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levels aren't avialible and I didn't got any extra $
I guess that all will be at 12'00 from OMD time
[edit]It's 12:43 from my time(GMT +2)
All maintenance are done. I just got blessed with more 15$. AWSOME!
In objectives I don't need anymore to buy platform for 20$, now I need just a hippie vest for 10$. I will be able to buy it tommorow. AWSOME!
Now I'm not anymore angry to maintenance. That maintenance were then when I wanted to play OMD! LOL.
OMD arespoiling us :D
Last edited by shutupandletmego (29-06-2011 11:46:38)
I adore it. I really,trully,absolutely adore it.
However,with this new change of content,the Level FAQ will have to be changed. I'm already level 117,and from levels 96-117, but I'm curious to know how all content changed.
OMD still is the best!