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#1 05-02-2019 01:56:50

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009
Posts: 2406

Room Titles & Locations

Wouldn't it be great if we could:

- Rename a room to suit our needs? (eg. Maybe I don't want to decorate the bathroom to be a bathroom. Maybe I want that room to be a home gym instead. I could rename the room to 'Gym' to reflect this.)

- Move a room location to a tab that better suited us? (eg. Maybe I'd prefer all my bedrooms to be located in one tab, rather then spread over a couple. I could move all the rooms under the same tab so it made more sense.)

Anyway.....just a few random "wouldn't it be great if...." thoughts. :norm:

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