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For all dollz that logged into their account yesterday, an american surprise awaited them in their loft!
This lovely top to celebrate the 4th of July!
Drat, I missed it
I didn't missed it but I don't want it. I'm not American...
I was so excited when I saw it! Thank you! :gai:
I ♥ it ;D
sierradane wrote:
Drat, I missed it
Isn't your doll wearing this top right now? :-)
I only got the top, why didn't I get the rest of the outfit?
shatteredxremains wrote:
I only got the top, why didn't I get the rest of the outfit?
If you read at the top of the post it will say "This lovely top to celebrate the 4th of July!" It does not say you would receive the whole outfit.
laurabow wrote:
sierradane wrote:
Drat, I missed it
Isn't your doll wearing this top right now? :-)
Yes indeed she is. I posted this in here this morning at around 4am. And upon checking my loft one last time before going back to bed, I was delighted to find that I had the shirt!