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#51 2013-04-13 10:15:40

Registered: 2011-03-17
Posts: 75

Re: Mind boggling: 13 thousand votes a week

caissenesvoter wrote:

~~~I *highly* doubt many of them use 100 alts or more to vote, more than likely it's a hack, much like the autobots used to get high views on YT and cheat codes. There's also multiple generators you can download.

From what I know it is not really that similar as it seems. Making a bot to get high views on You Tube should not be difficult for anyone with at least basic programming knowledge but for voting in such a game it is completly different thing. If game was secured to after we click "vote" check on server if user is logged in and if this doll still has any votes left there would not be a problem. Currently you can even gain some real money from some games, and they are really way secured that way, so as long as you don't alter data on server you have no way to cheat. Only question here is if they made it secure enough for free to play game, as even our passwords do not see any difference between uppercase and lowercase what makes them less secure T_T


#52 2013-04-13 23:11:58

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: Mind boggling: 13 thousand votes a week

I did not read absolutely everything but major part of the thread and to be fairly honest I'd go with
- They have muliple accounts to vote and they might use them for themselves. If someone has at least 10 dollz, in one week that's 70+ Doll and Loft votes each. Then, I doubt everyone only has 1 or 2 dollz so lets say, average, 5 dollz per user: it would take at least 259 people to vote for you and even on the english OMD you can easily get 300 people to vote for you so... This is my opinion..

And the fake credit cards: totally. They ask for it, get the Feez and when it goes to take the money, the card doesn't exist anymore. However, I think it's rude... And stupid... And Idonthavealife...

#53 2013-04-17 22:46:37

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: Mind boggling: 13 thousand votes a week

I think it's okay to voice our complaints about problems like this because it helps

1) keep us honest on the English OMD
2) lets others know that we are honorable and don't want to cheat or garner just votes (that most of us try to make friendships or acquaintances)
3) relieve tension or annoyances that build up

So, yes, we may not be able to change the way other players act, but it's always nice to know that the people I've become friendly with on OMD are not those who cheat, only want votes, etc.


#54 2015-03-27 17:13:07

Registered: 2015-03-25
Posts: 2

Re: Mind boggling: 13 thousand votes a week



#55 2015-03-27 18:29:18

Registered: 2009-09-24
Posts: 111

Re: Mind boggling: 13 thousand votes a week

I've had this doll since Sept 2009 (prev MDD doll too)  and only have 381 doll and 361 loft votes, TOTAL for life.   I knew I didn't have time to do regular voting, but always try to return votes, but wow, who has that kind of time?   

And I could care less if my totals are the same for doll and that do ask to keep same, I just don't vote.  I like just giving for giving, not because they have to be returned.  I've even seen where some say they won't give unless they get back or something like that....  ugh how is that fun?

To love another person is to see the face of G-d.  -Victor Hugo

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