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This message keeps on popping up whenever I press the stores button:
"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'continue' (T_CONTINUE) in /home/feerik/dollz/www/class.magasin.php on line 1595"
Since the temporary store unlock only lasts until midnight tonight, that's terribly inconvenient ><
Last edited by mineyeung (02-12-2016 14:47:05)
I am not having any trouble with accessing the stores.
Have you tried deleting your caches and cookies also tried a different browser?
fairykisses wrote:
I am not having any trouble with accessing the stores.
Have you tried deleting your caches and cookies also tried a different browser?
I think it's been fixed - I can get in again and I havent done anything =]
Your welcome and glad it's working again.