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Hi Divas!
I have made a new main account and I've just recently realized that I'm not sure what to do first. I have around 50$$$ but don't know how to use it!
So, when you made an account; what did YOU do first? Did you decorate your page layout, or maybe plan your condo.. perhaps you decided to get a load`a Feez and save up! Just re-cap to the day you made your doll and express what YOU did first. This way, I know what to do first and my condo or doll won't be just a big mess!
Whenever I started my doll, both here and on MDD, I always bought clothes first. Then once I had some more money, or if I had some left over, I picked a store and bought some kind of furniture. After all, your doll will get tired of standing all the time.
My first step in OMD was nothing.
I was still in shock over MDD...
I just wore the free christmas gifts and decorated with the free christmas items...I didn't buy anything for a few weeks.
Last edited by angel923 (09-07-2011 16:00:53)
When I created a doll here in OMD I never really did anything.. I made an account, bought clothes for her.. that's it. I created this account back when MDD was still open..
If MDD were to apply to this question then when I first created my account, the first thing I ever did was make friends and talk to people. I don't read instructions and manuals so I never really knew what to do back then. I was actually broke back then (since I had idea that I could receive money everyday because back then they gave you money ever 2 or 10 days rather than $25 after validating your account).
Whenever I make a new doll. I always start off buying clothes or make-up for her. You know, the other make-up you can get after you have had your free makeover. Mostly, I would buy clothes for her. I wouldn't want my doll to be naked for weeks!
I would always start by using all my DB to increase my characteristics until I was earning the maximum. Then if it was an account for something like Halloween I'd just save.
I don't remember how it looked on MDD (it was so long ago, like almost 3 years), but here I first changed my doll's make-up and bought her an outfit, then I was using money for the characteristics to earn more. I also saved up to do the adventure with a job offer (you earn 7$$ every day). And now I'm in "decorating my apartment" stage.
I do the same as Anyamalfoy ;) It's the best way.
Personaly i like to start my girls off with an adventure, ( if the rewards fit the style i had in mind for them) usualy i end up with the few pretty clothes and the start of a concept for the loft with matching pieces of basic furniture and build from there...might not be the most effective way but i think its the most enjoyable.
Last edited by lilysummers (10-07-2011 15:38:00)
Thats what I did with pinkbow. It turned out pretty well, but I'm looking for a fresh, fabulous start to make OMD more enjoyable for me.
With wishingxdust, this is my plan. I'm up to six.
1) Purchase an outfit.
2) Add a wallpaper.
3) Get some flooring.
4) Buy a window.
5) Make a list of furniture to buy.
6) Save, save, save!
7) Shop, shop, shop!
8) Keep building on it. :)
For my dolls,I would decide what plans I had for that doll,then start decorating her page and her condo.If there was a flirt or adventure with cool reward,I would usually do the first stages,for clothes.
First of all, I would save my money. If a hunt happens or some sort of free event, then I would do it and use it for an outfit. I would usually save up to 300 bucks. After that, I buy wallpaper and flooring, and a new outfit. Then I would save some more. Then buy, Then save, then buy...etc. :D
I just started my OMD life, I'm pretty new and all. But the first thing I did was complete my makeover look (after my free one.) Then I surfed through the shops to find some really nice clothes and accessories. I was going to get walls and flooring but it turned out I didn't have enough,haha.
I like to start basic first - like most of the other players on here. Get some clothes, find a focus (either a store, color, theme, and so on) and then purchase pieces little by little to fit. I'm still doing that for most of my dolls on OMD. I'll work on one room or so at a time or try to use pieces from adventures and flirts.
I didn't do much when I first started here. I was still a little upset about the whole MDD thing, so I was very hesitant to start OMD. But when I finally started getting over it, I think my first few moves were to gets some clothes, do a couple of the adventures, and start making a list of things I want to save for. Only recently have I started thinking about what I want on my page and talking with more people.