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#1 2013-09-08 17:27:16

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Great news yey

Lol no.

So first of all :: I am actually posting here a new topic. That's something unseen, huh?
Anyways, I need to tell this. I've told on my WIA but it's never too much.

Earlier today (around 2AM) I recieved the message saying I was accepted at the university I wanted! I'm the 11th candidate out of 44, 8th if we only count the ones that have that place as their primary choice. This starting week, I'll be finishing the application and join it for real. At last!

Then, at around 11AM, I found out I have cataracts on my right eye for about half a year. I'm not absolutely sure but it's most likely a traumatic cataracts as I do not recall any family member with cataracts and I'm not old enough to have it just like that; plus, I've bumped my head hard way too many times.
I'm actually taking this quite lightly, unlike my mom. I've already joked about this and it's been only 5 hours since I found out whilst my mom's trying to decide what she's going to do about it.
I'm not exactly scared or anything but I do like (fine, I do love) to know about others soooo~ Let me know if you or anyone close to you had/has cataracts and how did you/they deal with it, what happened, how did surgery go, etc etc, juseyo~

#2 2013-09-08 17:36:50

From: The couch
Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 11534

Re: Great news yey

First of all, congratulations!! You should be so proud of yourself! :D

Second, I'm not sure if any in my family has ever had cataracts, but we have a long standing history of eye-sight problems.

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#3 2013-09-08 18:05:23

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Great news yey

WOW! Congrats! That's amazing amazing news!!!!

I remember that someone in my family had those. I'll try to find out who...then find out what they did and post here.

That aside, CONGRATS!


#4 2013-09-08 23:06:28

From: Termina
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 3592

Re: Great news yey

That's awesome! Congratulations for getting accepted! ( ^_^)b

As for cataracts, I remember my grandmother having them earlier this year. Like, it just sort of happened. Our family has a history of bad eye sight, but for her... I don't know.
Anyway, she visited the doctor's office and what they dilated her eyes and had her read eye charts (like the kind where you stand far away and try to read the letters) to diagnose her. Since her cataract was very bad, she had it surgically removed. After the surgery, she wore an eye-patch and took medication for a few days. Sadly, the eye-patch looks nothing like the ones you see in animes. XD

It didn't look like this:

But rather this:

(minus the design of course)

That's as much as I know. I'll ask my grandmother more when I see her later on today.

#5 2013-09-09 00:52:28

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: Great news yey

Thank you for the congrats, girls~

I was explained that it's normal in old people because that muscle starts to get "old" and all the traumas it suffered throughout life start to become more "alive".
And yes, I'll have to have it removed surgically and pretty much asap because it develop too quickly... The doctor said that, to be this heavy, I'd have to have it for over 2 years and I was seen 2 years ago and it was all perfect and I only gave up on my glasses about half a year ago. Now I need it quickly before it grows more and before my bad sight gets even worse, plus, I'm limited to what I can do because of that.
Can you ask her if they just "cleaned" it or if they also placed a new lense inside, please?

#6 2013-09-13 03:58:53

From: Termina
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 3592

Re: Great news yey

OK! Sorry for the long wait, but I finally got to ask her (I needed someone to translate for me).

She had a new lens placed inside. As for how it went, she said she was awake and they gave her an anesthetic to numb it. Then they removed it with a laser.
That's all I know for right now.

#7 2013-09-13 16:16:21

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: Great news yey

It's alright! Better late than never~

Oh god, to be awake? Jebus! Thank you and your grandmother!
I must remember to buy a neat eyepatch so I can be a pirate *u#

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