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Last week, with only 400 + votes for each, I was Top Weekly Loft and Top Weekly Doll. Surely others had higher scores.
This week with 1250 votes for each, I am 6th and 5th, while those with less votes than that rank higher. Is there a counting bug here somewhere?
Uuuuuh... Sounds like it. Will ask.
I've worked out what's happening, and it's kind of obvious actually. The top weekly doll displays the ranking for the current week, not the total from the week before. As such, there is no bug.
Yes, I think it updates throughout the week/day as well. Not sure when or how, since often the person shown in the News for top weekly doll/loft is often different than the person who is at the top once you click on the actual rankings.
The person who is shown as the top in the news is simply one of the top dolls, not necessarily the very top one. I know that much, because it was a suggestion I made back when I was on the MDD development team!
So I guess we're going to close this one as it's not a bug.
If you'd like us to reopen let us know!