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#1 09-04-2017 06:36:45

From: the other world
Registered: 2011
Posts: 596

fb-linked account

Is it okay to post this here? I can't seem to open my ohmydollz account that's linked with my facebook account. It just keeps on loading... here's a screen capture:
I also tried to log my account through facebook, but when I did it showed a new doll where I have to do a make over and such. Does anyone know how to fix this? :ouf:

#2 09-04-2017 13:47:21

Registered: 2010
Posts: 2362

Re: fb-linked account

Hi, there is a topic about this issue here:

Its been reported, hopefully the issue gets fixed soon!  We'll let everyone know, if we find out anything.


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