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i am glad it helped :)
:new: :new: :new:
have a nice day <33
Hello, I am new here in the USA version.
Hayley77, really loved his creations are perfect ...
I wanted to know something dear, which program do you do this 'look' or his creations?
kisses BISKOT
bis-sweet : i use photoshop cs and yes cs only not even 1 -.- oldest version :)
:new: :new: :new:
topic updated please check the first post : … 142#p55142
Wow It's so cute hayley :) And all organized like :star:
Thanks Hayley! I learned how to do the hair now!
tori : i am glad to know that. i cant wait to see some hair of yours.
:new: :new: :new:
taking requests again, if you want a certain tutorial please let me know , so i wont make useless tutorials :)
Can't wait to show my desgins ^^.It was hard to make glitter dress so I made a rainbow splatter dress ^^
Can you do a written tuto on makeup XD :bisous: Please!
angelfire wrote:
Can you do a written tuto on makeup XD :bisous: Please!
A mekup tuto would be really cool.I would also love if you could teach us making buttoms of the dresses like this:
(I hope you don't mind for using your picture)
I mean they look so beautiful.Thank you!
lunar : check the first post you will find all the brushes i use in the brushes tuto , glitter brush in the glitter tuto thats all i use :)
angel : ya sure but may i know what things you wanna know ?? cauz honestly i donno how i will arrange them so tell me the things you wanna know so i wont put useless info.
zoey : amm i donno how to make a tuto about that but since i m a very lazy person i create 1 shape and i repeat it to cover the dress bottom :D
the shape i drew with the pen tool as always and the small pears with the brush then i repeated it .
also you can see in the picture the white skirt i repeated to make the 2nd weddingdress.
WOW!! That looks amazing!
Thats coolz
Hmm how about
how to change the eye color
How to make a lip shape
How to add eyeshadow
How to add blush
Or all of them in one :ouf:
angel : ya this helps alot thanks :) the blush , eyeshadow , eye color in 1 tuto
making different lip shapes will be in a different tuto + making your own eye lashes and brows.
:new: :new: :new:
check the first post for new notes added to understand my tutorial :)
Wow! That was fast! Thanks Hayley! Your the best :bisous:
hayley77 can you please make a tutorial on the shading of skirts and the kind of hair you have on the new green outfit doll.. :love: Thank you so much
princessdiv : yes sure i will :)
:new: :new: :new:
yaaaay a new tuto :P like you havent seen it in the png models topic!!!
have a nice day <33
hayley77- Thank you so much :love:
i know u've already made a hairs tutorial, but a curly hair tuto would be nice, since curly hairs are really complicated :ouf:
Thanks for le tuto's Haley! :bisous:
you're welcome guys <33
creamyum : once i learn it i will make 1 :P
:new: :new: :new:
have a nice day <33