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I checked and it's like that on the french site, so I'm sure they'll be fixing it soon.
Looks like they put it in's been replaced by The Cookie Game/event, which I'm just about to post about. :aomd_smile:
The Santa's list is working now! You can see the presents
wasn't it supposed to end tomorrow?
I was going to pick the gifts today, since there was a day left.
but it is already gone?
I managed to get the gifts only on 2 of 6 accounts of mine... and the Santa's list dissapeared. We will get the oportunity to stil claim our gifts?
It ended on the 24th
The list is back now. If you click on the blue present (it's in the box on the left hand side) and you can acess Santas present list again. Its telling me that it is available for 3 days.
I felt like it ended early too.
It's back now, showing for 3 days.
I don't know if that's accurate or not, but I wouldn't wait to collect your free gifts this time. (If you previously collected gifts, it is allowing you to collect 3 more.)
willowskye wrote:
I felt like it ended early too.
It's back now, showing for 3 days.
I don't know if that's accurate or not, but I wouldn't wait to collect your free gifts this time. (If you previously collected gifts, it is allowing you to collect 3 more.)
I'm envying the people who didn't wait before (I din't wait this time)
thanks! :aomd_bravo: