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6/10, the song has a great message but the tune just won't do for me. :ouf:
Lightweight by Demi Lovato :bisous: ?
Last edited by kaybecr (08-03-2012 09:37:23)
7 ^^
When it's time - Green Day
6/10 love the words, but don't really care for the how the song sounds as a whole.
Tell Me Why- Taylor Swift
Cute song I love the words but I am not into country music :honte:
For Your Entertainment - Adam Lambert...I love this song I've heard it for 3 years and I still don't get tired of it
I love him, his music, EVERYTHING!!!
You forgot to say another song... :P
>.< I always do that.
Opera- Super junior
4/10 Sorry, just not my kind of music. :bisous:
Beautiful Girl- Broken Iris
Love her voice but her songs have gotten over played.
Forever and Always- Parachute
8.5/10 It's really nice and gets stuck in your head easily.
airplanes- B.O.B.
9.5/10 I love this song so much (:
Skrillex- Kill Everybody
Lolomg that title.
I don't really care much about dubstep but I enjoyed the beat.
Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know
7.5/10 It is good song but I don't thinknit is my kind of song.
Family Force 5 - Radiator
5/10 I don't rely like his voice and the words are not grate. sorry
Manafest - The Chace
I am so happy that you like this songe so mutch shiva. I love this song, I think it is my favorite.
: )
Last edited by shadowchild3 (17-03-2012 18:35:47)
AHH I started listing to it and was like "This is better then Eminem *O.O* "
Orithani and Lacy- Courage
I had trouble finding it, so I listened to the acoustics version she played live. She has a wonderful voice. I'd probably buy her album if I could find it.
Here I Stand -Madina Lake
I like it :good:
Stereotype Song - Your Favorite Martian
My brother started singing it...
Sorry but I'm not really into that kind of music
This is Halloween- Marilyn Manson
love this song
Mine by Taylor Swift
Into Your Arm - The Maine
(One of my favorite songs~)
So small- Carrie Underwood <3
7/10 Love it. :love:
Ever After - Aaron Shust