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What happened to the dress...
I log in everyday with all of my dollz. But only a few received the dress.
It's not midnight here in the U.S. If they are counting on the French time, I logged in all of the dollz yesterday also.
Did this happen to anyone else?
Same here.
I've logged in with 8 accounts so far, no dress on any of them. Still several hours before the event ends. Seems to be a common bug. Will update when all of my accounts are checked.
Just finished checking the rest of my US accounts, AND the 4 French ones I have/watch over. None have received the dress.
Last edited by faechild86 (25-12-2015 03:51:43)
I have none either. :pleur:
No dress on all my dollz and on my roommates dollz either. We've been on yesterday and today as well.
The red dress has shown up. Check you "my things"
jenzg11 wrote:
The red dress has shown up. Check you "my things"
Hmm, I'm still not seeing it, even though I log in each day just after rollover.