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Hi!! I noticed that the desk tab in inventory is missing. This is the tab that had office items and supplies. I seem to recall it was between swimming pools and bathrooms. Maybe with schools being online, we don't need supplies anymore???
I have sent the GM an email about this. I will let you know when I hear back from her.
In the meantime, check dollz accessories. I haven't done an exhaustive search, but I did find an item there that I think may have been previously listed in the desk tab.
julieanne1976 wrote:
Hi!! I noticed that the desk tab in inventory is missing. This is the tab that had office items and supplies. I seem to recall it was between swimming pools and bathrooms. Maybe with schools being online, we don't need supplies anymore???
office supplies are under the guitar tab and the desks are under the table tab. I hope this helps
All -
The desk tab in inventory has reappeared!!!! According to the French server, there was a conflict between the office tab and the office room. We have interoffice fighting all the time at work!!!! Lol!! Anyhow, it is fixed!!!
I have heard back from the GM who confirms that the desk/office tab should be back now (as you have already noticed.) ;)