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#1 2013-12-31 02:35:02

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Inactive Stores & Otherwise

So, I was just recently browsing through the stores on Ohmydollz, and I have noticed that there are many great stores that are available on this site. I've also noticed that amongst those great stores, there are a few stores that are inactive.

By inactive, I mean not updated, not popular, and not all that big and useful. Here are some of the stores that I think should just disappear, or better yet, shift into the Stylist Center so we still have all the wonderful items AND save space to possibly create new stores at the same time. I do not mean to offend anyone by saying this. This is just my opinion. I do not mean to be rude in any way. I am sorry if this did offend anyone. I am simply stating my opinon. I hope you understand.

Anyways, in no specific order, here they are.

Inactive Stores

1.Doll'z Back
Okay, so this store is not really inactive, but it's not really that big, nor as important as the other stores. This one needs to move to the Stylist Center.

2. Dollz Men
Okay, so this store is not really inactive either, but it's not really that big, nor as important as the other stores. This one needs to move to the Stylist Center, too.

3. Garage & Co.
Well... This is pretty inactive, but still kind of popular... Meh... If anything, it should either fuse with Aquavilla or the Stylist Center.

4. Bricoland
Well... This is pretty inactive, but still kind of popular... Meh... If anything, it should either fuse with Aquavilla or the Stylist Center.

5. Kawaiko J.
Now we get down to the REAL problem. Where do I begin ? See, this store is just SUPER inactive, and DEFINITELY unpopular... Though I LOVE Kawaii/Lolita clothes, this store needs to be UPDATED. The clothes are actually pretty cute, I find, but... Unless it gets updated... And unless it gets fused... It needs to go.

6. Lena Bliss
See, this store is pretty much your typical, summertime, Ohmydollz Basics type of store.
I just think it should be fused with Ohmydollz Basics, because let's face it... In my opinion, I don't think these clothes are special enough to have their own store... They're pretty basic to me. So I think these should move, otherwise... Bye bye.

7. Neko Wear
Basically the most inactive, unpopular store on Ohmydollz. I would not be sad if this store were to close. Really, there's nothing more to say.

8. K-Swiss
I am really disappointed that we actually MADE it this far. There are EIGHT stores, in my opinion, that are inactive. EIGHT STORES! That's A LOT. However, this store is no different than the others. It's inactive, it's unpopular, and, really, I have no idea how or where this store came from. Again, I would not be sad if this store were to close. NOW, there's nothing more to say.

And now, for the "Otherwise".

Re-opening Stores

1. Dollz Story
Now, this store is a store that closed down a while back, for those of you who are unaware. And personally, I really miss this place. Dollz Story was my favorite places to shop on Ohmydollz. I find it sad that it's no longer available. I really wish this store would re-open. But I'm sure I'm not the ONLY one who thinks this way. Right ?

Future Stores

1. Soft Grunge
Now, I'm not a HUGE fan of this style, and I know I'm not the only one, but I really think this store should get implemented. Or, at least, be incorporated with some of the other stores, like Dollz 'N' Roses or Bloody Rose. This style is unique and edgy, and slightly modern. There's nothing more to say, I think.

But now, it's YOUR turn to decide. Tell me -- What do YOU think ? Do you agree or disagree ? Do you think I'm right or wrong ? Which stores do YOU find inactive ? Which stores do you think should close ? Which stores do you think should re-open ? Please let me know! Thank you! :)

Last edited by subway1 (2013-12-31 02:35:23)

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#2 2013-12-31 04:25:31

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Inactive Stores & Otherwise

The stylist store is for inactive player-made stores like Hayley's, amethyst, and cindydollz. Each of the stores in there were once very active as the players were active in creating stuff. The stores mentioned above are not player made stores. They are feerik's own creations.

Those stores need to have items added or as you said moved. But I'd like it if there was another store for them like stylist Center. I think they need to pull the Byzantine store out of the SC since she's back. I feel it's unfair that the other players have a visually standing store rather than she who has to share hers with 5 other players.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#3 2014-01-02 04:44:01

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 992

Re: Inactive Stores & Otherwise

I agree that Byzantine should have her own store.

In the list of inactive stores above, 5-8 definitely meet that criteria.
1-2 are still kind of new and go with specific models that are hard to come by, so those can go either way.
3-4 I'm indifferent on, as they're kind of designed for specific rooms, like Aquavilla, Garden Center, and Kitchen Land.  It would be nice to see them get more new items.

It's nice to see OMD Basics getting new things again.  That store had a status of inactive (to me) up until awhile ago.  There are some other stores that haven't been updated for several months, either.  I'd rather see them get updated than a new temporary store with every quest.


#4 2014-01-02 21:44:53

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Re: Inactive Stores & Otherwise

I do agree with both of you girls, now that I see what you mean. Yes, Byzantine's shop is wonderful, and I do think it should be removed from the Stylist Center. See, I think the inactive Feerik made stores should have their own specific store, somewhat like the Stylist Center, but for inactive Feerik made stores. I would really like to see the Magic Cupboards store get updated, along with some others. And, yes, I would rather see the inactive stores get updated than have a temporary store every few weeks.

In my opinion, what Feerik did to Dollz Story was stupid, and what they're doing now is basically putting out mini, temporary Dollz Story stores each time a quest comes out. It's almost as if they've divided Dollz Story into fifty different temporary stores instead or keeping it open. I do not understand the point of that, either.

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#5 2014-01-02 22:53:49

From: Witchie Hideout
Registered: 2009-12-02
Posts: 639

Re: Inactive Stores & Otherwise

I think everyone who plays this game has a utter grudge against the closing of dollz story. They took away a store everyone loved.

I think the magic cupboards need new outfits because that hasn't been updated in forever. Maybe themes like punk/grunge (like people have mentioned), history themed outfits( Renaissance), and maybe even outfits based on jobs (artist, engineer, etc)

I also think dollz men needs men dolls to buy. The dolls back store has dolls to buy but not the men store.

I do like some items in the lolita store but the Lolita cupboard beats that store 100x over. I'd much like to see that store updated or closed for room for a better store  like some of the ideas people have mentioned in suggestions. I wish players had more input for this game.

discord: corgibutt#2664

#6 2014-01-03 06:53:51

From: The Deep Woods
Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 1351

Re: Inactive Stores & Otherwise

The last 4 stores mentioned NEED TO GO!!! (Seriously, much of what's in those stores is butt ugly)

Let me tell you a story from the olden days, all new items created for completing quests were shoved into the OMD Basics store. Over time it grew so big that there were over 100 pages in some categories. To solve the overflowing with items problem, Feerik created Dollz Story and moved half the stuff there and then dumped quest stuff there. They realized the same thing would happen again, so they decided to make themed quest shops instead because those would take several years to get that big. That brings us to now. However, I still don't see why they had to close Dollz Story.


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