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Lovely email today, rewarding me for finding the Fairies last year. I'm sure most of us remember getting the many duplicate gifts, so at least it was only one set for me. And I'd really appreciate not giving the $$$ back, but even if we do . . .
Thank you for the lovely bug today.
:ouf: I was just glad it was only one set this time.
I'd like to see more bugs like this in the future. :lol: :omd:
Sarah said over on the French forums:
"Hello girls ^ ^
some of you, who participated in the fairy hunt game in 2017, received a message this weekend to tell them that they had received the gifts of this game ... in 2018.
In In fact, the post-event automatic reward message dating back to 2017 re-triggered on the game this weekend, which is why you received them again on that date.
It is also one of the reasons for the big slowdowns on the game this weekend (distributing gifts to players one by one takes a lot of time even for a computer). We hope that all these disturbances will recover quickly in the hours to come...."