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  •  » [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

#1 24-04-2016 12:35:15

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3288

[Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

The above thread is on the French server discussing what happened last night. For me, I STILL can't load the game on Chrome but I can load it on Firefox.  Right now, I can't load Microsoft Edge at all (which irks me--- Microsoft!! fix it already!!!)

Last edited by sierradane (24-04-2016 12:38:25)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#2 24-04-2016 15:44:52

Registered: 2013
Posts: 2

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

It's normal !
you must to enter in the url, Http://
I use firefox and now I can log in ^^


#3 24-04-2016 16:12:40

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

I didnt know the site was down until i went on my computer actually.
It was working normally on my phone through safari

It sounds like for now Chrome is the only one still having issues. I only use chrome on my computer so...
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#4 24-04-2016 16:17:37

Registered: 2013
Posts: 2

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

personally,it's work for me,even I use Firefox or Chrome or my ipod too...

The site was down,'cause the algorymthe of Google tought OMD contains somes Malware
beacuse of the bank,and this system(convert real money into virtual money).it's explain in the french forum ^^


#5 24-04-2016 16:22:38

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010
Posts: 742

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

"OhMyDollz is currently experiencing a technical issue!
Some web browsers seems to mis-identify our site, as if a "malware" was hidden in the pages. Don't panic : our website does not host malwares, your accounts are safe (these messages are mainly caused by a security scan routine).
Our team is currently working on solving this. The "alert message" will be fixed as soon as possible!"

I found this on their Facebook App page after looking in to why the site was down. It was down for me all day Saturday; I was able to log in and vote early in the morning, but then suddenly my computer popped up a red page saying the site had malware - which I was pretty sure was not true.

I'm using Chrome and the site works for me so far.

Update: Okay, the French site is down for me, as well as the German one. Bummer.

Last edited by lady0filia (24-04-2016 16:30:32)

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#6 24-04-2016 17:16:08

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

Chrome is actually the one having the most issues. I was able to access English OMD site more often from the phone (using windows phone here) until about 4 PM EST yesterday, when I lost access in general.

Anyways, I'd suggest staying away from the French OMD website for a while. I tried hitting it and it actually did some sort of a redirect which I blocked.

Also, I think Chrome is at fault a little here since i had similar problems with other sites, too. Not sure if it's related yet.


#7 24-04-2016 18:17:06

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

angelfire wrote:

I didnt know the site was down until i went on my computer actually.
It was working normally on my phone through safari

It sounds like for now Chrome is the only one still having issues. I only use chrome on my computer so...

It didn't work for me on Safari since yesterday afternoon until this morning.
I still had issues up until this time today.

Last edited by bloodyemos (25-04-2016 23:23:13)
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
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#8 25-04-2016 16:37:31

From: Cordoba, Argentina
Registered: 2010
Posts: 269

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

Icould log into the Spanish server on Sunday using my cell phone, but it was impossible to do so on the English server. But I had trouble to log into the Spanish server on Saturday (using my laptop). Today everything works fine, and I could even leave votes (and miracly in a row!) :good:

~**...Keep your eyes on the stars, they will show you something everytime...**~

#9 25-04-2016 18:41:58

Registered: 2013
Posts: 1

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

I still can't reach the site using any browser, and only managed to log into mobile using this account... What a pain.
Cleared all cache and cookies, rebooted computer, reset my motem, nothing.


#10 25-04-2016 20:28:41

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010
Posts: 562

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

I'm also using Chrome, with Win 7.  I'm able to be on.

There is a group on FB "OMD pals" which SierraDane started. Most can not log on yet. If anyone would like to join contact SierraDane. 

I don't think it's Chrome browser,  it has to do with the servers at OMD.  It's not a malware, and not a virus.

Logging in with phones are on a different type of server than wifi for computers. Their signals are stronger and have more towers to "ping" from


#11 25-04-2016 22:04:36

From: Serbia
Registered: 2012
Posts: 37

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

Huh, I use Chrome on my computer and had no problem with logging in here. Couldn't log in on French server on Saturday night (CET) but it was fixed by morning. Maybe Chrome has most issues cause it's Google that's seeing it as malware, at least that's the impression I got few days ago.


#12 25-04-2016 23:45:55

From: Poland
Registered: 2010
Posts: 72

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

I also experienced problem with login in which still continues since saturday. Opera, google chrome, mozilla ... all the same - NOT working! shows a thread of virus or server down. I hope they fix problem soon and give us some bonus for lost days.
Good that I could at least log in here for a few from my mobile... Which wonders me - why mobile works n pc/ laptop not? :quoi:


#13 26-04-2016 10:48:30

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009
Posts: 1364

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

For me the servers both on Firefox and Chrome were down from Saturday until today morning. I could log in to German and Spanish OMD for a couple of minutes on Sunday but then it stopped working as well. And the French OMD was redirecting me to a page that, I guess, was their hosting website.

#14 26-04-2016 11:21:53

Registered: 2015
Posts: 45

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

i hadn't had any of those issues :/
i hope they'll fix this problem soon for the other players ><


#15 26-04-2016 12:09:00

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3288

Re: [Fixed] Site down last night-still down on Chrome

Although I can access all servers except the french server, on the US server all of the backgrounds of my rooms are white and I'm unable to save in any room

This "issue" was occuring on ALL browsers and on ALL of the OMD servers.  They said it had to do with people incorrectly putting pictures in their WIA's.  Really???  If that were the case, this would have happened long before this last weekend.  I have missed THREE days of collecting my DB's, tokens (from the VIP) as well as being behind in everything.

As of last night I was able to access the Brazil server.

I had cleared my cache, cookies and everything else as well as rebooting several times. None of that helped in the days I was unable to get into the game.

When will they reimburse those who lost pay for those days?

Last edited by sierradane (26-04-2016 12:29:27)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna
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