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#1 2015-02-11 04:46:04

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

OMD Survey

I was on the French side today and saw a little pink block indicating an event. Well it's not an event, it's a survey about our time on OMD and how Feerik is doing in our eyes. Well granted the whole thing is in French and I understand why they are doing it there instead of here, but I thought I'd give it a go. Mind you, you need at least 15 minutes.
There are 70 questions all pretaining to different aspects of OMD. Who we are, how we play, what we do on here, etc.
I thought with so many complaints on this side, this survey is a good thing to happen. I bet it happens often but this is the first I've noticed it. Anyway, 70 questions, all in French. I translated 27 of them. I have to finish some homework so if I have time, I'll continue. If not, I'll continue tomorrow.

    1. Getting to know you
        a. How old are you?
            (A) I am 13
            (B) I am between 13 and 15 years
            (C) I am between 15 and 20 years
            (D) I am between 20 and 30 years
            (E) I am over 30 years
        b. Are you...
            (A) A Girl
            (B) A Boy
        c. How did you find out about Oh My Dollz?
            (A) By a search engine
            (B) From a friend/family member
            (C) Social Media (Facebook, Pinterest, etc.)
            (D) By playing another game on Feerik
            (E) Saw an advertisement on TV
            (F) Saw an advertisement in a magazine
            (G) Saw an advertisement on the internet
            (H) Other
        d. How long have you been on this site?
            (A) Less than a year
            (B) 1 to 3 years
            (C) 3 to 5 years
            (D) More than 5 years
    2. The Bank
        a. How much do you spend on Feez?
            (A) Less than 5 Euros
            (B) 5 to 10 Euros
            (C) 10 to 20 Euros
            (D) 20 to 50 Euros
            (E) 50 to 100 Euros
            (F) I've stopped spending on this site
            (G) I don't spend on this site
        b. If you stopped spend or you don't spend, would you tell us why?
            (A) **Fill in the blank question**
        c. Do you use the Free Feez option
            (A) Yes
            (B) No
        d. Do you buy from the Architect?
            (A) Yes
            (B) No
        e. What do you think of the size of the rooms in the Architect?
            (A) They are too big
            (B) They are just right
            (C) They are too small
        f. Would you be willing to pay a little extra if the rooms were bigger?
            (A) Absolutely
            (B) It depends
            (C) No!
        g. Would you be willing to buy new themes from the Architect?
            (A) Yes
            (B) No
        h. Would you like to see new rooms in the Architect often?
            (A) Yes
            (B) No
        i. Do you want to elaborate on a response?
            (A) **Fill in the blank question**
    3. The Game and the Community
        a. How long do you spend on this site?
            (A) Less than 5 minutes
            (B) 5 to 20 minutes
            (C) 20 minutes to an hour
            (D) More than an hour
        b. What is the main thing you do on the game
            (A) Chat with other players
            (B) Play on OhMyGames
            (C) Level up/[dragues?]
            (D) Dress up my doll
            (E) Vote for other players
            (F) Arrange my loft
        c. Do you spend any time on the Tchat or the forum?
            (A) The Tchat
            (B) The forum
            (C) Both
            (D) Neither of the two
        d. What do you think of the Tchat?
            (A) **Fill in the blank question**
        e. What do you think of the Forum?
            (A) **Fill in the blank question**
        f. Do you participate in the shows (fashion and loft)?
            (A) Yes
            (B) No
        g. What is your favorite show?
            (A) The doll show (Fashion show)
            (B) The Loft show
            (C) Both
            (D) None
        h. Do you vote in the shows?
            (A) Yes, all the time
            (B) Yes, from time to time
            (C) No
        i. Would you like other activites that have to do with playing with other players?
            (A) Yes
            (B) No
        j. Don't hesitate to develop any answers
            (A) **Fill in the blank question**
    4. Permanent Content
        a. What do you think if the new look? (( I don't know how these answers worked to answer the question exactly but I think it's asking for how the makeover section looks))
            (A) I love it, It's perfect!
            (B) A little outdated. It could use a makeover
            (C) I only use it to change my doll sometimes
            (D) I'm not sure, but it looks good with quests and stores
        b. Do you have any suggestions on improving the makeover section?
            (A) **Fill in the blank question**
        c. Do you own many models? - Models from the stores or quests
            (A) Yes
            (B) No
        d. Which model do you prefer?
            (A) The doll
            (B) The DollzBack
            (C) The DollzMen
            (D) The BabyDoll (infant)
        e. Which store do you prefer? (( They've listed all the stores, most of them are recognizable ))
            (A) Estival = Summer Store
            (B) Jardinerie = Garden Store
            (C) Brico = Bricoland
            (D) le Marche de Noel = The Christmas Market
            (E) DollzQuest (I don't know what store this is because DollzStory is listed
            (F) Les Boutique de Quetes = Quest Stores
            (G) Les Boutique de Creatrices = Player made stores (Amethyst, Inspiration, Stylist Center, etc.)
        f. Why?
            (A) **Fill in the Blank question**
        g. What do you like to buy from the stores?
            (A) Furniture sets
            (B) Outfits
            (C) Outfits + Furniture
            (D) Other
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#2 2015-02-11 16:15:25

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: OMD Survey

I filled the survey out when it first came out last week. It took me at least forty minutes because I tried to fill in the "Free suggestion" boxes with Google-translated English to French. I had to make sure what I said didn't get mistranslated by carefully choosing words that would mean the same thing in French. I sure hope I did it all correctly.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#3 2015-02-11 17:07:46

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3290

Re: OMD Survey

I did that survey as well after seeing Faechild86 having it posted on her doll's WIA.  I'll have to say that my answers I put in the boxes were in English. IF they truly want to know how we feel about the game, I'm sure there's someone who can translate what I've written or someone on staff that speaks English.  (with my Chrome browser, it automatically translates to English anything that is in another language)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#4 2015-02-11 20:36:24

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 564

Re: OMD Survey

I did the questionnaire as well.. the first day it was on the Fr site.  I used Chrome also. I put in my answers in English. I'm with Sierradane, I know they would be able to translate it. Beside most of them are to just pick an answer.


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