2 (and some gifts of three) are getting me down. The whole end of the world thing is getting old. Why couldn't this be an adventure story? I'm just thinking, is an "apocalyptic" quest really for a kids game?

See 1-3 are the reasons I'm doing this quest. I adore the whole apocalyptic setting.


#23 2012-08-21 01:37:01

From: Somewhere over the rainbow...
Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 248

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

I love the fact this quest has cave items in it. They will go very well in my fantastic world room a.k.a. The Crystal Cave.

Follow your dreams. For as you dream, so shall you become.
~ James Allen

#24 2012-08-21 02:14:29

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

If anyone is listening to the news lately and to the History channel or even with recent movie releases, the tone for today's world happens to be "end times."  The Mayan calendar has predicted that our earth will end in the year 2012.  Dec 2012 (can't think of the exact day right now) which is what the movie 2012 was loosely based on.  Also, as for this Adventure being a "depressing" Adventure... my peronal opinion on another "subject" is just as depressing: Vampires.  In Vampire lore, I believe (or at least according to Dean & Sam Winchester ;) ) Vampires live forever once being bitten & turned.  How cheery is that? 

That being said....

The thing that clinched it for my main (I wasn't 100% sure I'd do it) was seeing the outfit one of the dolls was wearing & the bow she was holding.  I used to play the game Everquest & that scene I saw on someone's doll just made me think of my Druid in the game, even though she couldn't use a bow & arrow.  AND.... *remenicsces* I was also reminded of my most favorite room that I DO NOT have yet: The Forest Room.

I've decorated my Cloud Room if anyone wants to look at it.  I've basically covered everything up to create a sort of forest scene.  I've sent all the large animals, mushrooms & other odd things to my Fantasy World.

I'm happy =)

Last edited by sierradane (2012-08-21 11:51:43)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#25 2012-08-21 09:58:02

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Take part in a post-apocalyptic quest imagined by Sarah on OhMyDollz!

I only like the gifts in the fourth stage. Its perfect for my adventurous doll. So doing this for the 4th stage!

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon
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