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Dollz Hello!
Today is July 14!
So today we celebrate our sweet homeland and the storming of the Bastille!
For the occasion we've concocted a new puzzle!
Do not panic: you will more than double room, we took into account all your requests and the puzzle has been greatly simplified so you can all enjoy it and win this divinely elegant place!
To win the exclusive place is simple: find all the pieces and assemble them correctly!
Open your eyes: the pieces have been hidden on all pages on the site!
In addition to the beautiful place, you will also gain your puzzle screen!
You have one week to gather the pieces and win the exclusive place!
Ohmydollz good puzzle!
I have got 6 puzzle pieces and all are different. Cool huh? :applau: I'm happy that they made it easier.
How many pieces have you got?
This puzzle was fantastic - you can actually find all the pieces in a decent amount of time (more like the regular find-the-hidden-objects games).
The reward clothing, however, is currently bugged and will not appear on top of your doll - there is already a report on this in the Bugs section of the forum.
The reward is the top, skirt, belt and shoes shown in the picture. You can also download the image of the completed puzzle as a desktop background for your computer, if you wish.
Thank-you, Feerik for a beautiful outfit and an easier puzzle! We look forward to this clothing bug being fixed so we can enjoy our new clothing :)
Last edited by snortmort (14-07-2011 17:15:18)
Acctually it does appears. The real bug is tha we can't wear.
I have sent in a report about the clothes not staying on your doll. Let's hope it gets fixed. And thanks snortmort for posting the picture as well as what you will receive.
The puzzle is SO much easier! I got all the puzzle pieces with NO doubles!
Looks like the bug's been fixed - hurray! Feerik did that very quickly for us - thank-you :)
I did this in 10 minutes :3 No extra puzzles! Yay! This Ohmypuzzle was basically a hunt with 14 less objects to find! :P
And puzzles are more intersting than simple hunt. Puzzle is more intersting because:
1. No doubles anymore
2. You have to find only 36 pieces.
3. You have to make a pic of these pieces.
I'm not finding any puzzle piece throughout yesterday and today. It's just not appearing for whenever I'm online.
by the time i was online on days 14 and 15, i found NO PIECES of this puzzle AT ALL...
but sounds like it would have been a great thing, as long as there are no more doubles...
Got this. Thank you. I think it's my first outfit of this doll and it's kinda pretty :ok: