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#51 2013-01-04 12:38:44

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

-Entry in "Perfect Girl Contest" Story round-
Title: The Written Writings of a Prefect's Not-So Perfect Love Story
Main Characters: Percy Ignatius Weasley, Mariette Susanne Foirfe
Genre: Parody, Fan Fiction, Comedy, Romance

Entry # 1 - Taken from the diary of Percy Ignatius Weasley

August 11th, 1999
Today, I've been promoted to head of the Department of Education in the Ministry. I've also met an angel. She goes by the name Marietta Susanne Foirfe, and her beauty is undoubtedly incomparable.
She moves with grace and elegance in the most ungraceful and inelegant places. Even a blind person would feel her aura of perfection.
I have the undeniable luck of having her as my assistant in the Ministry. Just hearing her perfectly melodious voice, even when she is far far away gives me happiness.
Once I have the courage, I will write her a letter. Something that will express my love for her. What shall I give her as a gift, though? What could she possibly want to have? She's perfection, what more does she need?

Entry #2 - Percy Ignatius Weasley's first letter

Dear Marietta,
I have finally taken up the courage to write you a letter, this August 24th. I just couldn't stand the thought of you receiving so many before mine is sent, I've seen the boys in the office scribbling while they think I'm not looking. Staring at your perfection as if they were deserving of even a peek at your surreal violet eyes that have specks of silver within them.
I hope you do not see me as the lovesick brainless puppy that the others are.
I cannot convey my feelings for you in a simple letter, so here I invite you to come with me on a date.
I know it is bold of me to ask, but if I do not do it boldly, I feel like I cannot do it at all.
Percy Weasley

Entry #3 - Marietta Susanne's letter after their first date

My Dear Percy,
I cannot express my enjoyment in the time that we are together. I cannot say this to you out loud for the fear that my fleet of admirers might try to do something.
I know this is sudden, but I want to meet your family, I want to meet the people that raised you, my love, if I can call you that. After all, it's only been one date.
I just hope your family won't see me as a snotty rich girl. I did not get to where I am as the Wizard World's Richest Man's Only Daughter.
I got here by becoming the youngest ever to graduate Hogwarts. Fifteen is a remarkably young age for graduation is it not?
From the bottom of my heart,
Marietta Susanne Foirfe

Entry #3 - Percy's Letter after the Family Dinner

My Only, my Marietta,
My family adores you. You're such a forgiving person, even if you did not know of Harry and Hermione's appearance, you took it in stride. Everyone loves you, but of course not even in a millionth of how I love you.
They say they especially likes your story of how you saved an entire species of the already endangered Sparkle Streaked Furret, which in turn helped saved millions who were dying of the Conticus Disease who's only cure was the fur of said animal.The day we meet again is too far even if its only in a fer hours.
Love and Soul,
Percy Weasley

Entry #4 - A final farewell

My dear Marietta,
Please remember that I love you, but I cannot be with you anymore.
I fear for my life when we are together and I'm pained when we are apart.
The way men would send me glares and the fact that they can trample over me trying to get to you can no longer be held back by my love for you.
It is not because you are Voldemort's secret daughter, in fact, you're the most incredibly kind person I've met. Your wealth has never mattered to me, so why would your genealogy matter?
I can still remember your first day with me, I was shocked to see such a young woman rank so high in the Ministry.
I hope we can still be on good terms, after all, you're already best friends with Harry, Hermione and Ron. You even found a cure for Neville's parents!
But, I cannot live this way. My life is in danger every second I spend with you. I used to think that your perfection matched mine, but now I know it outshines me too much and I can never be accepted as yours.
With regards and wishes you live another day,
Percy Ignatius Weasley

And that, my friends, is how Percy Ignatius Weasley accepted his imperfections, and accepted his not-so perfect present wife, Audrey Weasley, who was just an average girl. She was incomparable to Mariette Susanne, but she was the woman Percy Weasley found a soulmate in. In fact, she proves that perfection is not what you need to find true love, just the opposite, really.

Last edited by xemoxrockerx (2013-01-04 14:49:10)
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#52 2013-01-04 13:19:39

From: MNL, Phil.
Registered: 2011-08-26
Posts: 352

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

Sorry, poem's not done yet. I'll try my best to finish by tomorrow or the next.

#53 2013-01-04 13:50:01

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

I say vote before the due date


#54 2013-01-04 14:11:53

From: the other world
Registered: 2011-05-24
Posts: 596

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

Xemorockerx- Nice Story you got there! Is it from Harry Potter? Coz I saw some names familiar like Voldemort, Harry, Hermione, Ron, etc...

new NEWS new
The Raffle Category Winner will be announced on January 5-6, 2013. Fingers Crossed Girls! mdr

Last edited by bebepat (2013-01-04 14:19:02)

#55 2013-01-06 08:11:48

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

I have added my photo that needed to be edited. You can find it here--> … 80#p160180


#56 2013-01-06 08:48:26

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

I might doo a zayn blingee for edit tomorow.
But i will do same thing for my outfit.its late but ive havent been on the computer.only on the
Device .....

be kind. always.

#57 2013-01-06 09:46:53

From: MNL, Phil.
Registered: 2011-08-26
Posts: 352

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

His Mirrors
by Mademoiselle143

Mirrors all over the world are all the same
They mock my face and give shame on my name
No matter how hard I try to impress them at least
They break into pieces like they saw a beast

So I ran under the rain and shed my lonely tears
For being so unaccepted and rejected these years
I looked at the puddles and tried to see
My own reflection - it still lacked beauty

But whenever I pass by his little town
I bid goodbye to my childish frown
Him who loves me despite my errors
Him who had the best of all the mirrors

Cause when I look into his eyes
Although smiling like a fool
His eyes reflect with no lies
A girl who's perfect and beautiful

#58 2013-01-06 20:45:41

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

My Edit Pic Thing:
Sorry if its small >.<
My Doll is ready in loft.

be kind. always.

#59 2013-01-11 14:24:55

From: the other world
Registered: 2011-05-24
Posts: 596

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

Cullen 97!
Editted Pic will be posted later...

#60 2013-01-11 17:12:09

From: The couch
Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 11534

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

This poem is based on how I got together with my own fiancee. Everything in this poem actually happened. :)

20 Seconds Of Insane Courage
I catch my breath every single time
Never thinking you might know
You're all that I can think about
The safe place I would call home

As we walk along this darkened road
I glance at you from time to time
You get lost in a world of your own
I wish I could go there with you   

You take my hand and try to smile
I say "it's okay, I can stay awhile"
I try to tell you how much I care
I would tell you if only you'd dare

If you could only care enough to see
How much you really mean to me
You would find it in your heart
An empty place to secure my love

twenty seconds of insane courage
Is all I would allow myself to speak
As the rain pelted down on us,
you leaned down and kissed my cheek

You said, "I'm sorry for being su-"
I cut you off with a gentle kiss
And we realized then and there
If we let go, what we would miss

You swung me up and spun me in the air
You said,"Losing you would be too much to bear"
We smiled and laughed and joined hands
in silent thank you for the love we now share.

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#61 2013-01-11 23:48:17

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 1721

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

bebepat wrote:

Cullen 97!
Editted Pic will be posted later...

Yay! Thank you :) gai
.•* Thank you Shadow c: *•.

#62 2013-01-18 13:06:36

From: the other world
Registered: 2011-05-24
Posts: 596

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

new NEWS new
New Entries Added!

If you dont like it, notify me and I will change it. Votes will be given through my alts. Congratulations!

#63 2013-01-18 17:21:33

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

Hehe um bebephat....I forgot my nerd glasses on my doll.Sorry but when I'm able to change my dollz (Sorry Im sick today) I will put my nerd classes.Sorry ouf

be kind. always.

#64 2013-01-18 23:43:58

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 1721

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

GORGEOUS :) Thank you!
.•* Thank you Shadow c: *•.

#65 2013-01-19 02:27:44

Registered: 2010-11-12
Posts: 1316

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

Ok um my dollz updated again...

be kind. always.

#66 2013-01-19 09:49:18

From: the other world
Registered: 2011-05-24
Posts: 596

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

Hehe um bebephat....I forgot my nerd glasses on my doll.Sorry but when I'm able to change my dollz (Sorry Im sick today) I will put my nerd classes.Sorry

Oh. Sorry.

GORGEOUS :) Thank you!

I'm glad you liked it!

Ok um my dollz updated again...



new NEWS new
Dollz whom not YET submitted their entries:
~Editting Category~
~Short Story Category~
~Poem Category~

Just a reminder: You ALL have to submit your entries BEFORE the said due date. Notify me if you will back out.

Last edited by bebepat (2013-01-19 10:04:36)

#67 2013-01-26 10:31:58

From: London
Registered: 2012-07-22
Posts: 6201

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

I've almost finished the story, I just have one more paragraph to write. Sorry it's so late! I'll post it in a few hours :) As for the poem category, I'm going to have to drop out. I seem to have Poet's Block XD

#68 2013-01-26 12:29:19

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

Sorry but I won't be able to submit the edited pic. :/

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#69 2013-01-26 23:14:24

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

Sorry for being sooooo late I really forgot about the edited pic sorrryyy! here it is


#70 2013-01-27 11:36:48

From: London
Registered: 2012-07-22
Posts: 6201

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

Sorry this is a bit late!

Golden Mornings

*Celesta’s PoV*
The sunlight was warm and achingly bright against Celesta’s thin eyelids. She pulled the fuzzy chequered blanket over her head in a failed attempt block out the light, still half asleep. The next thing she was aware of in her hazy state of mind was the sound of a pencil scraping against paper. It was a consistent sound and Celesta groaned loudly, knowing fully well that it wasn’t about to stop anytime soon.

Mornings with Louis were always like this: she would wake up to the sound of him drawing, groan and just sit there, listening. She always told him that it was annoying but in reality she had come to associate that sound with comfort and happiness. Plus it gave her the chance to openly stare without him noticing.

Celesta sat up, moving the blanket away from her face, and she squinted in the sunlight. It was a very bright morning. Louis was sitting on the window seat in her room, leaning against a handful of assorted cushions and pillows. His sketchbook was propped up against his knees at just the right angle for him to draw comfortably.

The golden light emitted by the early morning sun seeped through the glass of the window turning the tips of his sandy blonde hair amber and making his skin seem even more bronzed than usual. Celesta felt the strange desire to reach out and ruffle his hair, which was already mussed from sleep.

Louis seemed to be in a different world – the world he always went to when he put a pencil to paper. It was a world Celesta had always wanted to follow him into, but could never and would never because she didn’t have an artists’ mind. She was a practical girl, impatient with a fiery temper and a tongue like the lash of a whip. Someone smart had once pointed out that “There was nothing anyone could say that Celesta didn’t have a witty comeback to.” This statement was mostly true.

Finally giving in to curiosity Celesta stood up, wrapping the thick, warm blanket around her shoulders, and tiptoed barefoot across the cold wooden floor. She climbed up onto the small, pillow-covered window seat and sat down next to Louis; he was still in his own world and hadn’t noticed she was there yet. She peered over his shoulder, her silvery blonde curls sweeping down and brushing his wrist lightly, and gasped involuntarily.

*Louis’ PoV*
Celesta’s gasp jolted Louis out of his reverie. He looked down at the detailed sketch that lay on his paper and was surprised to see that it was actually quite good. He didn’t usually draw people and when he did they never came out right. This time though, the drawing had come out perfectly, and he had even subconsciously used a bit of colour. He had drawn Celesta, smiling in her sleep, blanket drawn up so that all the viewer could see was her head. The sunlight hit her blonde hair, which usually had a silvery tone, turning it gold.

Louis smiled. “You weren’t supposed to see this yet.” he said.

Celesta rested her head against his shoulder, still staring at the drawing. “It’s amazing.”

“It’s definitely better than the other ones I’ve drawn.” Louis admitted modestly. He looked out of the window. Celesta’s house had a great view of the Eiffel Tower and he usually sat on her window seat, attempting to draw it at different times of day. Today, the sky was a crystalline blue with no clouds in sight and a very bright sun. Despite this, it was freezing. “Want to go out for breakfast?” he asked.

This time Celesta was staring at him instead of the drawing. “How do you manage to be so perfect?” she asked, not replying to his question.

Louis laughed and tucked a fallen strand of silvery-blonde hair behind her ear. “I could ask you the same thing.”

“I am not perfect.” Celesta said, looking away.

Louis put one hand against her cheek, forcing her to look back at him. Icy blue eyes met his brown ones. “You are. And the fact that you don’t see it just makes you even more perfect.”

Celesta shook her head but she was smiling. “Let’s not talk about that. So… about that breakfast offer…”

Louis grinned. He prided himself in being one of the only people who could make Celesta Nocturne suddenly shy and modest. It was something that didn’t happen very often with other people. He stood up, offering his hands to help her up. “Lead the way, princess.”

Hope you like it :D

Last edited by kieramsmileys (2013-01-27 11:37:27)

#71 2013-01-31 15:51:29

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

Obviously, I couldn't submit the edited pic...
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#72 2013-02-08 11:06:46

From: the other world
Registered: 2011-05-24
Posts: 596

Re: Perfect Girl Contest


new NEWS new
Dress Up Category


Editting Category


Short Story Category


Poem Category


Prizes will be given sooner or later... ouf

Last edited by bebepat (2013-02-08 12:37:43)

#73 2013-02-10 19:55:36

From: Land Of The Forgiven
Registered: 2011-08-20
Posts: 791

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

Omg yay thank you~! I would like an Ava/Sig :) I will let you know of what picture!

#74 2013-02-17 07:21:58

From: the other world
Registered: 2011-05-24
Posts: 596

Re: Perfect Girl Contest

fasionstar wrote:

Omg yay thank you~! I would like an Ava/Sig :) I will let you know of what picture!


#75 2013-03-29 21:00:29

Ancien joueur alliekat88990

Re: Perfect Girl Contest



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