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Huh, path tool, I always ignored it but Thank you for telling us of it's true value. :bisous:
xyratha , cookie : welcome :)
:new: :new: :new:
sure xyratha here it is i will add the glitter one soon :)
:new: :new: :new:
Wow, thanks hayley for the tutorials :love: (I have learned a lot from them)
Btw, I think some of the lettering (pic. tuto.) are a little too small (please don't say i'm mean or anything ><) I can see it yes, but it kinda too small :P
One question, do yu use a tablet to design or a computer mouse?
Last edited by meribella (07-03-2012 14:13:36)
xyratha : welcome :)
meribella : you are welcome :) i wont say ur mean or anything lol ik really but i am not allowed to post like to tinypic or imageshack where you can view it with the full size :/ i cant do anything just zoom in ur screen or save it & zoom idk :/ i ll try 2 make the next tutos a bit shorter
& bdw i use only my laptop mouse.
:new: :new: :new:
have a nice day <33
Last edited by hayley77 (12-03-2012 22:45:23)
hayley, i think you should use deviantart to share your brushes! Your glitter brush is wonderful, but when i try to recreate it in gimp, it just doesn't seem to work right. This would really help me with my designing :) I hope you consider it :norm:
P.S i cant see the image in this post:
hayley77 wrote:
sure xyratha here it is i will add the glitter one soon :)
:new: :new: :new:
Last edited by jadefarnill (18-03-2012 16:57:06)
cool :fete:
you are all welcome guys :)
jadefarnill : sure anyways i have tried to make some brushes but u need 2 know something that if u use ready made brushes ur creations are not full copyright u cauz u used ready made items ( thats not only about brushes ) but if u made them ur own ... full copyright urs.
:new: :new: :new:
a new hair tuto as requested , i havent forgotten about the folds tuto but my exams are soon & i really dont have much time :/ sorry i will try 2 make it soon.
i have also made 4 different pearl brushes u can use in ur creations , u can download them from my deviantart account thatgirlinpink. (website under my avatar)
Cool tutorial Hayley. I'm so happy you wrote it out since I couldn't really tell what you were doing in the youtube vid :ouf:
Thanks :)
thanks for the tutorial, hayley
it really help me with my designing and shading :love:
Last edited by noda (27-03-2012 12:47:23)
Can you make a tutorial on choosing where to shade?
Hey can we use gimp to create this I've been wanting to learn the art of graphics for a long long time?
Thanks Hayley, but sad thing is that I don't have photoshop :/ Thx for the effort though -for others :)
Ummmm..... Hi! Since I'm new in this kind of thing... I'm having trouble with the decreasing of the opacity with only the shoulder... I keep trying to follow your tuto. but when I decrease the opacity, the whole body gets lighter instead of only the shoulder... :pleur: :quoi: :non: :intr: Please help me... BTW I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS5 if your going to ask me what I'm using...
Last edited by bebepat (23-05-2012 16:03:41)
Hi hayley! Could you make a tuto about folds! That would really be helpful in my case since I suck at folds
angelfire : i can tell you the techneque of shading but its really hard to tell you where to put the shade , i guess it's a personal experience you gain by time and also depends on your imagination. however i will try :)
bebepat : well then you must have created the shirt or whatever on the same layer as the doll , so when you decrease the opacity everything disappears , you have to make it on a new layer.
:new: :new:
there are a few things i will just tell you ,cause they might help.
- What software do you use ?? its not the software that is gonna change your designs , its that way you use it , you gotta know how to use its tools well and then you can make great creations , so my point is the difference between creations is not based on the software its based on people using them. you can make great quality creations using gimp and make poor quality using photoshop, its only based on you. plus photoshop and gimp are pretty similar , so watching gimp tutorials will help you in photosho and vice versa , again my point is : dont think that a photoshop tutorial wouldnt help you in gimp , dont look at the tutorial like " thats a photoshop tuto , i use gimp , it will never help '' look at the technique and try to look for ways to make it on your software.
- watch alot of tutorials on anything !! yes anything , hair tutorials / digital painting tuto / editing tuto anything !! yes it wont help you in a direct way but you will find yourself gaining new techniques and while designing you will find yourself using these techniques and you didnt even notice :D
- google some other games creations , see how other players create their outfits , stare carefully at the shades and lights dont just go by the creations.
- copy some other players outfits :D yes copy it !! but dont upload it !!!!!!! hehe , just keep it for yourself , i have to admite i have done that , i used to try how good i will make it as the creator has done it , like a practice for you , then you can use that technique you learned in your creation later :)
- never give up !!! you will never do good from the first time , its not easy , you have to be patient.
- feeling jealous is a great motivation for you , or at least this is how i used to feel , ( NOT envying!!! ) getting that feeling like " damn!!!! why is it so good >.< i must do better that her must !! '' haha i sound really bad lol but seriosuly it helped when watching a really amazing creation and getting jealouse , its that best time to start a new creation !!
- decide what type of creations are you most into !! so that you wont make good creations in all styles, but great creations in 1 style.
- do NOT rush in your creations , take your time , check if there are any errors. dont finish a whole outfit in 1 day and dont design while you are bored :)
these are my top secrets lol but i decided to post them , they might not help , but they worked for me :)
guys i was wondering are you interested in getting psd files as a sort of help, if you are into the idea please let me know.
also working on folds tuto , just letting you know :)
have a nice day <33
Last edited by hayley77 (13-06-2012 20:37:29)
Nice tips! I use the copy others way to much :ouf:
Can't wait for the tutorial!
:new: :new: :new:
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
Very very much :love: :love: :love: