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#1 2012-11-19 12:55:50

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Princess Quest

A bad princess
Why do girls dream of what I dread most?

I'm a princess. But I'm not the kind of princesses you read about in fairy tales... I'm more sort of a disappointing one...

When I was a little girl, I was told off all day long, I was given reprimands for the "slightest mistake" I made, the way I pronounced "crocodile" drove my grandmother crazy: "Ye gods! This child is stupid! She is two and and still says "cocodile"! At her age Rainié could read! Isabelle! What did you do doing pregnancy to make my son's daughter be so awkward?!!"? I grew up knowing I disappoint people... I disappoint my family, and my whole country. I did try to prevent more damage by not becoming Queen... by remaining discreet... Unfortunately, I am the only heir for the throne! My father just learned that he won't have anymore children, and my uncle doesn't want any... According to my grandmother, it's because of me again! No way he was going to want children after having seen me every Sundays on family lunches!


What does a queen usually wear on her head? A crown

Fit of temper!
That news virtually crushed my grandmother... When I saw her, eyes rolled upwards, tight-lipped, I thought she was gonna have an attack. But, instead of it, she told me how annoyed she was to learn she was going to have to spend so much time with me, to make me more "respectable". What? Me and my grandmother? Alone... That can't be... She's gonna squash me like any insignificant mosquito... I wish I was Kate... Elisabeth is so delightful compared to that women who's my grandmother. As I had expected here arrival was stunning. She started by my bedroom and threw away everything I had in my cupboard with nasty little comments such as "Awful!", "Vulgar!", "Horrible!", "Disgraceful!"... I stayed calm until I saw my peanut butter jar in the bin and went crazy! My heart started selling up each time she said a word... Until it exploded. Without realizing what I was doing, I started shouting and insult that old woman. This time, I really did the wrong thing...



How do you great a queen?With a curtsy

Torture and good behavior
My grandmother stayed impassive, waiting for me to calm down. In these moments, I understand how her self-control makes her a perfect queen.

Suddenly, she opened her mouth"Marc! Oscar: We are going to go to the plan B." The two strong colossus took me to the white room, despite my cries. It's a room without heating, without windows, with virtually no furniture. A prison cell in other words. During the whole weekend, I went through "behavior training" with my grandmother. I also had to live through a total makeover: waxing, face-pack, scrub, haircut... I met all the professionals in town, now I see them as torturer... I suffered agonies during 48 hours, my mean-minded grandmother watching me satisfyingly.

I knew this abomination had to stop on Monday morning when I went back to school. But I hadn't imagined Marc and Oscar were going to follow me in school! I'm so angry to have these two gorilla babysitters with me! I was getting totally desperate when Jena, my best friend whispered to me that I had become the new school star! She even told me that my class mates can't take their eyes off me! The makeover maybe? Or my new official status?




Who's the Queen of the United Kingdom? Elisabeth II




Who was the last Queen of France?Marie-Antoinette

Public revelations!
As soon as I entered, I new something was wrong. All the communication counselors were there, buzzing around the place. Without a word, Lena, the chief counselor, took a tablet out of her bag to show me a photo of Jenna and I making fun of my family. More than a million persons had watched the video in less than a couple of hours. It was the top topic of every website and every media. I quickly understood what was gonna happen to me.

I was locked up in the white room until further notice. Just when I was starting to get popular. I hate being a princess! I'm a prisoner of my country, chained by my title, muzzled by my name. They drag me to high-society parties or official representations. I do admit I tend to draw attention to myself for awkward reasons, last week I gave a kiss to the president of Japan. Once more I was on the frond page of all tabloids: "The kisses of the princess don't win unanimous support". I managed to convince Maria, the sweet cook who prepares my meals, of the importance of social contacts for teenagers. So she lets me use her phone at lunchtime. That's how Jenna persuaded me of going over the wall for her birthday party. All that time spent watching action films... I new it wasn't vain!

Thanks to Marta's precious help, I managed to escape from my gilded cage at 11:00 PM and jumped on my bike! You should have seen me, with my little dress, my stilettos and my crash helmet (one never knows), zooming across town!

After almost half an hour of intense pedaling, I arrive at Jenna's party, all red in the face, hair all undone, make-up running down my cheeks. That is, in quite a bad state! I didn't have to look for my best friend. My blood froze. My heart started jumping up and down. Some kind of sour taste came to my mind. Jenna is there, in front of me, kissing Victor.





Which family governs Monaco? The Grimaldi

Drastic measures!
This morning I feel like I was my own ghost. After what I saw yesterday, I have the feeling I am nothing but an empty shell, my soul got smashed to pieces, my heart is up in my throat and each time it beats, it scratches my self-esteem.

This morning I feel like I was my own ghost. After what I saw yesterday, I have the feeling I am nothing but an empty shell, my soul got smashed to pieces, my heart is up in my throat and each time it beats, it scratches my self-esteem.

I did'nt get the time to put my shoes on, my grand-mother entered the room hysterically. She threw a pile of magazines at me. I was in front page of all of them. A photo of me going over the wall, another one on my bike, and arriving at Jenna's party in a calamitous state, and a last one, totally livid as I am facing Victor and Jenna kissing. I can't believe it. There was a paparazzi following me all night long? That was the straw that broke the camel's back, I will never stop humiliating my family and their name. I hadn't thought more drastic measures could be taken. I was wrong. I'm going from isolation in the white room to isolation on a private Mediterranean island. Only a couple of behavior coaches and my bodyguard accompany me.

For the first time in my life, I agree with my grand-mother. I can't do anything. I want to do nothing. My best friend betrayed me by going out with the boy I love and the whole world knows about it. Loneliness is more than necessary for the moment.





How many hereditary monarchies are there in Europe?10

Step7a (you get the title of a princess)
I'm a real princess
I learned more about myself thanks to meditation sessions. My constant opposition to my family and obligations are due to my fear of not rising to the occasion. That's gonna change now. On this island, far away from other people's opinion, I start feeling more confident, I learn who I am and what I am worth. How could my family and my country love me if I couldn't stand myself?

I now feel I'm ready to tackle my role as a princess and future queen! I can already imagine what my life will be I'll meet leaders, diplomats, attend to humanitarian galas. To accept who I am will enable me help others in the end.






Step7b (You get the room)
[img]I'm a real modern princess[/img]
I learned more about myself thanks to meditation sessions. I refuse the rules so why would I impose them to my country? I can't escape from my destiny, I will always be a princess but I can live my life as I want. I'm gonna travel around the world and make the most of my youth before I become a queen. I'm won't take part in official galas but I will go to the world's biggest parties! You might very well see me on the cover of every magazine very soon.







#2 2012-11-19 13:14:32

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Princess Quest

This really sucks. I want to do this but in order to do this I'll need to buy 600 fee'z. This happens on the time I am broke. I have no money so I can't do it and can't win the room. non


#3 2012-11-19 16:26:31

Registered: 2010-05-08
Posts: 8

Re: Princess Quest

How much does the whole quest cost?non


#4 2012-11-19 16:31:14

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: Princess Quest

from the French forums:

Step 1: $ 7
Step 2: $ 5 + $ 9 = $ 14
Step 3: $ 10 + $ 10 + $ 5 = $ 25
Step 4: $ 5 + $ 12 + $ 12 = $ 29
Step 5: $ 8 + $ 6 + $ 10 + $ 15 + $ 10 = $ 49
Step 6: $ 10 + $ 6 + $ 15 + $ 15 = $ 46
Step 7: 10 $ + 10 $ + 5 $ + 11 $ + 15 $ = 51 $
= $ 221 for a $ 272 fine and 150 OR Fee'z for two purposes.

(I use Google Chrome & it automatically translates it using Google Translator, so that's the reason for the odd sentence)

There are 10 Monarchies

Last edited by sierradane (2012-11-19 16:40:37)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#5 2012-11-19 18:59:31

From: Silvermoon by way of Dalaran
Registered: 2012-04-01
Posts: 129

Re: Princess Quest

Am I the only one who's getting upset that our in game news and forum news aren't getting the official posts about things anymore.  I've been keeping the french forum open on my computer for the past couple of weeks just to be able to see the things we're missing (and I hate having to translate everything from there).

I do like this quest, but when I got to the final stage I was having a hard time telling which was the choice with the room, the pictures don't help much...


#6 2012-11-19 21:42:21

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: Princess Quest

mischiefmker wrote:

Am I the only one who's getting upset that our in game news and forum news aren't getting the official posts about things anymore.  I've been keeping the french forum open on my computer for the past couple of weeks just to be able to see the things we're missing (and I hate having to translate everything from there).

I do like this quest, but when I got to the final stage I was having a hard time telling which was the choice with the room, the pictures don't help much...

I have also been finding that a bit annoying. It seems like some of the other country sites (Spain, Germany, etc) get the information before we do on the English OMD.


#7 2012-11-19 23:26:00

From: Silvermoon by way of Dalaran
Registered: 2012-04-01
Posts: 129

Re: Princess Quest

thank you Fairykisses for adding the pictures on the last parts of the quest. good


#8 2012-11-19 23:38:13

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: Princess Quest

Your welcome!


#9 2012-11-20 00:14:29

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Princess Quest

OMG the room is so boring! I'll still get it anyway.


#10 2012-11-20 02:45:27

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Princess Quest

thanks for the quest guide! ok
but again, a special job my alt will not be able to afford yet... wasn't it too short between the previous and the current quest?

and i must agree with mischiefmker and historygeek about the newsteller. seriously, it's not the 1st time the english newsteller is failing to do it's job.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#11 2012-11-20 04:24:54

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: Princess Quest

And the poll questions... there were three over there this morning; thankfully my translator translated them & I didn't answer blindly (AND... there were actually choices there instead of none)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#12 2012-11-20 04:49:21

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Re: Princess Quest

sierradane wrote:

And the poll questions... there were three over there this morning; thankfully my translator translated them & I didn't answer blindly (AND... there were actually choices there instead of none)

We had poll questions?


#13 2012-11-20 05:11:02

Registered: 2011-05-02
Posts: 326

Re: Princess Quest

It feels like this quest was made for me! Thank you so much for the guide, Fairykisses. star

Thanks Zoey900 for the wonderful avatar and signature.
My creation

#14 2012-11-20 08:58:11

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 26

Re: Princess Quest

I spent all my DB on the last quest, still have feez left, but trying to save up for the Christmas quest coming up. There are two I never miss anymore, Halloween and Christmas. I just don't know, I'm beginning to get a bit burnt out with this game. I love it but I miss it when they weren't so money hungry. Everything they do now almost forces you to buy DB with real money.
I miss when it was much simpler, with one quest a month that cost only 100 DB and had only one path. Then they moved into two paths okay well that was still fine, I could still afford it with 20 dollars a month, though spending on regular items started happening less and less so I could have a little saved up to stretch for the flirt. Then they moved it to two times a month.

Well that was a bit harder on only $20 so I had to stop spending on regular items, and my rooms suffered.

Then they hiked the price to 200 DB a quest plus 150 additional feez. and I started struggling more. now they've hiked it again so even if you don't spend the 150 feez it now costs over 200 DB.

Add in the special flash sales and extra 100 dollar flirts stuck in between, $20 dollars a month just doesn't cut it.
I used to spend 20 a month until I just got so frustrating, All my rooms are still unfinished because I have to save up for the special flirts. I know it's a choice, but the best items are always in a quest or flirt, or a new room. I remember when I had every room even from the flirts when they were few and far between in flirts. They hardly update any of the stores now unless a new flirt or quest appears, and even then most of the items tend to coincide more with the quest items you receive when finishing a step in a quest.
I;m tired of getting rooms in quests I wish they would go back to making rooms to buy for feez at least that way I'm still paying them money, and am guaranteed the room when I have the money to spend. Now they have renting and VIP. if you notice the VIP items are crazy expensive too 100 DB for a male doll O.o. or the luxury store.
I'm only 22 and in college I just don't have the money.

Please don't take this as something overly negative, just venting a little bit of frustration. I'll still continue with this game... At least for now anyways, but if the cost keeps going up I might just have to quit.


#15 2012-11-20 10:42:00

Registered: 2010-05-08
Posts: 8

Re: Princess Quest

Do i have to finish the step7a to get to the step 7b?


#16 2012-11-20 12:10:13

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Princess Quest

blacksatomi wrote:

I spent all my DB on the last quest, still have feez left, but trying to save up for the Christmas quest coming up. There are two I never miss anymore, Halloween and Christmas. I just don't know, I'm beginning to get a bit burnt out with this game. I love it but I miss it when they weren't so money hungry. Everything they do now almost forces you to buy DB with real money.
I miss when it was much simpler, with one quest a month that cost only 100 DB and had only one path. Then they moved into two paths okay well that was still fine, I could still afford it with 20 dollars a month, though spending on regular items started happening less and less so I could have a little saved up to stretch for the flirt. Then they moved it to two times a month.

Well that was a bit harder on only $20 so I had to stop spending on regular items, and my rooms suffered.

Then they hiked the price to 200 DB a quest plus 150 additional feez. and I started struggling more. now they've hiked it again so even if you don't spend the 150 feez it now costs over 200 DB.

Add in the special flash sales and extra 100 dollar flirts stuck in between, $20 dollars a month just doesn't cut it.
I used to spend 20 a month until I just got so frustrating, All my rooms are still unfinished because I have to save up for the special flirts. I know it's a choice, but the best items are always in a quest or flirt, or a new room. I remember when I had every room even from the flirts when they were few and far between in flirts. They hardly update any of the stores now unless a new flirt or quest appears, and even then most of the items tend to coincide more with the quest items you receive when finishing a step in a quest.
I;m tired of getting rooms in quests I wish they would go back to making rooms to buy for feez at least that way I'm still paying them money, and am guaranteed the room when I have the money to spend. Now they have renting and VIP. if you notice the VIP items are crazy expensive too 100 DB for a male doll O.o. or the luxury store.
I'm only 22 and in college I just don't have the money.

Please don't take this as something overly negative, just venting a little bit of frustration. I'll still continue with this game... At least for now anyways, but if the cost keeps going up I might just have to quit.

I know how you feel. I can't take this 2 quest a month. I really would like to collect all the rooms but I can't. I spend my money on the last adventure so now I can't do this one. The adventures get to much each and everytime.


#17 2012-11-20 12:26:22

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: Princess Quest

lafuzia2 please do not double post for it is against the board rules.

As for the quest you can choose which ending you would like to do, but if you choose to do both endings you will need to pay 150 feez to continue the entire quest.


#18 2012-11-20 20:57:07

Registered: 2010-08-28
Posts: 244

Re: Princess Quest

I only spent $211 for Steps 1-7 (not including the second half of the quest) which was perfect for my alternate account whom only had $212 saved up.

Step 1: $7
Step 2: $5 , $9
Step 3: $10 , $10 , $5
Step 4: $5 , $12 , $12
Step 5: $15 , $10 , $6 , $8
Step 6: $10 , $6, $15 , $15
Step 7A: $10 , $10 , $15 , $8 , $8
Step 7B: $10 , $10 , $15 , $8 , $8

Step 1 - 7a = $211 (one ending)
Step 1 - 7a + 7b = $262 (both endings)

Fabulosity (n) 1. a state of everything that is fabulous. 2. a quality ascribed to that which expresses glamour, style, charisma, power, and heart.

#19 2012-11-21 02:32:45

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: Princess Quest

rosered86 wrote:

sierradane wrote:

And the poll questions... there were three over there this morning; thankfully my translator translated them & I didn't answer blindly (AND... there were actually choices there instead of none)

We had poll questions?

No, the US server hasn't had those poll questions yet; they were on the French server.  Sometimes when I see poll questions there, we get them a few days to a week later.

I do wish that the Adventures would be posted in the news section when they come out instead of 2 days later.  but I suppose, 'better late than never.'
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#20 2012-11-23 15:26:11

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: Princess Quest

sierradane wrote:

rosered86 wrote:

sierradane wrote:

And the poll questions... there were three over there this morning; thankfully my translator translated them & I didn't answer blindly (AND... there were actually choices there instead of none)

We had poll questions?

No, the US server hasn't had those poll questions yet; they were on the French server.  Sometimes when I see poll questions there, we get them a few days to a week later.

I do wish that the Adventures would be posted in the news section when they come out instead of 2 days later.  but I suppose, 'better late than never.'

I agree on both points...please go back to asking our opinions with polls and posting all relevant news for all your players.


#21 2021-01-05 01:14:34

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: Princess Quest

Moved to Quests of the Past

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#22 2021-01-10 20:02:53

Registered: 2010-10-18
Posts: 219

Re: Princess Quest

Hmm, I'm late as per usual but different answer to one of the questions - Step 4 is for me: Who was the last Empress of France?  Eugénie of Montijo


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