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#1 2013-10-24 17:09:29

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

(The previous club had been abandoned for a while so with the permission of a mod, we're opening it back up!)

Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago - the precise date is uncertain - by the four greatest wizards of the age. The four school houses are named after them: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.
They built this castle together, far from prying Muggle eyes, for it was an age when magic was feared by common people and witches and wizards suffered much persecution. For a few years, the founders worked in harmony together, seeking out youngsters who showed signs of magic and bringing them up to the castle to be educated.

Your current Headmistresses are DarkElfQueen and Malu.
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl):
Main Doll:
Doll Using:
Would you like to receive PMs when new classes/tasks are out?

In the early days of Hogwarts, the four founders handpicked students for their Houses. When the founders worried how students would be selected after their deaths, Godric Gryffindor took his hat off and each "put some brains" in it, allowing the Sorting Hat to choose students. Now, at the beginning of each school year, the magical Sorting Hat is placed on each new student's head during the Sorting ceremony. The Sorting Hat announces the house the student is to join.

darkelfqueen wrote:

Welcome to Hogwarts, ladies! We shall now start the sorting ceremony. Each of you will need to PM me her choices for this sorting quiz and I will announce where each of you will end up.

- You saw a guy that had always been a jerk to you getting bullied. How do you react?
    a. Do nothing. He had it coming. At least now you won't have to beat him up yourself.
    b. You go and talk to his attackers convincing them to spare him. Now he owes you and you can make sure he won't hurt you.
       c. A jerk or not, you jump in to save him. Maybe he will learn a lesson later.
       d. Go call a teacher. You want less enemies not more!

- When your potions professor left the room, you saw that she forgot the exam's answer key on her desk. What do you do?
    a.You don't need the paper. You already know you'll pass with flying scores.
    b. Get up and put the paper insider the drawer then lock it so only your professor can open it up.
    c.Use your copying spell to keep a copy to yourself. You won't cheat! She was an unfair professor and if she pushes everyone's limits again, youll show that to your headmaster to show him how irresponsible she is.
    d.You will wait and see if anyone tries to take it. If you spot one, you'll face them and stop them. End of story.
- You are getting a broomstick for your birthday. Which would you choose?
    a. A comfortable one.
    b. Only the rarest one! The rarer, the stronger it would be no doubt.
    c. A fast, strong one.
    d. You don't really care. You're not that into quidditch so just a practical one for flying.

- Your family is going for a holiday and you got to choose the location. Where oh where will you go?
    a. Anywhere really. You'll make an adventure out of anything.
    b. Egypt? Greece? Rome? Somewhere ancient where you can learn more about ancient magic.
    c. Somewhere fun! Florida maybe where you can visit all of the theme parks!
    d. Somewhere...exotic and fancy. Paris perhaps?
- You would like to ask a guy you've had a crush on out for a date. How would you do it?
    a. Go and talk to him...You might be a bit shy in the beginning but you will ask them in the end.
    b. Bring him an expensive gift to show him how much you care and while talking about it, you'll ask him.
    c. You are tutoring him! While doing so, you'll test him somehow and if you sense that he likes you back, you'll ask him.
    d. Just ask him. You're not scared of rejection. if you get rejected, then it won't be the end of the world. just that you weren't meant to be.

Houses at Hogwarts are the living and learning communities for its students. Each year a group of a certain house shares the same Dormitory and classes. The houses compete throughout the school year, by earning and losing points for various activities. The house with the most points wins the House Cup.

Gryffindor values bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry. Its emblematic animal is the lion and its colours are scarlet and gold. Minerva McGonagall is the most recent Head of Gryffindor. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, aka Nearly Headless Nick, is the house ghost. The founder of the house is Godric Gryffindor. Gryffindor corresponds to the element of Fire. The common room is located in one of the highest towers at Hogwarts, the entrance is situated on the seventh floor in the east wing of the castle and is guarded by a portrait of The Fat Lady. She permits entrance if given the correct password which is changed numerous times throughout the school year.
Name: Lina Heller
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Rat
Main Doll: Haelina
Galleons: 550
Inventory: (#) - Uses left.
One pewter Cauldron (1) Glass Phials: (5) Silver Knife: (5) Mortar and pestle: (5) Scales: (5) Bezoar: (5) Mistletoe Berries: (5) Unicorn Horn: (5) Flobberworm Mucus: (5) Horklump Juice: (5) Spines of Lionfish: (5) Knotgrass: (5) Fluxweed: (5) Lacewing Flies: (5) Leeches: (5) Horn of Bicorn: (5) Skin of Boomslang: (5)

Name: Kaeya Atlantia
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Owl
Main Doll: Emeralda1221
Galleons: 500
Inventory: (#) - Uses left.
One pewter Cauldron (1) Glass Phials: (5) Silver Knife: (5) Mortar and pestle: (5) Scales: (5) Bezoar: (5) Mistletoe Berries: (5) Unicorn Horn: (5) Flobberworm Mucus: (5) Horklump Juice: (5) Spines of Lionfish: (5) Knotgrass: (5) Fluxweed: (5) Lacewing Flies: (5) Leeches: (5) Horn of Bicorn: (5) Skin of Boomslang: (5)
December: 85

Hufflepuff, founded by Helga Hufflepuff, values hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. Its emblematic animal is the badger, and Yellow and Black are its colours. The Fat Friar is its ghost. Hufflepuff corresponds to the element of earth. The Hufflepuff Dormitories and common room are located somewhere in the basement, near the castle's kitchens. It is described as being a cosy and welcoming place with yellow hangings, fat armchairs, and underground tunnels that lead to the dormitories, which have perfectly round doors, similar to barrel tops.
Name: Zelda Liora
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Owl
Main Doll: angelfire
Doll Using:  loveforbooks
Galleons: 530
Inventory: (#) - Uses left.
One pewter Cauldron (1) Glass Phials: (5) Silver Knife: (5) Mortar and pestle: (5) Scales: (5) Bezoar: (5) Mistletoe Berries: (5) Unicorn Horn: (5) Flobberworm Mucus: (5) Horklump Juice: (5) Spines of Lionfish: (5) Knotgrass: (5) Fluxweed: (5) Lacewing Flies: (5) Leeches: (5) Horn of Bicorn: (5) Skin of Boomslang: (5)

Name: Friday Babbs
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Frog
Main Doll: rheasilvia
Doll Using: dovahkiin
Galleons: 550
Inventory: (#) - Uses left.
One pewter Cauldron (1) Glass Phials: (5) Silver Knife: (5) Mortar and pestle: (5) Scales: (5) Bezoar: (5) Mistletoe Berries: (5) Unicorn Horn: (5) Flobberworm Mucus: (5) Horklump Juice: (5) Spines of Lionfish: (5) Knotgrass: (5) Fluxweed: (5) Lacewing Flies: (5) Leeches: (5) Horn of Bicorn: (5) Skin of Boomslang: (5)

Ravenclaw values intelligence, knowledge, and wit. Its emblematic animal is the eagle, and its colours are blue and bronze. The ghost of Ravenclaw is the Grey Lady, who was the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, the house's founder. Ravenclaw corresponds to the element of air. The Ravenclaw common room and dormitories are located in a tower on the west side of the castle. Ravenclaw students must answer a riddle as opposed to giving a password to enter their dormitories. This riddle, however, can be answered by non-Ravenclaws.
Name: Alicia Avery
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Cat
Main Doll: 30stmxfan
Galleons: 530
Inventory: (#) - Uses left.
One pewter Cauldron (1) Glass Phials: (5) Silver Knife: (5) Mortar and pestle: (5) Scales: (5) Bezoar: (5) Mistletoe Berries: (5) Unicorn Horn: (5) Flobberworm Mucus: (5) Horklump Juice: (5) Spines of Lionfish: (5) Knotgrass: (5) Fluxweed: (5) Lacewing Flies: (5) Leeches: (5) Horn of Bicorn: (5) Skin of Boomslang: (5)

Name: Selena Fleetwood
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Cat
Main Doll: Snortmort
Doll Using: diagonalley
Galleons: 650
Inventory: (#) - Uses left.
Glass Phials: (4) Silver Knife: (4) Mortar and pestle: (4) Scales: (4) Bezoar: (4) Mistletoe Berries: (3) Unicorn Horn: (4) Flobberworm Mucus: (5) Horklump Juice: (5) Spines of Lionfish: (5) Knotgrass: (5) Fluxweed: (5) Lacewing Flies: (5) Leeches: (5) Horn of Bicorn: (5) Skin of Boomslang: (5)

Name: Lissandra Arcanum
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Owl
Main Doll: Rarity
Doll Using: Rarity
Galleons: 500
Inventory: (#) - Uses left.
One pewter Cauldron (1) Glass Phials: (5) Silver Knife: (5) Mortar and pestle: (5) Scales: (5) Bezoar: (5) Mistletoe Berries: (5) Unicorn Horn: (5) Flobberworm Mucus: (5) Horklump Juice: (5) Spines of Lionfish: (5) Knotgrass: (5) Fluxweed: (5) Lacewing Flies: (5) Leeches: (5) Horn of Bicorn: (5) Skin of Boomslang: (5)

Name: Roxy Lalonde
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Cat
Main Doll: xemoxrockerx
Galleons: 530
Inventory: (#) - Uses left.
One pewter Cauldron (1) Glass Phials: (5) Silver Knife: (5) Mortar and pestle: (5) Scales: (5) Bezoar: (5) Mistletoe Berries: (5) Unicorn Horn: (5) Flobberworm Mucus: (5) Horklump Juice: (5) Spines of Lionfish: (5) Knotgrass: (5) Fluxweed: (5) Lacewing Flies: (5) Leeches: (5) Horn of Bicorn: (5) Skin of Boomslang: (5)
December: 85

Slytherin house values ambition, cunning and resourcefulness and was founded by Salazar Slytherin. Its emblematic animal is the serpent, and its colours are emerald green and silver. The Bloody Baron is the house ghost. Slytherin corresponds roughly to the element of water. The Slytherin Dormitories and common room are reached through a bare stone wall in the Dungeons. The Slytherin common room lies beneath the Black Lake. It is a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and silver lamps hanging from the ceiling.
Name: Quintina Ellesmere
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Cat
Main Doll: Amaryllis-love
Doll Using: Gryffindor-ftw
Galleons: 520
Inventory: (#) - Uses left.
One pewter Cauldron (1) Glass Phials: (5) Silver Knife: (5) Mortar and pestle: (5) Scales: (5) Bezoar: (5) Mistletoe Berries: (5) Unicorn Horn: (5) Flobberworm Mucus: (5) Horklump Juice: (5) Spines of Lionfish: (5) Knotgrass: (5) Fluxweed: (5) Lacewing Flies: (5) Leeches: (5) Horn of Bicorn: (5) Skin of Boomslang: (5)

Name: Zipporah Winthrop
Main: Bloodyemos
Doll Using: Sillydomaine
Galleons: 500
Inventory: (#) - Uses left.
One pewter Cauldron (1) Glass Phials: (5) Silver Knife: (5) Mortar and pestle: (5) Scales: (5) Bezoar: (5) Mistletoe Berries: (5) Unicorn Horn: (5) Flobberworm Mucus: (5) Horklump Juice: (5) Spines of Lionfish: (5) Knotgrass: (5) Fluxweed: (5) Lacewing Flies: (5) Leeches: (5) Horn of Bicorn: (5) Skin of Boomslang: (5)

Name: Shayleen Aurora
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Cat
Main Doll: Subway1
Galleons: 500
Inventory: (#) - Uses left.
One pewter Cauldron (1) Glass Phials: (5) Silver Knife: (5) Mortar and pestle: (5) Scales: (5) Bezoar: (5) Mistletoe Berries: (5) Unicorn Horn: (5) Flobberworm Mucus: (5) Horklump Juice: (5) Spines of Lionfish: (5) Knotgrass: (5) Fluxweed: (5) Lacewing Flies: (5) Leeches: (5) Horn of Bicorn: (5) Skin of Boomslang: (5)

From now on, all home-work must be PMed to either me or DarkElfQueen to avoid cheating~ Thank you Snortmort for the idea!
                                                           No homework just yet
                                                           No homework just yet
                                                           No homework just yet
                                                           No homework just yet
To earn points for your houses you can brew potions anytime you want with the things in your inventory.
Note: You can make one potion at a time.
Antidote to Common Poisons.
Effect: Cures Creature bites and stings.
                  01 Bezoar
                  02 Mistletoe Berries
                  01 Unicorn Horn
If done right - 10 points will be awarded to your house.

Effect: Kills/Damages Plants
                  02 Flobberworm Mucus
                  02 Horklump Juice
                  04 Spines of Lionfish
If done right - 20 points will be awarded to your house.

Polly Juice Potion:
Effect: You can turn into someone else temporarily.
                  03 Fluxweed
                  02 Knotgrass
                  03 Lacewing Flies
                  04 Leeches
                  01 Horn of Bicorn
                  03 Skin of Boomslang
                  01 Piece of Human Hair (May be any one of your classmates)
If done right - 30 points will be awarded to your house.

More Coming soon
Telescope: (Need help in Astronomy? Buy a telescope and get some hints.) 15 Galleons. (One telescope = One hint) Caution: You will not be told what the answer is but what the answer isn't.
Hourglasses: (Need extra time to complete a task? Buy an hourglass! One use/hourglass = one extra day) 45 Galleons for one use.
Remembrall: (Think you might forget an assignment? Buy a Remembrall we will tell you so.) 15 Galleons for a Remembrall one day before the end date of task - 25 Galleons for a Remembrall two days before the end date of task - 35 Galleons for a Remembrall three days before the end date of task.
Caution: The Remembrall will not tell you what exact task you've might of forgot but it will tell you that you have indeed might of forgotten a task.
More shall be added soon.
Glass Phials (required for potion making): 3 Galleons each. (One Phial can only be used once - Can hold 3 drops)
Crystal Phials: 7 Galleons each. (One Phial can be only used once - can hold 5 drops)
(One drop = One use. Now remember, whether it can be used or not in the game depends on the potion. In certain tasks you may face danger you may need the potion then)
Silver Knife (required for potion making): 15 Galleons (5 uses)
Mortar and pestle (required for potion making): 20 Galleons (5 uses)
Scales (required for potion making): 25 Galleons (5 uses)
Bezoar:    1 for 10 Galleons
Mistletoe Berries:  20 for 1 Galleon
Unicorn Horn:  15 for 10 Galleons
Flobberworm Mucus:  8 for 1 Galleon
Horklump Juice:     8 for 3 Galleons
Spines of Lionfish:  16 for 2 Galleons
Knotgrass:    5 for 5 Galleons
Fluxweed:  5 for 5 Galleons
Lacewing Flies:  6 for 2 Galleons
Leeches:    8 for 6 Galleons
Horn of Bicorn:  1 for 10 Galleons
Skin of Boomslang: 1 for 5 Galleons

More shall be added soon. More Potion Ingredients will be added very soon.
Copper Cauldron: 25 Galleons (Can only be used trice)
Brass Cauldron: 21 Galleons (Can only be used twice)
Pewter Cauldron - 15 Galleons (Can only be used once)
Silver Cauldron - 50 Galleons (9 uses)
Solid Gold Cauldron - 107 Galleons (12 uses)
Note: Polly Juice Potion can only be made in a Solid Gold Cauldron.
One book = One hint Caution: You will not be told what the answer is but what the answer isn't.
Book of Potions by Zygmunt Budge: 10 Galleons (Help in Potions)
A History of magic: 10 Galleons
The Dream Oracle by Inigo Imago: 10 Galleons (Help in Divination)
Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles by Wilhelm Wigworthy: 10 Galleons (Muggle Study help)
Book of Spells, by Miranda Goshawk: 10 Galleons (Help in Spells and DADA)
Fantastic Beasts and Were to find them: 10 Galleons (Help in Care for Magical Creatures)
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore: 10 Galleons (Help in Herbology)

Credits go to our best friends ~ Google and Wiki.

Last edited by malu (2014-02-08 14:29:32)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#2 2013-10-24 17:56:41

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I'd love to join with my account diagonalley! I've just been working on filling out her WIA and working on her rooms this morning.

Last edited by snortmort (2013-10-24 21:06:36)

#3 2013-10-24 21:33:51

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Count me in and send me a letter. My owl will return it as soon as possible lol

I'll probably be using Sillydomaine.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#4 2013-10-24 22:22:36

From: The couch
Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 11534

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

*Accepts letter of Acceptance*
*Clutches on to it for dear life*


EDIT (forgot le admission form):
Name: Quintina Ellesmere
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): CAT
Main Doll: Amaryllis-love
Doll Using: hmm.. I think I'm gonna use gryffindor-ftw but if I end up in Slytherin then AHAHAHAHAHAHA the jokes on me ;-;
Would you like to receive PMs when new classes/tasks are out?  YES

Last edited by amaryllis-love (2013-10-25 19:34:40)

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#5 2013-10-25 00:59:30

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I would like to join :)

Name: Zelda Liora
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Owl
Main Doll: angelfire
Doll Using:  loveforbooks
Would you like to receive PMs when new classes/tasks are out?  Yes please :)

Last edited by angelfire (2013-10-26 18:03:25)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#6 2013-10-25 03:14:24

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Joining because why not?

Joining with main account because I'm lazy.
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#7 2013-10-26 07:23:42

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Name: Roxy Lalonde
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Cat
Main Doll: xemoxrockerx
Doll Using: ??? Not sure yet ???
Would you like to receive PMs when new classes/tasks are out?  Yep<3
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#8 2013-10-26 12:08:45

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Name: Friday Babbs
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Frog
Main Doll: rheasilvia
Doll Using: dovahkiin
Would you like to receive PMs when new classes/tasks are out?  Yes, please!

#9 2013-10-26 14:32:32

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Name: Zipporah Winthrop
Main: Bloodyemos
Doll Using: Sillydomaine
Pm's?: Yes please (to my main though)
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#10 2013-10-26 17:23:50

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Name: Selena Fleetwood
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Cat
Main Doll: snortmort
Doll Using: diagonalley
Would you like to receive PMs when new classes/tasks are out?  Yes please, on my main

Last edited by snortmort (2013-10-26 17:24:31)

#11 2013-10-26 19:10:50

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Welcome to Hogwarts, ladies! We shall now start the sorting ceremony. Each of you will need to PM me her choices for this sorting quiz and I will announce where each of you will end up.

- You saw a guy that had always been a jerk to you getting bullied. How do you react?
    a. Do nothing. He had it coming. At least now you won't have to beat him up yourself.
    b. You go and talk to his attackers convincing them to spare him. Now he owes you and you can make sure he won't hurt you.
       c. A jerk or not, you jump in to save him. Maybe he will learn a lesson later.
       d. Go call a teacher. You want less enemies not more!

- When your potions professor left the room, you saw that she forgot the exam's answer key on her desk. What do you do?
    a.You don't need the paper. You already know you'll pass with flying scores.
    b. Get up and put the paper insider the drawer then lock it so only your professor can open it up.
    c.Use your copying spell to keep a copy to yourself. You won't cheat! She was an unfair professor and if she pushes everyone's limits again, youll show that to your headmaster to show him how irresponsible she is.
    d.You will wait and see if anyone tries to take it. If you spot one, you'll face them and stop them. End of story.
- You are getting a broomstick for your birthday. Which would you choose?
    a. A comfortable one.
    b. Only the rarest one! The rarer, the stronger it would be no doubt.
    c. A fast, strong one.
    d. You don't really care. You're not that into quidditch so just a practical one for flying.

- Your family is going for a holiday and you got to choose the location. Where oh where will you go?
    a. Anywhere really. You'll make an adventure out of anything.
    b. Egypt? Greece? Rome? Somewhere ancient where you can learn more about ancient magic.
    c. Somewhere fun! Florida maybe where you can visit all of the theme parks!
    d. Somewhere...exotic and fancy. Paris perhaps?
- You would like to ask a guy you've had a crush on out for a date. How would you do it?
    a. Go and talk to him...You might be a bit shy in the beginning but you will ask them in the end.
    b. Bring him an expensive gift to show him how much you care and while talking about it, you'll ask him.
    c. You are tutoring him! While doing so, you'll test him somehow and if you sense that he likes you back, you'll ask him.
    d. Just ask him. You're not scared of rejection. if you get rejected, then it won't be the end of the world. just that you weren't meant to be.


#12 2013-10-26 19:26:52

From: The couch
Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 11534

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Sent you a pm Darky!

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#13 2013-10-26 19:29:44

From: Witchie Hideout
Registered: 2009-12-02
Posts: 639

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I would like to join .
Name: Alicia Avery
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Cat
Main Doll: 30stmxfan
Doll Using: n/a
Would you like to receive PMs when new classes/tasks are out? Yes please ^^

discord: corgibutt#2664

#14 2013-10-26 19:32:35

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Welcome aboard 30stmxfan!

And Amary....Congratulations, you're a ..... *drum roll*.......Slytherin!

EDIT: CONGRATS, 30stmxfan, you're a Ravenlcaw!

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-10-26 19:46:32)


#15 2013-10-26 22:43:20

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Snortmort... RAVENCLAW!

Bloodyemos... SLYTHERIN!

Last edited by malu (2013-10-26 22:43:37)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#16 2013-10-27 00:52:00

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

- You saw a guy that had always been a jerk to you getting bullied. How do you react?
       c. A jerk or not, you jump in to save him. Maybe he will learn a lesson later.

- When your potions professor left the room, you saw that she forgot the exam's answer key on her desk. What do you do?
    b. Get up and put the paper insider the drawer then lock it so only your professor can open it up.

- You are getting a broomstick for your birthday. Which would you choose?
    a. A comfortable one.

- Your family is going for a holiday and you got to choose the location. Where oh where will you go?
    d. Somewhere...exotic and fancy. Paris perhaps?
- You would like to ask a guy you've had a crush on out for a date. How would you do it?
    a. Go and talk to him...You might be a bit shy in the beginning but you will ask them in the end.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#17 2013-10-27 01:29:04

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Congrats Angel! You're a hufflepuff!


#18 2013-10-27 02:45:05

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Name: Lissandra Arcanum
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Owl
Main Doll: Rarity
Doll Using: Rarity
Would you like to receive PMs when new classes/tasks are out?  Yes please

    - You saw a guy that had always been a jerk to you getting bullied. How do you react?
        a. Do nothing. He had it coming. At least now you won't have to beat him up yourself.
        b. You go and talk to his attackers convincing them to spare him. Now he owes you and you can make sure he won't hurt you.
           c. A jerk or not, you jump in to save him. Maybe he will learn a lesson later.
           d. Go call a teacher. You want less enemies not more!

    - When your potions professor left the room, you saw that she forgot the exam's answer key on her desk. What do you do?
        a.You don't need the paper. You already know you'll pass with flying scores.
        b. Get up and put the paper insider the drawer then lock it so only your professor can open it up.
        c.Use your copying spell to keep a copy to yourself. You won't cheat! She was an unfair professor and if she pushes everyone's limits again, youll show that to your headmaster to show him how irresponsible she is.
        d.You will wait and see if anyone tries to take it. If you spot one, you'll face them and stop them. End of story.
    - You are getting a broomstick for your birthday. Which would you choose?
        a. A comfortable one.
        b. Only the rarest one! The rarer, the stronger it would be no doubt.
        c. A fast, strong one.
        d. You don't really care. You're not that into quidditch so just a practical one for flying.

    - Your family is going for a holiday and you got to choose the location. Where oh where will you go?
        a. Anywhere really. You'll make an adventure out of anything.
        b. Egypt? Greece? Rome? Somewhere ancient where you can learn more about ancient magic.
        c. Somewhere fun! Florida maybe where you can visit all of the theme parks!
        d. Somewhere...exotic and fancy. Paris perhaps?
    - You would like to ask a guy you've had a crush on out for a date. How would you do it?
        a. Go and talk to him...You might be a bit shy in the beginning but you will ask them in the end.
        b. Bring him an expensive gift to show him how much you care and while talking about it, you'll ask him.
        c. You are tutoring him! While doing so, you'll test him somehow and if you sense that he likes you back, you'll ask him.
        d. Just ask him. You're not scared of rejection. if you get rejected, then it won't be the end of the world. just that you weren't meant to be.
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#19 2013-10-27 08:53:24

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Finally a puff!


Last edited by malu (2013-10-27 08:58:36)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#20 2013-10-27 09:04:14

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

You saw a guy that had always been a jerk to you getting bullied. How do you react?
    a. Do nothing. He had it coming. At least now you won't have to beat him up yourself.
    b. You go and talk to his attackers convincing them to spare him. Now he owes you and you can make sure he won't hurt you.
       c. A jerk or not, you jump in to save him. Maybe he will learn a lesson later.
       d. Go call a teacher. You want less enemies not more!

- When your potions professor left the room, you saw that she forgot the exam's answer key on her desk. What do you do?
    a.You don't need the paper. You already know you'll pass with flying scores.
    b. Get up and put the paper insider the drawer then lock it so only your professor can open it up.
    c.Use your copying spell to keep a copy to yourself. You won't cheat! She was an unfair professor and if she pushes everyone's limits again, youll show that to your headmaster to show him how irresponsible she is.
    d.You will wait and see if anyone tries to take it. If you spot one, you'll face them and stop them. End of story.
- You are getting a broomstick for your birthday. Which would you choose?
    a. A comfortable one.
    b. Only the rarest one! The rarer, the stronger it would be no doubt.
    c. A fast, strong one.
    d. You don't really care. You're not that into quidditch so just a practical one for flying.

- Your family is going for a holiday and you got to choose the location. Where oh where will you go?
    a. Anywhere really. You'll make an adventure out of anything.
    b. Egypt? Greece? Rome? Somewhere ancient where you can learn more about ancient magic.
    c. Somewhere fun! Florida maybe where you can visit all of the theme parks!
    d. Somewhere...exotic and fancy. Paris perhaps?
- You would like to ask a guy you've had a crush on out for a date. How would you do it?
    a. Go and talk to him...You might be a bit shy in the beginning but you will ask them in the end.
    b. Bring him an expensive gift to show him how much you care and while talking about it, you'll ask him.
    c. You are tutoring him! While doing so, you'll test him somehow and if you sense that he likes you back, you'll ask him.
    d. Just ask him. You're not scared of rejection. if you get rejected, then it won't be the end of the world. just that you weren't meant to be.

Last edited by xemoxrockerx (2013-10-27 09:04:47)
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#21 2013-10-27 16:28:48

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#22 2013-10-28 16:28:58

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Emo: I sent you a VERY important PM. :]

LOL, Bloody! That's true! :D

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#23 2013-10-29 17:27:31

Ancien joueur haileysmith

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

rarity wrote:

Name: Lissandra Arcanum
Pet (Cat, Rat, Frog or Owl): Owl
Main Doll: Rarity
Doll Using: Rarity
Would you like to receive PMs when new classes/tasks are out?  Yes please

    - You saw a guy that had always been a jerk to you getting bullied. How do you react?
        a. Do nothing. He had it coming. At least now you won't have to beat him up yourself.
        b. You go and talk to his attackers convincing them to spare him. Now he owes you and you can make sure he won't hurt you.
           c. A jerk or not, you jump in to save him. Maybe he will learn a lesson later.
           d. Go call a teacher. You want less enemies not more!

    - When your potions professor left the room, you saw that she forgot the exam's answer key on her desk. What do you do?
        a.You don't need the paper. You already know you'll pass with flying scores.
        b. Get up and put the paper insider the drawer then lock it so only your professor can open it up.
        c.Use your copying spell to keep a copy to yourself. You won't cheat! She was an unfair professor and if she pushes everyone's limits again, youll show that to your headmaster to show him how irresponsible she is.
        d.You will wait and see if anyone tries to take it. If you spot one, you'll face them and stop them. End of story.
    - You are getting a broomstick for your birthday. Which would you choose?
        a. A comfortable one.
        b. Only the rarest one! The rarer, the stronger it would be no doubt.
        c. A fast, strong one.
        d. You don't really care. You're not that into quidditch so just a practical one for flying.

    - Your family is going for a holiday and you got to choose the location. Where oh where will you go?
        a. Anywhere really. You'll make an adventure out of anything.
        b. Egypt? Greece? Rome? Somewhere ancient where you can learn more about ancient magic.
        c. Somewhere fun! Florida maybe where you can visit all of the theme parks!
        d. Somewhere...exotic and fancy. Paris perhaps?
    - You would like to ask a guy you've had a crush on out for a date. How would you do it?
        a. Go and talk to him...You might be a bit shy in the beginning but you will ask them in the end.
        b. Bring him an expensive gift to show him how much you care and while talking about it, you'll ask him.
        c. You are tutoring him! While doing so, you'll test him somehow and if you sense that he likes you back, you'll ask him.
        d. Just ask him. You're not scared of rejection. if you get rejected, then it won't be the end of the world. just that you weren't meant to be.


#24 2013-10-30 08:11:01

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


haileysmith: You have to fill your own form and quiz to join this club. :]

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#25 2013-10-30 08:35:08

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I don't think you got my PM so I'll just post it here.

- You saw a guy that had always been a jerk to you getting bullied. How do you react?
    a. Do nothing. He had it coming. At least now you won't have to beat him up yourself.
    b. You go and talk to his attackers convincing them to spare him. Now he owes you and you can make sure he won't hurt you.
    c. A jerk or not, you jump in to save him. Maybe he will learn a lesson later.
    d. Go call a teacher. You want less enemies not more!

- When your potions professor left the room, you saw that she forgot the exam's answer key on her desk. What do you do?
    a.You don't need the paper. You already know you'll pass with flying scores.
    b. Get up and put the paper insider the drawer then lock it so only your professor can open it up.
    c.Use your copying spell to keep a copy to yourself. You won't cheat! She was an unfair professor and if she pushes everyone's limits again, youll show that to your headmaster to show him how irresponsible she is.
    d.You will wait and see if anyone tries to take it. If you spot one, you'll face them and stop them. End of story.
- You are getting a broomstick for your birthday. Which would you choose?
    a. A comfortable one.
    b. Only the rarest one! The rarer, the stronger it would be no doubt.
    c. A fast, strong one.
    d. You don't really care. You're not that into quidditch so just a practical one for flying.

- Your family is going for a holiday and you got to choose the location. Where oh where will you go?
    a. Anywhere really. You'll make an adventure out of anything.
    b. Egypt? Greece? Rome? Somewhere ancient where you can learn more about ancient magic.
    c. Somewhere fun! Florida maybe where you can visit all of the theme parks!
    d. Somewhere...exotic and fancy. Paris perhaps?
- You would like to ask a guy you've had a crush on out for a date. How would you do it?
    a. Go and talk to him...You might be a bit shy in the beginning but you will ask them in the end.
    b. Bring him an expensive gift to show him how much you care and while talking about it, you'll ask him.
    c. You are tutoring him! While doing so, you'll test him somehow and if you sense that he likes you back, you'll ask him.
    d. Just ask him. You're not scared of rejection. if you get rejected, then it won't be the end of the world. just that you weren't meant to be.

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