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For a lot of us, Easter is a moment of the year that brings back memories: looking as a child for colored eggs, painting real ones or even hiding some yourself later on…
What does Easter bring to mind for you?
For this theme, design a Easter celebration scenery!
Join the theme “Easter!” by registering your loft from Tuesday, March 29th at 10 am.
Registrations will close Monday, April 4 at 10 am, so take your time to prepare your creation!
To register for this loft show you will need to meet the following requirements:
Store Requirements:
– At least 1 item from the Basics Shop
– At least 1 element from the Garden Shop
Room Requirements:
– At least 1 bunny (“normal” or fantasy)
– At least 2 Easter eggs (Available in the Basics Shop)
– At least 1 basket
– Frames and decorations around the outdoor stage loft
– The gifts to be offered between friends, gifts playtems and those of the gazette
– Ready made lofts / dollz *
* WARNING: will be considered “ready-made” the models dressed and non-customized lofts. You must customize your 50% minimum Quest models and do not use “object set” everything to your loft.
The winners can be found here-->