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93 It has been! How've you been Neriah?
Sub, everything going well?
Yep, everything's been great! Been really busy lately (as always), but it's been really great and fun. How about you? How's everything? What's going on?
92 .... 92!
Well its been a while
Darky!! Get snapchat or something.
92 I caaaaaan't!! my work doesn't allow me to have it or discord or insta on the same phone as their email and accounts :( :(
But hey hey hey I can use discord on PC!
Omg that sucks.
Discord was so hard to use lol
Well anyway, how are ya ?
92 meh. Just went through a breakup but getting better now :)
Omg. Ahh feel betterr boo
and i finished high school! And Im gonna start university in September
Popping in once again, ladies :]
Dark you asked a question and I never truly answered so ;^; I've been good, finished first year of college, struggling and powering through and all that :good: