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#1 02-04-2020 20:39:40

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009
Posts: 1364

[Call to the designers]: Serious or fun - your dollz at their job!

Dear Dollz,

It won't hurt us to talk just this once about professions on Ohmydollz, whether it is one you already have or the one you would like for your dollz, we propose to you today to illustrate it with your creations. And just this one time, as the quarantine may provide you with more free time, the proposed maximum limit of creations will be exceptionally high, up to 15!

Prepare your fabrics, sewing machines and most beautiful creations for a new Fashion Show: Serious or fun, create to show your dollz at their job!

The wonders of creation are at your doorstep: you have time until the 12th of April to send all your creations based on the previously described theme. You are free to create whatever you want as long as it fits the theme, let your imagination run wild!

Do not hesitate to create with a multitude of pieces, the most original creation will be rewarded with a special prize! Your item or clothing may be selected for upcoming events.

You can send your creations directly from your inventory - we will receive them and appreciate your endless imagination. You can propose up to 15 objects, created maximum 3 months ago!

Remember, no VIP items! If your creation contains VIP elements, it won't be displayed and cannot be used. We’d like Fashion Shows to be available for the largest part of the community.

Dollz whose creations will be selected will of course receive a reward, so good luck everyone and may you be inspired!

Ready to take up the challenge?

Mod's note: You may notice the board version of this announcement is a little bit different than the one on the game's front page. I took the liberty of translating the orginal French version of the announcement myself since I found the English one to be lacking. Hope you don't mind :)


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