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#1 18-11-2016 19:44:56

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010
Posts: 561


Does anyone know where to get the "wall of rain"  other than the Fashion Shop??  I've looked in "my things" and I only show that store and the one we get with the quest..

:quoi:   *hint*
Maybe the regular stores will have it soon ??  The Basic or the Garden stores would be nice?

#2 18-11-2016 20:13:21

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Rain??

I remember looking for them before. Can't remember if I found them elsewhere. I'll try look at my accounts' stuff and let you know.

yeah agreed. Wish we get them in the Garden or Basic. They're super useful.


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