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#301 2014-07-29 20:25:59

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

(Subway I think it's better if you make her a human . I think she gives the human feeling )

Elias :
" Jet also asked me that ... So ..." I placed my hand around her shoulders and started explaining . " Spirits are born from spirit parents or from nature in nights with strong energy . If more spirits are born at the same time with you and in the same place then you have the same energy and the same blood and they are your brothers and sisters . I guess there wasn't that much energy and you were alone . Usually there are like two or three . Us being born six at the same time was very unusual ."

Last edited by rukia131 (2014-07-29 20:28:04)


#302 2014-07-29 20:29:24

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Wow. Six?! That's a lot... " I commented, "I wouldn't have been able to stand that. Are they all here in this school?"


#303 2014-07-29 20:38:26

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

(Yeah I was thinking that Rukia.)

I roll my eyes, bored of all of this. "Feel free to include me in your conversation, guys." I mutter, loud enough so they can hear, finishing my cup and glancing around the room.

Last edited by subway1 (2014-07-29 20:38:58)

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#304 2014-07-29 20:44:20

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
"No it' only me." I said and then turned to Tiffany . " Sit then! What do you want to talk about?"


#305 2014-07-29 20:58:37

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

I kinda found it ... intriguing...He had spirit siblings...Didn't expect that was a possibility. I decided to remain quiet taking that in.


#306 2014-07-29 21:11:14

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

I pulled up a chair and sat down. "I'm not sure... Something that we can all talk about." I shrug. I look at the tattoo on my hand, laced on my fingers like a permanent glove. I trace it with my other hand, thinking.

(Like this).

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#307 2014-07-29 21:14:30

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
" That's a beautiful tattoo Tiff " I said and placed my head on Diana's shoulder . " How's your family Tiff?"

Last edited by rukia131 (2014-07-29 21:14:57)


#308 2014-07-29 21:18:55

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Feeling Elias's head broke me out of my trance. It was uh... Surprising...not bad but.. Uh...i just let him be listening to the conversation.


#309 2014-07-29 21:45:08

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
"Diana did you know spirits can use telepathy between each other? Humans can't do that ...they can do something else ... Do you know what? And psssst don't let Tiffany know we are doing this ! "


#310 2014-07-29 22:00:20

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Wow. I didn't know that!!! And of course I won't tell her, are you kidding me?...Assuming you can hear me ...uh...what else can we do?" At first I had freaked out a bit but this was awesome!!!

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2014-07-29 22:01:19)


#311 2014-07-29 22:05:45

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
"Hmmmm let me think ... Do you know what happens if a spirit dies ? "


#312 2014-07-29 22:10:32

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"hmmm...I...can guess...Weeee...regenerate?Somehow?" It was like I was hearing his voice in my head but not really hearing it. It was there, but not too loud. "...Oh...And what is it that humans can do?"


#313 2014-07-29 22:19:36

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
I laughed a bit . " No we don't regenerate dummy we are not immortals! But hmmm I'm not gonna tell you then ...Anyways we the spirits are very strong when it comes to our element ... Humans are way weeker ... But they can use more elements if they train hard enough ...the strongest among them can use all elements"

Last edited by rukia131 (2014-07-29 22:20:27)


#314 2014-07-29 22:26:47

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

I smiled a little, "Hey. One could only hope right...You do know you're killing my curiosity right now, right? I won't be able to sleep at night or eat during the day until I know...And then I'm gonna be very weak and fail at school and they're gonna kick me out and it will be all your fault."

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2014-07-29 22:27:45)


#315 2014-07-29 22:45:05

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
"And I will feel extemely guilty when that will happen but I'm not telling you ... Maybe I will tell you if you can somehow convince me"


#316 2014-07-29 22:46:38

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"I was hoping that was going to convince you. There goes my plan. Hmmmm....How would you like me convince you?" That was dangerous to ask. People tended to ask for weird things but huh...I was bored.

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2014-07-29 22:47:57)


#317 2014-07-29 22:51:21

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
" What? You want me to do all the work myself? You gotta find a way yourself ! Come on you're a clever girl you'll find something fast right?"


#318 2014-07-29 22:56:22

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

"Well....If you listen to logic, then maybe you should tell the only other spirit in this group since we should stick together." The only problem is...He's such a flirty guy...I have absolutely no idea if the only other way I was thinking of was a good idea or not.

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2014-07-29 22:56:56)


#319 2014-07-29 23:00:07

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

( he's really not doing it on purpose XD)

Elias :
" Hmmm no I like humans ! It's not that easy Diana think harder ".


#320 2014-07-29 23:05:39

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

((I know!!! That's why I'm confused. Diana is kinda flirty at times, too, so I don't think that either of them is really thinking that way at the moment. They're just having fun, hanging out and talking casually. Aaaaand I'm still figuring out Diana so I'm not entirely sure I know how she should react, lol. CONFUSING!!!!))
I pouted a little and played with his hair, "Come on... Don't be so evil, Elias."


#321 2014-07-29 23:09:02

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
" Hmmm and you also did all I asked you to . Wearing blue and everything . Maybe I should really bite you ." [ok this is him flirting for real]


#322 2014-07-29 23:11:38

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

[lol. Yeah. You created the most confusing guy in an RP ever. Like ever. This was the first time I was really clueless in an RP :P]

I smirked and replied teasingly, "Who said I did for you? Ever thought of the possibility that maybe just maybe I like blue and my hair tied and not wearing makeup?"


#323 2014-07-29 23:18:34

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

(Yeah he's like a deep hipster )

Elias :
" Ooooh what a shame I was gonna tell you but now that I know the truth ..."


#324 2014-07-29 23:21:37

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

(lol. Yeah. You should put it in his description :P)
"Heeeey! I said 'maybe'. I do like blue but usually I like my hair down....Does that tell you anything?"


#325 2014-07-29 23:27:00

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: Spirits of Elements ( rp)

Elias :
" No you have to say it clearly for me " I smiled


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