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#1 2014-03-15 23:21:10

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

How people feel about having an obsession with anime?

I'm just curious about this. How does people react when they find out you have an obsession with anime?

My obsession started with pokémon when I was 7. I was always jumping for joy when an anime series started on tv. I live here in a small town so not many people was accepting about it. I got bullied for it a lot. When I got to college I finally made friends who also is into anime. Made life worth living to put it like that.

My little sister is into anime as well. We're always giving our opinions on how we feel about an anime we're watching. Our mother is very accepting of it. She even asked me what's the difference between anime and cartoons. Here and there, there are people who give me strange looks. Mostly because I'm 22 and a woman who is into anime instead of going to clubs, drinking, cossiping about other people's lives or trying to impress every man around me.


#2 2014-03-15 23:54:39

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: How people feel about having an obsession with anime?

Well. I was homeschooled and what I could watch and not watch was extremely limited. My shows consisted of PBS Kids, Nick Jr., and Playhouse Disney (The old one). It wasn't until about 2008ish when I first found out about anime. I think I was like 13ish. 7th grade.

So anyway, my best friend had just gotten into Bakugan and told me about it. I decided to watch it. I'd come home everyday from school and watch an episode. I loved it! My cousins were living with us for a year and they would make fun of me. Then my siblings made fun of me too. I had stopped watching it for a while and couldn't bring myself to watch it again. My friend would ask me all the time how far I'd gotten. I didn't get that far but she would tell me all about it. Then I decided that I wouldn't care what they thought of me. I wouldn't car about how they think of me. And I continued my routine from before. The making fun of slowed a little but it was still there. I just told myself that it was going to happen, I couldn't do anything about it and I should just ignore it.

My parents never liked it. But that never stopped me before so it would stop me for this.

I don't regret anything. I've made so many people at school who adored anime and I'm still new compared to them. But it's brilliant and amazing. I'm glad there are people I can talk to about it. My own family puts me down because of it but it's absolutely fine with me.
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#3 2014-03-16 00:46:50

Ancien joueur tebix

Re: How people feel about having an obsession with anime?

i like you. you are so supportingjavascript:insert_text(' ', '');


#4 2014-03-16 02:41:52

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: How people feel about having an obsession with anime?

Basically for me, I loved the originals that were on in the morning (aka. Pokemon, Sailor Moon, YuGiOh, Dragon Ball Z and One Piece) it was common for everyone to have watched and loved these, so it wasn't weird or uncommon. Every kid watched Cheese TV.

In year 7 when I first started high school, everyone's mentality changed. It was uncool to watch anime except the ones listed above as they were our childhood. I am ashamed to say I shunned anime after that so I could fit in. (I was too weird to fit in any may lmao)

Anyway, as the years went by and we all matured, majority of my year level were actually watching anime in secret. We were all in our anime closets and well, hit year 11/12. We were all obsessed again.

I'm not sure if it's just Australia or just my region, but we are very accepting of people's interests, and it's very common to find someone who also likes anime. (Alas they're not that into it to buy merch and go to cons, but that alone makes me happy)
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#5 2014-03-16 07:27:48

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: How people feel about having an obsession with anime?

The anime I've ever watched was Naruto. I like it but I don't think I was obsessed. Then I started watching Inuyasha on Animax and I completely fell in love with it, (I shipped Kagome and Inuyasha so hard!!!!) I would be waiting for it's next episode everyday. I realized I was 'obsessed' after the anime ended and I was heartbroken. I spent a few days watching it all again and Googling all the characters and drawing them as well.

I regret nothing.

There are not a lot of people here who knows what anime is but those who do know are 'obsessed'. And it's pretty cool actually. Anime is mostly what we talk about in Japanese class.

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#6 2014-03-16 14:21:00

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 5733

Re: How people feel about having an obsession with anime?

Welp, I'm homeschooled, and I never really liked talking to people. I knew of the way people reacted when they learned I watched anime, so I never really told anyone exept for my closest friends. Just a month or two back, I finaly told another of my homeschooled friends, and she watched anime, and has a friend who watches anime, so now the three-to-four people, in that group of fift-to-sixty people, who watch anime are friends.
I've tried getting my sister into anime, but she really doesn't like any of it (exept for Hetalia), but she's very welcome to the idea, and doesn't really judge me for it.

So yeah, in short, I've been very careful who I tell about anime, and I don't really have any merchandise because I'm so stinking poor.

#7 2014-03-16 17:10:11

From: If I knew I'd tell you
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 3138

Re: How people feel about having an obsession with anime?

I'm also home-schooled and I come from a family that's generally into anime to a certain extent. To be honest, my family are the ones who got me into it. The first one I ever watched was Cowboy Bebop at the age of 5 and then Naruto at the age of 7. I didn't talk to a whole lot of people during those ages, so I didn't even know it was called anime.

Growing up, it became kind of apparent that if you watched anime, somehow, you were dubbed "Not cool" That was between the ages of 7 and 14 for me.
After that, (And several moves from one side of the country to the other) it was like suddenly to be cool, you watched anime. It was like everything changed. Now, almost everyone I know has a favorite, and there's clubs everywhere.

Really, it seems like one day, your not cool because of it, and then the next you are, so I've stopped trying to fit in.

In short, the way I feel about my obsession is the same way I feel about my obsession with anything else. It's just a part of who I am and there's no changing me, and I'm glad that I've met so many people who accept that.

Last edited by neriah10 (2014-03-16 17:18:36)
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#8 2014-03-16 18:11:39

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: How people feel about having an obsession with anime?

Hmm, well when I was a kid I remember watching Card Captor Sakura and Inuyasha and Sailor Moon and Pokemon. My mom was actually a fan of Inuyasha so anime wasn't a problem with my family.
Tbh, I never really got into anime until like 4th grade. Being a shy kid, most people didn't know I liked anime and only thought I drew anime-style.
My school's pretty strict but my class specifically's pretty chill on what you like or whatever. Jock? Yah, sure. Nerd? Whatever dude, just teach us when a big test's coming. Anime freak? Oh, cool, any good ones I might like?
So yeah, there's only a few anime geeks I can really talk to about anime but everyone's pretty chill if you do or don't like a thing.
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Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#9 2014-03-16 20:17:14

Registered: 2011-04-14
Posts: 394

Re: How people feel about having an obsession with anime?

I used to be obsessed with anime and video games from elementary to the end of middle school. I lost my obsession since I didn't find it fun anymore to watch anime anymore and I got too busy in high school to watch anything. I still really like to play video games, though, and I don't think I'll ever stop liking video games. My parents think of anime as any other cartoon and anyone in my family born after 1990 grew up playing video games so video games aren't extraordinary.

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with being obsessed with anime. Everyone's different; some people like to go out clubbing, some like to write, some like to watch anime. Like everything else, you just need to have moderation, meaning don't let it get in the way of school or important issues in your life, and to reserve anime-talk with people who also like anime. You wouldn't want someone talking to you about geology if you had zero interest in geology.

Last edited by harajukukiki (2014-03-16 20:36:05)
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