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#1 04-09-2019 14:08:27

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3336

About that 30DB gift card gift event

darkjewels wrote:
*reads the quote in lady0filia's reply*
so... if i got it right, we were given temporary 30$$$ that will suddenly disappear when the time is up?
what an odd way to do it... whatever works, i guess...
i didn't take note of how much money my dollz had the night before the vouchers were out, so i can't confirm this myself...

Stargaite: Yes, the end of the event the non-spent $$$ will be removed from your account ^^

You know... this really irks me.  When this event was first presented to us, it was very confusing: it wasn't explained good enough.  It supposedly didn't work at the beginning and since a lot of us don't pay attention to how much DBs we have, we couldn't say for sure if we had indeed been credited the 30 DB.  Then.... as some of us waited to see if it really were bugged, we didn't spend those supposed extra and now we find out that the unspent DBs have been deducted from our accounts.

Some gift.  That's no gift at all. Had it been an actual gift, they should have allowed us the choice of spending it or not. Just like if I gave you an actual gift card from Walmart or any other store for $30 then when you didn't spend it in a week, I came by your house and took it back away from you.  I took the gift back.  :aomd_nrv:

I'll probably get in trouble for even bringing this up, but it does make me a bit peeved. And yes... one or more mod will come along and say, "If you didn't spend it then that's your fault and you didn't lose any money.." That's not the point.  It was a gift.  They took it back.  There's a term for that which I won't use.  And just to let you know, I am 1/16th of that.

Last edited by sierradane (04-09-2019 14:09:18)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#2 04-09-2019 22:27:15

From: Wonderland
Registered: 2011
Posts: 61

Re: About that 30DB gift card gift event

sierradane wrote:

You know... this really irks me.  When this event was first presented to us, it was very confusing: it wasn't explained good enough.  It supposedly didn't work at the beginning and since a lot of us don't pay attention to how much DBs we have, we couldn't say for sure if we had indeed been credited the 30 DB.  Then.... as some of us waited to see if it really were bugged, we didn't spend those supposed extra and now we find out that the unspent DBs have been deducted from our accounts.

I'm not gonna lie, but the gift voucher event was confusing for me too but I quickly got the gist of it. I wasn't sure at first if my main account received it but I tried checking my other accounts if they had received and all of them did. Some didn't receive them immediately after working (just a few seconds after working I received it), while the others did. So to be very clear, there was no bug (at least from my experience). :ok:

Some gift.  That's no gift at all. Had it been an actual gift, they should have allowed us the choice of spending it or not. Just like if I gave you an actual gift card from Walmart or any other store for $30 then when you didn't spend it in a week, I came by your house and took it back away from you.

I think the event was really following the concept of the "voucher" wherein you're given a certain deal for a limited time period. So I had no problem on that part (although I wished they had a longer period or more DBs offered). :intr: If it was intended to be  a "gift card" then it should have no limited time period.

My overall opinion of the event:

- It's something new and different.
- Having all the stores open gives you the opportunity to get the items you're longing for without having to wait for a certain quest.

- There was no indication that you had received the 30DB gift voucher. So you wouldn't know if you had spent the voucher or your actual money.
- The meter should have started at 30DB and decrease for every purchase, not the other way around.
- Not sure how others feel about the 30Db but it didn't feel like you could do much with it.


#3 05-09-2019 17:25:05

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009
Posts: 2417

Re: About that 30DB gift card gift event

sierradane wrote:

And yes... one or more mod will come along and say, "If you didn't spend it then that's your fault and you didn't lose any money.."

I REALLY wish you would stop vilifying us, Sierra. :nrv: :aomd_blase:

I actually agree that this "gift" was handled poorly and quite honestly, I think they should redo it (now that we actually know how it works) and give us at least a week to use it.

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#4 05-09-2019 19:56:51

From: Termina
Registered: 2010
Posts: 3592

Re: About that 30DB gift card gift event

This was a bad event, through and through. You can't do anything with 30db when most items are 7-200db. With that you could get AT MOST 6 items, not including eyes/ears/noses/mouths.

What would have been nicer instead of a timed event where they took back the money you didn't spend is a 1-time purchase voucher. I mean we already have a "Free item" event like the Christmas and Anniversary tickets but those are limited to items you can't get otherwise. It would make more sense to have a voucher that you could buy literally any 1 item from any shop at no cost, but just once. I could see the benefits of that being used with quest items, but not being applicable with Flash Sales items or not counting towards meters and the luxury shop.

I mean it seems a lot more fair than giving you money and then taking it away. :aomd_blase: I can't even find a good thing to say about it.

#5 06-09-2019 02:30:59

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010
Posts: 3029

Re: About that 30DB gift card gift event

campanella wrote:

This was a bad event, through and through. You can't do anything with 30db when most items are 7-200db. With that you could get AT MOST 6 items, not including eyes/ears/noses/mouths.

What would have been nicer instead of a timed event where they took back the money you didn't spend is a 1-time purchase voucher. I mean we already have a "Free item" event like the Christmas and Anniversary tickets but those are limited to items you can't get otherwise. It would make more sense to have a voucher that you could buy literally any 1 item from any shop at no cost, but just once. I could see the benefits of that being used with quest items, but not being applicable with Flash Sales items or not counting towards meters and the luxury shop.

I mean it seems a lot more fair than giving you money and then taking it away. :aomd_blase: I can't even find a good thing to say about it.

i agree with everything you said there.
even if there was a value limit for the ticket (say, any 2 items that cost up to 100$$$ each) to allow us to change the loft's wall and floor, wich we can't stock up to change whenever we feel like it...

- The meter should have started at 30DB and decrease for every purchase, not the other way around.

i had to use a calculator to see how much was left for me to spend whenever i didn't choose to just buy 6 wigs or a single 30$$$ item for this reason xP
would have been nice to not need a calculator

but i wonder if the developers have the knowledge to implement the aforementioned features considering that this forum doesn't have slashed text for me to cover this side comment with :P

on a serious note though, yeah i agree that they should try to redo this event with more clear wording (like when you go to work, the how much money you made notification would also say that you were given temporary 30$$$ to spend in the shops)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#6 06-09-2019 02:41:31

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3336

Re: About that 30DB gift card gift event

willowskye wrote:

sierradane wrote:

And yes... one or more mod will come along and say, "If you didn't spend it then that's your fault and you didn't lose any money.."

I REALLY wish you would stop vilifying us, Sierra. :nrv: :aomd_blase:

I actually agree that this "gift" was handled poorly and quite honestly, I think they should redo it (now that we actually know how it works) and give us at least a week to use it.

It's kinda like when we are having an issue getting the game to load or some other technical problem... most of us expect someone to reply, "Did you clear your cache or cookies?" Sorry if my assumption was incorrect .....
:aomd_poule:  :applau:
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#7 06-09-2019 12:09:53

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009
Posts: 1364

Re: About that 30DB gift card gift event

sierradane wrote:

It's kinda like when we are having an issue getting the game to load or some other technical problem... most of us expect someone to reply, "Did you clear your cache or cookies?" Sorry if my assumption was incorrect .....

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Lots of people haven't or they forgot about it this one time. And it sometimes works actually.
Is it really such a huge deal to be asked that, considering the problem won't be fixed immediately anyway 'cause mods just forward the bug reports and don't fix them?
Not to mention I haven't really seen this phrase here in a long time...

Anyway, I had Internet problems when the event was on but from what I've gathered it wasn't bugged but it WAS poorly implemented and not explained properly. I agree that for it to work the "voucher" should start with 30 $$$ and the money be deducted from it and also it should be valid for at least 3 days. Hopefully Feerik will think it through next time.

#8 07-09-2019 02:05:48

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010
Posts: 3029

Re: About that 30DB gift card gift event

speaking of a longer time (sorry if this happens to be off topic):
has anyone else seen the gift voucher with a 0$$$/0$$$ and a timer counting up?

Welcome to the OhMyDollz shopping center!
0$$$ / 0$$$
-18147d. -1h. -5m. -8s.

what is that? :quoi:

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

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