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Flavor Deluxe is a Non-Profit Organization that bakes Sweetest, Cutest, most Mouth-watering sweets you can Think of! Just drop by our Menu and Ask for one of our Foods! This isn't any Academy or Club, it's a place where Sweet Tooths join together to share their Recipies!
12-31-11 Results for Cupcake order are up with a Pizza Request!
11-20-11 Flavor Deluxe is Open!
We've recieved an order for a Pizza! It has to be HUGE, so use this Pizza Template:
The best ones will go on the Menu! Due date January 15
*Hint The customer wants some toppings!
If you'd like to join Flavor Deluxe, use this form:
Doll Name:
Baker Name:
Favorite Food:
1~Cookiebear (Kim)
2~Tori (torifan562)
3~Miraca (Drawinggg)
4~Jade (Jadefarnill)
5~Maddie (Mademoiselle143)
3 sweets
6~Fefy (Sleepover87)
7~Artha (Xyratha)
6 sweets
8~Saffie (Saffirelle)
9~Breena (Bunny900)
12 sweets
(15 on the list for now, will only accept 20)
Here at Flavor deluxe, Our bakers make our Menu! If you'd like one, let us know!
Made By Cookiebear
Made by Bunny900
Made by Xyratha
Made by Mademoiselle143
Last edited by cookiebear (01-01-2012 01:36:44)
Doll Name:Torifan562
Baker Name:Tori
Favorite Food:Pumpkin pie :mdr:
Doll Name: DrawingGG
Baker Name: Miraca
Favorite Food: Ice cream, yumyum
doll name:jadefarnill
baker nane: jade
favourite food: cupcakes and cookies!!
so,when are we joining??
heres the blueberry cupcake!
I'd love to join. :) :lol:
Doll Name: Mademoiselle143
Baker Name: Maddie
Favorite Food: Paasta. :3
Doll Name:Sleepover97
Baker Name: Fefy
Favorite Food: hot dog ù.ù
Last edited by sleepover97 (03-12-2011 23:11:39)
Sorry for the delay everyone! I've been off for a bit :ouf:
Make sure you complete the Order! There's a due date now, December 12th. Also very nice cupcake Jade :)
I'll make a cupcake when I get back from school work:p
I'll work on it... but I only use Paint would that be okay? :quoi:
cookiebear wrote:
Sorry for the delay everyone! I've been off for a bit :ouf:
Make sure you complete the Order! There's a due date now, December 12th. Also very nice cupcake Jade :)
Thanks! :gai:
Doll Name: saffirelle
Baker Name: saffie
Favorite Food: pasta
zoey900 wrote:
Doll Name:Zoey900
Baker Name:Breena
Favorite Food:Fried potatoes :ouf:
I would like to use my other doll(Bunny900)for this club :)
Here is my cupcake:
Gwah! Sorry for no updates!!! :ouf: I've saved all your cupcakes.
um,Bad news cookiebear:P
I can't make my cuppycakey yet because my computer isn't working & I need my grades up to fix my comp:PSorry
It's fine, You can make it along with January's Order or so. Whenever you have the time.
Here's my Cuppy :bisous:
OMG I'm really sorry for no updates!!!!! Haf, I have so much on my mind.
Top Cupcake
The customer loved it! It was very flavorful and Tasty! She ordered 12 of your cupcakes!
12 sweets for you!
Runner Up Cupcake
The customer found your cupcake great in appearance and taste! She ordered 6!
6 sweets for you!
Second Runner Up Cupcake
The customer liked your cupcake as well! Very nice job! She ordered 3! 3 sweets for you!
New January Order!