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I don't know what to call this suggested feature, and I'm not sure how many players would like it or absolutely hate it:
I have trouble trying to put some sticky items to my doll, like tights, makeup, wigs, even some tops and bottoms. I just can't get them to go on right, now and then a little bit of skin is showing; which can be annoying when I'm doing some outfits. And it's even worse with the makeup. I keep thinking that a snap-to-doll option would be nice, where you just float the item over your doll and it just snaps into place.
This would be a turn-on/turn-off option, since I know how that would seriously effect how many players create their outfits.
How many would like or hate this idea. No holding back (just be nice about it :p ) I really want to know what others think.
Actually ... wouldn't this help if you're playing on the phone? I have a full browser on mine so technically I should be able to edit my doll and rooms but because it's touch, dragging stuff is so hard.
But you're right it has to be some sort of: turn on/turn off since many of us end up using some stuff different from what they were intended for.
This is a feature that I'd like to see. Some days, I just can't get the pixels lined up correctly.
I would love this idea. Like in the game Sims 3 (or whatever version you are on), you can have it set that something "snaps to guidelines" if you want something precisely in a certain spot. Feerik would need to give the option to turn it on and off though.
Its been suggested before.. But here's hoping :)