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So, I did the MMO quest yesterday (4/15/16), and then did my daily job. I was in a rush, and didn't check to see if the talent was working correctly. It's not. I did NOT receive either the extra dollar, OR gift certificate. Which was the sole reason I did this quest. I also did this quest last time, and even though I have the Angel job, I still received the talent bonus, for a total of 2 gift certificates per day while it lasted. Not sure what's up. And I know that it was REALLY glitchy last time it was offered too. This is one of Faechild86's 'extra' accounts. I use google Chrome, and have everything up to date.
Reported to GM. But since it's the weekend, we might need some time.
darkelfqueen wrote:
Reported to GM. But since it's the weekend, we might need some time.
That was one of those "flukes" that people had the impression where this particular talent would last forever when in fact they only let it last around 90 days, if that long. I believe the dolls of mine that have that talent still receive the extra DB but alas, no certificate.
Last edited by sierradane (18-04-2016 20:03:10)
It seems that this talent is working right now.
I have one doll that finished this quest the first time it was around, and I believe back then she didn't get a single thing from that talent and wasn't getting any money all this time, and a doll that finished it now. Today they both got their +1 $$$ and +gift certificate. Now I wonder how long will that last. Back then the rules were very unclear.
sierradane wrote:
darkelfqueen wrote:
Reported to GM. But since it's the weekend, we might need some time.
That was one of those "flukes" that people had the impression where this particular talent would last forever when in fact they only let it last around 90 days, if that long. I believe the dolls of mine that have that talent still receive the extra DB but alas, no certificate.
Yeah that's what I remember too, but I think we didn't get the certificates back then, too? I'm starting to think it's a translation error buuut ...
rheasilvia wrote:
It seems that this talent is working right now.
I have one doll that finished this quest the first time it was around, and I believe back then she didn't get a single thing from that talent and wasn't getting any money all this time, and a doll that finished it now. Today they both got their +1 $$$ and +gift certificate. Now I wonder how long will that last. Back then the rules were very unclear.
Good to hear!! If I find out anything about how long it lasts or anything like that, will let you know.
I too just noticed the message of receiving a Gift Certificate on my fionadane doll. She now has 2 which she did have zero, so perhaps they fixed it yesterday? At any rate, I'm glad!
Last time the talent lasted somewhere between 7-14 days (not 90).
This quest still haunts me.
Now the talent is working again. I hope they properly fix it when it ends this time.
Last edited by rukia131 (19-04-2016 21:36:59)
I believe this talent has once left again. Or am I the only one?
fairykisses wrote:
I believe this talent has once left again. Or am I the only one?
Yeah, it doesn't work for me anymore either :/ I had it for 10 days.
My dolls, who had that talent, ended up with 13. (they had zero before I had noticed it working again).
With my main doll, I was unable to even switch Talents:
My "choose" button was gone and has been since the Mother Christmas quest in 2015. At that time, I had been one of the first dollz to finish that quest and all my talent area had, was the odd text and the extended menu covering the "choose" button. I had sent a ticket in at the time & eventually they had credited my account with Gift Certificates since I was unable to collect them by using that talent.
I sent a ticket in this time WITH screenshots and they couldn't even have the decency to reply to my ticket; they just closed it.
This is very frustrating. Perhaps that talent was supposed to only be around a short time. (they should have stated that). And perhaps that was the case THIS time... they could have said so...
Last edited by sierradane (03-05-2016 18:46:47)
Yes, we got confirmation that this was temporary and is now gone.