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Could I request something for one of my alt account?If yes..
main text/font/colors:Nina900/Any suitable/lightblue,aqua,turquoise,white(not all of them just use the one that looks better)
tagline/font/colors:The water fairy/Any suibtable/same
your theme/color theme:water/sparkles/raindrops
outer:I don't really know what this means but yes?
others:Nothing ^^just if you can add sparkles.
♥♥♥Thanks I appreciate your effort ♥♥♥♥
Thanks!I can't wait for my certificate as well. :lvers:
xyratha wrote:
certificates: … ficate.png
Waaaaa..!! It's reallyy cutee [and weell madee] >_<
Thaanks Xyratha for the lovelyy certificatees~<3
main text/font/colors: Mannu/Whatever looks best/Aqua or Sky blue
tagline/font/colors: Magical Fantasies/Whatever looks best/something that goes with 1st colors
theme/color theme: Blue and purpleish pink
outer: yes
other: umm something that goes with this theme
Thanks in advance :)
Last edited by angelfire (17-01-2012 22:49:16)
Thanks for the certificate! :D It's so pretty ^^
Thank you for granting me a very cute certificate too :)
Thanks! I love it. You did an awesome job on this :fete:
wow thanks alot i love the certificate , am i too late for the avatar and signature ?? i am sorry when i remember to comment something comes up and makes me forget , if its okay could you make me one on your own style :) i mean up to you but it would be great if it was about fashion , pink and similar to that for zoey and sis00 <33 they are amazing by the way :D
its prize updates time :gai: .. sorry for wainting for such a long time :pleur: .. and sorry, i just made it for a few doll first, i'll update the others may be a few day again :sad: ..
arlekinlain signature and avatar prize:
pinkypocky gift prize:
sis00 gift prize:
safirelle gift prize:
zoey900 gift prize:
sleepover97 gift prize:
(sorry.. i drawing this when the contest is closed.. )
waiting list:
free signature and avatar:
OMG, so pretty~ <3 Thanks a lot ^^
thank you! its so beautiful the sign and avatar :love: :applau: