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#1 30-06-2011 03:00:06

Ancien joueur aprilmist

"Must have" for the fashion show.

:intr: Okay, so I think how you have to have so many items  in your loft or somthing from a certain store in your outfit is really stupid. I mean, now a lot of people have trouble entering. I think it should just be where you can put together an outfit that you think is cute without restrictions.

#2 30-06-2011 10:12:58

From: Right here
Registered: 2009
Posts: 156

Re: "Must have" for the fashion show.

This is an old argument that those that don't like the fashion show keep bringing up. The "discussion" is dead. Feerik will not change it. The system is what it is now. The requirements and theme are going to stay.
So please, get used to it.

GothGirlUni - Former Moderator for OhMyDollz

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