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Dear Doll
It's a mysterious place where I send you this little message.
I am visiting the countries of Scotland and we had to stop for the night.
Here the night is deep and only the pale moon lights our paths, there reigns a strange and frightening darkness well.
I was not reassured when we finally arrived at home.
It is here that some claim that this place is haunted day and night, we might come across strange apparitions!
Oh! ... But what is that noise?
For this theme, show originality and represent an indoor or outdoor scene of a haunted place.
Join the theme "Haunt" by entering your loft from Tuesday, October 13 at 10:00.
Registrations will close Monday, October 19 at 10 am, so take your time to plan your creation!
To register for this loft show you will need to meet the following prerequisites:
Store • Prerequisites:
- At least one element of the Blood & Roses store
• Room requirements:
- An indoor or outdoor scene of a haunted place
- At least one ghost / spirit
• Prohibited:
- Too gory or shocking scenes
- Gifts to offer friends and those of the Gazette
- Loft / mannequin everything *
WARNING: will be considered "done everything" the models dressed and non-customized lofts. You must customize your quest mannequins at least 50% and do not use "object set" all done for your loft.
The winners can be found here-->