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#1 2013-08-23 23:54:28

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

I'm tired

I really tried keeping it to myself for months now, but well...I need to vent and advice.

For months now, I've been more and more preferring being left alone. It didn't help that my real life friends hurt me several time back to back. I started retreating and just enjoying time with family and my hobbies. I love to read. I love to draw. I love writing, too.

I ended up telling my family about some of my online activites from fanfictions, deviantart, the LI and OMD...

Nowadays family wants me to spend even more time with them...I understand that, but I also want to have my own space. If I tell them I'm busy, they start going off about how unimportant what I'm doing is and that family is first and all of that. Again...I'm an adult and I know that...But I seriously am not exactly in the mood for spending hours of just talking or walking in a park or so on.

I don't and can't hurt their feelings and at the same time, I regret telling them about my activities. I am getting more and more depressed and I have a feeling that it's not only about my hobbies...I think I seriously want to be left alone.

I can move out, but I don't want to. I love them to death and will definitely get depressed if i'm totally alone.

Things are getting even worse. I'm getting panic attacks as I try to fall asleep or after falling asleep.

I seriously don't know what to do...But what i started doing is I try to wake up when everyone else is asleep...I already have some trouble sleeping so that's not too hard.

Any advice? Do you have any way to face panic attacks? What would you do in my place?


#2 2013-08-24 00:20:09

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: I'm tired

Sweetie. Firstly, remember that you can tell us anything. The main reason you're getting panic attacks is because you're bottling everything inside you. It's human nature to tell someone everything. We're designed to express ourselves. We can't keep anything inside us forever.
Panic attacks. I looked up what they are. Moments of fear.
So what are you afraid of?

Here's what wiki advices:

wiki wrote:

In the great majority of cases hyperventilation is involved so that re-establishing an evenly measured diaphragmatic breathing pattern is appropriate, effective and rapid way to stop the attack. Regular breathing helps to rebalance the oxygen and CO2 levels in the blood.
David D. Burns recommends breathing exercises for those suffering from anxiety. One such breathing exercise is a 5-2-5 count. Using the stomach (or diaphragm) - and not the chest - you inhale (feel your stomach come out, as opposed to your chest expanding) for 5 seconds. As you reach the maximal point at inhalation, hold your breath for 2 seconds. Then slowly exhale, over 5 seconds. Repeat this cycle twice, and then breathe 'normally' for 5 cycles (1 cycle = 1 inhale + 1 exhale). The point is to focus on the breathing, and relax the heart-rate. Regular diaphragmatic breathing may also be achieved by extending the outbreath either by counting or even humming.
Although breathing into a paper bag was a common traditional recommendation for attempting short-term treatment of the symptoms of an acute panic attack,[22] it has more recently been criticized as inferior to measured breathing, even potentially worsening the panic attack, and possibly reducing needed blood oxygen.[23][24] While the paper bag technique increases needed carbon dioxide and so reduces symptoms, it may at the same time excessively lower oxygen levels in the blood stream.[25] To make matters worse, several studies now show a link between panic attacks and the abrupt increase in CO2 from the paper bag method, so that use of the paper bag method itself may worsen feelings of panic in patients who might otherwise use measured breathing techniques with success.[26]

Here's what I have to say:
Usually when people are scared they need reassurance. What are you getting attacks for?
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#3 2013-08-24 00:31:02

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: I'm tired

I'm not sure...which is the problem..I know that the latest ones started as me starting to follow how I'm breathing...and then I'd feel like I can't breathe and that I am losing conscious and then I'd feel my heart race and practically hear it. I'd try to kick everything off my bed even the pillows to feel better. I'd toss and turn without use and in the end, I'd have to get out of the bed and walk around. My heart still beating hard.

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-08-24 00:37:29)


#4 2013-08-24 00:44:36

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: I'm tired

JokerMalu say ~ It would be sorta awesome if you turned into Gollum.. You know. The internet as your preeeeeecious.

SeriousMalu says ~ Eh. I can't be serious..

Aaaaaaanyway. I think maybe you should try slowly spending more time with the family and going out to get some fresh air. Do some yoga. Find your inner self.. Huh. Look at that! I can write one of those "Find yourself" books! :P
Aaaaaanyway. Maybe by doing that you might actually start enjoying going out and being with your family more. Baby steps though.

Try ze breathing thing in Angie's post. If that doesn't work. Go. To. A doctor!!

Aaaand, I apologize in advance if my so called "advice" sucks.

Last edited by malu (2013-08-24 00:47:13)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#5 2013-08-24 01:06:09

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: I'm tired

I don't believe in doctors. I think most things can be cured at home. Of course...if it's really really bad, then yes go to the doctor. Preferably one who wont give you any medicine because no matter what anyone makes things worse. Not here to debate that so...

No found reason for them? Then do the breathing. Meditation helps a lot. I don't know if you've seen Naruto Shippudden. But there's this one episode where he needs to meditate to "become one with nature". You sit there and take in everything around you.  Clear away any and all thoughts. Your mind should be a blank slate. Nothing should go through it. try that. It takes a lot of practice but I think it would do one good. Just sit for about 10 minutes and clear your mind.

You sound like a person who needs "real" people around. Not us computer faced ones. Take a break from OMD. Don't think about coming here. Just a small one cuz we'd miss you much. But maybe like a month. Go out and make some friends, take a walk, hang with fam.
Speaking of family...They love you. Yeah they're not going to accept the fact that they're daughter is a weirdo who has online friends, and I hate comparing myself to others, but I get put down by own family for this. My brother thinks I'm mental. My sister says that I have weird fake friends, my mom says I need to quit being a stupid person in front of the computer and to go get a life (she's actually wanting to block OMD) my other sister thinks I'm an idiot, my other brother doesn't even bother with me, my other brother thinks I'm just crazy, and my dad doesn't care so long as I get into medical school.
All in all...Your family is having the natural reaction. I'd be worried if they weren't actually.

No back to subject...We're here for you. You need to know that because you don't take full use of our service. Love, once again, we're here for you. Understand it. Don't think for a minute that we won't even try to help you. Don't think for a minute that you'd be burdening us with anything. We can understand what your going through better than anyone else. Because what you've stated up there...I'm pretty sure most of us have gone through it.

*Hug* Again. We. Are. Here. For. YOU.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#6 2013-08-24 02:54:07

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: I'm tired

As Angel said and I agree, usually it can all be cured at home. It's usually just a small mental breakdown that is better to be treated in two opposite ways at the same time:
- With family
- With a complete stranger.

Two years ago, around February until late March, early April, I went down HARD. I was pretty much like you. I was known at school for being the happy little virus-brat-prankster-bubbly girl, you know, like those electrical kids you see at movies that are always hyper. Yeah, that's me. But during that period, and I've noticed it repeats every year now, I start to get depressed, more or less, I do.
The first time, I started to be really quiet at school. I'd just look outside the window and people that weren't close to me assumed I was day dreaming when I was just venting about everything and anything in my head. And then I have this potato logic that I start talking about equations and I end up talking about pink frogs in a matter of seconds so, as soon as I started to vent mentally, I'd vent about everything that popped in my head.
At home, I have 3 siblings and both my parents work a lot but I always managed to take care and stay happy and all. During that time, I was sad as hell, I'd burst at anything and, sadly, I did hit some of my siblings and I broke a door knob. When we were all home, I'd just sit on the couch and, whenever someone talked to me or called me, I'd explode in tears and I couldn't explain why. Also, I decided to, finally, tell my mother I was bissexual and then she put me on a phsychologist.


Though! Services here are SLOOOOOO(...)OOOOO(...)OOOOOOW so my first meeting with the phsychologist was early June. I was pretty much back to my normal state, I'd say, and I tried to explain that to my mother but she just said "That break down and what you told me might be bad so just go and maybe that breakdown was because you discovered your sexual orientation!" Personally, I knew it since I was like 13 or so but oqei. So I went! And the phsychologist was actually a college student that was finishing her studies and she had to enroll somewhere and practice so basically, I was her first patient.
And what did my mind think:
She's a college student, I don't even know her age, I don't know her background, as far as I know, her home town might be 500km away from here, she's totally unknown to me and so am I to her and since she IS still in college, she might not even remember me!
And what did this mean: it meant a walking and talking diary. You know when we were young and we'd write our thoughts on those pretty papers, hoping for an answer? I saw that phsychologist as a diary that would actually listen and answer and that could be forgotten, lost, disposed off, it wouldn't matter.
So I ended up talking to her about all of that and, rather than just listening to her advices, the feeling of being able to tell what was inside of me to someone that was not close to people I knew (due to their job politics, they are not allowed to tell the patient's family about what's been shared unless they feel that it is extremely needed), saying my problems outloud without being overheard but being listened to and answered to. THAT, my friend, was what helped me to be quite honest.
It wasn't her job to be exact, it wasn't anything else: it was simply letting out my secrets without the risk of they being told to our contacts.

So yep... Omegle's probably a good choice to get a free-phsychologist.
Am I even writing it well? Phsychologist

Moving on! *I actually sighed like LETS DO DISS!!*

About your family thingy, you should still tell them that you need some time, that you need to sort some thoughts out, that you just need to think of something.
If they actually care for you, they'll understand your needs.
Your friends...
Is it me or does Foreman actually look.. larger..?

Really, forget those people cuz they aint friends. They be baaaad niqqas! And good niqqas stand up for each other niqqa! They all got dem backz! They aint shooting dem backz! Dat aint niqqa! Dass r0000de! Niqqas even take showaz fo' each other! Bad people! Baaad!
- Niqqa HyunAe was here yolo -

Another thing that Angel mentioned and correctly: meditation, though, there are some rules for it to well... Work if you believe it.
- Must have a white candle - the white represents peace and the most upper place and soul, perfection; the natural flame is seen by your guarding angels and it is as if a door for them to come to you :: the whiteness plus the angels will help you have a better meditation;

- NEVER do it in the evening or at night - what is the darkness? Absense of light. Have you ever noticed that the shadows seem much darker when there's a small font of light in a dark room? It's believed that the shadows and darkness are not so good spirits, lots spirits that have nothing else to do than to mess up with people; since the natural flame is a door to you and your soul (white), it'll be easier for you to meditate on depressing thoughts (darkness) and don't succeed; the simple act of meditating at night can do the same alhough not as strongly;

- Have a calm song - Buddhist songs are the best, they are cheerful and nature related and very calm not to mention better connected to Saint Germain; Smooth instrumentals are also nice, I like DJ Blacksmith (Jakou) and Kabanjak (Rubicon). Dj Okinawa is very interesting too.

- Calm place, can be in or outdoors - Low noises, comfortable ambient, good place to sit or lay, inviting temperature; you must have the perfect or near perfect environment that will allow you to focus on your meditation and not "damn it's cold, it's hot, I'm itchy, wtv".

- Take your time - 30 minutes is usually the requested but you can take more or less, recently I've helped someone who only needed 7 minutes to get much calmer and racional.

- Focus on the colors - You know those colors you "see" when you close your eyes? When meditating, it's said that it is related to your needs, flaws and qualities. I can already say that green is related to your social life so if you see it, it may be lack or too much of a social life, purple is Saint Germain and achieving the maximum, white is your soul. Each color also represents an angel and, depending on yours, you might see a certain color a lot which will also be connected to your flaws / qualities besides your needs (I actually see green a lot too because that's the color of my angel and I do tend to be harmed more on the social life - lack or excess of it).

- Don't ignore - When you're meditating, you'll feel and think many things. You might feel yourself like falling to the front, you might listen to sudden answers or sentences you didn't even actually think of. The "physical" things such as feeling cold / hot in a certain area, being pulled, held, pushed, that's all spirits passing by or your angels; the "mental" things such as hearing, thinking, imagining are answers from those spirits or angels and, if you're focused enough and if you welcome them, you'll be able to sort them  (given by spirits or by angels) and see which is better. Also, outside meditation, if you're facing a relevant situation and something that might seem irrelevant happens (like, talking with someone on the phone and suddenly it falls, turns off, etc when you were about to say something), don't ignore it, it's your guardians telling you you're not supposed to. Recently, my mom has been having some situations with a worker and many times when she's almost exploding and on the verge of saying something she shouldn't, she is cut off. She had her phone dead, without service and, in an extreme case, she suddenly lost her voice (my mother is 38 and she was never sick nor anything of this sort).

It might all seem a bunch of balooney and, who knows!? It might be! But it does work even if just to give you time to yourself.
Also, remember to breath like Angel said: breathing your stomach in and out, it releaves more stress as it works directly on the diafragma.

JAKOU - DJ Whitesmith, I really like this song because, in general, all of his songs build up as they go on and this gets close to the meditating thought as you also built it up as you keep on meditating. It adds different rhythms, instruments, melodies, just like you add different thoughts, ways of thinking and contexts. Besides, it has a nice "space-like"/mysterious sound.
On another note, JAKOU is taken as a primitive surname connected to the basic and the nature, mostly, trees and forests which immediately takes us to such space. In my case, even before I knew the meaning of the name, I imagined myself in a dense forest with tall trees and a purple-ish darky sky above full of stars. I wonder what you would imagine.

RUMINA - DJ Whitesmith, this one is great too. Rumina was a roman goddess that protected mothers, human and animal, and it can be intrepertadjksfbjsdhf (idk) as the incoming source of knowledge needed to move forward. The image couldn't describe it better though

The Flare - DJ Whitesmith, this is considered the "Hurricane" although called "Flare", just as it is commented below the video:
I was listening to this on my ipod yesterday and I see something cool. I see this song symbolizing a hurricane
:23 - 1:05 = The peace before the storm
1:05 - 1:45= The build-up to the storm
1:45 - 2:06= The storm starts
2:06 - 3:30= The eye of the storm
3:30 - 4:10= The storm resumes with more force
4:10 - 4:35= The aftermath of destruction

Somehow it's like you get stuck in time once you get inside the hurricane, you've all the time in the world, right?

Rubicon - Rabanjak, I like this one a lot because the very beggining sounds like you walking into your place of comfort and getting slowly sucked out from reality as the sound seems a bit blurred. Then a steady rhythm starts with melodies and instruments that appeal reality and reflecting upon it. Rather than being spitted back to reality again for that, you feel yourself more in a.. outer body experience as you see reality for above. There are some parts in which it's cut and there's somesort of "plink" as if you have reached a conclusion and, it's actually a bit repetitive so you feel like you have more time.

Alright, it's 2AM I think I'm done here.

Note to Angel: "I don't believe in doctors". That was so forward! I mean it's like U GO GURL!

Last edited by janghyunae (2013-08-24 02:54:54)

#7 2013-08-24 03:03:48

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Re: I'm tired

Well, let me just start off by saying that Malu and Angelfire, you girllz are very helpful. Extremely helpful, indeed. Secondly, I must admit that I have these problems, too. The sleeping problems and the panic attacks. I get this A LOT. And when I mean a lot, I REALLY mean a lot. Like, every week. Even more. Three times a week, sometimes. And I'm definetely NOT the type of person who deals with problems all by myself. Oh, no. I don't keep it locked up inside of me. Nope. Not for me. I cry. I scream. I kick. I punch. I go crazy when I can't sleep. CRAZY. Literally. I get LOTS of panic attacks. LOTS. And I don't get fifteen to thirty minute delays. Oh, no. When I can't sleep, I stay awake for HOURS. Usually three hours is the amount of time that passes between the time I go to bed and the time I actually fall asleep. Sometimes four, but not as often as three. Once in a while five hour delays, and the most ever, which was only once, by the way, was six. Six hour delays. SIX HOUR DELAYS. S-I-X      H-O-U-R-S. Though that was only once, you can only imagine what it might've been like for me. When I can't sleep for an hour, I cry and scream. Sometimes I kick and punch. Inanimate objects, to be sure. Imagine after SIX hours. I will go COMPLETELY NUTS if I cannot sleep for SIX HOURS. I already go completely nuts when I can't sleep for ONE hour. Literally. So, I know what you're going through. Really, I do. I haven't found a stable solution yet, but what I try to do when I can't sleep is think of something else. I just think of what I'm going to do tomorrow, or picture a scene of my friends & family and I end up falling asleep...Eventually. I have a habit of frequently looking at the time, which makes me panic even more. NEVER look at the time if you have trouble sleeping. You MAY do it once, or perhaps even twice, but NO MORE. I don't look at it at all after 11:30, 12:00 P.M. It just makes me even more nervous. I panic even more. Or, sometimes, I tell my mother about this, and she tells me to just close my eyes, take some deep breaths, and think of something nice, or a beautiful scenery. And it usually works. But sometimes, it's just telling my mother, or my mother reassuring me that makes me fall asleep. It's kind of bizarre, but sometimes that's all I need, really. NEVER get out of bed and go do something or be active. That will make you stay up even LONGER. What I do is stay in bed and do absolutely NOTHING. NEVER think about sleep when you can't sleep. EVER. It's possibly the worst thing to do. Try to drink some water, perhaps go to the bathroom, think of your family, friends, partner (if you have one), or something you like to do. Picture in your mind the perfect day. Shake out all of those nasty little bits, or those scary little pictures in your mind. Just breathe. Think of nice things. What I also do is picture something in motion. Like a dolphin, for example. Sometimes, what I do, is I picture a dolphin. Seriously. I picture a dolphin in motion. Like, jumping out of the water, about to go back in, like halfway there. You might think I'm crazy, which maybe I am, but it works for me. It really does. But try not to think of too much motion, or moving motion. Just simple, short little movements like that. For example, running would not be a good thought to think about, because it's a moving motion. And a dancing routine, or a cheer leading routine, would not be a good thought to think about, either, since it's very long and quite complex. Just tiny, little movements like the dolphin jumping. Also try to get as comfortable as possible in bed. Don't get cold, don't get hot, get comfortable. Perhaps take a quick bath or shower before going to bed. But don't take a long shower, though. The noise and light mixed with the force and the friction of the water hitting you may make you stay awake for even longer. It usually gets your brain activated. Try not to fall asleep in the bathtub, though. If you do end up falling asleep in the bathtub, however, that's a good sign. It means you will most likely be able to fall asleep soon, because you are most probably tired. If you have been in your pajamas all day, change them. Never go to bed wearing the same thing you wore all day. Even if it doesn't look dirty, it probably is, because of bacteria, sweat, dirt and germs and stuff like that. Also, it might feel kind of sticky, or humid or uncomfortable if you go to bed wearing the same thing you were in all day. If you cannot sleep with the light on, or have trouble sleeping often like I do, then keep the lights OFF. The only light that should be on in your room or around your room should be your alarm clock, if it's digital or if it lights up. There should be no light in the halls, in your room, or anywhere where it could disturb you or be percepted by your eyes. Also, turn off and/or put away any electronics or distractions, such as cell phone, telephone, bright lights/bright colored things such as paintings or posters, glow in the dark objects, video game consoles / games, computers, laptops, Nintendo DS, Ipod, MP3 player, television, music, ect, ect. If your family is still awake when you go to bed, kindly ask them to turn their distractions off, or if they insist on keeping them in use, then to a minimum. If they do not co-operate, close the door or draw the shades/curtains. If you are claustrophobic, like I am, then beg for them to turn their consoles off or to a minimum, like I said before. Ask them to keep their voices to a minimum. Close or hide any books, magazines, paintings, drawings, posters and/or food. This will keep your distractions to nothing or a minimum. If something scares you or makes you feel sad, block it out of your head. Try reading or doing other things before you go to bed to get your mind off of it. Or pretend it's just a movie, or show, or some stupid joke or not the right information or something like that. The best thing to do is not to look at it nor think about it. Never go to bed with your hair tied, if you're uncomfortable like that. Pins, barettes, and sometimes even elastics can really hurt, and they can even poke into your skin and injure you. Gross, yes, but true. The same thing for jewelry. Never sleep with earrings on. They can poke into your skin and injure you, just like bracelets, rings, piercings, necklaces and other sorts of things. And necklaces can also choke you, so never sleep with them on, either. Never sleep with makeup on if it makes you feel uncomfortable. It might make you feel itchy, or sticky, perhaps, or just like you have another set of skin at certain parts and or places. If you wear a wig, it would be best to take it off before going to bed, to really feel natural and comfortable. Especially take it off if it's itchy, like some wigs. If you have a pet/animal companion, sleep with them or make them sleep with you. They do not necessarily have to sleep right next to you. They can sleep on the end/edge of the bed, or perhaps on the floor next to your bed. They can even sleep in your room, in the hallway, or even on the same floor as you. This makes me feel much more safe and much more comfortable going to bed. And this might sound kind of babyish and or childish, but if you want, sleep with a stuffed animal. I know some people who are adults and still sleep with stuffed animals sometimes. It does not have to be regularly or all the time, just once in a while when you feel scared or alone. Just for some security. But that probably sounds kind of babyish, though. It's just a suggestion. I also think you should scan your room before going to bed. If you do not like bugs, like me, I suggest you scan your room for bugs or reptiles. Simply check your walls, first the top edges, then the bottom edges, or wherever there are small spaces big enough for a bug or reptile to hide, or vice versa, and then check the faces/outside of your walls, and then check your ceiling. You can choose to check it the same way, from the edges to the outside, or just a quick scan. Also, if you are very paranoid, you can check your room for little pranks or stuff like that. Check any place you think is big enough for a person to hide or for a prank to work/be set up. Brush your teeth before going to bed, and if you want clean your ears/yourself, and get really comfortable, put on some really comfortable pajamas, and think positively. Think good, positive thoughts. Don't worry. Be happy. Say goodnight to everyone in your family. Say goodnight to your friends/partner/pet if you have to. Make sure you feel comfortable and safe in your environment. If everyone else is sleeping, or if you just simply feel uncomfortable or unsafe, lock the doors and windows. Close any doors in any rooms in the house that are not being occupied. Close any lights in any rooms in the house that are not being occupied. Do anything you can to make you feel comfortable. :)   
    As for the family thing, this/that has never happened to me, or if it did, I seriously don't remember, so I cannot really relate, which means my advice might not be as clear or as helpful as the other girllz' advice. It also might not be as detailed. What I would do if I were you is sit down and talk to my family about all of this. I would talk to my friends and partner, too. I would tell them everything that's going on right now, and I would even write in a diary. For me, writing gets my feelings out. Since you like to write, writing in a dairy would most probably help you to get your emotions out. Also, if you don't feel like taking walks in the park or talking with your family, perhaps you guys can do something else you all like. Do an activity that you can all enjoy and agree on. That's what I would do. But most of all, talk to your family about all of this and see what they say. Even if they don't show it or it doesn't seem like it on the outside, they love you. They really, really do. I hope this helps, and has helped. :)

good gai norm

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#8 2013-08-24 05:29:31

Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 4980

Re: I'm tired

I don't really know what to tell you Darky.. I haven't been there yet. I knew some people that have experienced the same thing as you but I don't really know how they really deal with it. But as the others said, you should try meditating and listening to calming songs. I think it might really help you. And if it doesn't get better you shall maybe try to seek help from professional to help you..

After reading all this, I started worrying for you. I hope it will help you get and feel better. And remember, like angel said, we are here for you. Anytime, anything. We are here for you. Remember that.

#9 2013-08-24 06:11:35

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: I'm tired

Awe, sorry to hear you're going through all that, I've been there.  I've been having panic attacks for years.  Mine are brought on by stress, anger, or hormonal changes..  and will happen more at night when I'm trying to sleep.  My mind won't shut off and I start to dwell on all the bad things that have happened or worry about  what I'm going to do with my life.. 

I start to hyperventilate during a panic attack, so I take deep breaths and tell myself, just breathe, over and over.  That's all I focus on, try to clear my thoughts of everything else until I can breathe normally and my hearts not racing.  I keep doing this even after, for a few minutes. 

I'm introverted so I NEED a fair amount of time alone.  I read something about introverts are energized by being alone, and energy is drained by being around people.  I def. feel this is true for me anyway.  The hard part about it is people need interaction with other people.  I don't know if you are introverted, but if so, try not to let people get you down because you want to spend time alone with your art (or other hobbies) if that's what you need in the moment then do what's best for you.  On the other hand, try not to alienate yourself.  If you have to force yourself to get out of your room, then do it.  Too much alone time, can cause you to get way too deep in your head, and for me anyway, that's a lot of times when the panic attacks kick in. 

Some of the worst times I've had are during panic attacks, in a moment of thinking I can't do this anymore.. I ended up in the hospital having to get my stomach pumped.  Just know/try to remember when it happens, the panic attack won't last forever, you know what it is, and you can get through it.   *BIG HUGS*


#10 2013-08-24 13:09:11

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: I'm tired

Oh I forgot the panic attacks.
So far I think I had one during English class and I was expeled from that class, that day...

I doubt this will help you because I don't see you as someone that breaks these laws, but to SUBWAY.
I don't know what you do but try calming down, for god's sake xD You seem extremely stressed over anything. I used to have a phone that started to mess up with my allarm: I was supposed to get up at 6AM and it would ring at 4AM. And what I did wasn't look at the clock and go like "omg it's so early!" and panic and not getting sleep because of that. I'd just turn the freagging phone off and go like "damn niqqa, it's 4 in the morning, get your hours straight" and I'd turn to the other side and sleep.
Try having another way of thinking when you see the hours or when you can't sleep. Instead of panicking and say "I can't sleep! What will I do now?! Omg!!", just breath in and say like "I probably just need some pee..." and go to the bathroom, pee, wash your face, whatever. Just don't think you're not going to be able to sleep. That's a mental thing, the more you say it the more you'll believe it.

Anyways, to sleep well, you should prepare yourself for that:

- Shut off completely :: Give about 30 minutes or more of no-activity before going to bed, turn the computer off, turn the TV off, DON'T READ A BOOK, don't do anything that might stimulate your brain so it can start shutting down.

- Spoil yourself :: Since you have so much time before going to bed (30 minutes), spoil yourself a bit, how about a little face massage or localized massage? Do your feet hurt? Massage them for a bit. Does your face feel bloated? Massage it a bit. Besides, as we are girls, we all like our beauty, right? So it's a good time to have your nocturnal skin-face care, wash it with warm water, exfoliate, massage, hydrate it, feel good.

- Stretch :: Stretching before and after sleep helps a lot as it relieves the stress on muscles from the day and from the night. Also, try to crack your back in specific areas (upper back between shoulder blades or lower back near the waist are usually the most stressed parts), the pain is extremely short and you'll feel much lighter and flow-y after it.

- Best position :: We all have our best position or even none if you have a troubled sleep and you move a lot. However, sleeping with a somewhat high pillow and with your stomach up, fully laying on the matress, is considered the best condition for sleeping, also, toxins and muscle/fat will not acumulate on a specific area (example: sleeping on your side might allow the other side to grow or to acumulate on the squished part, resulting in a bloated body on that side and heavily asymetrical body shape, trust me, my sister had a cheek that was almost 2cm larger than the other because of that)

And well, just try to seek more things that will allow you a better sleep.

As for the dreams, it seems that some of them are panic dreams 100%. Just a result of your panics more than your subconsciousness.
Falling usually means you feel like you're not being successful and that you're losing your way; if you shake and wake up, you were probably on the way of dying and your brain woke you up.

The breathing and suffocation.... I'd say it's your panic of getting fully smothered by your family, really. As they are constantly trying to get you for longer times, that's probably it. Perhaps once you talk to them, these dreams will stop?

#11 2013-08-24 16:29:29

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: I'm tired

Thanks a lot girls. I really appreciate all of your comments and help. It really helped feeling that you girls are there for me like this. I read every single comment more than once actually.

I talked to my mom about my trouble falling asleep and at first, she actually got angry with me for not being able to calm down...No...I'm not kidding then we moved the extra bed to her room to see if that would help. I also didn't go to bed until 1 am even though I was already feeling sleepy at 11 which helped me sleep without thinking.

I did wake up several times feeling like someone was holding my neck and not being able to breathe, but it was a bit better than before.

@subway: I do not even look at the clock now. I took out all of the clocks, alarm clocks and my phone out of my room. I set the alarm and leave it outside my room.

@cocobelle: I really hope you are better now! I hate those attacks. I was actually wondering if breathing was helping me. The thing is I noticed that the more I thought of them, the more I felt like I was not breathing...which was worse.

According to a test we had to take in my freshmen year of college, I'm on the verge of being an introvert. I know that to be a bit different now. You see, at work and at college, I'm considered to be the cheerful person that drives everyone to be optimistic. I'm also the go-to person whenever there's a speech or a presentation. What I usually try to do is I panic until the last moment. But I try to shut up any emotions once the speech starts...It tends to work for me.

I know that being around people wears me out. No kidding. Especially that after high school, I started noticing how fake everyone was (except for my family and a friend that lives in another state). I smile at them and I know their smiles are fake...I guess that's the main reason.

but even when I'm around my family, I seriously find myself  having to retreat to my room or to the park near our place for an hour or so at least listening to music, drawing something, writing in my novel or just looking at the sky. I NEED those moments very desperately.

I tried talking to my mom about it once and she was like "That is not healthy and you're making it worse on yourself."

@janghyunae (Seriously tell me a nickname you like!): Wow...That was so...inspiring. For me, I can't talk out my negative feelings. I can scream out my happiness, but not any negative feelings. I have a diary that I've been keeping since I was 10. it does help but I noticed that lately I've been writing less and less. Maybe I should go back to it and see...

Also, I'm gonna try shutting myself off and stretching. Shutting off sound impossible with me. If I don't think of what I have to do or plan my next day, my mind starts going on new ideas for novels, new ideas for drawings, new ideas for  software (I'm a Software Engineer). That or... guilt trips.

As for my dreams...They have been like that since I was little. I would somtimes wake up screaming because of them. I ended up walking several times before while asleep...not only that, but also talking to my family and them assuming I'm awake. I am not kidding. I almost threw my pillow out of the window once...But every since then I put obstacles around the window to avoid that. My dreams are very realistic. I can feel people breathing down my neck in nightmares!!!

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-08-24 16:32:39)


#12 2013-08-24 18:11:06

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: I'm tired

About nicknames well... That username is Jang HyunAe, HyunAe being the first name... That aside, I'm usually called Leo or Posi. But I can work out any nickname as long as you warn me that's the nickname you'll use on me ahahah!

Do try going back to the diary. Considering you're introverted, yes, that should probably do the trick, I also have the feeling you're the kind of person that ends up thinking a way out so perhaps you just need to comprehend what you're shutting inside fully to be able to work it out.

Having new ideas is also good... If that shuts you down from the rest, it's just as good. Usually, my meditation isn't the way I described: I usually just start something really detailed (a drawing or sculpture) and I get sucked in that and I start having a debate in my head against and with myself in my mind and I end up sorting things out. I was told I completely shut down when that happens, I had a teacher banging TWICE on my desk because I was too focused on my work and on my mental debate and, once she did that, I had the feeling like in those movies and all, you suddenly "turn back to reality" and go like wow.
If having an idea, a project, makes you focus on that but in a comfortable way that lets you slip into a somewhat state of unconsciousness and think to yourself, it'll be just as good as meditating.
(and damn guuurl! Software engineer?! Wooow~)

About your sleeping state, well, I get tangled on my bed bars (top bunk, mind you), I get tangled on my sheets, I can have a pleasing conversation with someone (when my first sister was younger, she would have a lot of illnesses regarding her throat and ears so she had to be taken to the hospital at night and my mom would come to me and tell me to take care of my other sister, she'd tell me a bunch of things to take note of if I needed help but in the next morning, I'd remember the notes but I wouldnt remember the conversation) and I also throw my pillow, especially at my best friend's house... I noticed I always aim at her cosmetic table xD
Sleep walking can be result of stress if you're not a confirmed sleepwalker so take note of that if you didnt know already.

As for the choking dream, I'd say it's just another version of the breath taking one (oh this sounded strange).. Now I'm thinking, is it possible that your subconscious is seeing that decision of your mom to put an extra bed in her room as her wanting you to stay closer even more?
Lets assume it is seeing your family wanting you to spend more time with them as smothering (the dreams in which you lose your breath) and, having to actually spend the night in your mother's room is that idea even stronger so, instead of just smothering you, it is feeling completely choked?
This is, if I'm making enough sense....

Also, I need to ask you a very important question!!

#13 2013-08-24 18:50:05

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: I'm tired

@jang: Leo it is!!!

Yeah the reason I write my fanfictions is the fact that they really help me think of a totally different world. A not perfect one, but still different!

and lol @ your hatred for your friends cosmetic table.

And I think you're making sense...I actually have a pretty good relationship with my mom. We have our girl times and do things from time to time...but at times, I just do not want to hear any scolding. I'm already my own worst critic, so hearing too much criticizing really angers me!

Sure. Go ahead. PM or here?


#14 2013-08-24 18:55:02

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: I'm tired

I know how that criticizing feels.
I'm a day dreamer and I'm trying to go off into my neverland when people start criticizing me. I still hear what they're saying. It's weird but that's how I am.
I start crying when my mom starts telling me I'm doing something wrong. I don't know why, I just do and then I get another critic telling me that I'm not strong enough and whatnot. Of course this is only at home. Outside anyone can tell me anything and I don't think twice on it.

You've already established your fanfic writing. And you should keep doing that. You should also just write your own story exactly how it is.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
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#15 2013-08-24 21:17:23

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: I'm tired

Hm, could it be that your panic attacks are caused by the fact that your family (your mom) doesn't accept that you're a little bit introverted? You said yourself that you have a deep relationship with your mom. She wants you to spend more time with her and obviuosly you'd be happy to do that BUT you need also time to yourself, and because you're kind of introverted you may need a little bit MORE time to yourself than other people. And I think that your mom might not understand that need of being alone. You know that, it hurts you, you'd like to change yourself but you can't. And because of that you feel like choking.

I'm an introvert, but when I was a kid not many people heard of that word. For a long time my mom couldn't understand what the hell was wrong with me. She was obviously happy that I don't make as much ruckus as other kids, but at the same time she was worried that I don't talk a lot, like reading more than playing with friends and spend so much time simply daydreaming. At school teachers were constantly asking me why I'm so quiet and why I'm not more active during cl@sses. Everybody was thinking that I'm increadibly shy (Okay, how can a kid that loves acting in school performances be shy?) and so I started to believe that there's something weird about me and was trying several times to change myself. It was impossible of course. But then, when I was 14 or so, my mom and I accidentally ended up at psychologist. You should have seen the doctor's face when my mom had told her what had bothered her. She was like "Lol, your kid is an introvert, not an alien. Just live her alone and she's gonna be fine!". And so my mom did. She still doesn't understand how can I get tired by spending time with friends and family but at least she's tolerant about it :)

#16 2013-08-24 22:50:17

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: I'm tired

That could be, yeah...I don't think she imagines that I really do need my 'alone' time. Maybe she thinks I'm over doing it or something...

I'm actually currently trying something related to Energy Control in our bodies. Will let you girls know if it helps. Hopefully it does.


#17 2013-08-24 23:55:57

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: I'm tired

darkelfqueen wrote:

@jang: Leo it is!!!

Yeah the reason I write my fanfictions is the fact that they really help me think of a totally different world. A not perfect one, but still different!

and lol @ your hatred for your friends cosmetic table.

And I think you're making sense...I actually have a pretty good relationship with my mom. We have our girl times and do things from time to time...but at times, I just do not want to hear any scolding. I'm already my own worst critic, so hearing too much criticizing really angers me!

Sure. Go ahead. PM or here?

I'm Leo. Rawr.

Speaking of fanfictions, I lost track of yours! White rose or something, wasn't it? Where is it~?!?!

Ahh... Me and that person.. We share deep moments of sleep. She has this thing... Whenever she sleeps in the same bed as someone, she'll hug them. Whoever they are, she hugs them. But then when it's me!, she either tries to push me off the bed or starts singing and... ahem... touching by behind and giving me massages. I almost punched her the first time she did it, she remembers nothing but I least I can use that as excuse or accusation. "But I-" "Shut up, you touch my behind even when you're asleep, you love me." "ÓAÒ"

Sounds like me and my mom~ You really have to tell her or OH! Make her come read Rhea's comment ""Lol, your kid is an introvert, not an alien. Just live her alone and she's gonna be fine!"" kekekeke

Question: Did the Dr.House's gifs made you smile a bit or am I just a lost cause?

#18 2013-08-25 02:48:48

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: I'm tired

lol, Leo. They did! I just forgot to post that. I seriously laughed at them!

and you and your friend, wow. Just wow.

Maybe I should...I'm thinking of doing that.

As for my fanfic, what was the last chapter I sent you?

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-08-25 02:49:03)


#19 2013-08-25 03:11:22

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: I'm tired

Then I have succeeded.
Ah... We're that kind of weird friends. We were already pretty good friends for almost 3 months... and I didn't remember her name. So I got a paper and wrote a bunch of stuff like "Find the X" and I'd put a lot of items except the asked thing. And in the bottom right corner, really small "What's your name again?"
That aside, we havent even been mad ever I think and it's been nearly 4 months. And then we switch a lot: she loves scary movies and games and laughs at them, I roll on her floor whilst squealing; she gets totally scared when we go to "haunted" or "scary" places and I'm like "it's just a house, shut up". So yeah, we're quite a match, I'd say.

Ah... I barely remember... But it was a small number, 2 or something ^-^' I changed laptop so I lost the link tbh.

#20 2013-08-25 03:15:46

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: I'm tired

Oh! I'm working on Chapter 5 now. So, half way far...unless I change the plot. I'll send you the link to Chapter 3.

I seriously want to hang out with you two. You sound like my kind of people, lol.


#21 2013-08-25 03:25:08

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: I'm tired

We're working on getting a jet plane so tell me where u at! B)
- and then wait -

MP me the link then! And there's no need to change the plot.

#22 2013-08-25 03:31:50

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: I'm tired

lol. Well, stop by the Midwest of the US and I'll give you the address, lol.

I did send it already :D Waaaay ahead of you.


#23 2013-08-27 14:34:57

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: I'm tired

Ahhh, why haven't I seen this yet D:
Hey, Darky, sorry if It's like, I dunno a day or two late, but know that I'm here for you to <3
Also, I dunno if I read that right but there are Introverts who are good socially, but being introverts, it drains them. Be who you are, you need alone time? Go get that time. YOU DESERVE IT. (Also, wow, Software Eng. one of my aspirations<3<3)
Getting Panic-y? Here have this picture of Calming Cat:
And here, have Motivational Penguin too:
*Gives you a hug and warm cuddly blankets*
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#24 2013-08-28 19:53:23

From: The couch
Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 11534

Re: I'm tired

I know the feeling of starting to have panic attacks, where my heart rate speeds up to epic proportions, my breathing becomes rapid, break out in a cold sweat, and start to hyperventilate until I feel like I'm getting no air. What I do is I shut my eyes real tight, and start chanting in my head, "It's not real, It's not real" over and over again, concentrating on the spots I see behind my lids. once they(the spots) stop sparking so much, I can feel my heart beat steadily decrease, and my breathing go back to normal.

Sadly, that's only temporary though.

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#25 2013-09-12 02:38:46

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: I'm tired

I can't believe I didn't see your comments, xemo and amary...Thanks a lot! Love the pics, too! Thanks Xemo!

I thought I'd update you, ladies, since you are helping more than you can even imagine. I somewhat talked to my parents...indirectly...My mom and I were having an argument and I (it was really a state I've never been in before), I ended up bursting into tears and telling my parents a lot of the things I had been bottling up...Not everything, but enough...The weird thing is...I seriously don't remember much of what I said.

I've been helping my spiritual side a bit more...Through religious practices and a few new tricks I've learned. There's a guy I've been watching lately and he's...amazing.

He explains a lot of things that happen in our bodies but from an energy point of view. How when we get angry, we shouldn't bottle things up, but also not lose it and why...not because of how people react, but from an energy POV. He helped me a lot.

I've been also trying listening to videos of calm music with nature sounds, thunderstorms, rain, waves...things like that...You start by relaxing your toes...then your legs...then your arms...and so on...Also helps.

I am getting better...I was able to get over a few panic attacks now...The pain I always woke up in is a bit less...

Of course I still feel tired at times...And I think my family still doesn't get how I can get worn out...especially when I am always volunteering and giving speeches and least it's getting better.

I will share more of what helps me to help you girls...Thanks a lot again. I really tear up everytime I read your comments...They help me a lot...Thanks.


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