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#1 2013-09-16 05:46:43

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 12088


I'm just a complete mess lately, and I'll start.

In 7 months I'll be 18. I don't know how to drive cause I'll be honest it scares the crap outta me for many reasons of living with a bad driver in my family, and I don't have a job. I don't know where to get one, cause I suck at math, even counting money gets me confused. I'm to scared to start selling my art work and don't even know where to start if I did.

As most of you know, my horse True died a few months ago. I still love horses so much, and still want them in my future. There has been many options to get one, but 1)if I did I'd be broke 2) They wouldn't know what to do with him/her if I go to college.

Come to my another problem, college. I don't want to be stuck in a dorm for basically most of my year. I'm a country girl who likes her own space, her own things. The big photography college that I went to is like an hour drive both ways, and they prefer if you stay in these TINY and I mean TINY dorms. The other college doesn't have dorms and doesn't have that much options for photography.

Homeschooling, I haven't seen my real life friends since January. Gotten so bad, I don't even know what their like anymore... Also another problem is most of my friends who I have on here I'm afraid don't really like me anymore since I'm never on here cause I'm stressed out to the max. I get on here, and I don't recognize anything... My other friends, I met through a great thing called Molten WoW (don't worry I've taken all the precautions of them being pedos and etc. I'm so tired of people saying, you don't know if they are or not.) That will be great if I ever do get a boyfriend... instead of him meeting my real life friends he meets them. Oh wait, I can't even do stuff to meet other people! Cause again, I can't drive.

I have to pass in my junior year and senior year English credits and US history credits along with all of this, and doesn't help my own parents don't think I'll graduate.

I feel my old depression-ish as you might call it, sneaking back up on me again through out this and lately I can't go to bed till like 1am. Or I just lay there tossing and turning. Everyday I seem to lose like a few strands of hair also. Not clumps just few strands. Might not be much, but its gotten me worried. This summer hasn't been a good one at all, after my mom finally gets rid of her brain tumor, my grandmother gets 3 infections. I've been in and out of hospitals way to much lately. Non stop arguing from parents.

Tuesday at 3am we're leaving to go back to my favorite place in the world, Puerto Rico, just me and my mom. I'm stressed about even that! What happens if my new 1,400 nikon camera gets stolen? I forget something? What happens if I get really sick like i did when we went to FL? Things like that are going through my mind constantly right now.

Help please...
"I'm pure at heart, it repels the dirt" - Mortal Instruments
My photography: … 33&p=1

#2 2013-09-16 06:07:08

From: The couch
Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 11534

Re: Help..

First off ILove, I have missed seeing your posts everywhere! How can we ever hate you, you cutie?!
Second, you need to take a breather. Look at the Puerto Rico trip as a chance to just relax and get some bearings of yourself. Look at it as a chance to free your mind and letting go. Whenever you start to feel like you're panicking about the trip, remember why you loved going there in the first place! It will help, trust me.

I know that the prospect of having no future (like me), getting no job (like me), conflicted about the right college, and the easy one (like me) is really hard to cope with. But you know what I did about most of them?
No Future: I found what I love to do, and figured out how I can keep doing it, with making less of a sacrifice. I want to be a publisher/writer. But right now, or in the future, that won't bring me much money, so I figured that if I get a doctorate in Eng Lit, I could be the head of the English Department at a High School, editing books for local educational ones, and still work on my novels. That way, I won't be in so much trouble if my book doesn't make it to the shelves.
Getting no job: still working on it.
Conflict with colleges: Oh boy, you landed on a minefield with this one. There is no easy option here, so you need to either make a compromise, or a sacrifice. Are you willing to go all the way to be a professional photographer, or do you think you can just get by by taking the easy way? Nothing comes without a price, dear. I know this more than anything.

No car: I'm gonna be 19 in a few weeks, and I don't even have a driver's permit! But I guess, to get over your fear, you need to start small. start virtual driving!

Just don't stay holed up in your house, ILove. You need to get out, and get busy living. Go hiking with some friends, or camping. Just, get out of the house, or you might end up like me, a loner, someone who's afraid of social interactions, an agoraphobic, someone who has S.A.D.

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#3 2013-09-16 12:08:41

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: Help..

Women, how can we hate you? That's a very odd thing to say because we all love and miss you very much. Don't you ever think that we could possibly hate you <3

On the depression: I know the feeling. Mine was wanting to kick in last night and last thursday. My cure was to do something productive and social interaction really does help. Call your friends up and have them come over or get your parents to take you to town. It's a possibility. Social interaction will help though.

On the driving: don't start virtual. Start with doing a field or a neighborhood. You live in the country so country roads would be the best. I started in a Home Depot parking lot at the age of 12, I'm positive you can really try it on a back road and succeed. The key is to not be afraid, go with instinct and to look ahead instead of at the hood.

I agree with Amary on everything else. I will have my own sacrifices to make in a few years where college is concerned. At least the medical field has a lot openings. That being said, a quote from Pocahontas, "Listen with your heart, you'll understand."

Also, don't sweat the Puerto Rico trip. It's a vacation and treat it as such.

I know how much it hurts to lose a pet. I lost my dog last Saturday. He got out and got hit and didn't make it. It tore my family and I up. Think like this though, that horse loved you. Would True want to see you suffer and fall back into depression? Or would He want you to be happy?

And...didn't want to counselor kids with depression, etc. through horse care? You could always minor in counseling.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#4 2013-09-16 13:12:31

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Help..

bloodyemos wrote:

Women, how can we hate you? That's a very odd thing to say because we all love and miss you very much. Don't you ever think that we could possibly hate you <3

On the depression: I know the feeling. Mine was wanting to kick in last night and last thursday. My cure was to do something productive and social interaction really does help. Call your friends up and have them come over or get your parents to take you to town. It's a possibility. Social interaction will help though.

I have to agree...WOMAN!...LISTEN TO ME!...We LOVE you, capiche? If anything we miss you...badly. I was just thinking about you last Saturday. You should give us your email!

For depression, while I don't think I am a good model, I find that when I'm busier, but not under stress, that tends to shy away. Maybe try to do something? Charity? If you can't leave home that much, maybe try to engage in a useful online activity? Maybe...uh...make videos for seomthing you know how to do?


#5 2013-09-16 16:41:41

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 12088

Re: Help..

Haha I love you girls too <3 with the way my self confidence works my mind likes to play hating games on me and such. Its such a lovely thing...

Thanks Bloody, I have thought about minoring in consoling, but my personality is kinda.. Tough love XDD Also I don't really have anyone to teach me if I did start doing that... My mom freaks about everything, so does my grandmother... My dad.. road rage :p RIP to your dog Bloody <3 Need to talk about it im here.

Darky, your an amazing role model <3 I have thought about creating an email just for messages and such. Might be able to use one I created for my Lily doll. The only thing I really find myself good at is WoW (I am SUCH a sad case of geek XD) and photography.
"I'm pure at heart, it repels the dirt" - Mortal Instruments
My photography: … 33&p=1

#6 2013-09-17 06:42:17

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Help..

*Bonk to your head* How can you even think to say that. We wuv you. You're our ohana. Ohana means family. And family means nobody gets left behind OR FORGOTTEN

You're being paranoid you need to sit down and chill. You are going to be fine. I'm talking about your Puerto Rico trip. If you think something bad is going to happen, then it'll happen. I used to be like that all the time. Just take it easy and you'll be fine. Also, if you really are that worried about your camera, I suggest going on craigslist and getting a cheaper one that you can take anywhere without a care in the world.

Driving - Can't say anything cuz my mom won't let me drive >.> With the way things are...she probably wont let me ge my permit till I graduate from college.

You're a junior or a senior? I forgot >.< Anyhow College/job...Go take a look at scholarships[dotcom]. They have paid internships and stuff that you can look through. Most of them need a college degree though...or one year experience. Why not start at a community college?
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#7 2013-09-17 11:38:58

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Help..

*gives Ilove a chocolate covered banana*
The wise Fruit Ninja told me bananas were good for depression and chocolate can have me smiling like an idiot in five minutes. So Happy thoughts~ (I hope you laugh or something when you read the following stuff.)

We love ya <3 And if ya need us, we are right here in tiny letters and emoticons.

Things are tough in life, All you need to do this take a banana and poke everyone in the eye who refuses to buy your awesome pics. If they don't even after their eyeballs come out, let them be. It's their loss really. Isn't there someplace like an art gallery you could show your photos to? Your photography is awesome, Ilove.

Parents shall be parents. Don't let them get to you. Try your hardest and even after that you fail or something, at least you did your best. And I hope your Mom and Grandma is doing well.

Now, if I was reading this I'll be. "OMG~ LOOL! So funny! I'm SO gonna try my hardest!!"
What'll actually happen ~ *laying on bed reading Drarry and eating chips* *sniffs* "This ish sho beautiful! Who cares about real life! I have Drarry!!!" *starts crying while eating chips*
Yea.. Don't be like me. While you have the chance, even if that tiny voice in your head says no. Kick or punch yourself up and do something. Don't let fear conquer your life.
(Malu: *snorts* Like your the one to talk!
Me: Hey!)

Anyway, Good Luck~ And I'm so sorry if I didn't help. And it would be awesome if you smiled or laughed while reading that. I sorta feel like that's my purpose.. Huh! Maybe I should be a clown!

And if anything up there has offended anyone (Sorry! I meant well!) then you should know it's all because of this evil little thing.
*nods head wisely*

Oh and if you do decide to poke someones eye out then, take pics? :3

Last edited by malu (2013-09-17 11:40:58)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#8 2013-09-20 19:35:14

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: Help..

Sweetie, sweetie, sweetiesweetiesweetie.

Now, I may not be as much of a close friend as everyone else but you're part of OMD and you have a special place in my heart.

Relaaax. You're smart as all heck, you'll pass!

Be cautious but have FUN on your trip!! It's your favorite place with your momma and your camera!

Everyone's afraid of starting to drive, I promise you're not alone, but if someone like my idiotic 14-year old sort of friend can park a dang car you can drive one.
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

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