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#201 2013-01-28 19:40:31

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Loved it!!!!! of course you know,which.part was my favorite. Celesta and Val's of course!


#202 2013-01-28 21:17:38

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Omg....Leo made me laugh out loud...Literally! Got her personality perfectly.

Sarrie was good and I love Blaze love as always

Mattie's always to the rescue and I love the outfits actually.

Great fanfic and I can't wait for the next part. I feel honored you did use a lot of my characters.

new Character List Updated new

Last edited by bloodyemos (2013-01-29 02:44:06)
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#203 2013-01-29 18:33:16

From: London
Registered: 2012-07-22
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

@Darky, I thought it would be :D
@Bloody, I'm glad you liked it!

Shadow high - Part 2

* * *

Shade’s car rolled into the school parking lot and came to a halt. “Pick you up after school?” he asked and Celesta nodded. She picked up her bag from the floor and threw the black strap over her shoulder, before opening the car door and getting out. Val did the same.

“So,” Celesta said conversationally as they walked towards the school doors, pretending not to notice the trail of guys following them. “How was your summer?”

“Pretty good.” Val replied. “I went to Paris with Vincent and we spent some time ‘bonding’ as my mother likes to put it. How was yours?”

“Not that great, to be honest. I broke up with Blaze-“

“WHAT???” Val interrupted, and then quietened her voice with effort. “How come you didn’t tell me? Why did you two break up??”

“It’s no big deal. We agreed to just be friends because it was better that way. Nothing changed really.”

Val huffed but decided not to continue on that topic. “Have you heard from Malu? I heard she broke up with your brother and she got together with some new guy.”

Celesta frowned. “She got together with someone else? She didn’t tell me that. She hasn’t spoken to me all summer, not since she dumped Shade. Although I don’t really blame her seeing what happened last year. You know, with her being pregnant and all that.”

Celesta froze when she heard the sound of kids cheering for a fight. Most of the students already at school were forming a loose circle around two people, though Celesta couldn’t see who they were. She went over and elbowed her way through the crowd, stamping on the feet of anyone who got in her way with her dangerously sharp heels. When she finally got to the front of the crowd she saw what was happening.

Harden – a boy in year 11 – was punching James Anchier, who was already on the floor, blood streaming from a wound on his head that stood out on his pale skin. James wasn’t very strong; anyone could see that. He was quite tall but very slim, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Celesta also knew that he was much weaker than everyone else because of a disease he had that made him less strong.

Harden was calling him very rude names while beating the crap out of him, Victor backing him up. It was two massive guys against one not-so-massive one and was very unfair. Celesta was about to plunge in and defend James when Blaze got in between them, his fiery hair shining. His amber eyes glinted in the light and Celesta could already tell that he was in a bad mood. She bit back a grin and couldn’t help but feel sorry for Harden and Victor.

* * *

Blaze was fuming by the time he arrived at school. As usual, he put all his emotions into anger. Everyone could sense the dark cloud hanging over his head and stayed well away from him. Then he saw the Anchier kid being beaten up and it was the final straw.

Just as Harden was about to deliver another blow he jumped in and caught the guy’s wrist twisting it so that it hurt but didn’t break. Harden growled and used his other hand to punch Blaze in the stomach. He didn’t even feel it. “Is that all you’ve got, blondie?” he asked fiercely. The crowd leaned in to hear what insults were being thrown around.

Harden kicked Blaze’s feet out from under him and pinned him to the ground. “You’re pathetic.” he snarled. “Defending fairy-boy’s boyfriend and not even winning the fight.”

Blaze bit down on Harden’s wrist hard enough to draw blood and he yelped in pain. “Fairy-boy happens to be one of my best friends, which makes James a friend too.” he replied, quite calmly considering Harden’s blood covered his mouth.

Harden punched him on his already bruised eye and a stab of pain went through his head but he refused to show it. “Are you gay too, then?” the blond boy asked.

Before Blaze could answer that with a fist someone’s hand knotted in Harden’s hair and pulled incredibly hard, causing him to cry out in pain. It was Cole, and he wasn’t in the best mood. He slammed Harden into a nearby wall and the crack of his head banging against it echoed through the halls. Cole’s gold eyes glinted gold and he looked murderous. “You stay away from James.” He said quietly and dangerously.

Harden winced as blood started pouring from his head and he nodded reluctantly. Cole released him and he and Victor walked away, looking very angry.

Blaze stood up and brushed a piece of dirt off his blazer sleeve before turning to face Cole and grinning. “Good to have you back, Cole.” He said.

* * *

Sarrie watched as the boy with the red hair and the boy with the blue hair helped James walk to Dr. Shepherd aka the cattle farmer. He was the school’s only medically qualified teacher. She was still in shock. She’d heard of the red haired boy and the blue haired boy before. Blaze Smoke was the one with the red hair. He was known for getting into fights regardless of how many people he was up against and usually winning.

Cole Harman was the one with the blue hair. He was one of the less known members of Blaze’s group, and was only known so well because of his unusual looks and because he’d started dating James Anchier last year, breaking one of the big rules of being popular. He’d never cared what people said though, and Sarrie envied him for that. She cared a lot about what people thought of her; it was the main reason she was wearing her hair and makeup differently this year.

Despite how much she looked up to Cole, the one that had caught her attention was Blaze. It was the first time she’d seen him up close and he was even more gorgeous than ever, even when he had a huge black bruise covering his eye. She loved how he would dive head-first into fights without thinking about the consequences, how he always stuck up for the underdog, how loyal he was to his friends. However, Sarrie knew she would never have a chance with him. He was the kind of guy that would never go for a girl like her.

Sighing, she watched as Blaze, Cole and James turned a corner before heading off to registration.

#204 2013-01-29 18:37:28

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics



#205 2013-01-29 18:58:05

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

That was bloody brilliant, Kiera
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#206 2013-01-30 11:10:34

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Do I detect a bit of Magnus and Alec there? :D

Loved the fanfics. :D You make me miss Blaze...

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#207 2013-01-30 18:35:16

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

beautiful! I love it!! Can't wait for more!! There is more right??
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#208 2013-01-30 19:52:45

From: London
Registered: 2012-07-22
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

@Darky, Lolz, well here's some more :)
@Bloody, Thank you!
@Malu, I never thought about that but yeah, I see what you mean. We should think of couple names for the RP couples!
@Angel, Thanks and of course there's more :D

Shadow High - Part 3

* * *

Sarrie entered the classroom and saw that someone had taken her seat, which was the one at the end of the back row. That was when she had an idea. The desks were in twos so she sat in one directly in the middle of the classroom, the place usually reserved for people like Celesta Nocturne and Valerie Endre. There were only a few people in the classroom already as the bell hadn’t gone yet so Sarrie took a book out and started reading.

The piercing sound of the bell ringing brought Sarrie crashing back down to earth from book world. She noticed with some surprise that someone had come and sat next to her. It was a petite girl with perfectly styled straight red hair and a very stylish uniform. Her name was Zoye Descourde’s, a girl from Celesta’s group.

“Hi,” the girl said politely, putting her bag on the floor. “I’m Zoye. What’s your name?”

Of course, Zoye didn’t know her. She didn’t know people like Sarrie who were teased and tried to blend in as much as possible. But at least she was being polite instead of shouting at Sarrie to get off her desk. Sarrie supposed she was lucky that it wasn’t Stephanie or someone like that who usually sat there.

“I’m Sarrie Lankford.” she replied, putting her book back in her bag. “Sorry about me sitting here but someone took my usual seat.”

Zoye laughed, a sound like the tinkling of bells. “Don’t worry, hon. Malu isn’t here today anyway, so nobody’s going to come and take it from you.”

Mr Devlin called for attention. He was a fairly new teacher at Shadow High and most students liked him, mainly because he didn’t give nearly as many detentions as the older teachers who had less patience. He started taking the register.

* * *

As soon as Mr Devlin had finished the register the class went back to its usual noisy chatter. “I’m impressed.” Celesta said to Val. “It’s only eight in the morning and I’ve already witnessed a fight. Who’s knows what’ll happen before lunchtime.”

Val rolled her eyes. “I’m glad you weren’t stupid enough to jump into the fight this time.”

Celesta laughed. “Blaze beat me to it.”

The rest of the twenty minutes of registration consisted of the same sort of conversation as before: how their summer holidays had gone, who had magically become hot over the summer, what fashion tips Val had picked up in Paris, and so on. Soon the bell was ringing again, and it was time for their first lesson.

Celesta looked at her schedule incredulously. “DOUBLE MATHS? Seriously? Of all first lessons, why does it have to be double Maths?”

“Maths is okay if you’ve got a good teacher.” Zoye said, attempting to be helpful.

Celesta sighed. “Well, I guess I’ll see you two at break then. IF I survive.”

“Bye!” Val said, linking arms with Zoye. She was happy because she had History first, one of her favourite classes.

* * *

Val and Zoye walked into their new History classroom and immediately looked around for a place to sit. They usually sat in the middle of the classroom but Val loved History and wanted to do well in it so they opted for the front row. They sat down side by side and got their books out.

“Hey, Val.” Blaze said from the desk next to hers. He wasn’t looking particularly great, with a black eye and blood staining his white shirt that he hadn’t bothered to change.

“Hi. Why are you sitting at the front? Don’t you usually sleep through lessons?”

Blaze pointed at the dark-haired boy next to him. “He forced me to. Said I should improve my grades because last year I got a U. I didn’t even think it was possible until I got it. Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce you two. Val, this is my friend, Matthew Devney. Matt, this is Celesta’s friend, Valerie Endre.”

Matt smiled at her. “I’ve seen you around before.” He said.

Val didn’t answer. She was too busy staring at him.

* * *
Blaze caught Matt and Val staring at each other and smirked. “You know, I could always swap seats with you, Val. Then you’ll be next to Matt for the rest of the year.”

“No… that’s okay.” Val managed to get out, blushing furiously and tearing her eyes away to look at the board. Miss Young was standing at her desk, shuffling through a pile of papers.

“Hello, class.” Miss Young said in an overly joyful voice. “Welcome to year 10 history! For the first term we’ll be studying World War 2. Open your textbooks to page 29, please.”

At that Blaze zoned out. He was thinking about the fight again, remembering the girl he’d seen in the crowd. She was very pretty, with blue and black hair and big dark eyes. She’d been staring at him, though that could have been because he was pinned to the floor by the school bully and being punched in the face. Not that Blaze cared much for details; in his mind she’d still been staring.

Before he knew it, the bell was going again, signalling the end of history. Blaze was quite pleased with himself. He’d managed to blank out a whole lesson with thoughts of the Mystery Girl from the crowd. If only he could do the same at home.

Last edited by kieramsmileys (2013-01-30 19:55:11)

#209 2013-01-30 20:11:00

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Awwww...why did it end???? Loved it!!!! I love you kiera!


#210 2013-01-30 20:20:56

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Awe....that was so cute! With Blaze and Sarrie...I miss them pleur And Val and Mattie. Brilliant!
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#211 2013-01-30 20:49:43

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Words can't describe how much I much I love it. <3

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#212 2013-01-30 23:18:26

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 5733

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Oh my gosh, I'm so in love with your writing! This story is so addictive! love love love

#213 2013-01-30 23:56:45

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

That was brilliant Kiera! Wonderful writing!!
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#214 2013-01-31 19:24:20

From: London
Registered: 2012-07-22
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Thanks everyone <3 I'm glad you like the story!

Shadow High - Part 4

* * *

All through English Sarrie zoned out, her mind occupied with thoughts of Blaze Smoke. Try as she might, she couldn’t stop thinking about him: his fiery hair, his amber eyes, the bruise around one of them. She barely refrained from asking to go to the bathroom so she could stand outside his classroom and stare.

The bell rang loud and clear, meaning that it was finally lunch. Sarrie picked her bag off the floor and followed everyone out into the canteen. Usually she would sit by herself on one of the tables on the edge of the room. However, today she was determined not to. She started walking around, hoping to find a spare seat on one of the packed tables.

A few minutes later she was still walking when a pale, slender hand shot out and took her wrist, stopping her from going any further. The hand belonged to Celesta Nocturne, who was sitting at her usual packed table with her friends. Sarrie almost jumped in surprise.

“Backstep, sweetie.” Celesta said and Sarrie obediently stepped back so that she stood directly in front of Celesta’s table.

“You’re so pretty! Why have I not seen you before?” Celesta asked. “What’s your name?”

“Sarrie.” she replied quietly. “Sarrie Lankford.”

“Oh, hi Sarrie. Day going well so far?” said Zoye from the seat opposite Celesta.

Celesta looked at her in mock anger. “You knew her and you didn’t tell me?? My goodness, Zoye, I’m beginning to think we aren’t friends anymore!”

Celesta turned to Sarrie and pointed at the seat between Zoye and a girl with striking purple hair. “Sit down.” she said. “We’d love to get to know you.”

Her tone held no acceptance for refusal, not that anyone would refuse a seat at Celesta’s table. Her table was where all the girls considered ‘gorgeous’ sat. Sarrie sat down and took out her sandwich before looking around carefully. There were eight seats at the table. Right on the end were two girls who were talking animatedly about a new movie that had just come out. They were both extremely pretty, one with turquoise hair and the other with a rosy shade of brown. Celesta introduced them as Camilla Belle and Danya Nikita. In the middle of the table were four girls, including Sarrie herself, Celesta Nocturne, Valerie Endre and Zoye Descourde’s. On the other end was the girl with purple hair who was introduced as Vanafindiel Syla and a girl with long black hair who was called Angel Lora.

* * *

Blaze and Matt carefully wound their way around the crowded canteen. Every so often Blaze would catch Matt looking at Val, who was talking excitedly about something with her friends. “Want to go and join them?” Blaze asked, one eyebrow raised. Matt kept staring. “I’ll take that as a yes, then.”

They both took a chair and joined the end of the table.

The girl sitting next to Zoye looked up abruptly and her eyes widened. Blaze instantly knew her. She was the girl from the crowd who’d kept his mind occupied all through History.

Celesta immediately introduced them. “Blaze, this is Sarrie. Sarrie, this is Blaze.”

Blaze sat down. “Sarrie… cute name.”

She turned bright red.

Blaze smirked at her expression. “Stop harassing the poor girl, Blaze.” Celesta scolded and he rolled his eyes.

“I wasn’t- Never mind.”

* * *

Sarrie was secretly thankful that Celesta had stopped Blaze. She had felt like she couldn’t breathe when he’d talked to her. She watched as Celesta and Blaze chatted excitedly about something.

“… so he called me back and I was like, ‘no way, you have GOT to be kidding me’. I mean, seriously, I wasn’t expecting him to invite me since I dumped him last year. Then he said I should bring some friends along and I thought ‘ohh, Val would love this’ and then ‘and Blaze too.’ Don’t you want to be in a party where you have free unlimited access to alcohol?”

Blaze laughed. “Well, when you put it like that I can’t exactly say no, can I? Is there going to be hot girls under the influence of alcohol?”

At that Sarrie decided it wasn’t the best idea to listen in to their conversation. Instead she watched them, and tried to see why everyone else thought Celesta and Blaze made such a good couple.

Their appearances definitely complimented each other. Celesta was all silver and white and icy blue while Blaze was amber and red and tawny gold. However, something about the way they spoke to each other made Sarrie think that they would be better as best friends or even siblings than a couple. Then she thought of herself: with her black and electric blue hair, dark eyes… she could see her and Blaze together clearly.

Sarrie kicked herself mentally. She shouldn’t have been thinking of Blaze like that. He’d barely said three words to her and she was already thinking of them as a couple.

* * *

Blaze was only half paying attention to what Celesta was saying. He was watching Sarrie out of the corner of his eye, who seemed to be in a world of her own. Sarrie wasn’t the type he would usually go for. He usually went for girls who were tall and blonde and gorgeous, and certainly knew they were, not vertically challenged dark-haired girls who wore oversized uniforms.

“Definitely.” Celesta replied. “So, you in?”

Blaze suddenly had an idea. “Okay, I’m in. But only if Sarrie can come with us. And Cole. He’s been planning to kill Harden in his sleep all morning and I think he could use a distraction.”

Celesta nodded and motioned for Blaze to invite Sarrie.

He turned to her. “Sarrie, do you want to come to a party tonight? A friend of Celesta’s owns a hotel and we’re going to the big party they’re holding there.”

“Uhh, sure.” Sarrie replied, feeling as though she was dreaming.

“Perfect.” Blaze said. “You live with Leo, right.” Sarrie nodded. “Okay, I’ll pick you up at eight.” he said with a grin.

#215 2013-01-31 19:30:08

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Kiera, amazing as always! I really miss Blaze pleur pleur pleur


#216 2013-01-31 21:06:22

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Omg....I was seriously laughing out loud the entire time. That was way too good. Bravo! Bravo! I miss Blaze... pleur My perfect guy....
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#217 2013-02-01 02:51:40

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Wow! Lol That was too cute!!
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#218 2013-02-01 21:06:06

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Well, girls, Sylvain's training,years gang!

The mundane town’s bustling streets started to quieten as the people started to head to their homes. Parents urged their little ones to head to beds. Merchants closed down their shops as they yawned lazily dreaming of their warm beds at home. In less than an hour, the whole town, as well as the woods surrounding it, became quiet. Very quiet. Not even the crickets were playing their soft tunes tonight. Some could think its because of the winter approaching, but in reality, it was something much more solemn. More like some people who were much more dangerous.

A soft breeze disturbed the otherwise calm air and not so long afterwards laughter started to fade into the scene. It seemed to come from another dimension for no human was in sight. In a few minutes, six bodies appeared from the shadows. Six tall men appeared out of nowhere. At a first glance, one would immediately see that they were not people to reckon with. Not only did they carry an air about them of danger, but they also didn’t feel human. They might have looked more human had they wanted to, but at that moment, they looked more like demons. They eyes were flashing red. Some of them had sharp pointed teeth. They were each dressed differently and although, they looked handsome in the outfits of their choice, they didn’t exactly fit in everyday’s fashion.

The man who was laughing had short golden blond hair that shone under the moonlight. Dangling from on ear was an earring made out of beads and ended with a fang...A rather long fang. Those who saw him always wondered what animal could have produced such a fang. Little did they know that it was the fang of a demon...particularly the very first demon he had ever slayed.

He was laughing so hard that he had to lean by one of his companion’s shoulders to prevent himself from falling. He wiped a tear from his eye as he managed to say from between the laughs, “Merek, you’re killing me. Say it again. Come on, say it again.”

The man he was leaning by had short black hair with red highlights through it. It seemed to defy gravity as it stuck out to the back. His companions always made fun of how his crazy looking hair always managed to retain its form even when he was in a fight. He never really cared because he liked his hair the way it was. “Dante...Get a hold of yourself.”

Dante, the laughing guy, looked at him and exclaimed pointing at a man with shoulder length black hair and bright blue eyes, ”Me?! Tell that to Saint Merek over there!”

Said guy sighed as he repeated what he had said earlier very calmly, “I don’t see the point of this activity and I find this practice to be very savage.”

Dante doubled over again laughing as he said, “Heard that, Kane?! That’s insane!”

Kane merely smirked at Merek’s statement and asked, “Is that so? Why are you here with us, then?”

Merek sighed as he put his hand on a tree and said, “Because I still need the master’s training. Once I’m done, I’ll leave.” The tree shook under his touch and seemed to glitter for a few seconds before a greenish shadow of a woman appeared from it.

Dante, still chuckling, but able to compose himself, walked to stand by Merek’s side. Putting his hand on Merek’s shoulder, he said,” Now that would be a shame. I’d miss all the nonsense you keep on blabbering about.”

“Don’t you think that it’s time to stop joking around, Dante?” a man with long silver hair asked. His tone was firm even though he was just a student like them and Dante became quiet immediately.

“And who made Sylvain the boss?” asked another guy with short brown hair and a slightly tanned skin.

The fifth man, one with short black hair and crystal like blue hair, replied even before Sylvain said anything, “ Sylvain is merely trying to make this mission fruitful. And he’s right, too. So, I suggest you set your jealousy aside, Gero, and try to cooperate more.”

Gero laughed bitterly and said, “Why, of course. Lucian. If it isn’t the loyal friend of his royal highness.”

“...I am his loyal friend...And if you keep your stupid comments up, the master would degrade you.”

The two men seemed to be in a glaring contest. The air literally seemed to thicken around them until Sylvain decided to stand between them and say pointing towards the village, “Want to destroy something? Destroy mundanes.”

Lucian smirked to Sylvain and said, “You’re right. I shouldn’t waste my energy on this loser. Better get started on the mission.”

That seemed to have angered Gero who exclaimed, “We’ll see who the loser is when we’re done. I bet I can wipe more mundanes that you, Lucian.”

“Oh! A bet? That sounds interesting.” Lucian commented smugly, “...What do I win if I cause more destruction that you?”

“Well, when I win, you two will serve me for  a day. If you win, which is highly unlikely, I’ll serve you.”

Sylvain raised an eyebrow at that as he asked, “And why again am I included in your silly game?”

Before Gero could reply, Lucian intervened saying, “I accept that bed under one condition. If I win, you’ll serve me for a day wearing  a pink tutu.”

Sylvain made a face at Lucian saying, “Now that won’t be a very pretty scene.”

Lucian smiled and whispered to him, “But it’s worth seeing him as disgraced as ever.”

Gero, angry as ever, exclaimed, “Of course, I won’t do that!!!”

Lucian smiled and walked to put an arm around him saying, “it’s only fair. Don’t you always say you believe in the principle of Equivalent Exchange? Well, you added Sylvain to your reward and I added the pink tutu to mine. See? Equivalent Exchange!”

Gero thought for a second, then said, “We’ll do that, then. You’re on, Lucian. Shake my hand on it.”

Lucian did and for that, Kane and Dante smirked and Merek shook his head in disapproval. Sylvain stared at the two men who seemed to be having a strength battle instead of hands shaking, then said, “Well, whatever gets this town wiped out faster is fine by me....Now, gentlemen, shall we begin?”

Four of the other five,  Merek was the one left out, raised their fists to the air and exclaimed, “For downworlders!”

And with that, they were off. Dante was the first to land an attack. He flew in the air with winds rustling all around him and as he pointed at an inn laughing, the whole building seemed to be blown away as if it were made with nothing but toothpicks.

Kane, who was quietly walking by the building being blown away, snapped his finger and flame caught a small house surrounding all of its inhabitants. And it didn’t stop there, but actually extended to catch all of the neighbouring houses.

The townspeople started to fight back. Guards, riding on his horses and carrying long spears, bows and arrows, came running towards them. Merek was the one, as much as he hated it, to wipe them away with the shadow he had prepared earlier. The shadow woman seemed to grow in size and materialized into sharp thorns before attacking them one after the other.

Sylvain walked casually with his arms stretched to the side between some buildings. Nothing seemed to happen in the beginning, but a soft snap was heard, then what seemed like a huge warphole made of darkness appeared swallowing everything in.

Needless to say, the two that were on fire were Gero and Lucian. They were causing chaos and havoc wherever they went. Lucian’s laugh could be heard as he played with his victims. Gero’s frown spoke volumes of the concentration he was planning his attacks with.

In ten minutes, the whole town was wiped out. Merek was chosen to check for the bet’s results...For two reasons actually. The first being that he had no fascination in either party’s victory while the second being that he could easily use his connections to earth to feel and count the dead bodies for him.

In a few seconds, he declared solemnly, “...Lucian won.”

Gero’s jaw dropped before he lunged at Merek, “WHAT?!! CHECK AGAIN!!!”

Merek smiled slightly and said, “I’m sorry, Gero, but you lost.”

Lucian walked to Gero and put his arm around him, “Sooo...where should you start? Clean my bedroom? Or a foot massage maybe?”

Sylvain smirked and walked forward waving his hand in the air and not long afterwards was Gero wearing a pink tutu around his uniform.

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-02-01 22:15:11)


#219 2013-02-01 21:14:42

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics


Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#220 2013-02-01 21:17:47

From: London
Registered: 2012-07-22
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

LOL! Poor Gero! That was great, Darky :D

#221 2013-02-01 21:20:02

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Glad you liked it girls!!!

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-02-01 21:23:22)


#222 2013-02-01 21:55:39

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Oh. My. God!!! Wait...let me wipe the tears away from my eye....okay..okay....That. Was. AWESOME! Omg...
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#223 2013-02-01 23:02:29

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 12088

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

OMG! LOL! Can't...Stop...Laughing... XD
So thanks to bloody, I came up with another fan-fiction! Hope you all like it!

Night, Rose, and Luke where about 10 years old at this time, playing in a opening in a forest. Night’s parent’s watching from a distance, who brought the kids with them on a Christmas getaway to a snowy place. They never did get to tell the kids where they went. Pine trees where covered in fresh snow, little animal tracks in the snow, as light snow fell from the cloudy sky.

“Oh come on Lukey!” Rose joked running after Luke with a pink hair bow.
“Hahaha! Ya! Gingers look good in pink!” Night laughed running after the two.
Luke glared at them both, “No! Pink is for girls!”
“You act more like a girl then I do!” Rose demanded, stoping her foot, “Your no fun!”
“Oh really?!” Luke laughed, then flung a snowball at Rose, who ducked and caught Night right in the face.
“Oh crap.” Luke muttered, as the little black haired, blue eyed girl ran after him pulling him to the ground.
Rose laughed and joined them, falling down next to them. Their jackets and snow-pants covered in the knee high snow.

“I want to move here when I get older!” Night said laughing.
“Lets all move here when we’re older, and bug the heck out of each other!” Rose giggled.
“Not me.” Luke said, getting up, “I’ll be working with my father, learning how to fight!”
“Luke, you can’t even beat Rose at thumb wrestling!” Night said, putting her fists to her sides.
Luke stuck his tongue out at the two girls, “Well I’m going find Charlotte and Henry.”
The two girls both at the same time stuck their tongue out at the boy.

“I hate boys.” Rose muttered.
“Me to.” Night replied, “Lets make a promise!”
“To what?” Rose asked.
“When we’re adults me and you will move here! Have horses, dogs, bunnies! Every morning wake up and play in the snow!” Night said, giggling, “Then drink hot chocolate!”
“Mmm, I did like that stuff, hot chocolate..” Rose replied, “I promise!”
They put their pinky fingers together then laid back in the snow.
“Night! Charlotte!” Henry’s voice called, “There you two are!”

The girls squealed and giggled as Henry picked them up and put them over each shoulder.
“Don’t drop them honey!” Charlotte called, wide eyed.
“Woah!” Henry joked, swaying as the girls kept laughing.
Charlotte glared at her husband as she took back walking towards the two bed-room cabin.
"I'm pure at heart, it repels the dirt" - Mortal Instruments
My photography: … 33&p=1

#224 2013-02-02 11:22:32

From: London
Registered: 2012-07-22
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Aww! Why did you have to kill Luke and Night???

#225 2013-02-02 12:03:28

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Aww. I miss them. :[

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

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