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Translated by darkelfqueen
Hello dollz,
Spring and its colors restore morale after the long winter months.
These shades inspired Sarah, who invites you to discover certain outfits from the Luxury boutique in new, original colors!
She offers you these superb outfits available in spring colors, in the form of packs, for a few days only.
Enough to make your doll as beautiful as possible and join the elite 😉
Discover the contents of these packs:
Diamond Green Moon
Blue Floral Sweetness
Sarah offers you two exclusive colors available in dollar'z at an exceptional price!
Green version of Red kiss
Purple version of Blush Blossom
To access the packs, click on the button in the current offers:
Take advantage of these packs until Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Paris time)
Be the most glamorous this season on OhMyDollz!