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#26 2014-09-08 23:52:53

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 5733

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Steampunk is kind of like the past mixed with a bit of the cuter, for a very brief(poor) explanation.
As for the plot, I just tend to enjoy the RPs with plots better, but it doesn't really matter.

#27 2014-09-08 23:55:39

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Well it makes sense to have a plot. I'm going to look around for steampunk themed plots for a bit.

I found this one plot on a website where all you do is roleplay based on the plot. It was  nice idea and I thought we could either change it or keep it.

Clockwork is a steampunk-fantasy roleplay which takes place atop a floating island. The world below has been ravaged by an eternal acid rain: the product of an over-zealous industrial revolution. With nowhere else to go, the citizens of New Tottenham saddled up their island and took to the sky.

Last edited by angelfire (2014-09-09 00:10:28)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
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#28 2014-09-09 00:42:44

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Yes. Steampunk.

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#29 2014-09-21 16:30:15

From: The Second Star to the Right.
Registered: 2011-03-17
Posts: 2374

Re: General RP discussions and directory

That sounds like SO much fun!!! We should do that some time.

I gust wanted to tell you guys I will be leaving for awhile and won't be back on for a few hours. don't know what you want to do with Blythe but she can just sit in her room reading for now if thats okay. Sorry guys.


#30 2014-10-03 17:23:01

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Guys is it wicked if I want an asylum rp? I was thinking about a bunch of healthy people suddenly waking up in beds in an asylum without memories of how they got there and the doctors would treat them like actually old patients that they knew forever calling them mentally ill and making them take treatment (even if they are perfectly healthy)
I think I played too much Daylight.

And I don't know after they somehow figure out what was going on they could try and escape while they solve the creepy mystery of the asylum .

Last edited by rukia131 (2014-10-03 17:24:15)


#31 2014-10-03 19:56:04

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: General RP discussions and directory

That sounds like fun though. I don't know how it would work, but it sounds exciting.

Maybe the characters were mental at first and then something happened where they all get healthy again but the doctors don't believe them so they continue to give them treatment.

I have an idea but I think it's too much like SoE so I don't know
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#32 2014-10-03 20:00:55

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: General RP discussions and directory

I actually thought now that they could have been all problem students -that would make it harder for them to get along XD - and they all been abducted by the creepy medical staff at the asylum after being followed and studied.

What were you thinking about Angel ?


#33 2014-10-03 20:32:16

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Oh that would be cool! I can think of a character now :3 What would medical people want with them though? Maybe they want to see what's going on in their minds?

I have this book called "A guide to Wizardry". When I started reading it, I thought it was for Harry Potter but it's not. I haven't finished reading but I thought we could roleplay that. It'd be a little easy too since the world is made up already and I can just reference questions to the book. We can always make it up as we go. But I still think it's too similar to SoE.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#34 2014-10-03 20:38:23

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: General RP discussions and directory

I think the doctors could be something like ... Outlast maybe? Just wanting some trouble making test subjects that nobody would miss. Or yeah putting them into all kind of stressful/mad/violent situations to see their reactions.

Maybe you can take some of the ideas in the book and add them to SoE then :D


#35 2014-10-03 20:41:12

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: General RP discussions and directory

ehem...Sorry to interrupt but like adding the magic stuff to SoE....I kinda already started with the zombie girly thingy.


#36 2014-10-03 20:42:57

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: General RP discussions and directory

I also kind of got mad with the magic stuff XD It was supposed to be just about elements but eeeeh story goes on.


#37 2014-10-03 20:43:55

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Oh! While testing on them, maybe the kids get these weird things going on in their bodies. Somewhat natural things though, like hearing, sight, speed, taste, feeling, etc. Maybe they get a little enhanced but the doctors never figure it out and they're still discovering what's going on

My book is at home, I'll post a few excerpts when I get back and then you can see.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#38 2014-10-03 20:46:16

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: General RP discussions and directory

I'm reaaally sorry :( I actually am planning on fixing that though. Already kinda thought of it. It's the puppet theory Ryan brought up. That way it's not bringing back to life.


#39 2014-10-03 20:47:41

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Yes! And it would be fun if they would be the only mentally healthy "patients" in there. The others should be all mad or maybe some serial killers.


#40 2014-10-03 20:49:23

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: General RP discussions and directory

darkelfqueen wrote:

I'm reaaally sorry :( I actually am planning on fixing that though. Already kinda thought of it. It's the puppet theory Ryan brought up. That way it's not bringing back to life.

Actually when I can get on my PC, I'll PM you my idea so I don't ruin it any further.


#41 2014-10-03 20:52:48

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Yeah but don't tell me yet who's behind all this . Detective Denise is on the case :))


#42 2014-10-03 20:56:05

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Ah not that no. I'll tell you in theory how something I thought would work...taking some excerpts from what Denise and Leon talked about.


#43 2014-10-03 20:59:22

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: General RP discussions and directory

@Ruki - That would be brilliant!! Please make it Ruki!!
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#44 2014-10-03 21:14:51

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Ooook posting asap ... Googled asylums... there's some really messed up stuff.


#45 2014-10-03 21:17:36

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: General RP discussions and directory

ehem...Batman Arkham Asylum has some good ideas, too.


#46 2014-10-03 22:12:13

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Okay, I'm back home.

Book in hand, Here's what I thought was kinda similar to SoE:
Wands- They have gems on them that help the type of magic you want to be in. I thought this would be like the gems some had that enhance the element of that person.
Alchemic Gardens- A place to go to chill or train. I thought this was like the gardens in SoE
Dormitory- A second year student sleeps with one first year student and it's only 2 to a room. The second year student acts as a guide to the first year.

And that is it I think.

A little bit more about it,
There are 7 types of magic study. Destruction, Illusion, Enchantment, Summoning, Information, Change, and Protection. You pick one to study and that would be your specialty. You can take all the classes, but there's only going to be one that you have affinity to and that is the one to study. Everything has a purpose from the clothes you where to the oppenent you face in a duel.
You have familiars to befriend, runes and spells to memorize, creatures to make, and magic to learn.

I think that's it.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#47 2014-10-05 14:02:02

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: General RP discussions and directory

You know I wonder if the asylum rp is actually "board friendly" and I would like a rp about magic ... like not only elements. Magic in general. And maybe not an academy. Something like a whole magic world.

Maybe we should have a magic war rp with 2 camps. But I have no clue what camps.
Maybe the classic angels vs demons.

No wait!!! Half animal humans it should be about them. And they should be at war with humans and humans should try to extinct them and they would ummm try to survive and make room for themselves in society.

Last edited by rukia131 (2014-10-05 14:07:17)


#48 2014-10-05 16:31:34

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: General RP discussions and directory

So for the magic rp, you want me to do the wizard idea? I think the reason I feel as though it's similar to SoE is because it's a school. Maybe we could skip the school part and it could be about wizard life in general.

I don't think there's anything wrong with an asylum rp. But maybe you should check with one of the mods first

Isn't that like both TMI and SoE? I like the idea, but amm...i feel like that theme "Humans vs. Blank" is getting too common now.

Last edited by angelfire (2014-10-05 16:33:03)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#49 2014-10-05 16:37:41

From: Some Pokeball
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 15659

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Yeeeah they are both a lot like SoE and TMI hmmm. Anyways I think SoE will soon enough move from the academy setting to a more like war one.

Then let's just go with the asylum idea. It also seems fitted for the Halloween coming soon enough.


#50 2014-10-05 16:47:23

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: General RP discussions and directory

Maybe when we can figure out a different plot, we can do the half animals one.

I like the asylum but like I said, if you think it's not RP friendly, you should ask a mod.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

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