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#1 13-08-2011 23:58:29

Ancien joueur pinkbow

♥ Monster High™
>> About M.H

Welcome to Monster High™, the school full of fun, fashion, friends and SCHOOL SPIRIT! Meet other ghastly girls, take part in assignments, creepy contests and rise the spooky step-ladder of monstrous mayhem! With fun quizzes, tests and assignments to take part in, + the beastly broadcasts that spread the Ghoul Gossip of the school around, there's nothing a ghoul can't die for!

>> Join the Freaky Fun!

Taking part in this fabulous ghoul gang is just a step away! Just by following these spooky steps, you'll be a ghoul in no time!
Fill in the form, and your one step closer to becoming one of us!

First Name:
Fave Ghoul: ghoulia, draculaura, frankiestein, lagoona blue, cleo de nile, clawdeen wolf... etc.
Why you want to join:
What you'd wish to be added to M.H: e.g: website...

Once you've filled this in, you will be required to make a new account using any information about yourself or your desired ghoul as you like! e.g: Your ghouls fave color is pink? ghoulpink! Your first name is Mia? monstermia! Anything you fancy, basically! ;) Then you'll be able to take part in all the fun, and be a glam-ghoul, just like the rest of the creepy-crew. Have fun!

>> M.H's Deadly Doll

Click Here if you wish to visit our Deadly Doll, in which you'll need to send assignments to and check for updates and new contests to compete in! :) Have fun glam-ghoul! ;)

>> Glam-Ghouls

22 spaces left!
♥ Cocobelle ~ Coco ~ Hocuspocus
♥ Stylishhitomi ~ Nayu ~ Nayunighter
♥ Sparklehearts ~ Sparkle ~ Heartulaura
♥ Cookiebear ~ Nebula Midnight ~ Nebula-M
♥ Amiri ~ Deviera ~ Deviera
♥ Lolita-elenita ~ Lelaura ~ Needs to create a ghoul!!
♥ Jadefarnill ~ Shelly Shadow ~ Shelly-shadow
♥ Saffirelle ~ Jade Fright ~ Needs to create a ghoul!!
♥ Strawberrypink ~ Evil Star ~ Evilstar

The more, the merrier! Be sure to request some people to come check this thread out and bring more fun to M.H!

Last edited by pinkbow (19-08-2011 23:49:08)

#2 14-08-2011 00:10:18

Registered: 2010
Posts: 2362

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Those characters are the current dress up assignments at Goddess Academy.   I hadnt ever heard of them before that but they're super cute :)  I'll join..

First Name: Coco
Fave Ghoul: Draculaura, because her fav colors are pink & black.. one of my fav combos!
Why you want to join: sounds fun..
What you'd wish to be added to M.H: I dunno what all you have so far..


#3 14-08-2011 00:16:10

Ancien joueur pinkbow

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Welcome to Monster High!

Hey, Coco! :) Glad you joined! Your form has been accepted and your one step closer to being a ghoul! Now all that's left to do is for you to create a doll! Use anything freaky but fabulous too; as long as it suits the theme, that's fine by me! If you want, you can run it by me here and I'll either decline or accept; whatever's okay with you! Once you've made your doll, an ID card will be generated for you and you'll be able to join the fun! Have a blast, ghoul! ;)


#4 14-08-2011 01:35:12

Ancien joueur stylishhitomi

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Can I join too?
First name:Nayu
Fave Ghoul:Draculaura
Why you want to join:Because I love Monster High! I've watched the show before
What you'd wish to be added to M.H:I don't know as long as it fun!


#5 14-08-2011 01:52:25

From: Candy Land
Registered: 2011
Posts: 495

Re: ♥ Monster High™

First Name: Sparkle
Fave Ghoul: draculaura
Why you want to join: Because I LOVE M.H
What you'd wish to be added to M.H: locker pages

#6 14-08-2011 02:26:49

Ancien joueur pinkbow

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Your both in ghouls!

Make your dolls, and your ready for the freaky fun to begin!


#7 14-08-2011 02:44:42

From: You are a diamond
Registered: 2011
Posts: 1688

Re: ♥ Monster High™

First Name: Kim
Fave Ghoul: Frankie Stein
Why you want to join: I love Monster High!
What you'd wish to be added to M.H: I don't know, a website?


#8 14-08-2011 02:45:35

Ancien joueur pinkbow

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Welcome Kim!

Be sure to make a deadly doll, and proceed onto the page to finish up our assignments! ;)


#9 14-08-2011 03:10:01

From: You are a diamond
Registered: 2011
Posts: 1688

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Done with my new Acc. KimQuake

Last edited by cookiebear (14-08-2011 03:10:20)


#10 14-08-2011 03:15:33

Ancien joueur amiri

Re: ♥ Monster High™

First Name:
Fave Ghoul: Draculaura
Why you want to join: I saw the website and I decided i wanted to watch monster high. i havn't gotten to it yet though XD
What you'd wish to be added to M.H: nothing, its fine the way it is :D

i have a question... for the "name" section, do you mean my real name or a name that i just make up, or a different version of my real name? (I'll add it in the "name" spot above when i understand XD)



#11 14-08-2011 03:32:49

From: Candy Land
Registered: 2011
Posts: 495

Re: ♥ Monster High™

My doll is Sparkleghoul

#12 14-08-2011 03:43:28

Ancien joueur pinkbow

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Thanks for making the dollz girls, you are now officially ghouls!

Any option you wish, Amiri!


#13 14-08-2011 03:55:09

Ancien joueur stylishhitomi

Re: ♥ Monster High™

My doll is NayuNighter


#14 14-08-2011 04:14:39

Ancien joueur amiri

Re: ♥ Monster High™

pinkbow wrote:

Thanks for making the dollz girls, you are now officially ghouls!

Any option you wish, Amiri!

oh, okay :D thanks. in that case, i'll choose Deviera (which is one of my other accounts' names) but i'll go ahead and make another account. And i think that name sounds "creepy cool". LOL XD

BTW. i was wondering if you had any idea's for a monster name for my username. I cant think of any. Thanks. :ouf:

Thanks! :D


#15 14-08-2011 05:14:50

Ancien joueur pinkbow

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Frostella, perhaps. Your monster could be a yeti or something :P
(Frost, Stella)


#16 14-08-2011 05:43:14

Ancien joueur amiri

Re: ♥ Monster High™

hmm. cool. never thought of a yeti. :D that would be good, or a vampire or a dragon person. i LOVE Dragons. :ouf:  thanks for the suggestion.

P.S. should i make another account once i decide her name?

Last edited by amiri (14-08-2011 05:44:56)


#17 14-08-2011 05:46:58

Ancien joueur pinkbow

Re: ♥ Monster High™

That would be great! ;)
How about:

Dragolivia or Dragonyx? (Onyx is a gemstone which is purple, so theres her fave colors sorted!)


#18 14-08-2011 06:10:07

Ancien joueur amiri

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Dragonyx!! Thats Perfect!! Thanks! I'll make a new account with that username as soon as possible. :D


#19 14-08-2011 16:03:12

From: Grecce
Registered: 2009
Posts: 175

Re: ♥ Monster High™

First Name:Lelaura
Fave Ghoul: Frankie stein because she is very cool.!
Why you want to join:I love monster high.!I have the 2 books and all the dollz .!They are my favourite.!!!!!!!!!!!!Its my life.Love M.H
What you'd wish to be added to M.H: e.g: website.!

I will create a doll .!

#20 14-08-2011 19:36:08

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009
Posts: 1356

Re: ♥ Monster High™

can i join?
Name: Shelly Shadow (my monster high OC)
Fave Ghoul: Lagoona Blue / clawdeen wolf
why i want to join: I love monster high and like creating oc's XD
what i want adding: a website, also maybe an assignment in which we have to draw/create our own monster high oc! we would have to draw it using either traditionals (pencils and paper + scanner) or digital art (paint photoshop gimp etc)
the doll will be called Shelly-shadow :)


#21 15-08-2011 14:20:02

Registered: 2011
Posts: 4980

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Can i join?

First Name: Jade
Last Name: Fright
Fave Ghoul: clawdeen wolf and draculaura
Why you want to join: i don't know, i like monster high.
What you'd wish to be added to M.H: website

#22 15-08-2011 22:45:41

Ancien joueur amiri

Re: ♥ Monster High™

:nrv:  I was having trouble trying to make a new account so i converted my account "Deviera" into my club account until i am able to make a club account.

Last edited by amiri (16-08-2011 05:07:38)


#23 16-08-2011 19:26:27

From: Candy Land
Registered: 2011
Posts: 495

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Something went wrong with my alt. account Sparkleghoul. My new MH account is Heartulaura

#24 18-08-2011 14:48:00

Ancien joueur pinkbow

Re: ♥ Monster High™

Welcome to Monster High, freshbloods!
Be sure to take part in assignments and check on the latest updates! You never know what's coming until you check, ghouls!


#25 18-08-2011 15:03:09

Registered: 2011
Posts: 4980

Re: ♥ Monster High™

i have made my doll: jadefright

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