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#1 2013-08-08 05:55:47

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

So I need help

It's official. I'm gonna try to go on a weight loss plan. I really need to watch what I eat and I need to exercise for an hour a day at least.

Here's where your help comes in:
-If you have a diet that's worked for you, let me know
-If you have an exercise plan that worked for you, let me know
-If you catch me on the board, ask me about my diet and my exercise. I'm gonna need constant reminders because I have motivation issues.
-Pm me or leave comments for me to remind me.
-Motivate me. That's a big one.

I'm at 122 lbs but for my height, I'm really chubby. I know if I was 4-6 inches taller, I'd be thinner. I need to be at 110 lbs or less.

School is starting soon so that'll cause a few issues into the plan but I'm dead sure on getting it done.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#2 2013-08-08 06:35:49

Registered: 2011-04-14
Posts: 394

Re: So I need help

I don't really follow a strict diet, but cutting off sugary food helped me drop a lot of weight. If you want something sweet, go for something natural. I really like bananas to replace my cravings since I like the texture and it's sweet.

Also, think about portions. Don't go crazy and measure everything you eat, but too much of anything is bad and you need variety in your diet, too.

As for exercise, do something that works out your whole body and that you like. I have dance practice 3 times a week during the school year. I'm actually going through band camp right now and my legs are sore from doing plie exercises and holding positions.

So pretty much focus on healthier alternatives, portions, and finding a form of exercise that you enjoy.

ALSO! Find someone to diet with! That way, you won't feel alone and you have someone going through it with you. I should diet, too. So feel free if you need a dieting pardner.

Last edited by harajukukiki (2013-08-08 06:38:23)

#3 2013-08-08 08:43:32

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: So I need help

I always keep on telling myself I should start dieting and I always find a reason not to. But I was actually dieting twice and I lost a good amount of fat then :) First time I lost about 7kg and it took me about 3 months. I didn't have any specific diet, I was just watching what I was eating. And the second time I was on the South Beach diet and I lost about 10kg in about a month. Pretty fast BUT this diet wasn't very good for me. It turned out I have anemia. I was feeling weak and my hair started falling out. So I don't really recommend this one to anybody.

Okay, now's time for an actual advice! I agree with Harajuku about replacing sweets with fruits, although I think apples are a better idea than bananas. Apples have quite a lot of fiber that makes you feel full. You can also try eating all kind of nuts instead (but not too much, they are healthy but have a lot of fat too) or dried fruits. I like them a lot.

You should eat 5 small meals a day:

Breakfast - it's the most important meal that helps you live through the day, you absolutely can't skip it! It's best if you eat it no later than 2 hours after waking up. Replacing a normal bread with wholebrain one is a good idea as well. Oatmeal is pretty good too, it's very nutritious.

The 2nd breakfast - a low-fat yogurt, an apple or something like that.

Dinner/lunch - some kind of a cooked or baked piece of meat (no frying!) with a salat. Or some low-fat soup, or vegetable casserole. A good idea would be to cut off on pasta at least at the begginig or trying to eat the wholegrain pasta instead.

Dessert - when I was dieting I was actually skipping this one as I didn't feel very hungry, but if you'd like to you can eat some nuts then or something like that.

Supper - something light is best, like a salat. The last meal shouldn't be eaten later than at least 2 hours before going to bed.

You can also try keeping a diet diary, where you write what you eat. And when weighing and measuring yourself it's best to do it every day and then taking the weekly average. Try weighing yourself always at the same time of the day for example in the morning before eating breakfast.

And when it comes to sport... I hate it! Lol, I'm really not good at doing any kind of sport and I hate sweating a lot. So if you're like me then I think yoga lessons would be perfect for you. It's not very fat-burning, but it is very enjoyable. It makes you stronger, more flexible, doesn't gives you huge muscles and it makes you feel a lot better. I always felt very peacful and happy after my yoga lessons. Dancing is also a good idea, I really liked belly-dancing. I tried also Zumba several times and liked it as well. And I think swimming would be quite interesting as it involves all kind of muscles in our body and you don't have to worry about sweating XD

Good luck to you!

#4 2013-08-08 10:57:06

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: So I need help

Alright, so recently I've gained a large amount of weight because stress and I haven't been looking after myself, etc. Naturally I'm quite a 'heavy' girl for my size, but I also take into account my muscle mass. (I'm doomed to forever have dancer thighs...)

So my advice:
- Aggressively changing your diet is really bad for you. Slowly change it small things like the bread you use, natural sugars and what not. It's easier to stick to this way.
- Don't forget to treat yourself. I know some nice, healthy and quick deserts if you want.
- Don't expect to drop the weight immediately. It's just a number. That number doesn't take into account muscle mass. Your body will change before your number will.
- Don't push yourself too much.
- Know your body. Don't get upset about not being like those irritating people who are super skinny and eat junk food all day. Understand that you may naturally be heavy chested (like me) or have large thighs... (like me) No one's perfect, so don't go chasing some unreachable goal, go or whatever makes you feel comfortable.
- Positive thinking is key.

But yeah, I started exercising again. I do a lot of inner thigh and core exercises, because they're the only two areas I'm unhappy with.
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#5 2013-08-08 13:35:44

From: The couch
Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 11534

Re: So I need help

I have been meaning to start keeping track of everything I eat and I hardly ever exercise, because I absolutely hate working out. So what I thought of was every time before going to bed, and every time after I wake up, to stretch all my muscles out and walk around in my room (it's spacious so I feel like I'm covering a lot of ground in a decent amount of time) for at least an hour and a half. So that's like, three hours a day! It really helps to get your adrenaline worked up and keeps your blood flowing nicely. You kinda start to feel healthy as you do this.
The next thing I thought up was, never eat big and fast. eat small potions of various stuff and keep the flow of food going in slow. That way you don't get tired or lethargic after a meal, and you feel full.

I learned this technique from Malu, cuz she likes to walk around while she thinks and she's in very good shape for her age.

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#6 2013-08-08 14:00:25

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: So I need help

@Harajukukiki Food portions for me are normally small or I'll eat nothing. I went through a 5 month process of anorexia about a year ago and my food portions still haven't fully become normal. When school starts back up, I'll probably go back to skipping to lunch like I used to do...and that'll end ip making my other portions decreasing. A partner will be helpful though.

@Rhea I probably wouldn't be able to consume the normal three, let alone five. Dancing may help but I'd like to get some structure.

@Rarity What are those thigh and core exercises? (It's my biggest issues)

@Amary Walking *sigh*'I could walk all day. My parents have something against that though.

For everyone, there's an app called MyFitnessPal. Its suppose to help keep track of what you eat, calorie consumption, and exercise. Add me if you'd like (same username as here).

Last edited by bloodyemos (2013-08-08 14:01:46)
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#7 2013-08-08 17:28:46

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: So I need help

Um, I'm pretty much no help here but I've lost some weight without really trying to lose weight in the past few months?
What I did:
1.) I stretched a lot. Just random 20 second touch-your-toes, lunges, etc.
2.) Sit-Ups I'm pretty sure this is aimed at your core? When I was starting to exercise I'd do about 20 before bed and slowly try to increase it by 5 each night.
1.) Try not to skip meals. Some people have a certain metabolism that makes skipping meals let you gain weight. Seconding the motion on quite a few smaller meals a day. Maybe your body is the kind that gets thinner with more food. Keep that in mind and try not to skip meals especially the three main ones. Eat less oily things. Usually like home cooked food or sandwiches? Try not to eat chips or a truck load of fries.
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#8 2013-08-08 17:33:00

Registered: 2011-04-14
Posts: 394

Re: So I need help

bloodyemos wrote:

@Harajukukiki Food portions for me are normally small or I'll eat nothing. I went through a 5 month process of anorexia about a year ago and my food portions still haven't fully become normal. When school starts back up, I'll probably go back to skipping to lunch like I used to do...and that'll end ip making my other portions decreasing. A partner will be helpful though.

Try eating your lunch. I get it, it's not as easy as just saying "eat it," but really try and make an effort. If you plan on exercising, it's absolutely crucial to eat or else you'll pass out, and that'll take away all the time you could be using to exercise more.
I forgot to eat breakfast before a morning practice and every 5 minutes, I had to sit down because my vision started getting dark and it was becoming difficult to catch up with everyone.

#9 2013-08-08 17:49:45

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: So I need help

@Xemo I have a slow metabolism. It'll take a lot for me to loose anything as it. I'm gonna try the crunches before bed though.

@Hara I know I should eat but it's school food. My school took a healthy turn and the food is still fatty and horrible. It makes a diet difficult. I can't take food from home because we don't have a lot of food as it is. 9 people and only so much food from food stamps.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#10 2013-08-08 17:59:43

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: So I need help

How about eat just a little bit? Just to fill your stomach for a while.
Oh, and I found the thing I sort of follow sometimes. But like only half of what it says because I'm not that into exercise and over-exertion is a no-no.
Really simple, stretch A LOT in between exercises though. First time I did this, I didn't stretch at all and my limbs hurt for two and a half days.
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#11 2013-08-08 18:09:11

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: So I need help

How did I know it was related to Homestuck in a way? I've seen things like that....I may actually try it.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#12 2013-08-09 01:24:55

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: So I need help

I didnt read the replies because it's past midnight here and I'm dead tired but basically, you don't need an actual "diet plan"....

Some tips that will help you ASAP:

- SIP water all day (not just drink, sip it, it takes more energy and your body will use it in a different way), this will also help you reduce your cravings and hunger in general;
- NEVER EVER Drink water during meals or at least drink as little as possible (your stomach grows when it senses food+water because it needs more space to absorve);
- Eat slowly (your body needs 19 minutes to realize it's full so, right now, you might be over-eating because your stomach hasnt realized it's full yet);
- Stretch (this motivates you do be a bit more active);
- Eat at least 5/6 meals a day, mostly vegetables (you can always eat meat and all, I actually used to do a salad with pieces of meat in it and, surprisingly, I felt like I ate a full steak when I only had a little bit, regardless of the salad);
- Search for Blogilates on youtube and have fun!

More things that water does for you:
- Basically, you're a toilet. You need to send the poop away right? How do you do it? Flush it away weeehhh! And that's what water does, it flushes away all the toxines you have in your body and, eventually, it helps your metabolism, your weight and it makes wonders to your skin. A trick to see if you're drinking enough water and if your body is clean is your pee tbh... The clearer/more transparent it is, the cleaner you are... If it's yellow or has bubbles or smells, you havent flushed enough.
- Digestion starts on your mouth, the tongue to be exact, so if you're constantly drinking water, your constantly "calling" for some sort of digestion that works in a funny way and, by sucking in the water, you're losing energy (by energy I mean more like fat) and, again, you're cleaning yourself;
- Since your stomach ends up being always filled up with water, you feel less hungry and the food you eat is to restock your energies rather than stock them so you'll only eat as much energy as your body needs.

I guess that's what I can remember for now... I'll come here in the morning when I'm fresher ahahah!

#13 2013-08-09 04:02:49

Registered: 2011-04-14
Posts: 394

Re: So I need help

xemoxrockerx wrote:

Really simple, stretch A LOT in between exercises though. First time I did this, I didn't stretch at all and my limbs hurt for two and a half days.

It doesn't have to do with stretching, really. That's how you're supposed to feel after a really good workout.
But stretching does prevent injuries and jogging a bit warms up muscles and makes it easier to stretch. Do a stretch routine before a workout. You'll loosen up any tightness in your body and you'll feel more pumped up for a workout. This doesn't really have to do with dieting itself, but you should be immersed into exercises and do it safely, too.

#14 2013-08-09 12:53:02

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: So I need help

I understand that eating 5 times a day may be hard for some people, but it's really crucial for your health to eat AT LEAST 3 times a day. It may be small portions but you really shouldn't eat less. Just as xemoxrockerx already said, eating too little may actually cause gaining weight. When a person suddenly starts dieting and stops eating "normaly" they will lose weight pretty fast, but after a week or two organism will realise that something is strange, that it's not getting as much food as it used to and will stop burning fat and accumulate it instead. Eating regularly small portions won't cause this kind of shock :)

And I totally agree with everything that Jang has written! Drinking water during a meal is a big no-no. But I have this book about dieting and healthy food and there's written that you can try drinking a glass of water with lemon juice and some fresh mint leaves an hour before a meal. This will help you eat a little less and  is also good for the metabolism.

Eating slowly is also important. And if you're still feeling hungry or carve for some sweets just after eating a meal then try to bear with it for about 20 minutes. The feeling should disappear after this time.

I've also read somewhere that drinking a glass of nettle tea in the morning an hour before breakfast is good for metabolism as well. Well, nettle tea is quite healthy in general, so trying it wouldn't hurt I guess. Although pregnant women shouldn't drink it!

Bloody, I must tell you that your topic motivated me to try losing some weight as well. I'm going on vacation now and have no idea what I will eat there, but I'll surely accompany you with your dieting struggles as soon as I get back :)

#15 2013-08-09 15:39:40

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: So I need help

rheasilvia wrote:

I understand that eating 5 times a day may be hard for some people, but it's really crucial for your health to eat AT LEAST 3 times a day. It may be small portions but you really shouldn't eat less. Just as xemoxrockerx already said, eating too little may actually cause gaining weight. When a person suddenly starts dieting and stops eating "normaly" they will lose weight pretty fast, but after a week or two organism will realise that something is strange, that it's not getting as much food as it used to and will stop burning fat and accumulate it instead. Eating regularly small portions won't cause this kind of shock :)

And I totally agree with everything that Jang has written! Drinking water during a meal is a big no-no. But I have this book about dieting and healthy food and there's written that you can try drinking a glass of water with lemon juice and some fresh mint leaves an hour before a meal. This will help you eat a little less and  is also good for the metabolism.

Eating slowly is also important. And if you're still feeling hungry or carve for some sweets just after eating a meal then try to bear with it for about 20 minutes. The feeling should disappear after this time.

I've also read somewhere that drinking a glass of nettle tea in the morning an hour before breakfast is good for metabolism as well. Well, nettle tea is quite healthy in general, so trying it wouldn't hurt I guess. Although pregnant women shouldn't drink it!

Bloody, I must tell you that your topic motivated me to try losing some weight as well. I'm going on vacation now and have no idea what I will eat there, but I'll surely accompany you with your dieting struggles as soon as I get back :)

I'm fresh now.

About the exercise I read about here: Stretching helps to release a fluid between your muscles that is basically what makes them seem stiff. Lets go for another metaphor or whatever: for a door to move correctly, it needs oil on the folding part; you're kinda the opposite, you have the oil inside you and you need to take it out from your foldings (muscles) so you can move better. Also, the muscles suffer more when they are cold. That's why when you hurt yourself, you tend to rub or pat: to make the muscle warm because it fades the pain away. That is also why during the winter, you feel more stiff and sometimes your whole body seems to hurt: it's cold.

So, remember to always stretch to release that "oil" and warm up to prevent injuries, cramps, and have the "good pain". Good pain is the kind of pain you feel when you, after exercising, feel the muscle pulling and sore. If it hurts as if it was a bruise, then you did the exercise in a wrong way.

About the water with lemon, etc etc: yes, that's a big plus.
Right when you wake up, you sould drink a full glass of water to hidrate yourself and to, tadah, eat less for breakfast. But here, I'd say you can eat whatever you want: cereals, bread, fruit, tea, milk, juice, whatever you prefere. I'm the kind to go for cereals.
Note note note!: Try to eat a piece of chocolate in the morning!! Yes, I did say chocolate. Just because you're going on a diet it doesnt mean you need to cut out chocolate... Actually, a piece of chocolate (at least, one piece of a chocolate tablet or equivalent), stimulates brain activity, improves focus and helps metabolism. True story: Scientists!
So yeah, for me, I always drink a glass of water and about 10 minutes later, I have a full bowl of milk with cereals or a toast with chocolate milk and that feeds me for quite a while.

--- Lots of water ---

Then you should have a little snack: special attention to fruit because, since it's still morning, you should have a vitamin reforcement so fruit is a good option, it's colorful (yey for +mood), it's tasty and it's quick~!

--- Lots of water ---

For lunch, again, try not to drink during and always start with soup. I know many don't like it but: it has water, it has veggies and it can have meat or fish. A soup can actually be a full meal just there! After the soup, go for some salad with cereals (rice or pasta) and a bit of meat/fish. I was told that your side dish (rice, pasta, wtv) should be twice the main (meat/fish) so, start with the side dish and put the ammount you feel like having and then put the equivalent of half of it in meat or fish. And then some salad because you should have as much color as possible in your plate, mostly green. Either pick a fresh salad (lettuce, carrot, tomatoes, etc) or a warm salad (green beans, peas, cooked carrot, cauliflower, etc), it will fill you up, help you achieve your goal of Xlitres of water per day and it will make you eat less fat (meat basically).

--- Lots of water ---

During the afternoon, you should take another snack. Since you're probably still feeling full from lunch, you should take something even lighter. People tend to skip this because they ate too much for lunch and they are too full.
Since you already had a fruit in the morning, you can take the advantage and have a cup of tea (or coffee but not so good) to stimulate you for the rest of the work and a couple of cookies. They can even be oat cookies but, tell me, between me saying "have a sugar-free, sal-free, fat-free, tastless snack" or me saying "oatmeal COO.KIE", which one has the magic word? Yeap, we all love the biscuits. Also, it's a way to reward yourself for behaving yourself until then~!
So, have a cup of tea (= one glass of water) and some biscuits or whatever and you're good to go!

--- Lots of water ---

For dinner, you're probably tired already and you don't feel like doing a totally healthy meal. So a trick is to always have some soup in your fridge. Heat it up and eat it. In a couple of hours, you'll be going to bed and you must never go with a full stomach; a nice soup with lots of veggies and maybe a fruit salad in the end is good.

--- Water ---

Some time before you go to bed, you should eat or, even better, drink something to sooth your stomach and prepare you to bed. A calming tea with some crackers is a good idea. You're stocking up some extra water and energy for the magic your body does during the night so you wont dehidrate in any way.

With this, you had 6 small meals with lots of nutrients and vitamins and all of that sparkling unicorn yummy thing that everyone should have. Meanwhile, you drank around 10 glasses of water, lets say, which is already really good.

Another tip is to always suck you belly button in, stretch your legs and dont have them in the same position for over 10 minutes and, when you're at home or no one is seeing, squeeze your butt in. Those will be the 3 main spots you will want to work out since, when you undergo a diet, you're taking fat from the muscles and you will want to define those muscles. You dont have to actually work out (you do but at least 2 or 3 times a week, no more than that) but squeezing in and stretching during the day is already half way to exercising and you're working your abs and your tush. The belly button suck in, it also improves your digestion system.

Where was I... Oh yeah, lemon water! Yes. The lemon (and pretty much any other cytrin) has this benefit of "burning". That's why, when you have a sore throat, any kind of inflamation, you should drink lemonade, lemon tea or even let lemon drops rolls down your throat: to burn the infection. It does the same to your cravings while helping your metabolism regulate itself and somehow helping you burn more. So. It's pretty much the situation: BUUUUUURRRRN!
If you squeeze some lemon juice and had some lemon slices in a jar, close it, and let it in the sun for a while (it works with tea too), it is even better though I'm yet to understand the WHY fully.

Anyways, I can tell you that I have been around 1.65cm for almost 2 years and my weight would always be 60-64kg, forever changing. And it would make me pretty annoyed. I started to follow (at least half of) that list I said above and my weight is now stuck at 59kg and it's just not under because it's vacations and I'm not as active as during school and such. But if you're active, I can say that doing the above will cut you at least 4kg, max 6kg I'd say. (sorry, I dont know the "lbs" system ^-^')

#16 2013-08-09 15:51:30

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: So I need help

Mmmm. Dat Sollux.

I'll draw up a chart of what I do, it's easier than explaining.

On a side note, I hadn't done these exercises for a month now and this topic inspired me to start them. (I loathe myself at the moment, but I'm too lazy to do anything) So I did them yesterday and I my legs already look slimmer. :V
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#17 2013-08-09 17:32:16

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: So I need help

This topic is simply fantastic! I'm gonna write down all your tips, girls, and stick them on my fridge. Hopefully that will help with my horribly weak will :)

I've also just remembered something. I don't know how it is in other countries but in Poland it is very popular for girls to do sit-ups to burn belly fat. Unfortunately most of the people don't know how to do them properly and instead of using their stomach muscles they use their backbone which may cause some severe injuries. Just wanted to point this out.

janghyunae wrote:

Anyways, I can tell you that I have been around 1.65cm for almost 2 years and my weight would always be 60-64kg, forever changing.

Lol, you're like another me! That's exactly my height and weight. I also remember from the swimsuits topic that we have similar body types as well.

#18 2013-08-09 23:05:46

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: So I need help

rheasilvia wrote:

This topic is simply fantastic! I'm gonna write down all your tips, girls, and stick them on my fridge. Hopefully that will help with my horribly weak will :)

I've also just remembered something. I don't know how it is in other countries but in Poland it is very popular for girls to do sit-ups to burn belly fat. Unfortunately most of the people don't know how to do them properly and instead of using their stomach muscles they use their backbone which may cause some severe injuries. Just wanted to point this out.

janghyunae wrote:

Anyways, I can tell you that I have been around 1.65cm for almost 2 years and my weight would always be 60-64kg, forever changing.

Lol, you're like another me! That's exactly my height and weight. I also remember from the swimsuits topic that we have similar body types as well.

I've heard that some people believe everyone has a twin on the other side of the world... Could it be you, my twin?! OAO jk

About the sit-ups, yeah. We do that too a lot and once, a /male/ teacher taught me that "if the back of your bra is hurting you, you're doing it wrong". With this, you start to ROLL up and down instead of just lifting yourself up to a sitting position and that is the correct way. Remember that: "If the back of your bra is hurting you, you're doing it wrong".

In the military, we do that, push ups and something we call "The Brazilian Worms", I think they are called burpees in english...
About push ups!! People often do this wrong and that's why they either do a lot or do only a little: YOUR ARMS HAVE TO BE CLOSED, ALONGSIDE WITH YOUR TORSO AND /NOT/, I REPEAT, NOT EXTENDING OUT! You're not a crab and I bet your father aint a plain pilote so close those wings. Basically,
This is correct.

Of course there are other variants but this is the basic correct way.

The burpees or The Brazilian Worms is basically that exercise in which you're standing and then you duck, jump back to a push up, do a push up, jump to a duck and jump to get up.
Sounds easy right? After 1 of those, you're calling your mom tbqh but after you get used to it, it's pretty fun! But do it on a clean ground.
I had to do it on a not so clean ground during military days and it was not pretty...........

Last edited by janghyunae (2013-08-09 23:06:37)

#19 2013-08-10 00:11:35

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: So I need help

@Jang I'd like to try that diet plan but since I'm 16 and still have to follow house rules with food >.< it makes things harder. My mom never soup, she hardly buys fruits and veggies, and lemons are almost never found (every one in a while we have the juice). I will try to do what I can though. In a few years, I'll be doing it without having to deal with my parents issues there. My Dads a martial artist so the exercises I know how to do. I enjoy sit-ups (yep) but hate push-ups because I can never get myself down far enough and then back up. I don't have that muscle built up well at all. And I really need to drink water ouf I don't drink a lot of fluids. Oh! And coffee has no calories until you add creamer and sugar. ok

@Rare I can't wait to see and I'm glad it's inspired you

@Rhea Sit-ups are done in the US though lots of girls don't do them (as far as I know). I'm glad I inspired you as well
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#20 2013-08-10 00:51:20

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: So I need help

Lemme see. I've already am one size smaller...let's a month?

- Water! Lots of water like Jang said....LOTS and LOTS of water. 3 liters a day at least.
- Avoid fried food. All of it. Maybe have fries once a week or something, but other than that, no more.
- Only a small piece of chocolate a day. Or any othersugary stuff. But just that one little piece. You can reward yourself every five or six days with icecream or something.
- Avoid soda. What I usually do is I get full on water and any sort of juice. Sometimes, I also buy a cucumber and cut into slices, then get about two jars full of water and put them into them. You get low fat drinks and thye're useful.

I still eat what I like, but in smaller quantities. uh...hope it helps :D


#21 2013-08-10 02:52:07

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: So I need help

bloodyemos wrote:

@Jang I'd like to try that diet plan but since I'm 16 and still have to follow house rules with food >.< it makes things harder. My mom never soup, she hardly buys fruits and veggies, and lemons are almost never found (every one in a while we have the juice). I will try to do what I can though. In a few years, I'll be doing it without having to deal with my parents issues there. My Dads a martial artist so the exercises I know how to do. I enjoy sit-ups (yep) but hate push-ups because I can never get myself down far enough and then back up. I don't have that muscle built up well at all. And I really need to drink water ouf I don't drink a lot of fluids. Oh! And coffee has no calories until you add creamer and sugar. ok

I'm still following some house rules as well but, everytime I get to eat by myself, I do that. When I have to eat what my parents make, I just try eating less.
No veggies at all is really bad... You should try asking your mom to buy some!
Two months ago, we had a bad time here and agriculture was sooooo down! Everything was 3 or 4 times more expensive and that made my mother buy less to no veggies/fruit. Shortly after, I was pretty much begging my mom for some carrots and lettuce and caulliflower!

#22 2013-08-11 17:16:58

From: I am located in England
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 3342

Re: So I need help

I lost a stone in September, just by being busy at school and eating less. Zumba also got rid of it fast. Now I seem to not be able to lose anymore, I seem to have reached my limit

You can't feel me, no
Like I feel you
I can't steal you, no
Like you stole me

#23 2013-08-15 23:42:31

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: So I need help

I was peeing today and I remembered something (yes, I usually remember important stuff or have great ideas when I pee, Deal with it B) )

You don't have to follow the diet 7 days a week! You should always have at least one YOLO meal. And what is a Yolo meal, you ask? Well, google it! Nope, lol just joking.

Cassey Ho from Blogilates says that you can always have a YOLO meal as in a reward for your effort and as a "bad" moment so!, on YOLO meals you can eat whatever you want!

Though, I'd advise you to have two or three YOLO meals a week instead of just one, since you're starting off because your body will feel the difference too strongly and it will result in MORE cravings!
Basically, instead of forcing your body to eat healthily and all, you should teach it how to eat healthily. And how do you teach? With patience, bit by bit and with rewards.

Remember, if you didnt success at one exercise this time, don't worry! Just keep on practicing and soon you'll do it with no effort!
Is it still hard for you to eat so much veggies and so little meat per week? Don't worry, have a bit more meat and then reduce slowly and teach slowly.
It's just like when you go to the pool or the sea, you have to warm up and get ready to get fully inside the water; if you just shove yourself inside the cold water, you'll feel a shock!

And anyways, this I can guarantee you, the more healthily you eat in ways you enjoy, the less craving for sweets and meat you'll feel!
For me, I need to put a lot of color, especially red and green, so that the meal will taste better to me and I will feel happier eating it. Some just need to make something pretty with the food (like those nice pics we see on google looool). Eating healthily doesnt mean eating ugly, it should be the opposite. Spoil yourself with how your healthy plate looks!
The other day I even made a "flower" with tomato slices and the leaves with lettuce.

And that's it for the pee time! Yolo meals, teach slowly and spoil yourself with how you eat the healthy things!

Lemme tell you something, today we went to eat McDonalds, something I never really enjoyed but today it felt real yummy. And I started to eat my Deluxe like yum this is heaven! And after a bit, I was taking the lettuce and the tomato out because that was what was really tasting better to me.
Two days ago we had rice with bbq sausages and, who doesn't like bbq? Yeah, I don't like bbq sausages anymore because they don't taste good to me anymore.
I could say, in fact, the healthier you eat, the more you despise the worse foods without even trying. You just stop liking it as much.

Also, about soda, even if it says Sugar free and all, don't drink it. Not just because of the calories and all but, soda has this property that will damage your teeth just like cocaine and other drugs would. Currently, I just like some iced teas and Sumol because I feel like they have less "garbage" in it.

#24 2013-08-15 23:52:45

From: Attitude City
Registered: 2010-07-20
Posts: 2879

Re: So I need help

I actually finished my exercising routine about an hour ago :D

What I do to exercise is I usually go and start to play on the Just Sweat option on Just Dance 3 and 4. I've been doing the 45 minute practice and it seems to be working, but, if you don't have those games, you can just turn on some of your favorite music and dance to that. My mom is a dance instructor, so I've picked a few things up from her, so dancing is usually what I do to get fit.

tumblr: sirpepperston

#25 2013-08-16 20:31:50

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: So I need help

shiva wrote:

I actually finished my exercising routine about an hour ago :D

What I do to exercise is I usually go and start to play on the Just Sweat option on Just Dance 3 and 4. I've been doing the 45 minute practice and it seems to be working, but, if you don't have those games, you can just turn on some of your favorite music and dance to that. My mom is a dance instructor, so I've picked a few things up from her, so dancing is usually what I do to get fit.

This is really true... Dancing burns SOOOO much calories! And fat.
I had a close friend that was pretty chubby and she started to listen to KPOP and learned the dances.
Not long after, she lost a lot of weight. Now she's been stressed with work and school so she's a bit too thin but basically, this is how she was about two years ago:

This is how, unfortunately, she looks now:  She's Bárbara (it appears at the beggining, below each one)

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