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Hi dollz !
Let us live the greatest love story of all time on OhMyDollz!
Take part in this new adventure, live a passionate romantic story, win tons of prizes including two peculiar animals...But's a surprise!
"''It is often said that your family's history determines who you are. I do think that's true...
I am a Capulet, my family is known throughout the country for its fortune, elegance and "Capulages" hihi!
Are you romantic in nature? Then this adventure is for you!
Meet the perfect man and choose your destiny!
You will win prizes for each step!
The more you progress, the harder it will get!
Answer the mini-riddles to earn bonus prizes!
You will also be able to experience the second ending for 150 fee'z!
An exclusive prize awaits you if you complete this week's adventure!
You have until Monday the 25th of July 2011 14.00 (french time) to live the greatest love story ever on OhMyDollz !
Have fun on OhMyDollz !
Why they are doing this, why? I were so close to have a wallpaper, but now, I have to do this! Only because there are items I like.
I need things from step 3, because these would be great addition for my beach.
For this adventure I will be able to use 72$
The 1st23 I have already spent. Can someone make a price guide?
I only know this:
Last edited by shutupandletmego (19-07-2011 10:52:15)
Nice adventure hope i can finish it :)
Step 1: 7
Step 2: 7+7=14 [in total: 21]
Step 3: 7+15=22 [in total: 43]
Step 4: 9+14+8=31 [in total: 74]
Step 5: 11+14+10=35 [in total: 109]
Step 6: 8+8+10+7+7= 40 [in total: 149]
Step 7 India: 5+8+7+25+5=50 [in total: 199]
Step 7 Go back home: 13+10+15+13=51 [in total: 200]
In total : 199 or 200
William Shakespeare
The Balcony
Romeo and Juliet die
This is kinda unfair, every week new adventure comes, even with feez I wouldn't be able to finish it
Last edited by chloe01 (19-07-2011 12:31:40)
chloe01 wrote:
This is kinda unfair, every week new adventure comes, even with feez I wouldn't be able to finish it
It's true! even with 4 acc I have enough money :( :honte:
I love this!
chloe01 wrote:
This is kinda unfair, every week new adventure comes, even with feez I wouldn't be able to finish it
There are plenty of Diva's who do complete every flirt using feez. I personally don't. I take a look at what the rewards are and decide if it's worth the money.
From this point on all posts complaining about having to buy Feez will be removed. They do nothing but bring the community down.
There are plenty of Diva's who do complete every flirt using feez. I personally don't. I take a look at what the rewards are and decide if it's worth the money.
From this point on all posts complaining about having to buy Feez will be removed. They do nothing but bring the community down.
I agree with you. I also do the same when there is a new adventure. I haven't done the last 5 adventures.
This adventure is really cool but I don't have enough.
Thanks Mikomi for price guide!
I will be able to do do only 3 steps, sad.
:bisous: How exciting! I just love some of the items in each of the steps.
is it worth spending 21$$$ for the angel outfit?
i'll skip this one xD
i'm glad they're putting items i like in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd steps so i don't need to spend all the ~=200$$$ not to miss it
btw, thnx for the guide mikomi!
Last edited by darkjewels (20-07-2011 02:32:27)
i finished it!
when you finish it you can get either a dog or monkey.. you can actually interact with them like the dog they can play with you. and with you monkey you can make it make a silly face or make it eat a banana! go to my loft if you want to see
Last edited by sparklehearts (20-07-2011 17:33:24)
Everything is beautiful, as always, and the animals are adorable!
Oh I want to finish it so bad!!! I've got the first 2 levels done, but the third (in my opinion) is not worth doing if I can't do it all, sadly. But I'm not complaining, it's beautiful! And I love what I've gotten from the first 2 levels. :aomd_bravo:
I finished the quest. I thought it was worth it at least the end. I chose the Indian ending and i thought the furniture was quite beautiful. Have been saving for a quest like this.:fete:
Last edited by pink8899 (25-07-2011 12:28:27)