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#251 2013-02-23 18:43:57

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Oki and No problemo.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#252 2013-02-25 00:21:06

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

new new new

Updated to contain parts from 20 - 30
Part 20:

"No...Who knows what she and Matt are doing right now. That might distract them and put their lives in danger."

"True. Let's go to Mexico then. I spent a few years there and I found that little piece of info from there."

I nodded and went to Eva's room getting her a coat and preparing a backpack with some spare clothes and other things we might need and came downstairs to see Lucy and Eva standing by the door with Cami, "Let's go detectives."

I smiled and called Penny.
"I might need back up. Can you get Ash to send my ride over to Aberdeen? Thanks." I hang up and explain to the others,
"The plane will be here in fifteen minutes. We need to get to the airport."

I smiled and picked up my phone, "Hey it's me. I need a quick teleport. Yeah. You always track me, so don't pretend to not know where I am." I was chuckling. Just as I ended the call, an old man appeared out of no where and smiled widely, "Always in a hurry, dear Vincent. Where to?"
"The Airport." I replied smiling. He nodded and in the blink of an eye, we appeared in an empty hall in the airport. I turned around to thank him, but he was gone, "And he says I'm always in a hurry."

"Well that was quick." I say smiling.
"Do you guys want anything to eat? 'Cause we got sometime to kill."

Lucy smiled and said, "I need some latte."
Eva was going to say something, but looked around her and pouted. I bent down to be on her level and asked, "What would you like to have Eva?"
She whispered in my ear, "Chocolate Donut."
I smiled and said, "What would you like Cami? I'll go buy them."

"Whatever will do. I don't really mind." I say distractedly, starting to text Penny.
Remember when I crashed with your brother in Mexico? Do you have his number?
I got an immediate reply;
Sure. Why Mexico?
I smiled and replied,
You'll find out soon enough. Don't tell! Send me the number in a few.

I went over and bought us some things to eat and drink and came back. "So, where are we going to start in Mexico? Any suggestions?"

"Hold that thought." I say holding my finger towards him and calling Ryan.
"Penny said you would call." I heard him say as soon as he picked up.
"And I warned him not to ruin the surprise. Aaanyway, where are you? I need your overloaded brain for a while." I asked just as dryly.
"Same old place. Estado de Guerrero. And this time, please don't try to kill me."
"I'll give that a thought. Thanks." I hung up and turned to them.
"We should go over to Estado de Guerrero. Its a region in Mexico where I heard the original story."

"Great," I said sipping some of my coffee. Lucy was talking to Eva animatedly about something.
"Imagine the looks on Matt and Val's faces when we tell them." I looked back at her and smiled at how serious she looked, "Loosen up, Cami. It's an adventure." I was really happy. I was getting rusty without my work and I wanted to know more about Eva.

Curiosity has always been your weak point. Careful or it will kill you one day.I remembered that advice and my face fell a bit before going back to normal.

"I'm hoping that I am wrong about this. I mean, how can a little child handle so much?! And who knows who else has 'visited' her back from the dead? Who else is trying to get to her? Is she even safe?!" I was panicking now, worry and fear spilling out.

"Oh no no no." I said hugging her tightly, "Everything is going to be okay. Even if it's true, we'll find a way to help her out. Besides that might also help her in the future you know. I hated becoming a vampire in the beginning, but look how that turned out. You are safe. Lucy is safe. And we're all now together. See? Nothing to worry about."

I sighed. "I don't know anymore." I whispered into his neck. Right then my cell went off, signaling that the plane had landed. I let go of him and gestured everyone to follow me towards it.

We followed her to the plane. It was one of the personal jets, so we were sitting in something like a livingroom. Lucy turned on some children movie for Eva and was talking to her as they watched. Cami and I said together next to them. She still looked too tense, so I stood up and started massaging her.

I saw Matt leaning by the door, so I walked over to him and kissed him, "Good morning, my guardian vampire."

"Good morning, Siren." I kissed her in return. "Plans for the day?"

Nina smiled at us then quickly hid it and said, "Why don't you go around and explore? You can show Matt all the places you've been punished at, Val."
I stuck my tongue at her then asked, "And you?"
"It's my day off. I'll sleep till noon. Now get out and close the door."
I did as she said and turned around to Matt, "Let's go, then."
As we walked down the hallways, I started naming the rooms and somethings I remembered about them. Surprisingly, they were all about my 'detentions'. I guess Nina was right after all.
"And this is Gero's office." And this was one of the few times, it was open...And empty. Out of curiosity, I walked inside dragging Matt in and closing the door.

I started to think some terrible thoughts as she started naming off all the rooms she was tortured in. I wanted to kill Gero for causing her the pain, her agonizing screams. She pulled into a room that was apparently Gero's office. "What's on your mind, Val?"

"I've always been curious on what his ultimate goal is," I started looking at some of the plans he had on the desk. "You've always been good with architecture. Any idea what this building might be?" I showed him the blueprint of some building. I knew I have seen it before, not sure where, though.

"It looks familiar. Very familiar. Like I've been there before. looks an old depot back in the states. One that's built over tunnels from the prohibitions."

"What could he want from this?" I took out my phone and started taking pictures of all the blueprints, maps and plans. "It seems like he wants something from the New York clan other than to stop their attacks on the other clans." I started to look around the office for anything that could be useful.

"He looks like he has a plan to transport things through this depot. But why?"

I came across something that looked like a small model for a decorated wall that was towards the back of the office and in front of it a small figure of a man. There was another one on the other side, too...Wait, no they were both the same figure of the same man. I started comparing both sides of the wall. One was carpeted just like his office. The other side was made of stones and wood. And then it dawned on me, "Not things ... But people. Look at this. That's the same wall. The other side could be the tunnels. But why would he want to send the army from here to the states? Could my mission be related?"

"I can't exactly say Siren but if it does we need to get in and get out before hell breaks loose."

I paled and said, "I can't...I signed the contract. And by contract, we don't mean a piece of paper." I showed him a part on my upper arm with a small knife engraved in it. "We sign contracts with our blood. This seal will kill me if I don't go with what I promised."

I shook my head by and forth vigourously trying hard to not throw something. "Looks like your going to end up getting yourself killed either way now."

"It's not so bad. At least I didn't promise him something too hard like Nina. She can't leave ever. I'll just go with them to that guy, use my powers on him, get the password and we can leave. Just don't forget. You promised me a ride on the motorbike."

"Mhm and what if by any chance this guy knows you're coming and has a counter attack planned?"

"Well, Nina and Jeff are going to be there. Aaaand from what I know that guy is not very strong anyways. His bodyguards can be some trouble, but Jeff will love to cut them into pieces." I hugged him, "Don't worry, okay?"

Part 21:


"You wanna go find her now or later?" I asked as I saw Mat burst into tears. "It'll be easier to find her if we look now. She may be a vampire, but nothing can compare to what I have."


"Now. Vincent, will you watch Eva? Make her talk, we need to get her use to her mark."


"Come on outside. It won't work in here."

Once I escaped out of the window I saw the portal waiting for me. He never wastes time, does he?
I took a step in and a step out and I was in the underground headquarters. Gero stood all high and mighty with a smirk on his face.
"Welcome back Endre."
I sighed, "I go by Devney now actually."
"Well, Endre. Here we don't care about who you're married to, or who you're a mother of. A cold heart and a clear mind, remember..Huh, Endre?"
I glared at him, "Whatever. Let's get this done with."
"You remember your end of the deal?"
"Yes...yes, I do."
"I do?"
"I do, sir." He smiled and walked over to me, "Go change. One extensive training coming right up."


I followed Angel out. "Now what?" I asked emotionlessly.


I smiled. "You know how blaze has an affinity towards fire? I have the same towards wind. I understand wind patterns and is also why I like staying in high places. I can also tell where people are. The wind carries secrets. And I can find out which direction Val went to if she walked." the wind whistled loud. "She took a portal...Right" I said a spell to reopen it and it opened. "Let's go." I grabbed Matt's hand and pulled him through. "We're underground."

It was time for my and Jeff's shift. And just as we started, two people appeared through a portal.
I sighed, "We've got company, Jeff."
I only knew he heard me from the nodding of his head. Jeff never shows his face. He hates people seeing his werewolf accident...
I walked over to them and said coldly, "May I help you?"


"I'm looking for Valerie Endre. Is she here?" I used her maiden name hoping it'll get me further knowing she'll try to hide her tracks using it instead of Devney.


"She's here, but you can't see her." I said right away.
Jeff laughed and said, "We can show her to you, but you won't like what's going on." I glared at him, but he merely shrugged. He likes making fun of me.

"She's my wife. It doesn't matter. I want to see her." I said firmly.

"Let us through or you'll get the trouble you don't want."

"Calm down, will you?" I said.
"I'll take you to her. It won't change anything actually. She's signed the contract," Jeff said.
"Follow me," he told them totally ignoring me.
They both followed him and I walked towards the end. As we got closer, we could hear her scream. I whispered, "I told you it's not a good idea."


I tried to not notice her screams. They were too petrifying. "What are you doing to her? And what do you mean by 'contract?'" I asked through clenched teeth. Siren...


Jeff was all too happy to reply, "Well, Gero offers his help to others in return for favors and Valerie has powers that could help him in killing one of his targets and planning his rebellion against the New York clan. So... "
I sighed, "She's going through an extensive mental training. She started it twenty years ago and gave up. She, then, came back saying she had to go through it no matter how much she hated it to protect her new family."

"How does making her scream help her mental abilities? It doesn't seem possible. Nobody gets in my head without my say so. She could have just asked me..." I said the last part more to myself.

"So she signed a contract to go against the New York clan of Vampires? For what?"


"She won't be helping us through all of it. Just in one mission. There's a tycoon who is said to be one of the most important leaders of the clan. He's the only one who knows the secret words that reveal the names of all those that are affiliated with the clan. Valerie is helping us making him spill the beans." I said.

Jeff, who was really enjoying the screams and whistling, said, "As for the screaming. They're forcing her mind to build the security gates faster. It's painful, but will help her progress faster. They're also forcing her mind to be able to attack...not just defend. Gero knows what he's doing. He's not a master warlock for nothing."


I looked at the guy that just appeared. "Um..yes." was all I could say.


James openly eyed up Sarrie and didn't stop until Blaze staked him in the neck.
"Ouch!" he said, pulling it out and staking Blaze right back. They both laughed while Sarrie looked at them weirdly.


I couldn't stop starring. This is something I will have to get used to. "My ask who your friend is Blaze?"


"Excellent. This one talent I keep hidden. I'm an excellent cook. Come!" I exclaimed putting 3 pancakes on plate for him.

I smiled at her and started to eat. It was good.
"You are a brilliant cook." I say grabbing her hand and kissing it, and then went back to eating.


"Gracias. Me mama used to make pancakes like this." I got weird notion there. "It's been years since I spoke Spanish or spoke of my mother in a good. That must be a good sign."

Luke's father came over to me before he started back home.
"Is it true?" I asked, "Is Luke a werewolf?"
Edward nodded, "Yep. He's actually waiting for you inside."
"Oh God, what did he do?" I thought.
"Uh, okay, thanks for dropping by." I said, smiling.
He smiled back, "You two will be good parents. Don't ever forget that." He messed my hair up while he walked off.
I ran inside the house to where Luke was.
He had his shirt off, his back to me. The runes that where all over his body where gone.
"Luke-" I started.
"I have to do this. I don't want to live like this." He said. I walk up to him and put my hands where the scars where, left over from the runes.
"I want you to leave. Get away far from here." He said.
"What? I'm not leaving you Luke! I know what turning is like for the first time, I want to be with you." I stated, "I'm not leaving. You can't make me."
He gave a little muffled laugh and turned around, he pushed a stray hair under my ear, "I can't deny you. Ever."
I smiled, and wrapped my arms around him. I was probably crushing the baby, but she'll have to get used to it. Hell she's going have deal with a pack of wolves.

"Luke welcome to the pack." I said, everyone looked up, surprised, "you know everyone, and everyone nows you..."
Luke gave me a look, "You really aren't good at this kind of stuff are you?"
"Shut up." I replied.
Toby came walking over to me, "He won't hurt you Rose right?" He asked, giving Luke a evil glare. Lily looked shocked to hear that come out of her brother's mouth.
"I won't hurt her little man." Luke replied.
"I ain't little!" Toby argued, then ran back to the forest.
"Is that kid okay?" Luke asked.
Lily walked up to us, "Toby is fine, he's just really shy. He doesn't play with the other kids here. He feels left out."
I looked around, it was almost sunset.
"When the full moon comes out, I want half of the pack to stay and watch Luke, while the other half go search for new wolves." I ordered.
"And where will you be?" Siv asked me.
"Here making sure Luke doesn't kill everyone."  I replied, "I know what everyone is thinking, and I'll be fine."

Part 22:

After Shade had left. I teleported back to my room. I called down for dinner which turned out to be not so quiet. There were plans to be made for the stupid victory party for my Uncle Phillip. Woo hoo. A stupid man got the throne. I could care less.

We sat in silence until we reached where Vincent and Cami were. "We're here. Come on Siren, Elric, and Twinkletoes. We gotta get out of the car."

I rolled my eyes at Matt's new nickname of Rel...For some reason, I didn't need a bond with Matt to know this wasn't going to be the last one.

We saw Val, Matt, Rel and Elric come inside, so I said, "Yeah. Now we can."
Eva ran over and hugged Val and Matt quickly. She forgot about her voice apparently and said, "I missed you." ...which came out like a meow.

I picked Eva up and kissed her forhead. "Did I ever tell you how much I love your voice?"

"Great. More people who can now track me. It's such a joy whenever you come around, Camilla." He said the last part sarcastically.
"Oh get over yourself. Besides, you like my company, don't you?" I say rather mischievously to him.

I didn't trust the guy...Not one bit. And I HATED the way he looked at Eva when she spoke.
Eva smiled at Matt and said, "I love your voice, too, daddy!"
Seriously...That was cute. I couldn't help but kiss her.

What a charmer he is. I smiled to him, "You know...The faster you get us what we want, the faster I'll help you find her. So stop chit-chatting and lead the way."

"Daddy's little girl." I smiled at her. "What's this all about anyways before we leave?"

"Fine. Let's go." He said and opened a portal big enough for all of us.
"This will place us at the end of the hill where the mundane family lives."
"Good question."

I looked at our charmer guy and felt it wasn't a good idea to reveal all of our assumptions in front of him.
Have you seen Eva's drawing? The one with Valentine, Alex and the bad guy?
Val replied.
Well, Cami says she knows a family who knows a guy that might have had the same powers...That of talking to the dead. Eva says she knew all that stuff from Alex who came to talk to her after you adopted her. He told her about Valentine, about you, about your visit to his tomb in Paris...everything.
I didn't tell anyone about my visit to Alex's grave,
Val said paling.

"This won't remain open for long." He said gesturing to the portal

We all went through the portal to come out on the lawn of an old house.
'Should we just knock?" I asked.

Ryan smirked and banged on the door. A young girl who looked about 14 opened the door slightly. She spoke something in spanish to which Ryan replied smoothly. She opened the door wider so that all of us could come in.
"Where's old grandma Foirelli?" Ryan asked the girl.
"She's in her room resting. I'll ask her to come downstairs. Please sit wherever you like." She spoke with a thick spanish accent.

Ryan made himself comfortable while the rest of us preferred to stand. Val was looking at some of the pictures hanging on the wall. They formed a family tree...And a long one at that.
We heard slow clanks until an old woman showed up in the living room with the little girl helping her even though she already had a walking stick and a man following in silence. He didn't seem to like us at all.

"Fiorelli is the daughter of the.. gentleman that you met." Ryan informed me. I could see the faint resemblance to the little girl I had had a glimpse of all those years ago.
"What is this about?" The woman spoke slowly. Her words were barely distinguishable because of the heavy accent.
"Lyra! Why did you bring them in?" The man standing behind the woman spoke in spanish to the girl.
"The man said we'll be rewarded." She said quietly.
"Fiorelli. Do you remember the old tale your father used to recount?" Ryan said, ignoring the conversation the girl and the man were having quietly in spanish.

I watched in silence, holding Eva tightly.

Any idea what kind of reward he might be talking about, Cami?

The old woman examined us. She, then, stared at Cami, "I remember you. You're not human, are you?"

Probably money.
"Of course not." I say smiling brightly.
The old lady stared at us for a while and said,
"Let's move to the backyard. My father always said that legends are meant to be shared in the outdoors." She said and lead the way gingerly to the back door where we came out to a vast land shadowed by trees of all kinds, a long bench with seats in the middle of it.

Le old Grandma Fiorelli:
Merlin's beard, she looks a bit like that man. Grandma Fiorelli thought.
"Right. There once was a man who ventured across this land. He was said to be from Ankara, an old city in Turkey. He traveled along a winding path until he came across an old man, weeping for his dead wife. The traveler stopped and inquired about it. As soon as he uttered the words, it was as if there was another presence beside them, although there wasn't a living being to be seen for miles from where they stood." She paused for breath here, and let her words sink in.

She reminded me of the superstitious fortunetellers. Her voice was old but very clear and ... haunting.
Val and Matt we both taking every word in. Ryan seemed bored as if he heard it a hundred times already.

Still le old Grandma Fiorelli:
"It was said that.. the other presence was none other than the soul of the old man's dead wife. She conversed with the traveler, who in turn informed the man what she spoke of. The old man was so frail that a last shred of hope for him had been enough to make him believe it. To make sure the old man asked the traveler of secrets only the wife and he knew, which the traveler answered correctly. The old man was left in peace after that, content that his wife had not died in vain, and it was said that the wife's soul had finally departed this world, never to return."


Well, we had to tell her. We had no choice but to trust her, I guess. I cleared my throat and said, "Val, I think you should take Eva and Elric to play," giving her a meaningful look, "Matt should stay."
Once Val was away with the kids, I turned the old grandma and said, "The reason we're interested is Eva, the little girl, seems to do the exact same thing. Valerie, her mom, lost a child a few months ago. A few days ago we found out that Eva talked to the little boy. She said things only he would know like when his mom secretly visited his grave and how he died. He also seemed to have warned her of a future danger...Do you think Eva really could have the same power?"

"The little girl.. She looks a lot like the traveler.. Ah yes, bring that here." She said as she saw Lyra coming over with the huge tapestry that was covered in clothing. She slid the clothing of the painting and showed it to everybody.
"This is what my great grandfather's view of how he looked like."

Matt gasped as we took a look at the guy. Eva did look a lot like him...But from what the old grandma just said the guy must have been alive hundreds of years ago. Could he be alive?
"Any idea where he went to? Or if he's been seen again?"

The old grandma:
"No one, apart from my great grandfather has ever seen him. At least, not in living memory. He's a traveler, after all. And he's said to be a master of disguises. Who knows, maybe that isn't how he looks like for real." She paused for a moment, taking the feel of the people around her.
"Best bet would be start looking in Turkey."

"Well...Will brainwashed him into making a stake...A special one. Sarrie tried to get to him and she did, but then Will had bonded Blaze with it...And...He used it to kill him...I'm so sorry." I hugged him.


He's gone. My best friend is gone. He will pay somehow. "Okay." I said, my voice rough from grief. "What's the good news?"

"Well..."I smiled a bit, "... I...Well...We're having a baby." I said quietly.


My head perked up. "A baby? How? Scratch that...I know that answer but the possibilities. It's not suppose to be..your pregnant with my child. My child." my face lit up. "That is great news Val. How long have you known you were pregnant?"

Seeing that smile just made me forget about anything bad, "Weeell....I had been feeling sick...for a while...Even before we went to Gero, but I never expected this. It kinda started getting worse and then when we were in the airport flying over here, I felt it...Kicks. I freaked out and well, almost automatically, I bought some tests..Took them and they turned out to be positive..."I teared up a bit as I talked. It all sounded like a dream, "I think it's because I'm a hybrid."


"Maybe. I'm just happy to know your alive is so the little one." I gave her a reassuring smile. "Eva will have a sibling."

I smiled to him and got up looking out of the window,"Soooo, what a view we have here, Sir Devney? This is like a winter paradise. I love your style."

I rubbed my left hand up and down the back of my head. "Um..yeah. Inherited it from an adoptive family. They had great taste."

I smiled, "I hope one day I'll be able to memorize all of your history...Are they the Devneys?"


"Not exactly...I was Freeman for a little while and the grandparents grew attached to me. They gave me the house when they knew their time was coming. They'd rather me have it than their selfish, spoiled grandchildren. I went back to using Devney right before I met you."

"Oh...Matt Freeman...Sounds nice, too. Why didn't you stick with it?" I asked. "Not that I mind. I like Valerie Devney."


"That family hated me after the grandparents gave me this place. I needed to hide so I changed it back. Good thing I never told them what my last name was before meeting them. Eva saw a ghost today."

"Really? Who? Someone I know?" I asked him with surprise evident in my voice. This is the first time one of us actually knew when she talked to one.


"I was polishing my bike earlier and she came in. She asked me who's bike it was and I told her it was my friend, Wayne's, and that he gave it to me. She then saw his ghost and started to talk to him. Him and I had a short conversation before he had to go. He'd like to meet you someday. He said he never saw me as a family type of guy but I proved him wrong."  I laughed. "I miss him. It's been 80 years now."

I hugged him, "I'm pretty sure he was happy to see you finally happy. I'd love to talk to him, too...Actually why don't we go see the bike? I missed it."


"We could take that ride if you'd like? You shouldn't have much worry. You know I'm one heck of a driver." I laughed as we walked out to the garage.

I laughed, "You know I'd love to." Once I saw it, I ran to it and sat slowly on it. "You know most girls imagine their princes will come and take them on their white steeds. I think that's over rated. My prince took me on a classic Motorbike...Way more exciting."


I laughed. "Hell yeah it is! Ready? Here we go!" I started the bike up and took off down the mountain at 50 miles and hour. We kept going, gaining speed as went until I knew we were a blur. We got to a place I like to call paradise at the bottom of the mountain.

"Oh Matt...This is breathtaking." I looked around in astonishment. I,then, remembered something. "Wanna replay our first scene? The waterfall shower?"


I laughed. "Why not." I parked the bike and we got into the water.

We got right under one of the waterfalls. I turned around to him," I love you, my guardian vampire."


I grabbed her waist. "And I love you my beautiful Siren."

I went back to the cabin after what happend. I couldn't believe it. Luke was asleep sitting in the rocking chair in Gale's nursery.
"Luke, Blaze is dead." I managed to say.
Luke picked his head up and walked over to me, "What now?"
"I don't know, poor Sarrie." I said walking over to Gale who was sleeping soundly.

I felt a break of the bond. Thank you Will. Then I heard Sarrie's voice, she was in pain.
"Sarrie!" I called, then picked her up, "Everything will be okay."


"Sebastian. I have a deal I want to make with you." I said trying not to show grief and despair.

"And what is that?" I asked, putting her back on the ground.

I three a snowball at eva and elric and they three some back at me. I pretended to get hurt and fell over. They were so adorable in snow. I started to jog a little so that they haf to run to throw at snow at me "cant catch me!"
They followed and jogged big circles around them. I threw another snowball at them.

Part 25:

"Yea.. I know.." I said wiping away my tears with my sleeve. Why me?! ''But.. I.. I can't believe this.." I said still crying.
The messenger left.
I calmed myself down after a few minutes of crying.

"It's ok...Crying helps. And...I...Well, I never trusted him one bit...I'll make his life living hell. You should count on that."

"Thanks. I shouldn't of trusted him either. But noo.. stupid heart and brain." I said sniffing.

"There there...We all make mistakes...Right? Aaaand..Well...At least you got a baby out of the whole thing...Right? And Elric? That's good." I tried soothing her.

"A baby that has a chance of dying. So do I. But yea.. I got Elric.. Who will be sad if he finds out.."

I was stupid to say that. "You shouldn't think like that...You're strong. You'll make it...And the baby,too. As for Elric, he wasn't that close with him actually...He spent most of the time playing with Eva and you...And what would you like to tell Shade? I'll take the message. I'm strong enough now!"

"I don't know.. Arrange the divorce as quick as he can. I know Elric wasn't close.. Your right, He shouldn't be the one leaving me. It should be the other way around. Tell him that too."

I smirked, "Oh Don't worry I will...Um...Mind if you take care of Aury while I'm gone? There's blood in his bottle, but I just fed him, so he should be okay. And Eva and Elric will play together when they wake up...which is usually by noon when I'm back anyways...I'll go see if Matt wants to come." I stood up with amazing energy concerning I was in terrible pain just a few hours ago and just before I left, I turned around, "I want to see you smiling when I get back, okay?"
    I walked down the hallways only to see Matt walking back with some archers, "Matt. I'm going to Mount Rogue."

"I'm coming too." I said and got the nearest of Sylvain's men. "You will protect this child with your like or I'll kill you." I said in a deadly voice and ran near Val.

I stopped the class, can't have nothing stupid happen to them. "Why?"

I looked at Malu, then back at him, "You friend...Stupid Shade wants a divorce...And Malu needs to make arrangements and I don't think we should leave her alone....Sooo, I'll just go with her and come back real quick."

"Yea.. Preferably before Elric wakes up."

"Oh no. You are not leaving because somebody needs to take care of Aury and Eva. Malu, despite it being Shade, you are not going because your health is a major issue. If anybody is going I will and trust me, I'll 'talk' some sense into him." I told them. Women.

"My health? My health is no issue. Unless I go into labor but still."

"But Maaatt...I wanted to ki... knock some sense into him...He's a jerk...I hate him. Malu could stay. I could go!"

"Hello. I kinda have to go to get divorced."

"Okay, how about this? I go attack him, then bring his corpse back and you get divorced?"

"I'll take care of him and even bring him back here but neither of you two women are leaving this castle!"

"I die, he dies remember?"
I turned my attention to Matt. "Oh really? Make me."

I looked Matt in the eye and saw that he was totally serious, so I sighed, "You'll bring him back...So I can punch him, okay?" I whispered to Malu,"Um...not a good idea to say that to Matt."

"Gr.." I said giving in. "Fine. While your at it could you bring some chips?"

"Then it's settled. Training is over and I'll go see Sylvain to tell him where I'm going. You two need to get back to the health ward, at least Malu does. Val, you should try to get us moved in." I sighed. So much stuff.

"Bring Chips!" I said as Val dragged me to the health ward. "You what would be funny?"

I dragged her back, "Bed now..."

"Wait. Let me tall you what's funny. Wait for it. It would be funny if my water breaks right now."

Part 27:


"Yeah, she needs training there and we kinda have a babysitter. I'm also a very good actor. I used to bike before I met Val. That's why I know how to handle myself."


I saw Malu prepare her needles. I shouted, "NO Malu...She's our friend now." She looked at me in weird way, threw Saffi a glare and pulled me to the other room.


"She's scary" I said pointing at the woman who dragged Val away, "And why did you stop biking then? Val stopped you?"


"Other things pulled me out of it. Long story short, I was being mind controlled. Bit Val on our first wedding day and took off. She forgave 50 years later and that's our dear friend, and babysitter, Malu."

"Oh...Ouch...I'd have killed you if I were in her place. And Malu looks...scary...again...Is she a vampire too? And she's pregnant?"


"Warlock and yes. Val didn't kill me because a friend of ours did the mind controlling. It's a huge confusing mess but everythings okay now." I laughed at how crazy I sound. "We must sound like psychopaths to you."

I gave him a look and said, "You think?" I looked around, "Sooo...You have powers? We have powers?"


"Strength, Immortality, and no sunlight. That's all we have. Nothing else. Hybrids and Warlocks have extra powers."


"So warlocks are like witches? Spells and stuff? And what're hybrids?"


"Yes, warlocks are like that and hybrids are warlocks who have went through the vampire changing process. Best of both worlds."

"Oh...I wish I were a hybrid, then...So, do I fight evil now? And what about the gang?"


"Most do but we can't help it. We'll eventually change the entire gang. Fighting evil and doing missions."


I nodded, "Do I get a weapon?"

"What?" I asked her when we were alone.

I smiled to her, "Well...Matt and I talked and well, Saffi is a good person. We told her about us and she will stay away from Matt...Why are you looking at me like I'm crazy?"

"Dude. She kissed your wife.. oops, I meant husband."


I hit her head at 'wife' with one hand while holding Aury on the other, "Well, she didn't know he had a wife...and he was on a mission...I still don't like that he lost himself to his manly ... desires...but he apologized and fixed the whole situation...What did you want me to do?...Besides...I can never hurt him."

I burst out laughing. "Manly desires? LOL!" I said through fits of laughter.


I rolled my eyes at her,"Seriously that's all you heard? It kinda hurts that another woman could do that to him, you know...I mean, he loves me, but...he liked something about her...And it's none of their fault....Maybe it's me? Maybe I need to be tougher? Like Saffi?"

I nodded my head. "Guess this is how Shade felt. Threatened." I said sitting down. I had a deep frown on my face as I thought. "That's why he married me." I said softly.
"Do you feel threatened Val?" I asked her after a moment.

I looked at her for a while before sitting down next to her, "...A bit...I just...I love him...He's my world really. I don't want him one day to just...leave..." I said gulping towards the end. I looked down at Aury who was staring up at me and caressed his little head. "I decided to forget what happened because being angry would drive us apart. And...there's nothing I can do about it

That's how he felt huh.. "Like Shade left me." I said quietly. "Don't worry, your life won't be as pathetic as mine and if Matt did love her then he wouldn't be here."


I smiled at her slightly, "Your life is not pathetic, Malu...You and Shade just need a break...He'll come around...And you'll look back at this and laugh."

"I hope so." I said smiling sadly. "Where did you go?" I asked her changing the subject, I didn't want to talk about Shade.


"Well, after what happened yesterday, Matt decided to take me on his missions...So, I went with him as his biker girlfriend, yeah me can you believe that?,  to meet the other bikers...Interesting lot, really."

"Bikers?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Val the biker.. Hm.." I burst into laughter at the thought.

"Heyyy," I said laughing and hitting her with a cushion, "What's wrong? I can be tough when I want to, you know."

Snow decided to leave Camilla, Vincent and Hurcan to talk and went to find where the woman with the yellow hair was. She wanted to thank her, and also ask a few questions.

"Yea right!" I would of hit her if she was not holding Aury. He was smiling. "See even he agrees!"


I was laughing, "Oh not you, too, Aury!!! Mommy can be tough. Don't believe that mean warlock."
I saw the little girl from before, "Hi! Come in sweety. Everything okay now?"

"Oh please!" Then I noticed the girl. I eyed her suspiciously.

Part 30:


I picked a lock of the girl's hair and said, "Oooh shiny!" I then turned around to the guy and said, "Why the angry face? You'll get wrinkles...And I'm Tellis...Tellis Talorg. I was imprisoned here because the lord I worked for felt I was getting stronger than him. Lord Kyprills...What year is it now?"


"Vampires don't get wrinkles and it's 2012."


"oooh...I was imprisoned a thousand years ago! I wonder how the world is like now. Is it fun? Or is the whole world ugly like this place? And why are you staring at me like that? never saw a ghost before? I haven't seen vampires in a thousand years and you don't see me staring at you, two...Are you a couple? You look good together. You should get married and have kids. And a dog. I love dogs."

For some reason, when he was done, I just burst out laughing.


"In my two thousand years I have never saw a ghost. Between, we are married with two children. That's why my wife here is laughing."


I composed myself and said, "Sorry...Not sure what came over me."


I looked at her and then patted her head, "Look at you. Two kids and a perfect body! You would have been the perfect wife for me a thousand years ago. Aaaaaaand why are you two here? You wouldn't have come here just to release me."


"That was a thousand years ago. You can't have her now and we're actually on mission and stumbled upon you."


I laughed as I circled around him in midair, "Don't worry. I can't steal her from you...Ever seen a ghost get married?! We can find out, but I'm not in the mood...And what mission? Can I help? I'm bored."


I got dizzy just looking at him circling around, "I don't think David is using this temple...Or Tellis might have been released earlier, right?"


"Not unless there was something magical about that flame and can you please stop twirling around us. I never thought a vampire could get a headache but here it is."


I chuckled and walked over to Matt who had his hand on his eyes. "Aww...My Poor guardian vampire," I said hugging him.

Tellis stared at us with a smile, then said, "Anyone who had gotten close to the temple would have been enchanted by the flame...At least one person in any group would have...So your David guy can't have been here."


"Then he's in the valley."


I nodded and we started to walk away...With a certain ghost flying around us. "I'm guessing you're tagging along?"

He flew to me and blew at my hair a bit, "Of course. I want to see what you're up to! Am I going to see your kids? I love kids! I wanted to have a lot when I was alive!!! You're going to have more right?"

I was thankful I couldn't blush and walked past him ignoring him.

I turned around and said, "Can't we put him back in the flame or something?"


I preferred Rel. On the kids note, want more? I asked Val mentally. "I don't know. You let him out."

I got tired of following so I went into the woods and climbed at tree and sat there watching everything.


This may be my only chance... "Alright. Nazri, even though you suck at being a brother I still love despite what Daddy says. You'll always be my big brother. I hope that wherever your road leads you, you'll find the happiness you deserve." after that I signed. I sounded so grown up.

"I don't deserve happiness, or your love." Nazri turned away. "Now let's just get this over with."


"Fine." He's so hard headed.

Nazri managed to get into the castle quite easily, despite the shadow soul guards. With a few uttered words of black magic they all fell asleep, leaving him free to go in. He found the boy and Snow quickly. With a bit more black magic he had them standing in the middle of the forest instead of in a room in the castle.

Tendrils of dark smoke rose around Snow and Hurcan and suddenly they weren't standing in the locked room anymore. They were in the middle of the forest, with Nazri and a girl standing in front of them.


I watched as he captured the boy and a girl. "Who's she?" I asked Nazri staring at the beautiful blonde.

"Snow White." She gave him a dirty look. "Sorry, just Snow. His werewolf friend."


"You never mentioned getting her. Are you going to kill her or shall I try?"

"You can." he said. "Father has no need for her and she already knows too much of the Drakons."


"Too bad. She's very pretty." I commented looking at Snow.

"You're not a Drakon." Hurcan said suddenly to Nazri, surprising them all. "I mean, yeah, you're a Drakon but not fully."


Before Nazri could say anything I asked the Aura boy, "What do mean?"

Snow stared at Hurcan, her eyes wide with apprehension. "The... he's... he's half... are you sure, Hurcan? Because that would mean he's so much more powerful. And that would also mean that he's..."


"Can you answer me, please?" I asked starting to loose my temper. What did they mean by half?

When Hurcan spoke his voice was uneven. "Nazri, your father is Darius Drakon, the same as me and her." He pointed at Xena. "But you do not share the same mother as your sister. Layla Aura is your mother. You're my brother."


"Wait...what? Your telling me that Nazri and I don't share the same mother and that I'm your sister as well?"

"I saw it a long time ago, when the vision-dreams started coming to me. A man with ink black hair and dark skin shouting at a woman with golden hair and brown eyes. He was shouting about a child... they were having a child, their second, but Layla had just told her family the Drakon secret. Darius hated her now, and swore that he would get his revenge on her whole family, including her unborn child and the one they already had. A boy called Nazri. The unborn child was me."

Part 38:

I smiled to her and wiped some of her tears, then said, "Come on...I know it's hard in the beginning, but you need to move on...for your Elric...I moved on when I met Vincent's father...He was my true love...And when little Vincent was born...The twins weren't much of a help...Their father was...a thief, to say the least. And then my beautiful Val...I want to see beautiful smile."
Tellis hugged her from the back.

I laughed a bit at 'twins weren't much of a help' and then sighed calming myself down. I forced myself to smile a bit and say, "I'm fine. Totally fine. Sow here did you want to go with the kids?" I didn't really want to talk about Violet so I changed the subject.

"I just wanted to get them from there...That will give Val and Matt more freedom to fight back and the kids will be safe, too...Tellis, could you please go and tell them the kids are free? If it's okay, Malu could stay here...since Val would feel safer knowing that the kids are with you...not only me...She won't believe I'm alive."

I looked at Tellis. "I'll stay with her. Go and don't you dare die!.. Can ghosts die? We still have to find out who's more annoying." And then I turned my attention to Val's mom. "Can we go back to the hotel where Elric is in?"

"I wouldn't dream of it," I said kissing her then flying away.

I nodded, "Good idea. Eva was just telling me how she missed Elric." I made myself tangible and took Aury from her, "A portal please?"

I smiled (A genuine one this time.) and opened a portal. Elric was playing with some of his toys

Once we got there, Eva ran and gave Elric a hug. He seemed very happy to see her, too.
"Awww...Oh sneaky sneaky amor." I looked at Aury, "We should find your someone."

I laughed and sat on the bed. "Do we stay here until the war ends?"

"Until the kids are safe maybe? I know you want your hands to get dirty, don't you?"

"Yes, yes I have." I said laughing again. "Don't you?"

"Naah...I used to...But I'm sick of all the blood...Ever since I saw my kids fighting each other. It kinda hurt....Sooooo...How're you and Tellis?"

"I'm fine, like I said a hundred million times before and Tellis.. He's really bipolar so I dunno."

"Bipolar?" I asked laughing hard, "How so?"

"One moment he's really angry, next he's happy and the next he's just plain annoying."

I continued to laugh, but when I sobered a little, I said, "You know...Sometimes you don't know people until you see their lives...I usually go back in time and see what happened to them and so on then I understand where they're coming from. The only person I never figured out was Val's father....He made me angry all the time. ALL the time. His parents were so sweet! I kinda felt bad for leaving Val with him, but her grandparents seem to have brought her up well."

"Wanna go back in time to see baby Val? It'll be fun."

I looked at her in surprise for a minute, then said, "Hm...Sure...Not like a baby...She didn't do much as a baby other than being cute," I laughed, "Maybe as a teen?"

"Sure! It'll be fun!"

I smiled, "Okay. Let's go." The scene faded around us as we went back in time, "Okay...Val should be...thirteen years old now."
Snow was covering everything and I saw my little girl wearing thick clothes and sitting freezing on the stairs to the mansion. She blew into her hands trying to heat them up.
The door opened to show her father who looked at her in disgust, "Oh joy! You're still here...Come in."
Val gave him a look and followed him inside. Seeing a woman..who looked too plastic like for me who looked at her and said, "Here's daddy's little angel."
Val smiled at her and said, "Here's daddy little devil."
She looked taken back but said nothing.
Val looked at her father, "I know I know. Grounded for two weeks. I'll go upstairs to think about what I said and did...Happy?" With that she ran upstairs.

"Whoa.. And I thought I had a rough life. What did you see in him?" I asked her pointing at Val's 'Dad'.

"He...annoyed me...I really don't know...He's kinda cute?" I asked trying to remember myself, "I seriously don't know...Let's go upstairs, shall we?"
Everything was in place. Val was talking to her teddy, "He left me out the cold...for her! Really?! She's ugly...He has no taste really!...Is it just me or is it that everytime I saw him I lose intelligence. Stupid.....I'm talking to a teddy?...I'm going crazy." She put it on the bed and straightened herself when the door knocked. We saw a man with a huge mustache come in with books, "Come on, little Valerie. Class time."
She rolled her eyes, "Oui Monsieur."
"Not very ladylike to roll your eyes."
She waited for him to turn around then stuck her tongue out at him.
"Or to stick tongue out...It has to stay within your mouth."
She sighed and after he explained something for a long time, he asked, "So, any questions?"
She started giggling, "one question really. I had it ever since you first started giving me the lessons...Is that really your mustache?"
With that she broke into laughter.

I tried hard not to laugh. "OK That is hilarious!"

I was laughing hard. Val gave him a sweet innocent smile and went for the door, but he went for it and stood there glaring at her.
"I want to go..."
"The lesson is not finished yet."
"..I want to go to the bathroom."
She cleared her voice and mimicked him saying, "It's not very gentleman like to keep a girl from her right of going to the bathroom."
He shook his head, "Don't make me use force."
"Fine fine..." She walked back, but didn't stop at the desk. Instead, she went for the window, and stood by it. She lifted her dress up a bit and stood on it.
"You're crazy. Get"
She smiled and said, "au revoir, monsieur". She blew him a kiss and jumped falling into the inches of snow.
Even though I knew she'd survive, I couldn't help but gasp, "If I were there, I'd have grounded her for giving me a heartattack."

After what I saw with Val and Matt I only had one person to go to. My dear sweet mother. When I got there she was in all black clothing putting on her make-up
"Going for the goth look?" I asked, knocking on her bedroom door.
She looked to me and gasped, "My son! My dear Luke!", after she hugged me we walked downstairs to the living room.
"After your father's death, you disappeared, I was so worried."
"I'm okay mom, and so is Rose and Gale."
"Nightingale must be so big." She responded smiling.
"Oh, more then you can comprehend.. Anyways, mother, friends of mine are being arrested by the council, you must stop them!"
"Luke, the council always has a reason! What happend to you? My son that knew right from wrong..It's that murderer wolf you call your wife! Not even that! Your not even married!" She exclaimed.
"Mother, please, these two vampires, they have a family!"
"They should have thought about that before they did the council wrong."
I got up and turned to the door, "Good bye mother."
"Luke, the council was there when Sebastian died. They told me the whole thing. Don't make me do it." She said firmly.
"Do what?!" I asked,
"Call the council to take Gale away. Like her mother she's wanted by the council. Death is the punishment." She walked up behind me, "I did the same thing with your father."

"You wouldn't dare. That's your own granddaughter!" I exclaimed, but she would.
"Luke, put her friends behind you. Tell the council where that man Sylvain is, the one that caused your father to end up sick. So I had to do the dirty job."
"What..?" I asked, Sylvain was the one?
"That's right, all that stuff that you father had made him sick, his heart rate drop. I had to kill him myself." She said, "Tell me where Sylvain is."
"If I tell you, Gale, Rose, everyone will be okay?" I asked.
She nodded.
"I'll come back with more information." I muttered then closed the door.

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-04-04 20:50:36)


#253 2013-02-25 14:05:38

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

How did you find all of this?!

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#254 2013-02-25 20:35:45

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Gotta love computer skills ;) ... Added new parts in the last post. These are copied from the last post...In other words...I'm trying to organize things.
Updated to contain scenes from Parts 31- 49....For now...Trying to keep things in order :p

Part 40:

"Banters? I do not have cute banters!" I said wiping my tears away. I laughed at Val. "OK. I'll stop."

I let out a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you." I, then, looked at Zoye, "Awww. They have cute banters?'

"It kinda gets annoying when they ignore you while they are at it, but they are cute. And you," I said addressing Malu. "stop denying the obvious."

"Not." I said trying to keep my face very still as the make-up artist started doing magic to my face.


I laughed as I took a few things and started making my own hair and make-up, "We should really record them the next time they do that, Zoye."

"We should! And yes you do. We can do this all night long, and miss your wedding, or you could just admit it."
I started putting on some make-up on my face as well, trying different styles at once.


"Have it your way then, and miss you own wedding." I said to her in a sing-song voice, concentrating on getting my eye-shadow just perfect.

I shook my head, "So stubborn." I finished what I was doing and turned to see Malu, "You look amazing. Tellis is going to be speechless."

"Fine. I have cute banters with Tellis. Happy?" I asked at the make-up artist finished. "He better be." I said laughing.

"Damn right. If he doesn't I'll just punch him in the stomach and make him breathless." I said, shrugging and moving on to hair.

"Your both welcome to threaten him before the wedding."

"Thank you!" I was finally satisfied with my hair and went to put on the dress.

"Your welcome." I looked at Val. "Oooh. You look good. How many more minutes?"

I smiled at her and said, "Twenty...Poor Tellis. Has Matt and Sylvain against him. And now me and Zoye, too."

"Before you know it, he'd have a whole army that's after his blood." I said, coming out of the dressing room.

"Oooh! Cute!" I complimented Zoye. "Twenty... Hey.. Do I have a bouquet?"


I laughed, "Come on. This is his day, too...We should be nice to him." Marie came in with the bouquet I had told her about. Yellow and white roses.

"Let's get you into the dress, shall we?"

"A little threatening couldn't hurt." I laughed. "Evil me huh? Thank you Marie." I said taking the bouquet from her. "Okay." I stood up.

We helped her into the dress. It looked so good on her that my eyes instantly swelled with pride and joy.
"If he as any thoughts about leaving you after he sees you like this, then I'm so gonna cut his head off and feed it to the fairies."

I laughed.

"Let's get you to your wedding."

"Mermaid...I corrected her. If he leaves after seeing her in this, then he's blind actually. Now someone open a portal, please."


They led me to a room full of dresses and I found a gorgeous, long, sky blue one. "This will do. Sylvain, you're able to turn powers on and off? How interesting..."


"Yes. I've learnt to do that especially that part of my training needed me to sometimes use conflicting attacks or powers. If I didn't, then I'd be long dead." We led her to a room where she could change. I waited outside and changed my outfit with a spell.


That smile! "Visiting whom?" I smiled back. Jason and Dex went to go find wood for a shelter while Calli and Cady went for a walk leaving the two of us alone.

"Who do you think?"

Dex shook Jason off. "Let's just find the wood and go back, okay?" he said, suddenly very tired.


"He's also loving and caring. I read that from him. You should be nicer to him." I told as we reached the castle. "What a lovely place Val picked."


"I agree. It is beautiful. I think I'll be the one marrying them, so if I get angry or something, could you please calm me down?"


"I can try." I promised him.


I walked over to where the marriage should happen and saw Tellis standing there in worry. "Getting married, huh?...I hope you take her on a honeymoon in a far far off place."
Tellis stuck his tongue out at me.


I went and sat down at the edge but close enough for Sylvain to be in easy reach. I saw Tellis stick his tongue out. Oh boy...


I came out wearing my pink suit. "Ready?"

Celesta finally tracked Val down. "Val! Hi!!!"

I kissed him, "As ready as I'll ever be." Once we got there, I saw Celesta, I handed Aury to Matt and hugged her, "Missed you!!!" Then, my smile faded and I started hitting her with my purse, "You're so annoying. All that time and you don't even text!!!"

I went to where Val was. I was about to say something when I noticed what Matt was wearing. "Oh.. you are NOT wearing that."

Celesta laughed. "I've missed you too Val! Sorry, I've just been so caught up with all the vamp politics and the Turning Project that I didn't have time for anything else. We really need to catch up after this wedding."


"What? Don't like my famous pink suit?" I said looking down at my suit.

"No. I don't. Makes me want to cry and go to the therapist."

I hmphed, "You bet we do."
I then heard Malu shouting at Matt, "uhoh...I need your help."


"Oh c'mon, Malu. It's your wedding day. Be happy and kill me afterward."

"Hi Malu!" Celesta said, hoping to get her attention off the poor guy for a second.


I went to Matt, "Matt! Could you please help Tellis get over his tension?"

"Hey Celesta!" I walked towards her very slowly since it was hard to walk in the dress. I gave her a hug and then turned to Matt. "Ohh. I'm trying not kill you. Cause it's my perfect day. MINE!.. and Tellis's too

Celesta almost laughed at how slow Malu was walking. "How are Blaze and Sarrie?" she asked Val, noticing that they hadn't showed up yet.

"Dead." I replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I'll go comfort the groom."

"WHAT??? Both of them?"


I cleared my voice, "Okay. Better get this ceremony started! Malu, stand over there and prepare for the music. The rest of you, please have your seats."

I sighed. "OK." I was getting nervous now. "Do I look OK?"

As usual Celesta blocked out the things she didn't want to hear. To her, they were still alive. "Okay." she said to Val and Malu. "See you later!"

"CELESTA! Wait right here! You haven't done something!"


"You have to compliment me! Hurry!"


"Everything alright, Tellis?" I asked him.


I saw what Matt was wearing, but quickly shook my head. Later, later."Yes! How did you survive the tension when you got married?"

Part 42:


"No I don't. Just as he stated, he thought I was delirious. Every doctor I've ever seen, and mother made sure I saw a lot, have all called me psychotic and freak because I had mo emotions. That's kinda why I stated that I had them." I said crossing my arms, with a death glare in my eyes for every doctor who called me crazy.


"That's one of the bad things about a world where downworlders have to hide...Mundanes think we're crazy since they don't know we're real...No one will ever call you that here, Dia...If they do, I'll kill them right then and there."


I smiled. It felt so great to smile. "Thank you, Sylvain, for everything you've done."


I sat next to her on the bed and said caressing her cheek with my thumb," Thank you for bringing me to life again..."


I felt a notion to kiss him so I followed that notion and did so.


I shook Louis's hand as we sat down and peered over Val's shoulder at the drawings. "These are incredible, Louis."


"Great to meet you, Danielle!" I shook her hand. "You're the writer, right?"

When Danielle spoke, her voice was thickly accented. "Nope, that's my older sister. You should meet Adelvina." she said to Val. "You're exactly the type she likes to use as inspiration for her next clothing line. Anyway, I have to go now." She gestured towards the tray in her hand. "I'll see you later!"


"Au revoir Danielle," I kinda blushed at what she said and asked Celesta, "Should we go meet her now?"
I sent Matt mentally, It seems like we're going to meet  alot of people.

"Yeah, let's go. Louis, you wanna come too? I know you can soften her if she's in a bad mood."
Louis laughed and agreed. They all got back in the car and started driving. A few minutes later they found themselves in front of a huge, bright purple building. Over the glass front door were the words 'Adelvina's Boutique'.


"Before we go in there...Is she often in a bad mood?...Should I know something before talking to her? And THAT's a botique?!"

"No, just sometimes she can get very stressed. I've known her my whole life because she used to babysit me when I was little. I know how to calm her down when she gets stressed. And yes, that's a boutique."

"It's the biggest one I've ever seen! And I understand...Most artists get like that...Okay, lead the way in, then."

Celesta walked in first and the door chimed as it opened. Inside the store there was loud pop music playing and the heat was turned up to max. It was very crowded.
"Celesta!" exclaimed Adelvina. She was a tall, slender young woman with striking blue eyes and straight brown hair cut into a sharp bob. "Quick, get me out of here before I go MAD!"
Celesta laughed and followed her as she led them to her office on the next floor up.


I whispered to Celesta, "I'd have lost my mind, too. Look at all those people!"

"Yep, but despite her moods I know Adelle loves it." Celesta said with a smile. They finally reached Adelle's office after climbing at least five flights of stairs. It was a very modern-looking office, with all the walls made of glass, providing an amazing view of Paris. Adelle sat on a plush black leather sofa and motioned for them all to join her. There were four sofas, and they formed a small circle around a glass table.


I looked at the view and let out a soft gasp, "Breathtaking!...I LOVE the view!"

Adelle got a good look at Val for the first time. "Oh my goodness," she exclaimed, "Your hair is simply gorgeous! Are you a model?"


I smiled to her, "Ex-model...I'm Val, Celesta's friend." I shook her hand, "I'm one of the biggest fans of your designs, by the way. Several outfits of mine are designed by you actually."

"Well, I'm honoured to have you as a fan, then." she said with a smile. She motioned for a girl standing near the doorway to come over. "Would any of you like anything to eat or drink?"
Celesta nodded. "I'll have some coke please."

"I'd like to have any juice really." The kids were really quiet. It was good to have well-mannered kids at these situations. Matt was awfully quiet, but he ordered a drink, too.

"Get some orange juice for the children too, ma cherie." she said to the girl, who nodded politely and went off to get their orders.
"I haven't introduced myself yet." Adelle said to Val and Matt. "I'm Adelvina Van Alen, a fashion designer and leader of the Munich clan of vampires."


I smiled to her, "I've heard a lot about you when I was in the Paris Clan. Sadly, I never got to meet you before, though...Is your botique always this busy? Or are you working on some specific event?"

"We're usually slightly less busy than this but model tryouts for the Spring catologue is tomorrow and every girl wants to be wearing one of the shops designs when she comes for the interview."

I laughed, "I think every girl's dream is to model...Very few take it seriously. Being punctual. Taking care of your body. Choosing the right walk and moves to show off what you're wearing without overdoing it. I'm sure this is a hard time for you."

"It's hard but I definitely enjoy it. The best part of my job is when I get to tell a young girl who has never done modelling before that she has the job."


I touched the birdies back. It was as soft as velvet. The feathers were so beautiful and the way the colors mixed between lights and darks was extraordinary. The blue jay chirped and I giggled.

"So...Do you feel a little bit calmer?"

"Uh...a bit..It's weird having to walk again...I think I had almost forgotten how to do that."

I laughed. "Well, all your concentration is on walking then, right? So it doesn't make you think of the million things around you. So it makes you calmer!"

"Yeah...I actually felt like I was going to fall after the first step, but now I just need to make sure I don't trip."

Part 46:

I smiled. "I love you very very very very much too."


"Am I too jumpy right now? I blame the cuteness overdose."

"Me or him?" I asked pointing at Aden who seemed to be delighted that he got a new chewing toy.


"Both of you ... and hence, the overdose....I love kids....I know I said that  a lot before, but...I needed to get that out of my system right now."

I laughed and tried to take away the ruined pillow from Aden.


Stubbornly, he stuck to it. "Now I wanna say "Like mommy like son". "

Gale and I walked to the office and knocked.
"I never got to the vile, a friend of mine forced me back."


I kissed her hand, then said, "Gale needs us. Let's go to their rooms."



"If you give Gale a disease I swear I will kill you."
Gale was on the couch with Max, tense. Oh how I wish I could do this..

We came inside. ignoring Sebby, I walked over to Gale and started working right away.

"I hope you don't have anything wrong with dogs Sylvain." I said jokingly, poor Max had a evil glare towards Sylvain. When Jonathan came over to remove him, Max growled.
I silenced a laugh.

”puppies don't annoy me...besides I'm more of a danger to them than they are to me.”

"Ya you probably eat them. I bet you even have some in your freezer." I muttered, then looked at Dia, "So how much money is he paying you to act this way?"
Gale glared at me.


"Johnathan, you simple-minded, egotistical, idiotic, stupid shadowhunter better shut the hell up." I told him coldly.


I was going to say something back, but decided against it especially that Dia was doing that already.

"So it is a lot..You don't scare me Dia." I smirked, "And if your team doesn't hurry the hell up we're all dead. Or just not going to see the sun for a while."


"Maybe you should be. Once I get done with figuring out how my powers work you'll be sorry." I said crossing my arms.

”now now Dia. He's not worth it. Ignore him like I do.”

"Your fake powers?" I added with a big smirk.
"Jonathan if you don't shut up, I swear I will not even come close to you for a month." Gale said sternly.
"You couldn't last that long." I replied.
She laughed, "Watch me."


I found Val in a dress shop. Her and her fashion sense. I sat on a bench outside the shop and waited.

I was checking out dress when I noticed someone very familiar from the corner of my eye. matt was waiting outside the shop. I wasn't sure if I was angry, surprised or happy...I think the happy side too over. I walked casually outside and said, ” Came to help me with the shopping, Mattie?”


How did she... "My name not Mattie. My name" I said.

I laughed, ”We're bonded...I can feel you. Besides if you're not my husband, then I won't give you a kiss.” I said pretending to walk back inside.


"Fine. I came to protect you. Like my disguise?"


I chuckled, ”You're cute.” I said kissing him, ” and the kids? I'm an adult you know.”


"Hiding and being watched over."

I frowned a bit, ” I don't want you in trouble either...”

Part 48:


I hit her on the head with a cushion, "Seriously woman! Get a hold of yourself...And I thought I was a drama queen!"


"But.. But.. It's a puppy! And it's adorable!"


"He likes dogs...AS PETS!!!!...Geesh woman...You're sooo overemotional....oh! I have something that would make you feel better!" I went to the fridge and got a plate out, "BROWNIES!!!! You and I can eat from it and have a girl talk....Better?"


"Sure." I said stuffing my mouth with brownies. "How are you and Matt?"


"Pretty normal," I said taking a sip from my latte, "he saved me again....And well...we get to spend some more time with the kids....Malu....Do you think I'm...too....goody two shoes?"


I looked up from the brownies I was eating and stared at her before busting into laughter.


I glared at her, "What's so funny?"

"That question! And no, Val. You aren't.. unless you want to be."


"No!!!...It's just ever since...the Saffi incident...I've been thinking...You know...Maybe I'm...boring...Never mind." I said finally as I sipped more from my latte.

"Saffi incident?"

"You know...When...they kissed." I said it towards the end quietly.


It took me minute to get it. "Ah.. I see.. Weell, if he does cheat on you again, then don't cry about it like a little girl. Punch him in the face and kill the woman."


"I don't think he will...But I just...I...Let's change the topic shall we? I still owe you a wedding gift...Wanna go shopping?" I asked quickly changing the topic and standing up to put my cup away.

"Sure! Can we please get some garlic bread too? I'm starving!" I said eating my 20th piece of brownie.

"...How do you never gain weight I don't know. All those brownies and you're STARVING?...Not Hungry? Starving...But, sure!" I said picking up my purse, "Wearing comfy shoes?"

"I can almost hear my stomach growl and nope." I said showing her the killer heels I was wearing.


"Take comfy ones, then...One from mine. We're going to talk a lot... ALOT!"


"OK then. Why are we gonna talk a lot?" I said changing into much more comfortable sandals.Dang, she has a LOT of shoes..

"ooops meant walk...But we'll talk too." I said choosing a pair of shoes. "I know...My collection needs more varieties. I haven't been shopping too much lately."

"You haven't been shopping too much?" I asked disbelievingly.

"Yeah...If it weren't for Celest, it'd have been ... what...months since I bought any new outfits,"

"And how many times did you go shopping with her?"

"Once...Ever since we came here."

"OK, Fine. Let's go!" I said teleporting us to the mall.


"How did you know this was the one I would have chosen?" I asked dragging her to an italian restaurant first for the garlic bread. "How many would you want? 20? 30?"

"Well I didn't either!" I shot back.
Then Night appeared.
"Oh great my stalker is back. Sylvain, meet the ghost of Night. Gale's namesake, Rose's best friend." I said with a sharp tinge on my tongue.
She gave me a glare, "Both of you have the decision to when tell Gale this news. Rose is awake, and she's different now. As for Luke, he lead his life over to me willingly."

”I don't have anything to do with this. she's your fiance. you tell her.”

"Oh ya, that will go over WONDERFULLY!" I snapped, "Thanks to you she's been dancing around the room excited we're going to Paris, and she'll be able to meet her mother's friends!"

”And that's bad how exactly?”

"Because, that isn't like Gale. It's...cute.. ANYWAYS so now I'm going to have to tell Gale that her father is dead right before" I said, making sure Night was gone.
I hated ghosts

”I'm not good with these things..So don't expect any advice from me.”

I sighed, "I'm going to tell her after the wedding. Just try and keep your mouth shut." I said, leaving the room, "Oh and good luck with the body."


” burn it...or bury it?”....” Fine bury yet.””

"Okay, we'll start with the easiest: rabbits."

"Lead the way Einstein."

Dex tuned out all his senses except for hearing and walked, almost as if he were in a trance. He pointed at a bush. "There."

"So what? I try jump into the bush and kill it?"

"I want to see how good you are so that we can work from there. So do whatever you want."

"Fine." I said quietly walking over to the bush. I found a white rabbit behind it.

Dex leaned against a nearby tree and waited silently.

I stood there staring at the rabbit, not exactly sure of what to do.

Dex impatiently tapped his foot against the leaf-covered ground. You gonna kill it or what,he asked her mentally.

I.. I can't..

Why not?

Its.. its.. so.. innocent.. and cute..

Dex snorted. How did I know this would happen?

"Much better." Aden finally caught a rain drop in his little hand. He stared at it for a while before trying to eat his hand

I laughed at Aden, ” awwww cute!!! He's trying to eat it!”

I laughed as well and then looked behind me and found Elric making mud castles. "He's gonna get a cold for sure.."

”nooo...then Let's go home. I won't forgive myself if he does.”

"Relax! We can go if you want.. Oh and let's go to Paris and stay with Val for a while."

”oh...okay...are you and Val close?” I said teleporting us to the chalet first to pack somethings for Elric and Aden

I started packing clothes. "Yup. Very close, I guess."
I helped Elric get dry and changed. He was sniffing the whole time and his nose was red.

I made Elric a quick cup of hot cocoa, ” how.long have you girls been friends? and Mattie?”

"For a few months and Matt.. We aren't exactly friends."

I smiled, ” I'm not the only one then? he's soooo tight! Are we ready?” I looked to Elric, ” Feeling any better?”

Elric nodded his head. "Agreed. Let's go."

I was in the kitchen making food for Eva when Malu and Tellis with the kids appeared there, ”Food?” I asked chuckling.

Part 49:

"My pleasure." I said leading her into a big room full of dummies and targets. "Archery training."

I stood up on a high ledge and took a few pictures, "In the beginning,, you think they're normal...but then you notice how incredibly fast they shoot them...Amazing!"

"Suppose too. He made a deal with some demon but it didn't work out."

"Interesting...You and Val could come back to the castle now, by the way...The danger I had warned you about is over."

"You were just shopping for bigger jeans!!!...Come on! The sooner the better. Tellis would be overjoyed! Elric, too. I'm going to help you. No need to worry!"

"I hate fat jeans.." I sighed. "Fine.. I want cake. Loads and loads of cake."

I laughed hard, "That's more like it. Let's head home and I'll make you all the cake you want...Or we could buy some if you prefer that. Oh G..I mean...Can you believe the horror Sylvain would feel?"

"He'll freak out.' I teleported us to the hotel. "I'll scream at him later. Can you make chocolate action figures?"

I blinked at her a couple times, before saying, "Me? Action Figures?" I rubbed the back of my head as I said taking her to the kitchen, "...I suppose I can try..."

"Great! I want a tiny figure of Batman! And Oh how about the new superhero. The one that is very popular with the teens these days.. I think she's called Sneaky sneaky Amor." I said taking a bite out of an apple.

I looked at her with an eyebrow raised, "Someone is stealing my catchphrase?" I looked at the chocolate and tried to make batman out of them. Actually it turned out to be really fun!

I let out a fake gasp. "Your sneaky sneaky amor?" After a few minutes, the whole fruit basket was empty.

"Yeah! Does this look anything like batman?" I asked

"Whoa! That is cool! Where's Tellis and Elric?"

I felt victorious with my batman figure. Smiling at my new victory, I mumbled, "Maybe with Matt?...See the next room."

"Okay." I stood up and walked towards the room. But before I did, I took the batman figure from Val and ate it.

I pouted at her. I actually felt hurt she ate it so fast, "But...but...I wanted to take a picture of it first."

I saw Malu coming from the kitchen, "If it isn't the newly married bride. Honeymoon over already?...Much to my dismay?"

I glared at him. "Yup and I'm prego.. with triplets so be ready to see little mini versions of me and Tellis running around here."

"From what my sources told me...You were not pregnant the last time...So I'm not about to believe you now, my dear Malu."

I came to the other room still pouting at her

"Sorry about the figurine." I said to Val and then laughed at Sylvain.
"Val, Am I prego?" I asked her
"Yeah...And she ate my figurine, too...If she weren't pregnant, I'd have been hitting her with a pillow right now." I said throwing myself on the sofa.

I looked at her and asked, "With triplets?"
Val looked at Malu, then at me and shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe? She's been eating like it."
I gulped and said slowly, "I need to take precautions..." Then, in my normal voice, I asked
Malu, "I was wondering if anyone else could know the code of your mother, Malu? Someone brought back Valerie's father from the dead escaping the reaper...Any ideas as to who did it?"

"How am I supposed to know? I'm not God." I started eating some grapes that were on a table near by.

"I know you're not...I mean...You won't have any ideas that could give us a lead to start our investigation with?"

"Why do you always ask me for help?"

I was confused, "Well...You're a lockhart...And your mother knew the code,  so you're an obvious person to ask."

"WHY ME?! Oh wait.. you already answered that.. Urmm. then.. WHY NOT ME?!"

I looked at Matt and raised an eyebrow. Looking back to her again, "I'm afraid I'm lost."

I was quiet for a while, then just couldn't take it anymore and started laughing

"Ya think? This is worse than the time the chicken laid golden eggs!"


"I love you mommy!" He said smiling, "I'll give you my spare chocolate."
I looked at him, "That would explain the weird sugar rushes you got when we weren't looking."
He pouted to me, but I smiled, "Just be careful. Eat well now...Warm food will make you better faster."

"My son going on sugar rushes? Alone?" I felt like crying.
"He's growing up too fast.." I said to Tellis.


I laughed and gave her a hug, "There there. We knew this day would come."
Val shook her head disbelievingly smiling.
"About twins! We should think of two boy names...and another girl name!"

"Aden and Adrien? Or is it too matching? Sara and.. Naia?"

"I think they're perfect!"

"I love them!!!Can't wait to see what we're going to have."

"Really? I really wanted to name one of our children after your mom."


I kissed her on the cheek, "I love you."
Sylvain gave us a disappoving look, "Why don't you two find a room? I'm sure there are plenty with no people eating in them."

I started kissing Tellis just to annoy Sylvain.


I chuckled at them. Seriously why did our friends have to be so impossible.

"...Well, it seems like I'll have to ignore you then...That won't be very hard....Actually, it won't be hard at all."

I pushed Tellis away and glared at Sylvain. "We'll see about that!"

Seems like someone has to make a stand.
"People! No bickering on the dining table!...You're acting like kids...Actually the kids are acting more mature than you do!"
Aury looked at them and said, "Same on you."
I couldn't help but chuckle, '"Yeah..Shame on you!"

"Yes. Shame on you Sylvain!"


I gave her a look, "Your dessert is in my hands, you know...I'd stop it if I were you!"

Malu:"But.. but.. I'm pregnant!"

"That's why you should stop arguing. Too much negativity in the air."

"Fine. Can we eat? I'm starving!"
"Bonne apetit everyone!" I said and immediately Malu dug in. That's why I loved her when she was pregnant!

I finished eating after five minutes and in those 5 minutes, I had eaten more than anyone sitting at the table.


I smiled to her and went to the kitchen to bring a chocolate cheesecake with whipped cream.

"I love you.." I said as I took a bite out of the cheesecake.


"You love her more than you love me?!!!"

"I'm talking to the cheesecake."

I had checked every room, every hallway and no Sylvain.
"Perfect" I muttered, smirking.
Walking out the castle door, I walked to my house. Time to get the place up and going.

"Three meals a week? I'm surprised you didn't die.."

"If you have something since you were born, you get used to it. There were some weeks in winter when all we had was seeds and some non-poisonous berries if we were lucky."

"Wow... Weeell. I'll make sure that never happens again.."

"It's kind of impossible to stop it from happening again if you live here."

"Not when a warlock is around!"

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-04-04 19:59:43)


#255 2013-02-26 17:29:59

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Thanks for the wedding scene. :]

______________________ Valentines day ___________________________


"I'll go get it!!" Hanna nearly screamed, jumping out of the chair she was sitting on and running out of the room to get the phone. Me and Tellis exchanged a look.

The dining table was right next to the window and below the tree house, we could see Elric's 'fans' gathering with boxes of chocolates and roses.

"WE LOVE YOU ELRIC!!!" One of them shouted. Elric groaned and banged his head on the wall. "When will this end?.."

"I say enjoy it!" I said looking out of the window. "Share some chocolate with me too.. Tis the season to be jolly!"

"It's only Valentines day! It's not even an official holiday!" Right at that second, Hanna came into the room singing and dancing. She looked like she was floating on air. She ruffled Elric's hair as she sat down.

"I love love!" She beamed.

"I'm guessing that was Nathan." Tellis asked taking a sip of coffee.

"Who else could it be? She's practically drooling over him." Elric said, running his hand through his hair to fix it. What is with men in love with hair in this family?!

"Am not!" Hanna stuck her tongue out at Elric. If you had told me that 10 years ago, when we first adopted Hanna, that she would be the most energetic and cheerful person in the family, I wouldn't of believed you. I guess watching her father die helped..

"Are too!" Elric stuck his tongue out too. "You never stop talking about him!"

"And you never stop talking about Eva." Me, Tellis and Hanna, all of us, said together. Elric blushed a little. His fans were now throwing roses at the window.


Weeeell.. I'm stuck.. I'll continue this later.. someday..

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#256 2013-02-26 17:58:58

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 12088

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

I love this so much <333
"I'm pure at heart, it repels the dirt" - Mortal Instruments
My photography: … 33&p=1

#257 2013-02-26 21:55:29

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

MALU! I love you!!!
Want more!

Okay girlies! So changed the order of the above posts a bit...Now they're organized like this...For now:

Post one: Parts 1 - 19
Post Two: 20 - 30
Post Three: 31 - 49
This post: 50 onwards

New scenes added:
Part 6: Matt's proposal!
Part 7: Matt and Val training after Alex's death - Leo toys with Valentine - Shade, Blaze and Angel with Blaze's bloodlust
Part 8: Val reuniting with the girls at the cabin and first time they meet Matt
Part 18: Matt and Val shopping for the baby -
Part 40: Zoye, Malu and Val just before Malu's wedding - Sylvain and Dia
Part 41: Adelle and Louie scene - Jemyra and Vana scene - Dia and Sylvain right after she got her emotions
Part 46: matt in disguise! - Sylvain, Jonathan, Dia and Gale
Part 48: Sylvain and Jonathan talk about Gale - Malu, Tellis and the kids
Part 49: Dinner with Val, Matt, Sylvain, Tellis, Malu and the kids - Fluff between Cali and Dex
Part 50: Malu and Val when Marie tried to kill them - Val and Dia talk - Sylvain and Matt talk - Malu and Tellis fluff - Calli and Dex - Jason an Saffi
Part 53: Dia and Janelle taking pics - Val convincing Leo to adopt  Call and Dex and Antarcatica
Part 55: Lucian letting Eva go
Part 56: Dia and Sylvain talking about postponing the wedding - Matt, Val, Angel and Rel about Lucian - Gale and Miranda - Lily and Leo(Brief)
Part 58: Lucian, Lily, Val and Matt when he put the touching and blindness curses on Eva

Part 50:

"Oh...Out in the open...That would surely feel weird....Is she famous?"


"I'm not sure but we're at least giving her a chance."

"I guess we could always start with someone that will become big as we get more popular...Most famous journalists wouldn't want to mess their reputation up by speaking up against the current...Any idea when the article is going to be out?"


"She doesn't seem like she's doing it just to do it. I think she's trying to prove something but I don't know what. I have no idea when it'll be out but here's the draft she sent me." I said showing Val the e-mail.


I read it, "She sure is trying to prove something...She uses 'I' a lot...But it's okay. If she really is doing that to prove something, then we can use it to our advantage...She'd be ready to take risks."


"I hope that we can. She proves herself trustworthy for right now."

"Sylvain trusts her? A Mundane?...Are you sure?"


"Not Sylvain, me. I trust people, especially mundanes, a little easier than he does."

"I know...I've known him for a long while now...Hmm...Is there something Matt and I could help with?"


"I don't know. We could always ask Sylvain."

"mm...Never mind. Let's enjoy your moment!!! Have you told Saffi yet?"


"No. I haven't seen Saffi since she took me to the castle. She just kinda...disappeared."

"She seems like a wild spirit...Have you tried mentally contacting her?"


"No I haven't."

"Well...Do it! She's your sister and in a way she's the reason you met Sylvain."


"I don't know how. All my mind convo's started with Sylvain."

Smiling, I said, "Congratulations! Already missing the long sleepless nights? I'm sure you'd be great, though. Tellis and Malu...Now that's another story."


"I just miss having a baby of my own."


"I have never been a father before...But I saw you with your kids. It must be a great feeling. Will the kids be okay with a little sibling?"


"Eva loves being a big sister and Aury could use a little partner. I'm sure they'll be fine with it."


"It seems like everything's planned then. Can't wait to hear the good news soon. Oh...I wanted to ask your opinion about this." I said showing him the article. I had sent myself a copy from the email Dia got.


"It's good. Real good. Is this that person who's doing the article for you guys? Who told her that we sparkle?"

I chuckled," I know. Dia and I already sent to her about that. I think she was referring to the popular representation of us nowadays. And she is....I did some research about her and from what I've heard, she's not big and has left several newspapers who refused her articles about the 'mythical' creatures existence."


"What if these get tossed to the wind as well, then?"

"Which is what I was thinking of...I was thinking of buying one of the major newspapers and making sure this gets accepted...Also, of bringing some downworlders to the celebrity world and making sure they're known to be downworlders....But this latter one, I'm still hesitant."


"Val modeled if that could help....celebrity wise would be really hard."

"...I know. I don't want to put anyone in danger...I was thinking of doing it myself...But now that Dia and I are engaged, things got...complicated."


"That's is awfully dangerous now that's it not only you. Maybe somebody else may be willing. I have an act for anything, Val models, Tellis is like a magician, I'm sure there's somebody you could use. Even if it's Leo in cage fighting. Nobody will beat her.

"I know...We have a lot of talents...But for example, would you feel safe putting Val in the public's eye as an out-in-the-open vampire? I can't do that. It would endanger her life as well as yours and the kids...And now that you're planning on another kid...I can't."


"True...what about Leo then? She's the kind of person that wouldn't mind doing anything like that."

I thought for a second, then said smirking, "And I think she still owes me for what she did...Not a bad idea, my friend."


"She owes you?"


”huh? No...why?”

"I don't know.. I just do.. Tellis.. Are you sure you want to have kids? It's gonna change our lives.. a lot.."
I noticed something out of the corner of my eyes. Not again.

I made her look directly into my eyes, "Even if it does change our lives, I want to make that change...With you...It's going to be a good change."

I smiled but my smile faded as someone started coming close to me. "Tellis do you see someone other than us in the room?"
I knew he didn't but I just wanted to make sure. She sat down in-front of me, smiling. Her long brown hair reached up to her waist and her eyes were grayish blue.

Dex raised one eyebrow and nodded. He stood up and said, "Don't you miss your old life? Are you sure you want to go even further away from them?"

"No. I don't miss my old life at all. I'd rather be here." I said opening a portal to Antarctica.

"Okay, but get ready for the cold." Dex said, grinning, and he stepped through the portal. When he stepped out again he was in a dry, barren land. All he could see was white. The sky was white, the ground was white, the group of animals in the distance were white. Though he didn't feel the temperature - being a vampire, he could taste the cold air.

I stepped into the portal and stepped back out. "OK. That is waaay too cold. It's your turn by the way, Truth or dare?"

"Hmm... okay, I'll step up to the challenge. Dare." Dex looked around. There was nothing but ice and snow. A world devoid of all greenery and life.

Jason smiled and kept running. Soon they weren't in the Forest anymore. He stopped when he saw a huge mountain jutting out of the land ahead of them. "There's our problem, when we're trying to get to the fairy cave. That's a werewolf mountain, and they hate vampires. They'll kill us if we set foot on their territory."


"A werewolf mountain? did you get by when you were younger?"

"When I was younger I wasn't a vampire. They don't care if mundanes pass through."

Malu: "Oh.. That's boring. Are we going in?"

"Uh...I haven't gone in since they were dead...Do you want to?"

"Yup. Lead the way."

I opened the gate and we went inside. It was kinda creepy since it was empty like that, I opened the main door and said, "Uh...I haven't been here in a while...There might be dust....Oh...And other things."
What I didn't expect however was to see an old woman in there. I stood there staring at her and she staring back at me.

"Uhh.. Hi? Hello? Who are you?" I asked the old woman.

The woman started saying in a thick accent, "Who are you? You're not allowed here. This is my master and mistress's mansion. Private property."
"With all due respect, no one's been living here for years." I started saying only to have her look at me more and then gasp. I looked at Malu, "What did I say?""

"Uh.. Have no idea..." The woman looked shocked.

She started walking up to me and out of instinct, I took a few steps back, then she touched my face with her withering fingers and said, "Val...It's you."
I raised an eyebrow, "How did you know my name?"
"You don't remember me?...I'm Mary..."
I was lost for a second, then I remembered. "Mary...You were the youngest of my grandparents' staff."
She nodded and said smiling a little, "I'm not so young anymore...I come here to put flowers for their souls and leave...How about you and your friend come to my house and have a cup of tea?"

"And cake?"

Mary smiled and said, "Cookies and cupcakes." She started leading the way slowly...I was supposed to be of the same age as her, but now look at us...Something is weird, though?

"Oooh yum. Hi. I'm Malu."

Mary smiled and said, "And I'm Mary...But you already know that. You're pregnant?"
I asked Malu mentally, Shouldn't she be scared or worried that I'm still of the same age as when she last saw me?

"Yup. With twins!" I smiled at her. "Do you have any kids?"
Maybe she knows about Downworlders..

She sighed, "No...Sadly, it's too late, though."
I shrugged and she led us to her house. It was a bit dusty and there were cobwebs here and there...Maybe she's too old to clean the house now.
"Please make yourself comfortable," she said as she went to the kitchen.

"Hm.." I recited a spell and in a few seconds, the whole room was clean and all the furniture looked brand new.


I smiled to Malu, "You and your kind heart."
I stood up and walked to the a corner where there was a small photo frame with Mary in it. "Look...This was at my and Matt's first wedding."

"Oooh. You look pretty.."

I smiled, "That's grandma..."
"She was an amazing woman," said Mary. Her voice was a bit choked as she talked. She composed herself and started pouring the tea, "She was like the mother I never had."
I nodded, "She was very kind...That's true."
"She didn't deserve to die like that," Mary said sipping a bit from her tea.

"How did she die again?"

Mary gave me a look and said, "Valerie returned to her grandparents after her failed marriage. Her father was visiting and when he saw her, he got angry because of how she ruined his career and reputation. As he was drunk as always, he tried to attack Valerie with bottle of alcohol and before we knew it, the whole house caught fire. Master and Mrs. Endre died along with their son, Valerie's father."
As she talked, her tone caught anger and she looked me directly in the eye.

I saw the way she was looking at Val. "Are you mad at Val or her father?"

"Yeah Mary...Are you?"
Mary hmphed, "I'm not entitled to be mad at you. You're their granddaughter after all...Even though, it's your fault they died."
I glared at her, "You know I didn't want this to happen."
"But you came back...Even though, you knew how dangerous you were to them. To everyone....After that monster changed you."
"Don't you dare talk about him like that?"
"I can talk about him however I want. He changed you to a monster. And because of you, I lost the only family I've ever had. I lived sixty years in mourning for them...Where were you? Partying off somewhere?"

"Ouch.. This just got more interesting.." I said sitting down and drinking some tea.

I chuckled, "I beg your pardon. I lived in Paris. I came to visit their graves every weekend."
"I went there every day!"
"...My grandparents would have wanted me to move on."
"Yeah...Tell yourself that. You were nothing but a dishonor to the whole family. For years, I've seen you come to us with nothing but bad news. When was the last time you did anything to make them proud? Instead of marrying a high class person, you went and fell in love with a biker...And not only that, but he wasn't even human."
"Don't talk about Matt like that."
"Oh yeah, right. Matt was his name. I forgot the monster had a name."
I was starting to get angrier by the second, "Why did you pretend to like me and asked me here if you're so angry at me like that?"
'It's payback...They're on their way."
"Who...Who're you talking about?"
"Those ...what were they called? Oh yeah Shadow hunters. They'll kill you and ... justice will finally take its place."

"WHAT?!" I said nearly dropping the cookie I was eating. "Val! Let's get outta here!"

Part 51:


You sure do like to beg a lot. What's so wrong with a little nightmare or two?

Lucian, no! She's had enough. She's already living a nightmare. Please...I felt tears starting in my eyes.

I noticed the change in the way Val moved. He was getting at her.
"Don't listen to him." I told her, "He wants you to do this."
"Yes, this man is a monster, but I bet he's never had a family like you do." I said to Eva, "So in a way I feel sorry for him."


She hasn't seen a genuine nightmare yet.

Stop it, Lucian. STOP IT!
I sent back to Lily, Every threat he makes becomes true. I don't want my daughter to see any more pain...How could I not listen to him?

I never wanted to kill someone so bad in my life.
"Think about your new baby on the way," I sent back, "Think about how beautiful and handsome your children will be. How big of an ego your husband has. I promise whatever happens to Eva I swear I will protect her. Loyal dog."
I sighed, "You know what might work?" I asked Eva, "Cause I have something that will make the dreams go away."


I tried to take a deep breath to calm myself down. I heard Eva ask her so eagerly, "What could help, Auntie Lily?"

"Well their called dream catchers. Native American's made them to fight away bad dreams." I said, "My grandmother was a Indian and she taught me how to make them."
"Val..This actually might work." I sent.

I'm open for any ideas...How do you make those?
Eva looked at her with wide eyes, "You'll make one for me?"


Dreamcatchers? I've never seen those work. it was time to show them I'm not a guy worth messing with. I closed my eyes and recited an old spell. A yellow mist twirled around me and then disappeared. That should do it. She's blind now.

"Of course I can." I said to Eva.
"Just wood, string, feathers.." I sent back
Then I saw her eyes get cloudy.
"Bloody hell!" I muttered, "Val! She's blind!"


I was about to send her a reply back, when I heard Eva screaming. I looked at her and she started to say a lot of incoherent things...Then, eventually, she said, "I can't see, mommy.  Daddy, I can't see."
And right then, I felt like my whole world came crashing down.
Wh...What did you do?....You're going to pay for this. I swear I'm going to KILL YOU.
Matt parked by the side of the street we were driving through and got down to check up on Eva. I heard them vaguely talk to her, but I couldn't make out what they were saying....I couldn't believe what just happened.

I opened my mind up, if he wanted business he was going to get it.
"Val, make a deal with him!" I sent to her, "Tell him I'll go to this guy, and I'll be his slave, anything!"
I hugged Eva close to me, "You'll be fine hunny, nothing is going to happen to you. I'm right here."

I tried...I even offered my soul to him...He wants nothing but revenge....Nothing but to torture me and Eva and ... It's all my fault. I wished I could hug Eva to me right now, but I...I couldn't even comfort her through all of this....

"Send him to me, I'll try to make a deal with him." I sent to Val. Still hugging onto Eva.

He can see through your mind...He can see everything...He can hear you...I wish I was dead....It would make everything much easier...For everyone...


How do you plan on killing somebody you can't find? Tell Lily that nothing will work. She can try all she wants.

"Come on woman!" I sent back, "You have to be strong! Eva, she needs you, and you can be there for her! Your unborn baby needs you! Aury needs you!"
I got really angery, "Who ever you are, come to me! If you want to hurt Eva more, take me! Stop being a hell of a coward! Your worse then Sylvain and Sebastian Morgernstern."


I gulped and sent Lily, He says nothing will work and you could try all you want. I took a scarf I was wearing and tried to touch Eva's hand through it and see if it would hurt her or not.

"Eva, your mom wants to touch you, I need you to trust me." I whispered to her, then picked her arm up to Val.


When she didn't seem to scream, I got out of the car and headed to where she and Lily were sitting and tried to hug her slowly using a jacket in between us. "Eva, if you feel anything, just say so, sweety. We're here. We're all here."

I watched the two, patting Eva's back, "Your going to be okay Eva."
"Your such a coward.." I sent openly, if he really was listening.


I spoke to both girls: Good job, Lilyan and Valerie. You got around my touch spell. Now can you fix the blindness?

SHUT UP! I pushed his voice to the back of my head and hugged Eva to me and started talking in as calm of a voice as I could, "There there sweety. Everything will be okay. Daddy, Auntie Leo, Auntie Lily and I will find a way. We always do, don't we?"
She was crying hard into me. It didn't seem like there was anything we could do.
Matt, could you drive us home quick? I want her to be able to rest.

"I can try you hell of a coward!" I sent back almost in a scream.
"Val, if you need, or want more protection, I can get Siv and his pack to watch out 24/7." I sent,"He won't even make himself visible if you want to."


I looked behind me, "Uh...Malu...I didn't know pregnancy caused hallucinations...Are you okay?" I asked feeling her forehead, "You're not too warm."

"Oh. I'm fine. She appears from time to time.." I said taking out some cheesecake from the refrigerator.

"And you're not worried? Why can't she rest in peace? Something is troubling her...Want me to get Eva?"

"Ohh.. I'm scared.. She appears when bad things are gonna happen.."

"No no no. Don't think like that!...Uh...Does she ever speak to you?"


"Last time she appeared was when Violet died.. the time before that was when Llyr was taken away.. Something bad is gonna happen, Val. She does talk to me but rarely.." I said looking at 'mom' staring outside the window.


"No no no! Don't think like that, got it!!!!"


"What am I a curse?" I heard 'mom' asking.
"Something like that.." I muttered. "Let's go check on the kids, Val.."

"Val.. I'm freaking out.. What if something happens again?"


I was really getting worried myself, but I put on my best smile and said putting my hands on her shoulders, "Don't worry. We're all with you this time. Nothing is going to happen."

"Do you really believe her?" A voice whispered into my ear. I gulped.
"I hope not.. So um.. Have you and Matt thought of names?" I asked changing the subject.


I was kinda surprised by the sudden change in the topic, "Well...Matt said several times that he likes the name 'Chad'. For a girl, we still need to think. But anyway, we still have a lot of time. I'm not pregnant yet."

"Really? Oh. We can go check later if you want.. Where are you planning to live?"
"Changing the subject and ignoring me?" Mom said with a fake gasp.


I noticed how her face changes...She was hiding something, "Matt and I talked to Sylvain. We're setting up an hq for the Purists here...since I want to stay here...In Paris. We might go check a mansion out later today to see if we like it as a home."


"Tellis and I are planning on living in a tree house, in the forest. He's there building it now."


My face fell, "We're going to leave far from each other?...But you're still going to be in Paris, right?"

"Of course I am." I smiled at her.
"Don't make promises you can't keep, Darling." Mom said walking beside me,


I decided I couldn't take it anymore and asked her, "Is she talking to you?"


"Technically I'm marrying into royalty." I said laughing. Then Matthew and Sylvain appeared with Leo and Lily. "Boys have fun?"


I glared at her. "Looks like it since I'm chained up and sober across your pain in the butts shoulder."

I kissed Dia's head and placed Leo on the couch, "We caught our little mouse...And Leo, I'd have gotten you into something other than cage fighting, but...what kind of talents do you have?"


"Talents? Let's see...I can kick your sorry butt, hypnotize people, play mind games, anything horribly bad I'm normally good at. Can I get some whiskey?"


"Fiesty." I muttered.


I dropped Lily, not easily, on the recliner. "Stay."

"Uh...But we want you to be popular...Not the number one hated person in the world. Cage fighting it is!...Unless Dia has another idea or something?"


"You do know that if you put me in a cage with some sorry excuse for a mundane he or she will make it out with broken bones and being left for dead? I don't play nice. Can I get that whiskey now?"


"Anyway Val could straighten her up and make her model?"

I heard Dia talk to me and I looked at Leo, "I'd love to...But if she allows me to...Leo's my friend, you know...And NO WHISKEY!" I took Malu to the other room to look for the kids. I gave Matt a quick kiss as I left the room.

I smiled at Leo, "You WILL allow her."


"Over my already dead dead body."


I gave her a look and said, "If you don't....I'll have to use my powers."

Part 52:


I glared at her as I opened my mouth to say something, then decided against it and threw my head back staring at the ceiling. I felt soooo wiped out. Sooo out of energy.

I watched her flip her hair like a little princess, "Wow, you really act like a bloody queen. Lets find a place to go Leo, and a bar would be amazing."

"I don't think that's a good idea. Sylvain would be pissed and to be honest, I'm too tired of hearing all the shouting and the arguments...Besides, you can't even walk or stand straight. I don't think so."

I glared at her, "I am perfectly fine, thank you very much, blood sucker." I said, "The doors might be locked, but those hinges can come off easily."
Then I transformed right in front of her, "Don't push me."


"Please, Val? I need to get out of here and I don't give a damn about Sylvain. I'm having to do what he wants." I begged, then turned to Lily. "She does, metaphorically."

I walked close to Val, "Let us go, and I won't hurt you."

I sighed and looked at Leo, "...But what if you get into trouble? Leo...Lily here doesn't seem to be thinking straight and if I let you go, you'll get drunk, too! Both of you drunk together and alone...I can't do that!!!! And I can't see you drink either..."

I rolled my eyes, "Why do you care so much?!" I snapped, going back into human form.

"I don't know...I really don't know, okay? Pleeeease stay here!"

I sighed and glared at her, "You really need to find the magic of the drink Miss Proper."


"She cares because we're friends."


I smiled to Leo, then said to Lily, "I hate drinking because I got too acquainted with it...My father was a drunk."

"And me and my brother where both abused to the point where we had to run away. No alcohol in my family either." I said, "Ya, childhoods suck."

"Yeaaaah...sometimes...So, yeah, I don't tolerate drinking... Even Matt is not allowed to drink."

I rolled my eyes, "It's calming though, gives every day life a little extra boost." I said, smirking.

"I find my boost in feeling things...In feeling alive...trying to change other people's lives...You may laugh now. I know you want to."

"Prim I've wanted to laugh at you all, except for Leo cause she's the only one here that has a half right head set." I said, giving a little laugh, playing with the locket on my neck.


I rolled my eyes and said, "May I see the locket? It's beautiful....And since I'm such a goody-two-shoes, you should know I won't steal it."

I looked at her, and tensed up. I had never ever taken this necklace off. Ever. Why was it such a big deal?! Quickly I took it off and passed it to her.
"A gift from a ex, or as you know him Siv."


I looked at the necklace, "It's pretty...Designed by elves?...Do you still like him?"


Eyna tuned out the couple, but focused on others. Then she caught something.
"Designed by el... still like him?"
Eyna stood and followed the voice. She stopped. She looked at the door. El... Elfs? This could be good. She raised her fist and knocked.

I burst out laughing, but my expression wasn't.
"Ya right! It was just a little fling, now that man wants to kill me for betraying the pack."


"Oh reeeally?...Look me in the eye and tell me you don't like him anymore."
I heard a knock and went to answer it, but said to her as I walked, "Hold that thought till I see who's by the door."


"Our wedding will be white and jade."


I smiled, "I'm guessing you've talked to Val about it? I think it will be beautiful."


"I thought so too..." I said trailing as I got interested in a lock of his hair.

I brought her face closer to me and started kissing her. I love you.

"We could always find a loophole in this." I said to no one in particular. We were walking deeper into the forest. "That is out of the question. We have to hunt for this...this...what ever we are looking for." Vana said. "I second that! We need to hunt! Its a good way to exercise the mind and body. We'll also be considered heroes! Daredevils of the Fairy Realm!" Rel added.


To Eyna there was nothing worse then stepping into a place of drunken people. And other. However, it was also one of the best places. It was like a horrible and awful party. Eyna entered a hotel suite to casually spend her time. and glanced around carelessly. She took a seat and looked at a woman next to a very drunk man. She silently eavesdropped on the two.

Tyler Lynn:

Tyler didn't know what to do. She wanted to live her own life. And Angel was taking her around everywhere. Angel was sweet, but she wasn't extremely inviting. It's time to leave. She cast a transportation spell.
Ty looked around. She was... it didn't matter. She needed energy. She sat on the ground and allowed her body to simply drift into sleep. 

I was enjoying a sweet quiet night with Dia when I heard a knock on the door. I sighed, gave her a quick kiss and put on my jacket and went to see who was it. It was Mace.
"Sir...We found that Tyler girl...sleeping on the castle grounds.'''
"Tyler...again?...Could you please bring her to my office?" He nodded. I turned around to Dia and bowed slightly throwing a rose to her, "I'll be back my love."

Tyler Lynn:

Tyler cracked her eyes open. Dear god, no... she knew this place.

I sat at my desk with my arms crossed, "Great. Finally you woke up. After disappearing without a trace, you show up again on the grounds...sleeping...Hello again Tyler."

Part 53:


"Those pictures are fine. You're good at taking pics that won't give us away."


I laughed, "I try...Jake is better than me though. He's the one that taught me."


"How sweet."

"I know...Jake, shall we go now?"


"I can teleport you guys to wherever you need to go."


"Could you please teleport us to where you picked us?"


I did as she asked. "I hope you got some things you could use out of that experience."


"More than you think. I assure you you'll love the new article."


"I hope so. I must get back. Have a lovely day." I then, teleported.


Jake and I went to the car and out on our date.


"I'm a hundred years old. How much experience do I need?"


"How many kids did you take care of and for how long?"


"I've dealt with kids after Shadow killed their parents. I changed a lot of them."


"But not long enough to make a bond?"


"Bonding only brings pain."

" need bonding or you get worse pain...Matt, am I right?"


" is a big help."


"See? I don't really need bonding."


I shook my head, "Leoooo...I really want you to have a...happier life."


"I know you do, Val, but I don't deserve it."

"You do... We all do...I won't  give up on you!"


It was the middle of the day and I was trying to stay hidden. I didn't need to be noticed by the family I was after. Valerie Endre was a very popular vampire and I needed what she could do. She's my only way of defeating Sylvain and taking over his army. I stayed hidden, using my extremely well hearing to listen in on everything they were saying.



"Because you're my friend...duuuh."


"About that...sorry for the acquaintance comment earlier. Lily's judgmental about vampires. She only likes me cause I'm half."

”oh,that...never mind about it...she's not so bad by the way.” I looked at,Matt, ”you don't like her though.”


I shrugged. "She's feisty with lots of attitude. Reminds me a lot of Leo. I can see why they get along."
"I'm here you know." Leo said.
"I know."

Lucian: they have little miss Leonora there. I remember that voice from my visits to Shadow. Things just got interesting.

”Ah you least you're not killing each other...”


"We could be. I wouldn't feel any different if I got up and strangled him right now."

"And I wouldn't allow that!" I said standing up and sitting on Matt's lap with my arms around him, "You're my friend and he's my husband. And you two should get along!"


"Not after she brain washed me, making me hurt you." I said wrapping my arms around her waist.
"It was a game! I was bored."
"It wasn't a fun game."
"It was to me."


Does she always bicker like this? Geez, women. Valerie...always trying to keep a situation calm even though she has a fire that burns inside her and wants to be released. Tsk tsk....Matthew may be a problem.

"Come on people...It's all in the past. I'm not hurt anymore and you and I, Matt. We're together now. We have a family and everything is great." I said kissing him on the cheek. "...As for Leo, she's soooo gonna be in love with modeling when I'm done with her and she's sooo gonna have a great happy life, too. Everything is going to be amazing!"


"Yeah...amazing." I said rolling my eyes.

”you should be more cheerful! Ah you know. When Matt and I have our new baby, you're going to help me with see if you your own.”


"Wait....when did I say I wanted to be appointed babysitter of your new brat?"


Another child? Doesn't that make things easier. They'll be too worried about the baby plus their other two children to notice me.

When I was done throwing up, some guy came up behind me.
"You going to kill me? Take advantage of me?" I asked, "Cause just kill me."
I looked up into beautiful blue eyes.
"Lily, you've lost it." The guy muttered.
As I blacked out I felt the guys arms come around me, lifting me up.
"Kelly, lets go." The voice said, then I blacked out.

When we came back from our trip, Jonathan just came out of the shower.
Miranda glared at him, "You have bad blood. Sylvain has good."
Jonathan stared wide eyed at her, "You've got to be kidding me."
I smiled, "We picked some berries, went for a walk, right Miranda?"
She grinned ear to ear.
"Oh we got a new room to." I said as he rubbed his wet hair with a towel.
"Honeymoon suite?"
"No so Miranda can have a room."
"Bloody hell.." He muttered.


Things had calmed down a lot and Jason and I needed our space. We went back to the forest to spend some time alone together.

Part 54:


I gave her a number to call. "It's untraceable, so don't even try. You won't have long and I'll be listening on.


"He what!?!"


I took my phone out and dialed the number and turned the speaker on for us both to be able to talk to her and listen to her voice. The few seconds it took to ring were the longest seconds I've ever had to wait for.


"Glad to see you actually called. One minute." I put my hand over the speaker and said to Eva, "Somebody wants to talk to you." I put the phone to her ear.
"Mommy, is that you?"

"Eva...Sweety, it's us. Your daddy and I...Are you okay, sweety? How're you feeling?"


"I'm alright...just in a little pain. Mommy, Daddy, give him what he wants, please."

"We will sweety..We will. Really soon you'll be back here with us...Just hold on, please," i couldn't stop the tears from going down my face.


"I'll be strong, Mommy. I promise."


"Hey, Sweety." tears started to stream my face. "Has he done anything to you?"
"Not much...just please hurry."

"..We will sweety...We love you and will bring you home very very very soon."


"I love you too." was the last thing Eva said before I took the phone back. "Times up." I said and hung up.

I composed myself and hugged Matt. I wasn't sure what to say. It was all my fault...My stupid powers and me...And not only that, but I was also a burden on Matt all day...He needed someone and I was his wife...


"We'll get her back."

"We will," I said kissing him on the cheek. I threw myself on the couch. I really was feeling worse now...So lightheaded and dizzy. I gulped and said tiredly, "Seth wants us to tell Dia Sylvain died on the hands of the US clan."


"He wants us to lie?"

"Yeah...He's suggesting that so Dia won't be angry at us when we help the French troops take over...My concern is when she sees the...guy taking the throne...I'm really confused on what to tell her."


"The truth, then, I guess."


I sighed, "...The truth...You know...Seth told me today that the french were thinking of joining Sylvain after the article that reporter wrote came out today..."


"Whoever this guy is screwed up that idea."

"I know..." I sighed and said, "You should get some sleep...I'll take care of Aury. It's been a long day."


"You've been the tortured one. You get some sleep. You could use it way more than me."

"Oh no no no. I'm fine now. I want to stay awake in case HE wants to say something...Besides, my stomach is feeling kinda uneasy. I'll be needing a lot of trips to the bathroom...No sleeping today for me," I said smiling a little.


"You need it, Siren. If you won't sleep, try to drink plenty of blood." I said as I kissed her and headed off to the room.


Enjoy your call?

I sighed and said pouring some blood for myself, ...I missed her.


Like a mother should. She was too scared to tell you the extent of her pain.


I bit back some tears, I know...I could tell...Could you please at least not hurt her now that I took some steps forward? I raised the blood to drink it, but suddenly felt sick and ran to the bathroom.


I can promise that for now. As a mother, you might like to know what's been done.

Part 55:

I dropped myself on the couch... this was all my fault... I looked at the surprised Angel, ”yeah...see how messed up everything is?”

"A bit more than I ever thought it to be. Do you know who this man is?"

”...He told me his name. not sure of O'm allowed to say it...He brought me the gig of the Paris massacre.”


After everybody gathered into one of the training areas I made the announcement. "My friends and family, we all now Sylvain was a great man. He pushed for that one goal, that one light for us; a better future. He gave his life up last night for his friends. Their daughter was kidnapped and Sylvain's death was the only way they'd get her back. He took his own life for them. The kidnapper wants to take over the Purist. He told them he'd give their little girl back if he did so. I gave him the permission, for them. You guys will have a new leader and be under a different control. I shall be hear for you guys. I will never leave. If you need from this day forward, look for the woman in black." My voice was strong and steady as it carried out across the angered and confused mass. I texted Val, "Ready?"

”sadly...yes,” I sent to Lucian, ”take the throne...and give us Eva.”


I will personally hand her over at the castle. See you there. I sent her back.
"Oh the joys of what love does." I said to Eva as I picked her up. "Ready to see Mommy and Daddy?" She nodded. "Good."
I teleported to the castle. "Ah, home sweet home. Diamond?"


I heard my name called and followed it. I found it to be him. "What can I do for you?"
"So you're little Sylvain's fiancée...You most likely know who i am by now. My name is Lucian."
"You're the kidnapper."
"Yes I am." I said taking a step into the castle. "Tell Valerie and Matthew to meet me in my chamber."
I nodded and texted Val.

I ran to our room to Matt, ”Matt...Eva. We'll go get,her now...We need to ...the castle!”

I opened a portal. "Need a lift?"


"Now? Of course, Angel! Let's go!"

I gave her a quick hug, then paused...I didn't want to tKe Aury when we were meet a kidnapper, ” could you watch over Aury...until we come back?”

I hugged her back and said "Yes. He'll be safe with me." I took Aury in my arms and led them through. I left them and came back to the hotel room.


I saw Val and Matt come through a portal. "He's in his chamber. Last door on the left." I told them, pointing to a hall on my left.

We ran to the room Dia told us about. when we got there, we saw the man little Eva...who looked tired poor baby.


"That was quick." I commented. I set Eva down on the bed, putting a charm on her to make her stay there.

I glared at him, then looked at Eva, ”you got what you want...Let Eva go...please.”


"Now? I thought we might sit and chat. It has been a while since you've seen me. I also suggest you tell your husband that if he tries anything, I will kill her with just a flick of my wrist." I told Valerie as I noticed Matthew starting towards me.

I held onto Matt's stop him and looked at Lucian,”We've been talking a lot lately....what else I there to talk about?”

I sat down with Aury who looked like a little angel. "Awww! He's so cute! Can I hold him?" Rel asked as he reached his arms to pick the little baby up. "I never said yes or no." I said. "You were thinking yes. That's all that matters." Rel rocked Aury. "Hey what if we had a baby?"
"One thing at a time. I have enough trouble to take care of anyway. No need to add more."
"This little cutie is trouble? How?"
"I wasn't taking about the baby. I was talking about you." Rel gave Aury back to me and gave me a kiss. "Your welcome."


"Well...not exactly talk if you want to be technical. I want to thank you for what you have done."

For some reason  it hurt...being thanked for all...the mess, ” well...could we please have Eva now?”


"Certainly." I snapped my fingers and the spell broke, letting Eva go.

Eva ran to us, I let Matt hug her first, then I hugged her to me, ”I missed you sweety...everything is okay now.”


"She's precious...just like Lacey was. Pretty, smart, full of life. You're lucky I didn't kill her, Valerie. Really, lucky. I could've made you feel what I feel everyday." I said quietly.


I looked at him...and...some of the hatred and anger I had towards him seemed to fade...I made him go through the same pain...But he will never get to hold his little baby ever again. Whispering, I said, "...Thank you. I...I know I can't make you feel better...Or any of the families of the other victims...But...I.....I'm sorry."

"Radiant? Glory?" I stood up and went in-front of a mirror. "I look old... Like I'm twenty-five.. Last time I checked I looked younger.."

I hugged her from the back and whispered to her, "You look amazing...The most beautiful woman I've ever seen,"

Part 56:



"You seem hesitant...We could wait for as long as you'd like. I was just thinking you might have wanted that. No rush, my queen."


"It's not that...I just...I'm...kinda afraid." I whispered.

I sat at the bar with my 10 empty glasses still having the lingering smell of the vodka.
"I need help." I muttered to myself. But to go back to Ms. Prim and Proper? Eck. Either that or spend the nights on the side of the road.
"Hey Leo, can you lead me back to somewhere to stay?" I sent mentally, "Cause I'm screwed."


Lily, where are you at? You sound like you've had one too many glasses again.


"I...I don't know. We'll figure it out. We always do."


Smiling a little, I said hugging him, "We always do...I really wish I didn't make life so hard for you, my biker prince..."

I overheard Val and Matt talking. "You know Val, you strengthened your mind enough to block any body from hearing in. It sounds like that process you went through weakened. You should try to make it strong again. You may not be able to constantly keep the walls around your mind up, as it will drain your energy, but you could do it for a while."


I looked at Rel and Angel, "...And how do I do that? I tried, but I failed."

"Try focusing on something and blocking out everything else. I can tell you have too much on your mind and that is never good. Let it all out and only think about one thing. No more and no less...Hmm...Focus on Matt and only Matt. I'm going to try to send you a message and try to block it."


I nodded and looked at Matt trying to focus on him...I love him so much...But I'm bringing him so much pain...Too much pain...Why am I doing this to him? I shouldn't be so selfish...

Val? Don't think about what you think you're doing to him. Think about what you love about him. In other words think happy thoughts, I sent to her.

I nodded and tried again. I love his hair...his eyes...his smile...his touch...his voice...his laugh...his everything...I love him...all of.him...I want a kiss...right now!!!

I suddenly got cut off. I tried to push through but I couldn't. I tried pushing harder and it worked. That was good. Keep focusing and try again. Hold up the walls tighter this time.

I smiled and kissed,Matt passionately...I wouldn't mind at all, Angel.

I got out of her mind and smiled. "Maybe that was a bit too much thinking"

After we.parted, I smiled, ”much better!!! Now let's eat...oh Angel, I didn't tell you, but I'm pregnant.”

"Really? That's wonderful! Congratulations!" I gave her a hug. "Well if you're hungry, We mad some cake after you left. Would you like some?"

”cake sounds lovely!”

I took out the cake and cut a slice each. "This is one made by Tellis and yours truly!"

”ooh. I didn't know you guys could.cook!” I said taking a bite. ”mmm delicious. I love it!”

"Well all the good chefs are guys."

”not true! I cook better than professional chefs.”

"Mmm...Nope. Guys are better at cooking and baking than girls are. Sorry."

I gave him a look, ” I stand by my point...we'll see about that.”

"I can sense another competition coming along."

I tracked Miranda back at the house that I saw earlier.
"Why would she come here?" I asked, holding onto my jacket.
"Because this is where I found her." He replied, as he opened the door for me.
I didn't even bother to ask, I knew what he was doing.
Inside, you could tell it used to be a beautiful house. Chandelier hung from the ceiling, old furniture covered in cobwebs and a beautiful fire place.
"Miranda!" I called, "Miranda! Come on! We miss you!"
"We do?" Jonathan muttered, I hit him hard.
I walked up the stairs, I could still smell of death, "Did you-"
"Get rid of the bodies? Yes." He replied.
Then I heard whimpering, Miranda.
"Miranda!" I exclaimed then started to run towards her.
"No! Go away!" She screamed, "You'll leave me just like they all did!"
"What?" I asked.
"Gale, Miranda is around, would be around 20 years old." Jonathan whispered in my ear, "That's how long her parents have been missing."
I sighed, "Miranda, please. We won't leave you. Please, come on and lets go home."
She ran to me, and hugged my legs, "You'll leave me! Just like they all did! I don't have home!"
"I promise Miranda, we will not leave you. I swear." I said getting closer to her, "Actually Miranda, would you like to be a full member of our family, be a big sister to this baby?"
Her eyes gleamed, a big smile ran across her face, "Yes please!"
I hugged her then turned to Jonathan, "Looks like we'll be busy cleaning up."
He sighed, and smiled, kneeling next to Miranda, "Yes we will."

"How could anyone live in such a huge place?!" I asked, looking around the mansion.
"Maids, lots of money that was stolen." Jonathan muttered, moving furniture. Then I heard a blood curling scream. Miranda was covered in cob webs.
"SPIDER! SPIDER!" She screamed.
"Are you kidding me?" Jonathan said low, "Been dead for twenty years, sucks blood, and yet is afraid of a spider?"
He walked over, brushed her off then squished it.
"You like her." I said, smirking.
"I don't like blood suckers, and her family and me weren't the best of friends."
"So let me get this straight, you knew her parents, yet she's our age?" I asked, confused.
"Gale, this girl died back in the Revolution War days. She's been moved around to family to family. The Tretswoods must have found her in this house before they moved in." He replied.
"Oh.." I sighed, "And there's no way possible for her to grow?"
He gave me a look, saying "No."

Part 58:

She is...Now could you please calm down, too?I massaged my forehead as I sat down as well...I was really getting tired now.

"There...Would you like me to call Matt for you, Val? And I could give you a massage, my mermaid."
Val murmured something about needing Matt, so I sent him mentally, Your wife needs a hug.

"Val. Tell him to go to hell." I said taking deep breaths and stroking my bump. "Massage sounds nice."

I smiled kissed her on the cheek, then started massaging her.


I rolled my eyes and went to my room stomping my foot and lied on the bed...I looked down at the small bump and caressed it slowly, "You poor thing...Your mommy is torturing you...I'm sorry, sweety."

"Their kicking.. Feels like I'm being stabbed.."


"Aww...Kids, calm down for your mommy...Was your previous pregnancy as hard?"


Your children could have that same fate. I sent Malu.


I'm on my way. I said as I took to where they were. When I arrives I immediately gathered Val into my arms.

I hid my face in him and said, "I'm tired, Matt...Very very tired."

I have some business I need to take care of.
Kissing Gale's forehead, and passing Rose in the hallway I left the hospital.

Sure! Why not? Throw your business at my feet as well. As if I don't already have too much on my plate. I was honestly getting tired...For the first time in centuries.

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-03-09 18:25:35)


#258 2013-03-01 22:18:44

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 5733

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

LOL. A large portion of that time I was like "Where is Tyler in all of this?" Then I reached part 52.
Honestly I want to get Tyler back in there but I don't know how, everyone seems wrapped up in their own stories.
Anyway, thank you for posting this. made my day.

#259 2013-03-01 22:45:37

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 12088

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

We'd love to have you back spider in the rp ^.^
"I'm pure at heart, it repels the dirt" - Mortal Instruments
My photography: … 33&p=1

#260 2013-03-06 02:59:28

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Angel and Rel <3 Typing this up was fun :)

"Isn't she beautiful?"
"She looks just like you." He stroked the side of her face. "What's her name going to be?"
"What should it be?"
"Why that?" I said knowing the answer.
"Because, she looks like a Jewel. Miriel."
"Right. Because that's how you choose names." I smiled. He leaned down and kissed me for a long time. Still close, he said, "I love you."
"And I love you." I wanted to hug him but I had Miriel in my arms. "Wait. If she has my looks, then that means she's going to have your personality."
"What's wrong with that?" He asked.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#261 2013-03-06 03:02:05

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Aww LOL!!! Cute!

Last edited by malu (2013-03-06 03:02:52)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#262 2013-03-06 23:01:29

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 12088

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

When Lily and Toby land in London

"Hey you!" I said, moving my shoulder, to wake sleeping Toby, "We landed, we're here!"
Quickly he got up and looked out the window, "It's so....Concrete..."
I laughed, "Ya 'cause we just landed silly! It's the airport."

When we finally got our two backpacks, and walked out to the waiting room, I looked all around.
"Is Siv here?" Toby asked, jumping up and down, he was short for his age.
"Uh... I don't see him..." I muttered, then I saw him, Siv. His straight black hair cut to around his ears, and his beautiful blue eyes.
"Lily!" He called walking over, then picked me up and swung me around, his English accent to die for.
"Don't touch mwi sister!" Toby exclaimed, giving Siv a death glare.
"Hey little man, don't worry, I would never hurt your Lily." Siv said crouching down to Toby's level.
I laughed a little bit, "Thanks so much for doing this.. I know.."
Siv raised his hand, "When I found out what your parents did to you, and what you've given up... How could I say no?" He smiled and looked around, "Well, let's go out for some fish and chips shall we?"
I heard Toby gulp, I could tell he didn't trust Siv yet, but he had been complaining about being hungry since, 3:30 am this morning...
"Yes, lets!" I exclaimed, smiling.
Siv picked up and surprised Toby and place him on his shoulders, "Well little man, you lead the way!"
After so much that happened, getting kicked out of my house... Dropping out of school... Then now for all this to happen? I could only dream of a better future.
"I'm pure at heart, it repels the dirt" - Mortal Instruments
My photography: … 33&p=1

#263 2013-03-06 23:06:20

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

awww cuuute!

@Angel: Lol! And sooo cute! How did I miss this?

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-03-06 23:08:00)


#264 2013-03-09 12:08:24

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Aw.. I kinda miss Siv now.. :D

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#265 2013-03-12 01:41:05

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Both of those are way too freaking adorable.

Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#266 2013-03-12 01:51:21

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

So I've noticed I write like Ernest Hemingway. Sorry if the dialogue doesn't make a whole lotta sense and you have to keep rereading it. I just don't like adding "he said" and "she said" It's too redundant when two people talk with no interference of another character.
What would happen if couples were switched? Now think of it like this. These are the only two people and they don't know the other characters.
I asked for two random characters. Someone (If the person wants to be known then please comment but if not then that's okay, I won't say) said Sylvain and Malu. So here it is!

"Of all the people in the world, I can't belive that I'm stranded here with you." Sylvain said angrily.
"Hey! I could say the same to you, mister!" Malu snapped back.
"There are so many possible punishments but no. I get stuck with you."
"I don't want to be here either!"
"Right. Maybe we can teleport out of here?"
"Can't" Malu said shaking her head. "This place is like a magic-free zone. The farthest I can go is to that tree over there."
"So what do we do?"
"I thought you were the brains!" Malu yelled at Sylvain.
"Don't yell! I'm right here. Now. I guess we could wait and try to survive. I'm sure someone will notice us missing."
"Right. And then they're going to think that your okay because you can handle yourself and then some."
"...You aren't making this any easier, you know that right?"
"Yep. Now go get me something to eat. I'm hungry. I'll be looking around here at our new home."
"Why don't you do it!?"
"'cuz I don't want to."
"And if I don't?"
"Then I'll scream."
"You know what, I'll be happy to." Why me? Why did it have to be her?!
"Thank you" They both went their separate ways. Sylvain managed to catch a fish...somehow. Malu had come back and they sat in front of a fire. "Well. This is nice. A fire."
"Yes. And food too, no thanks to you." Sylvain muttered the end.
"HEY! I did something you'd think was productive too!"
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"I found out that there really is no way out of here. Like...None. And it's really big. There's a mountain in the middle but I don't know if it's a volcano or just a regular old mountain."
"Very productive. At least we found out there is no way out of an island." He said.
"I wasn't done yet. There's also trees."
"Yes that would help us eat."
"To build a boat."
"So...ahem...want to eat?"
"Hmm. Yeah, sure."
"Look. We are going to find a way out of this place. I promise." Sylvain said holding her hand.
"Okay...I don't even know what I want to go back to."
"What do you mean?"
"My family hates me. You know that."
"Oh right. Sorry."
"Well. It's not like they'll even care enough to think if I'm missing or not."
"Even if they don't like you, doesn't mean that they won't worry."
"Mmm...Yeah. It, kinda does."
"Come on. Trust me. They out there are looking for you even as we speak."
"You really want to get off this island don't you."
"Right. So. Where are we going to sleep?"
"I didn't think of that. Want to come help me?"
"Would you rather be out here on your own in the dark?"
"...No." Malu muttered.
"Well, come on then." Sylvain said going deeper into the forest with malu trailing behind. They stopped and collected large leaves. "Let's take these back to the fire."
"Okay." Malu followed right behind Sylvain. "Hey. Let's stop by the river."
"Sure. Why not?" He smiled and they both turned towards the river.
"I just want to take a swim!"
"We can do it tomorrow. After we get some rest. We're going to be here for a long long time."
"You're right. Let's go!" They set up the leafs on the ground and laid on them. The next day they woke up just as the sun rose. "Sylvain?" Malu whispered. Iguess he's till asleep. Good. She went to the river and jumped in. "Ahh."
Sylvain woke up with a start. He had a nightmare about the island. That no one was going to find them. He looked around to notice Malu missing. "Malu? Malu! Where are you!?" He screamed. He quickly got up and looked around the island. He heard some splashing coming from the river. That better be malu swimming He ran at vampiric speed and reached the river in no time. "Why didn't you wake me up?!" He said angrily
"I tried by you wouldn't get up. Did you know you snore?" She said innocently.
"Me? Snore? The nerve! I do not!"
"Yeah. You do. And it's really annoying."
Thank you Malu for letting me know. I'll do my best not to annoy you."
"Thank you. Now aren't you going to come in? It's nice and warm because of the volcano."
"It does look nice. But I can't get this suit wet."
"Yes you can. No come on!"
"Yes." She swam closer and jumped up to pull him into the water. "Hah! I win!" She laughed.
"I don't believe this!" He said getting out of the water. "I told you I didn't want to go in there!"
"No. You said you did but didn't want to because of you'd get your clothes wet."
"It's the same thing!"
"Your point? Your already wet. So come on in already." She said reaching for his hand.
"Alright. I guess it wouldn't hurt." He followed Malu in.
"See. That wasn't so bad now was it?"
"Heh, Not really. There is one thing I want to do though."
Malu laid on her back floating in the water. "What?"
Sylvain used a spell to gather up the water in his hands, "This!" and he threw the ball of water on her.
"Hey!" She said a spell and did the same thing back. They fought off each other with water balls. Malu slipped on a rock later and fell.
"Malu?!" She came up gasping for breath.
"Wow! It was beautiful down there. Come on! Let's go see it."
"Wait Malu!"
"Nothing. Never mind."
"Then Come on!" She dived in and Sylvain followed. Malu had to hold her breath, being a warlock, but Sylvain didn't. It was like a reef full of exotic fish. Malu pointed up and sylvain nodded. They both swam up. "That was amazing!"
"Yeah! It was georgeous!"
"I'm starving. What's to eat?"
"We could catch some fish."
"Not from here. They should be left alone."
"Of course not. These fish could be poisonous for all we know."
"Heh. Alright." They both got out of the river and climbed the rocky slopes. "Hey be careful, Sylvain. Lot's of rocky stuff here. You could easily slip and...Whoa!"
"Malu!" Sylvain caught her and laughed. "Fall?" This was the first time they had been so close to each other.
"Mmmhmm." She nodded smiling and blushing.
Glad that vampires can't blush. Sylvain thought. "So. Ahem" He said.
"Uh thanks."
"Yes, well..."
"Ah!" Malu fell again.
"What? What happened." Sylvain said catching her again.
"I think I twisted my foot."
"Well, umm let me help you." He took her arm and they started walking. To make it easier he just carried her.
"What are you doing?"
"The camp is long way away."
"Are you sure?" Sylvain nodded at Malu's question. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it." He said smiling. He walked to the beach and set her down. Then he tried to heal her foot. "Is it better?"
"Yeah thanks."
"Are you positive? I don't want you to get hurt again." Malu nodded her head in reply. She got up and was face to face with Sylvain.
"I'm okay. No need to worry about me."
"I think I need to worry a lot." he said. She wrapped her arms around Sylvain's neck and he around her waist. He leaned in to touch her lips with his and she kissed back.


Last edited by angelfire (2013-03-12 01:51:44)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#267 2013-03-12 02:04:47

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Awe!!! Omg, that was really good, Twin!
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#268 2013-03-12 02:09:59

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Omg loved it...and I suggested this. I wanted to see what would happen.


#269 2013-03-12 02:12:28

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Thanks guys! I think I made Sylvain slightly out of character though XD.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#270 2013-03-12 11:05:01

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Awww!~ Sho cute! <3 What happened to Tellis and Dia though?

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#271 2013-03-12 11:20:39

From: The couch
Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 11534

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

SO CUTE! I could definitely see that happening.

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#272 2013-03-12 13:42:57

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

@Malu - i didnt want them having an affair cuz that wouldnt be very sylvain like. So, i had to put it as though they dont exist. :3
@amary - thank you!
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#273 2013-03-13 18:24:06

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Standing in the middle of the place I had been calling home for as long as I could remember, I let out a sigh. A sigh of relief or a sigh of despair...Not sure. Taking a quick glance at the almost empty area, memories of my late mother and sister flooded into my head...But I pushed them away.

“It’s time for a new beginning...” I whispered to myself. Grabbing the small bag that contained my belongings and hanging it over my shoulder, I closed my eyes and teleported once and for all out of that dump...And into my new master’s mansion in the mountains.

As soon as my feet touched the mansion’s floor, a terrible pain shot into my head. I opened my eyes with difficulty as I tried to see who was doing that to me. And there he was. A head of black hair and a pair of piercing blue eyes. He looked laid back as he tortured my poor head.

“Lucian, my friend, if I could say so, you are mistaken in your methods.” I saw a young man with long blond hair hanging behind his back in a ponytail and a pair of clear grey eyes said to my torturer.

“Finally, someone with a good head on his shoulders”, I thought to myself.

But that didn’t last long. A scream escaped from my mouth as all of my sad memories started flooding back into my head...What’s worse was the fact that no matter how much I tried to block the feelings that came along with them, I couldn’t.

I heard the blond guy from before say to his friend, “Remember what the master said. Physical pain could easily be overcome. Emotional scars, however, could last a lifetime.”

I could no longer see through the tears that started flooding from my eyes. Lucian’s voice barely carried over to my ears as he said, “True, Sylvain...But don’t you think that sometimes creating new physical scars could be valuable?”

Before Sylvain could reply, the pain disappeared and I found myself being pulled back to my feet with some invisible hand. In front of me were Sylvain, Lucian and … my master! His long graying hair was well groomed. The blindfold over his eyes was still in its place...I wonder if he’s really blind.

He didn’t open his mouth, but his voice was carried over in the air surrounding us, “Enough!”

Sylvain and Lucian, both, stood straight without even a hint of their earlier smirks.

The master went on, “This is not the training dummy. This is Dante, your new colleague.” Lucian’s mouth tugged a bit upwards and then became a straight line again indicating he didn’t respect me much.

Sylvain brought a smile to his face as he said with a slight bow, “As always, master, I bow before your wisdom for I don’t see what you can see in him.” While it sounded as a praisal for the master...It was clearly meant to be offensive.

He got back up with that ‘polite’ smile still on his face, then curtsied to me and turned around to leave. Lucian did the same and followed.

It was official...That Sylvain was going to pay.


I was sitting in my bedroom when I saw the door thrown open. And in came Sylvain. His long blonde wet hair was hanging around his face like a curtain and through his wet locks, I saw him smile friendly as his clear grey eyes shone...But it gave me the creeps...Especially with the fact that he was only wearing a bathrobe...and I knew he just came out of the shower.

He raised an arm showing me the small eye I had planted in his bathroom earlier and asked, “I think you might have ‘accidentally’ dropped this in my bathroom.”

I gulped and denied nothing. It was true...I had planted that ‘magical’ eyes to record him while he was taking his shower...I regret nothing.

His smile grew wider as he said, “I know you’re a new recruit and that you’re finding it hard to get accustomed to our place, that’s why I won’t kill you...I will however give you something to remember me with.”


In the next morning, I walked carefully into the breakfast area. Everyone was there: The master, Sylvain, Lucian and three other guys I hadn’t met yet.

Lucian smirked a little on seeing me while Sylvain, with a polite and an oh-so-innocent smile, greeted me and said pointing at the seat next to him, ”Please have a seat, Dante. You’re going to like today’s breakfast.”

I glared at him...I couldn’t sit down...I couldn’t lie down either...And it was all because of him! He put a 24-hour curse on me.

The master, who I really think s not blind, said, “Sit down, Dante. I need to talk to you all about today’s training.”

I wasn’t sure what to do. I could sit down and it will hurt like hell and I’ll have to bolt back up...I could keep standing and I’ll have to explain why I am standing up. In both cases, everyone will know about the curse. And with any luck, Sylvie would get into trouble.

I bowed a little to the master, “I can’t, master...Sylvain has put a curse on me.”

The master looked at Sylvain who merely said, ”Level 3, master.”

Hearing that, he nodded and said, ”No big thing. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. I am in for a lot, I see.

…............... ............

After the enjoyable breakfast, the master led us six out of the castle and into the nearby woods. I walked next to a guy with weird red and black hair. Every now and then I would notice him stealing a glance at me and then looking straight ahead. After a few minutes, I decided to break the ice and said, “So....You do this often?”

The guy didn’t even acknowledge that he heard me in the beginning, then said, “Yes.”

“I am Dante by the way.”

“Good to know.”

I narrowed my eyes at him a little and asked, “Are you always this chatty?”

He gave me a weird look then asked, “Are you always this ignorant? Planting a spying eye in Sylvain’s bathroom and not expecting him to find it?”

“Well...It was worth a try. He had been nothing but a pain ever since I came here.”

“I guess we know who the master is going to pair you off with, then.”


I noticed him playing with a piece of flame as he replied, “He likes pairing off people who don’t exactly get along.”

And sure enough when the master finally stopped he said, “Today’s hunt: Nymphs. Kill as many as you can and bring me back their essence. Pairs...Gero and Lucian, Merek and Kane, then Dante and Sylvain. You’ve got till midnight.”

I glared at Sylvain and saw the guy with the black and red hair smile as he walked away with a man with short black hair. Before getting too far away, he yelled back, “And the name is Kane.”

…............... ............

“I hate you...” I said for the umpteenth time. Sylvain merely smiled and remained silent. We had to lie down on the grass to watch out for nymphs...and thanks to his curse, I was in horrible pain.

“You really do enjoy hurting people, don’t you?” I asked. And again he ignored me.

“No wonder you don’t have a girlfriend.”

“And neither do you.” He said before blasting off in the direction of a nymph that had just appeared out of the tree and had been yawning unaware of us being close by.

…............... ............

To be continued

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-03-13 18:24:50)


#274 2013-03-13 18:29:30

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 12088

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Oh poor Dante Lol xD I loved it darky!<3
"I'm pure at heart, it repels the dirt" - Mortal Instruments
My photography: … 33&p=1

#275 2013-03-13 20:36:11

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Oh my good lord that is hilarious.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

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