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Will you bring something back from space?
Yes, but it is a very special memory! It's not for me, but for some friends of mine! I am going to be the maid of honor, and I wanted to give them a unique gift.
Cost: 6 $$$
On my doll daphnemcdane, I had to buy the picture twice before it would advance to the next step.
I've now done this on FOUR dolls and all were affected by this bug; one of which after it was reported that it was fixed.
The reason why it seems like I had to only buy 1 more item for daphnemcdane is that I had not looked at the guide yet so I got some of the choices wrong.
I've now done it on Haiziedane and after buying every correct item, this is what you see:
On Haiziedane, I had to purchase two extra items for the quest to advance to the end.
This is forcing people to buy more of the same items to finish it.
I had to buy 2 more items on both haiziedane and echomcdane to finish this quest. Once you buy all of the correct items, the meter is sitting at 91%.
If FEERIK is going to use this excuse:
Consequently, some of the players who rushed the quest on Sunday chose one of these replays believing that the rewards remained unchanged since the previous edition.
Us "rushing" the quest???? I don't believe it is OUR fault... THEY should have all the bugs out BEFORE they release the quest! This is getting old. Feerik is a business that is "in the business" of making money. We, basically, are their customers. They won't answer our tickets we submit, they don't want to fix a lot of the bugs that's been around for months... to me, that is poor customer service. Whether a player uses real money to purchase FEEZ or a player never buys feez shouldn't matter how that player is treated. But the fact is, some of us choose to spend real money for a game that we really like. We shouldn't be chewed out for "rushing the quest" when the quest is made available.
From January 2017 until May 2017, I have FIVE unanswered tickets that Feerik has either missed or ignored. One from January, three from April and one from May
Last edited by sierradane (15-05-2017 17:55:49)
I have reported this.
Edit: This bug should be fixed by now
fairykisses wrote:
I have reported this.
Edit: This bug should be fixed by now
I just did it on another of my dolls and it's still not fixed. I had to buy one extra item.
Last edited by sierradane (15-05-2017 16:29:39)
I will be testing this out.
Still bugged when I tried it a few hours ago.
Yes, that it is. I let the GM know yesterday but I don't know what's going to be done about it.