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So why'd you want me banned?
I ban you because the previous 'Ban the Person Above You' had gone over the 10 page rule :L
I ban you because I didn't notice either. ( . _ .)
I ban you because I'm hungry.
I ban you because I have a stuffy nose. :hypn:
I ban you because I don't know how to find a good place to eat!
I ban you because I'm bored
I ban you because you're bored and now you've made me bored:(
I ban you because I who are YOU!
You are a human.
I ban you because I'm have a mohawk cut in tomorrow
I ban you because that's so cool~ I'm going to try and dye my hair pink when I go to sixth form next year.
I ban you because I really want to dye my hair.
I ban you because I don't want tto dye my hair. My hair is natural, blonde and beautiful.
I ban you because you posted in this forum.
I ban you because I ban you.
I ban you because you banned me.
I ban you because I love your videos
I ban you because you have an account in OhMyDollz.
I ban you because you're from the UK.
I ban you because you are Campanella.
I ban you because you are Shutupandletmego.
I ban you because I think I read too much yaoi - 3 -''
I ban you because you like J-POP. (you like it, right?)
I ban you because your not banned.
I ban you because I'm sleepy