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#1 2014-07-29 06:28:17

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Rule Reminders

Do NOT vote for yourself in the fashion/loft shows!!

Think about this the next time you decide to vote for yourself:

Due to the cheating that's been going on, a LOT of people have stopped joining the shows.  The less people that play this game, the less likely the creators of this game will continue to support it and keep it going!!  You might not think your really hurting anyone by voting for yourself, but in reality YOU are hurting this game!!  You are taking the fun out it for other people and that causes them to quit!

Do keep to the theme and required items!

- As a mod, I do try and make sure people stick to this.  I am human and do miss things though.  It is a big help when you keep to the rules!!
- If you get disqualified, please make the required adjustments to your outfit/loft before joining again. It is a pain having to disqualify you multiple times.

When you win & are off theme, for one: people will think you cheated and voted for yourself.  And secondly, it really frustrates people who do follow the rules, and again causes more people to not play!!

If you have not read the official rules yet, read them here: Fashion Show Rules


#2 2014-08-11 17:44:36

From: My Happy Place
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 121

Re: Rule Reminders

Is there a way for this to be permanently placed at the top of the fashion show forum?  (It would be on the FS registration page too, if it were me :P)  How sad that so few people have looked at it...

You also want to include a link to the official Fashion Show Rules.

anyamalfoy wrote:
Can I vote for my other dolls if I see them?


Short, sweet, and to the point.

Just a suggestion... it's easy for people to ignore the rules if they don't read these posts.

I 100% support your desire to make the Fashion Show a better place for EVERYONE.

"I don't know what your generation's fascination is with
documenting your every thought... but I can assure you,
             they're not all diamonds." - Easy A

#3 2014-08-11 18:35:22

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Rule Reminders

Its stickied, so it will always stay close to the top (or at top of its got a new comment) but there's no way for it to be at the top permanently.

Thanks for including the link to the rules, i'll add that in. :)

Yeah, can't do anything about people not reading the rules.  Some people do though and just don't care, unfortunately.

At least people do have to come to the forums to read the prerequisites & rules for the shows (if they don't want to get disqualified..)  So here's hoping people will see this post..


#4 2014-08-12 04:30:45

Registered: 2012-08-18
Posts: 36

Re: Rule Reminders

There's another game I used to play with a fashion contest. You had to answer a quiz about the rules (which the prerequisites for entering were always put up a week before entry time) before being able to enter, and you couldn't enter the contest until you got every question right. Basically, it would be like this:

Are you allowed to vote for your alternate dolls if you see them? No

Are tattoos banned in this theme? Yes

Etc, etc. By mixing it up and forcing you to do it every time you wanted to enter the contest, it really enforced the rules. They did have the occasional bad apples that didn't follow the rules anyway, but let's face it; that's never going to go away.


#5 2014-08-19 11:07:50

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Rule Reminders

jadaviafairy14 wrote:
There's another game I used to play with a fashion contest. You had to answer a quiz about the rules (which the prerequisites for entering were always put up a week before entry time) before being able to enter, and you couldn't enter the contest until you got every question right.

That's a really interesting twist!

Another possibility might be to consider adding a link to this post to the bottom of every Fashion Show theme announcement with the pre-requisites.  That way, it is right there in the same topic where it won't be missed (although it might not get clicked :P)... like it could on the Board, where it gets pushed around as News is added.

Great reminder, cocobelle... I hope more people see it ^.^


#6 2014-08-19 13:27:57

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Rule Reminders

I don't know where to put this so I'll put it here

Another thing they could do to control the FS is the way PoneyVallee has their contests.
PV has rounds, i think everyday, and the contest lasts a week. everyday is a "round" and if the pony doesn't have a certain number of votes by the end of the day, then they are removed.

This can also maybe help the mods remove people since there are a lesser amount than at the start.
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#7 2017-03-01 13:32:19

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Rule Reminders

March 1st, 2017:  I originally posted this years ago, but I think things needs to be said again.
We mods have noticed lately many of these specific rules are currently being broken.  We will soon be giving out warnings so if you're one of the people breaking one of these rules, here's your chance to change things!!

Fashion/Loft Show
- you are NOT allowed to vote for yourself with your alt dolls.

Its not a rule, but if you have a friend who has entered in one of the shows, please vote for who you think is deserving of winning (not just because they are your friend.)  Some people have put in a lot of creativity (and $$$) to design something amazingly original!!

Personal request, please stop complaining so much if you see off theme dolls.  As we've stated before, its easy to miss them if they don't come up for us to disqualify.  This is the system we've got to work with, and we do try.

Multiple Dolls/Voting
- you cannot vote for yourself.  (if caught you will have part or all your votes reset.)
- Preferably vote from one account only. If you do use voting accounts, these must not mention that they are a voting account, though they can state other dolls belonging to the same player. They must not instruct the voter to return votes to your main account.

Official Rules
- Do not post anything that is PG-13 or adult in nature. This includes photos, art and text (messages, or blogs/posts).
- Do not mention or discuss your orientation. It is irrelevant here. This is NOT a dating site.
- Do not mention or write about religion. It is irrelevant here.
- Do not use swear words. Hiding/substituting some letters in the words does NOT make them acceptable.
- Harassment due to race, gender or any other reason is not acceptable.

Board Guidelines
- Your signature and avatar must comply with the Guidelines
- Do not spam your post with smilies. Less is more. (3-4 is enough)
- Do not use more than 1 account on the board.


#8 2017-03-10 07:14:25

Registered: 2011-01-16
Posts: 11

Re: Rule Reminders

it does pain me when i spent like almost 100+ bucks for the fashion show, but it stab me on the heart when the winner, is out of the theme.. sad sad


#9 2017-03-10 16:15:54

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Rule Reminders

dii-dii wrote:

it does pain me when i spent like almost 100+ bucks for the fashion show, but it stab me on the heart when the winner, is out of the theme.. sad sad

Yeah it truly sucks!! And the weird thing is ... they get votes, too.


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