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I made a game :3 link under my ava to see!
@Malu - I can't imagine what watery buns taste like 0.0
Twin, when did you say you were flying?
Bloody can fly?! O.O
Just dip a bun into water and there we go. But thats not how they make it. They steam it and it has absolutely no flavor. But their chicken is really good so no one really cares about the buns.
And Angel! Good job on the game! :D
Last edited by malu (14-12-2015 09:14:57)
lol I meant her flight :D
Hmm...good chicken with really bad watery no flavor buns...I guess it's a good trade off. Just take off the buns.
Meep!! Thank you :3
The 26th
87 So you get to spend New Year's together and stuff!
Angel, gotta see the game asap!
hmmm...chicken... I've been craving chicken for like the last month. Every time we tralked about Mac, I would think 'hmmm chicken'.
Yepp New Years <3
85 Only 11 more sleeps until Christmas! So what are you guys getting?
86 I'm trying to wrap up everything I have for work to finally start the break. Aaaand I'm learning German :)
My break starts next Monday unless I finish my school work sooner. I have of idea what I'm getting besides to see my boyfriend.
Though I'm asking like crazy for a book shelf XD too many books lol and I know my boyfriend got me a Scooby Doo Lego set but I don't know what else.
86 Aww @ Caije's present. That's fun and cute!!
Here's hoping for your shelf, bloodsy!
We don't celebrate christmas but I love seeing all the pretty lights in the neighborhood
You get to spend new years with him! That's so cute!!!
My mom got chicken from restaurant depot and that's the best chicken I've ever cooked with! It's boneless so maybe that's why?
Walmart has this shirt that's long sleeves with a Beenie that says "Marines" on it. I bought it online with a Rollover so it was like $5 cheaper and had it shipped to store, I pick it up Thursday. It's my present to him. :)
Twin...what game.?
87 That's an awesome idea for the gift Bloodsy!!! Great job!
You're giving him the gift when you get there right? Not ship it?
Angel, you're torturing me. I really need chicken. Not sure what came over me. It's like ... crazy O.O
Hehe, I'll make you some :bisous: It's all we get now
I made three games, two dressups and a sim date (still in works but posted a small version of it). Beware though, they're flash based so you have to use a computer to access them
Yes I'm taking it with me. I'll even wear it when I get there and see if he notices XD
That'll be nice ^^ You should make him wear it and try to get a picture for us ^^
I'll let y'all in on this: Facebook will be overloaded with pictures!
I'll check it regularly then ^^
I believe I finished all my Christmas/trip shopping this morning
Edit: still missing a few I'll get friday
Last edited by bloodyemos (15-12-2015 19:19:59)
Hot chocolate sounded and taste good
86 hmmm nom. Chocolate.
Is it just me or 'Elf in the shelf' is a creepy concept? Like a little elf stalking you around the house. And usually it has big scary eyes.
It is that's why people make fun of it